Addendum No. 1 ADDENDUM NO.1 May 27, 1998 to Contract Documents for the Construction of Resurfacing Taxiways and Hangar Access Marathon Airport Monroe County, Florida FAA AlP Project No. 3-12-0044-13 FDOT WPI Project No. 6826792 & 6826793 PFC Application No.4 URS Greiner Contract No. C502520.68 TO ALL CONCERNED Plans, Specifications and other Contract Documents for the construction of resurfacing taxiways and hangar access. WPI No. 6826792 and 6826793, API No. 3-12-0044-13 and PFC Application No. 4 dated March 1998, are hereby amended as follows: This Addendum No. 1 (Items 1 and 2) shall become a part ofthe Contract Documents. Bidders shall acknowledge receipt of this Addendum on the Proposal Form. This Addendum No. 1 consists of 16 total pages including this page. URS Greiner, Inc. /1 hT::1 Signature ~ cc: All Bidders All firms receiving bid documents Addendum No. 1 1 MODIFICATION TO CONTRACT DOCUMENTS I. Division III - General Provision (Volume I) CHANGE Last paragraph of Section 20 "Proposal Requirements and Conditions" Subsection 20-02 "Prequalification of Bidders" to READ: Each Bidder shall submit "Evidence of Competency" and "Evidence of Financial Responsibility" to the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners with the sealed bids as part of the bid proposal package. 2. Division IV - Special Provision (Volume II) ADD SP-13 "Geotechnical Data" see attachment Addendum No. I 2 LQ~RQ.JECT INFORMATION AND STRUCTUP.ALC.Ql1DIllQll:i The purpose of this exploration was to develop information about the site and subsurface conditions that could be used for assessing subgrade preparation and foundation alternatives for support of proposed improvements at the Marathon Airport in Marathon, Florida. This report briefly describes the exploration activities and presents the findings. The enclosed guideline recommendations for foundation design and site preparation represent approaches we feel would be appropriate for the planned construction. Project information was provided by Mr. Andres Gutierrez of URS Greiner, Inc. (letter dated December 12, 1997). We have been furnished a Site Plan prepared by URS Greiner, Inc. The locations of 3 soil test borings. 5 auger borings. 3 CBR tests and 2 infiltration tests are indicated on this site plan. We understand improvements to the airport will include an extension of the existing taxiway to the east and some T-Hangars. Detailed structural loading information has not been provided. however we assume that wall and individual column loads will not exceed 2 KLF and 40 kips, respectively. Soil supported floor loads will not exceed 200 PSF. The finished floor elevations for the T-Hangars has not been firmly established. however we assume that les~ than a foot of earthwork filii (no cut) will be required to establish the desired grade. 2.0 FIELD EXPLORATION AND LABORATORY TESTING Field Exploration In order to explore the subsurface conditions in the area of the planned construction. Three soil test borings and five auger borings were drilled to depths of 10 feet and 5 feet, respectively below the existing ground surface. In addition. two in-place permeability tests were performed in areas of potential stormwater retention/detention. Three subgrade samples were also collected for CBR testing. The soil test and auger boring locations are shoWn on the attached Field Exploration Plan along with the permeability test and CBR sample locations. These locations were selected by URS Greiner. Inc. and established in the field by a representative of the Marathon Airport. Ground surface elevations at the boring locations were not established or provided. The Test Boring Records show the penetration resistances and present the soil/rock descriptions for each test boring. The Auger Boring Records present a description of each soillrock type encountered. The stratification lines and depth designations on the boring records represent the approximate boundary between soil/rock types. In some instances. the transitions between soil/rock types may be gradual. A brief description of the exploratory drilling and sampling techniques used is presented in the attached Field and Laboratory Procedures section. Addendum No. 1 3 l..ahQI.iltQJ)'~ilin9- Eight grain size tests and five w?ter content tests and were conducted in the laboratory on representative soil samples obtained from the soil borings in order to aid in classifying the soils and to help quantify and correlate engineering properties. The results of these tests are presented on the attached Summary of Laboratory Test Data Sheet. In addition three CBR Tests were conducted on subgrade soil samples to help establish pavement design parameters. The results are presented on the attached Bearing Ratio Summary. A brief description of the laboratory test procedures used is presented in the attached Field and Laboratory Procedures section. 3.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS General - The soil/rock conditions outlined below highlight the major subsurface stratification. The Test Boring and Auger Boring Records should be consulted for a detailed description of the soil conditions encountered at each boring location. When reviewing the boring records and the soil profile, it should be understood that soiVrock conditions may vary between boring locations. ~ - From the existing ground/pavement surface to a depth of approximately 8 to 23 inches at most locations medium dense tan sandy Limerock (fill) was encountered. The asphalt pavement ranged from 3 to 5 inches in thickness on the existing taxiway. At one location (B-3) six inches of soft tan sandy limestone and dark brown silty fine sand with roots (topsoil) was generally encountered. Beneath the Iimerock soft tan sandy limestone was encountered to the boring termination depths at 5 to 10 feet below the existing ground surface. Groundwater.. The groundwater level was measured at the boring locations at the time of drilling. The groundwater table was encountered at a depth ranging from 2 to 6 feet below the existing ground surface. Fluctuation in the observed groundwater levels should be expected due to seasonal climatic changes, construction activity, rainfall variations, surface water runoff, tidal fluctuations and other site specific factors. 4.0 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FOUNDATION DESIGN AND SITE PREPARATION . The following recommendations are based upon the previously presented project information and the structural conditions along with the data obtained in this exploration. The field and laboratory data has been compared with previous performances of structures bearing on soils/rock similar to those encountered at this site. If the structural information is incorrect or if the structure location is changed, please contact us so that our recommendations can be reviewed. ThE~ discovery of any site and/or subsurface condition during construction which deviates from the data obtained in this exploration should also be reported to us for our evaluation. Addendum No.1 4 Bllincta tiQIL Qe.;;il gn We consider the site favorable for support of the proposed T-Hangars en a shallow foundation system. Individual column and continuous footings may bear on rock, acceptable compacted existing soils m structural fill soils. The footings may be designed using an allowable bearing pressure of 3000 psf. Minimum footing widths of 18 and 24 inches are recommended for continuous and individual footings, respectively, even though the allowable bearing pressure may not be fully developed in all cases. Footings should bear at least 12 inches below the finished exterior grade. A density equivalent to at least 95 percent of the Modified Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM 0-1557) should be achieved in the footing bearing level soils. We have compared the field and laboratory test data obtained in this exploration with our experience with similar structures and published empirical relationships for bearing and settlement. Using a bearing pressure on the order of 3000 psf, we have estimated that the total settlement of the structures will be less than an inch. This settlement is primarily the result of compmssion of the upper soils/rock and should occur almost immediately with the application of the dead load during construction. Subgrade Design - The subgrade materials consisted of medium dense Iimerock. and soft tan limestone. The bearing ratio tests performed on these rock materials indicated maximum CBR values on the order of 98 to 155. The site preparation procedures outlined below should be followed in order to achieve the above foundation and subgrade design recommendations. Site Preparatic;m All vegetation, topsoils, roots, organic zones (up to 6 inches, where encountered at one boring location'~) and any soft clayey soils should be stripped and removed from the construction area for a distance of at least 5 feet beyond the building lines and from all areas to be paved. The depth to which stripping will be required will vary to some degree. Some localized areas may require more than 12 inches of stripping to remove significant root zones whereas other areas may require 3 inches or less. The exp.osed soils at the stripped surface in the building and pavement areas should then be compacted with overlapping passes of a moderate weight vibratory drum roller (static drum weight of 4 to a tons and a drum diameter of 3 to 4 feet) until densities equivalent to at least 95 percent of the Modified Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM 0-1557) are uniformly obtained to a depth of at least 12 inches below the compacted surface. A minimum of eight complete coverages should be made in the building and pavement areas with the roller in order to help increase the density and improve the uniformity of the underlying soils/limerock. Structural fill or Iimerock pavement base as required, may then be placed in lifts not exceeding 12 inches in loose thickness when using the roller mentioned previously. . Each lift should be thoroughly compacted with the vibratory roller until densities equivalent to at least 95 percent of the Modified Proctor maximum dry density are uniformly obtained. The upper 12 inches of all bearing soils in the footing excavation bottoms should also be compacted to densities equivalent to at least 95 percent of the Modified Proctor maximum dry density. Compaction or recompaction of the footing excavation bearing level soils (if loosened by the excavation . process) can probably be best achieved by making several passes with a light-weight, walk- behind vibratory sled or roller. Addendum No. 1 5 Density testing is not required for foundations bearing on intact rock. In the event isolated zones of soft clay or organic soils are encountered in the rock at the foundation bearing level, compacted gravel or lean concrete may be used to backfill the resulting excavation. Gravel should consist of a crushed stone or durable aggregate. It should be placed in loose lifts not exceeding 4 inches and seated by making several passes with a walk-behind vibratory compactor. Pavement sub~,rades should be compacted to a density equivalent to at least 98 percent of the Modified Proctor maximum dry density to a depth of at least 12 inches. If desired, we would be pleased to provide more detailed pavement design recommendations including material types and thicknesses. It would be necessary, however, to provide us with the anticipated traffic loading characteristics and desired design life. All structural fill should be an inorganic, non-plastic, granular soil containing less than 10 percent material passing the No. 200 mesh sieve (relatively clean sand with a Unified Soil Classification of SP, SP-SM, SW or SW-SM). We recommend that, prior to initiating compaction operations, representative samples of the fill material to be used and any acceptable exposed in-place soils be collected and tested to determine their compaction and classification characteristics. The maximum dry density, optimum moisture cOl)tent, gradation and plasticity characteristics should be determined. These tests are needed for quality control of the compacted fill and existing soils arid to determine if the fill material is acceptable. A representative number of in-place density tests should be performed in the compacted existing soils and in each lift of structural fill or backfill to verify that the required degree of compaction has been obtained. In-place density tests should also be performed at representative I10cations at the bearing level in the footing excavation bottoms if the footings bear on soil. We recommend that at least one density test be performed for every 3000 square feet of compacted existing soils, subgrade, or underlying compacted fill. The need for groundwater control is not anticipated. If required, however, groundwater can probably be controlled by pumping from sumps located in perimeter ditches or pits. All sump pumps should be located outside the bearing areas to avoid loosening of the bearing soils. The groundwater level should be maintained at least one foot below the bottom of any excavations during construction and two feet below the surface of any vibratory compaction operations. Specification Review It is recommended that this office be provided the opportunity to make a general review of the foundation and earthwork plans and specifications prepared from the recommendations presented in this report. We would then suggest any modifications so that our recommendations are properly interpreted and implemented. Addendum No. 1 6 ~ , I .J ! II --1 I \ I , ~ I ~ n ~~ ifd I, ~. I i 71 11 - . ~ D I I I~ ;! , , -c I I I .. tit I ! ~ . '" I I . \1 ~ ... g I ~ t- III J; I .:~Ir t , ~ ~fi~ I ~ t c Addendum No. t . . ..@ . t 7 I r--- ~ o ..c: .p I'll 1-4 ~ r-l .-l o I co 0'1 ~ I I'll r-loo . p...p 0 _.pg~ ai~ I'll Z -.-. ~1J 1-4 Cll I'll 0 0 ..., 1-4 1-4 r-l 0 o p. rz.. 1-4 r-l ~ .. p.. >,t g 1i 'O~Q:5~ r-l~ ~~ I ~~~~B I I .t!) Oz z- -.... .(1).>. (!)~~ ~~O lii 11\ .... w~<( ....z~ :X:~O Owa"l ww<( ....z-' ~ili <(z Ow (1"')-0 - wN lii~oS . -1~~ ~"'.o.o ::cwo. 0- ....NN 1n.....JI--.,,,,, ~>~~ =~~~ :I:!,2-1X ~~~~ -0 ..., .,,8~~ NN~~ -0"':3' _. N -' ." x"'"" o~............ ~u~~ o . n:~-1~ :s~... .. 1-4 Cll ~ ..-l Cll 1-4 (!) ...... 'gui .p. ro~ '0' S::> ....... >. ai ~~ ~ r-lCll p.. 1-4 oo Cll a . ~ .pCllU ~6:.s~ el to r-l I'll .s tn ..-4 ~ . 'g 'rl Il-4 ..-4 '0 ~ .. Cll ~ tiJ Il-4 Cll ~ CAL-TECH TESTING, INC. ENGINEERING e, TESTING LABORATORY LAKE ClfY . JACKSONVILLE. PENSACOLA JOB NO. 98-011 TEST BORING RECORD Project: Taxiway Improvements - Marathrm Airport. Boring Location: See Fie] d Explorati on Pl an Ground Elevation: Not Provided 3roundwater Depth: 4. 2 Feet @ TOD Length of Casing Set: None D(~h MATERIAL DESCRIPTION -_0 MEDIUM DENSE Tan Sandy LIMEROCK (Fill) SOFT Tan Sandy LIMESTONE -5 10 Boring Terminated @ 9.5 Feet =15 ( 1) MEDIUM DENSE Dark Brown Slightly Clayey Fine SAND (SP-SC) and Limestone Fragments -20 25 30 Remarks: o. BORING NO. B-1 Sheet 1 of 1 Boring Began 1/13/98 Boring Completed 1/13/98 Driller Dvkes Engineer Hay Gl STANDARD PENETRATION TEST Depth 0.- E 0 (FT) oZ BLOW CI) BLOWS I 6 -INCH COUNT (N) 0 1 14/11/7/12 18 2 37/32/28/32 60 5 3 33/32/29/33 61 4 15/15/25/43 40 5 21/25/50=6" 75 10 BORING 6 SAMPlING: A1SM 01686 BLOW COUNr (N) IS lHE NUMBER Of BLOWS OF t<<J lB. HAMMER FAllING 30~. REQUIRED 10 DRIVE 1 A ~_ ~ LO. SAMPlER t R_ CAL-TECHTESrlNG, INC. ENGINEERING & TESTING L'\30RATORY LAKE CITY · JACKSONVILLE · PENSACOLA JOB NO. 93-011 TEST BORING RECORD ~ Project: Taxiway Improvements - Marathon Airport Boring Location: See Field Exploration Plan Ground Elevation: Not Provided Groundwater Deptlh: 6.0 Feet @ TOD length of Casing Set: None Depth (FT) o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION MEDIUM DENSE Tan Sandy LIMEROCK (Fill) SOFT Tan Sandy LIMESTONE 5 10 Boring Tenninated @ 10.0 Feet -15 -20 25 30 Remarks: CD Depth 'li. E 0 (FT) oZ U) 0 1 2 3 5 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 BORING NO. B-2 Sheet 1 of 1 Boring Began 1/13/98 Boring Completed 1/13/98 Driller Dvkes Engineer Hay STANDARD PENETRATION TEST BLOWS I 6 -INCH BLOW COUNT (N) 10/12/10/50=4" 22/30=0" 22 100+ 50=4" .100+ 26/18/26/21 44 18/12/13/16 25 BORING .. SAMPlING: AtSM 01686 BLOW COUNt (N) IS mE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF 140 lB. HAMMER FAllING 30 IN. REQUIRED to DRM u tI. tI LD. SAMPlER 1 n CAl-fECHTESTlNG, INC. ENGINEERING & TESTING LABORATORY LAKE ClfY . JACKSONVILLE' PENSi\COLA JOB NO. 98-011 TEST BORING RECORD '3 SOFT Tan Sandy LIMESTONE BORING NO. B-3 Sheet ] of ] Boring Began 1/13/98 Boring Completed 1113/98 Driller Dykes Engineer Hay CIl STANDARD PENETRATION TEST Depth (i. E 0 (FT) oZ BLOW II) BLOWS I 6 -INCH COUNT (N) 0 1 8/16/50=611 66 2 50=411 100+ 3 50=611 100 5 4 27/12/13/13 25 5 17/12/18/17 30 10 ProJect: . Taxiway Improvements - Marathon Airport Boring Location: See Field ~loration Plan Ground Elevation: Not Provided Groundwater Depth: 6.0 Feet @ TOD length of Casing Set: None Depth (FT) o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 5 SOFT Tan Sandy Coral LIMESTONE 10 (I) Some Dark Brown Silty Fine SAND (SM) and Roots Boring Terminated @ 10.0 Feet -15 15 20 30 25- 25 Remarks: BORING 6 SAMPlING: AtSM 01686 BLOW COUNt (N) IS tHE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF tAC LB. HAMMER FAllING 30 It REQUIRED to DRM: t..t IN. ~ to. SAMPlER 1 n. ENGINEERING & TESTING LABORATORY P.O. Box 1625, Lake City, FL 32056-1625 6900 PhImps Hwy., Sto. 3, Jacksonvlllo, FL 32216 7850 Rex Drivo, Milton, FL 32570 Auger Boring Record Marathon Airport Taxiway Rehabilitation Marathon, Florida Cal-Tech Project No. 98-011 lako City. (904) 755-3033 Fax. (J04) 752-StSG JacksonvHle . (9(4) 2%-7201 Fax. (9(4) 296-7202 Milton. (904) 626-0080 Fax. (904) 626-0190 Boring Depth, No... Et.. Soil/Rock Description A-1 0.0-0.3 Asphalt Pavement (3 1/211) 0.3-1.2 Limerock Pavement Base (1111) 1.2-5.0 Tan Sandy LIMESTONE AT GWL: 2.5 Ft. @ TOO A-2 0.0-0.3 Asphalt Pavement (411) 0.3-1.2 Limerock Pavement Base (1011) 1.2-3.0 Tan Sandy LIMESTONE 3.0-4.0 Grey Slightly Clayey Sandy LIMESTONE 4.0-5.0 Tan Sandy LIMESTONE AT GWL: 3.0 Ft. @ TOO A-3 0.0-0.3 Asphalt Pavement (3 1/411) 0.3-1.0 Limerock Pavement Base (8 1/411) 1.0-1.2 Dark Grey Slightly Clayey Fine SAND (SP) and LIMESTONE Fragments (311) 1.2-5.0 Tan Sandy LIMESTONE AT GWL: 2.5 Ft. @ TOO A-4 0.0-0.4 Asphalt Pavement (511) 0.4-1.5 Limerock Pavement Base (13") 1.5-4.0 Dark Grey Clayey Fine SAND (SC) and LIMESTONE Fragments 4.0-5.0 Tan Sandy LIMESTONE AT GWL: 4.0 Ft. @ TOO Addendum No. 1 11 Project No.: 98-011 Marathon Airport Taxiway Rehabilitation Boring N2.. Depth, Et.. A-5 0.0-0.2 0.2-1.1 1.1-1.8 1.8-5.0 AT Notes: AT.. Auger Boring Terminated GWL - Groundwater Level TOO - Time of Drilling Addendum No. 1 12 Page 2 Soil/Rock Description Asphalt (3") Limerock Pavement Base (10 1/2") Dark Grey Clayey Fine SAND (Se) and LIMESTONE Fragments Tan Sandy LIMESTONE GWL: 4.0 Ft. @ TOO CORRELATION OF PENETRATION RESISTANCE WITH RELATIVE DENSITY AND CONSISTENCY SILTS AND CLAYS No. of Blows. N Relative Consistency 0-2 VeRY SOFT 3 -4 SOFT 5 -8 FIRM 9 -15 STIFF 16 - 30 VERY STIFF OVER 30 HARD SANDS AND GRAVELS No. of Blows, N Relative Denslt o - 4 VERY LOOSE 5-10 LOOSE 11-30 MEDIUM DENSE 31~ DENSE Over 50 VERY DENSE LEGEND I (SPT: Standard Penetration Test) - SPT Sample o - SPT Sample (no recovery) . - UD Undisturl:>ed Sample D - UD Undlsturl:>ed Sample (no recovery) 'V - GWL @ TOD T - GWL after 24 Hours GWL- Groundwa1"er level TOD - Time of Drilling B.T. - Boring Termilnated ~ % - Cored Internal with % recovery NR - Not Recorded NE - Not Encountered RQD - Rocl< Quallty.Deslgnatlon K&Yl~ OkASSIFICATION CAl-TECH TESTING, INC. LIMESTONE No. of Blows. N 100 = MORE THAN 2" 100 = 2" OR LESS Relative Hardness SOFT HARD PARTICLE SIZE IDENTIFICATION (UNIFIED CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM) . BOULDERS: Diameter Exceeds 12 Inches COBBLES: 3 to 12 Inches Diameter GRAVEL: COARSE -3/4 to 3 Inches Diameter FINE -4.76 mm to 3/4 Inches Diameter SAND: COARSE -2.0 mm"to 4.76 mm Diameter MEDIUM -0.42 mm to 2.0 mm Diameter FINE -0.074 mm to .42 mm Diameter SILT AND CLAY: Less Than 0.074 mm (Particles Can Not Be Seen With Naked Eye) MODIFIERS These Modifiers Provide Our Estimate of the Amount of Minor Constituents (Slits or Clay slze Particles) In the Soli Sample APPROXIMATE CONTENT OF MODIFIERS OTHER COMPONENTS Less Than 5% Trace 5% - 12% Slightly Silty or Slightly Clayey . 13%- 30% Silty or Clayey 31%-50% Very Silty or Very Clayey MODIFIERS These Modifiers Provide Our Estimate of the Amount of other components In the Soli Sample APPROXIMATE CONTENT OF APPROXIMATE CONTENT OTHER COMPONENTS OF ORGANIC (Shen. Gravel. Etc.) MODIFIERS COMPONENTS 0-5% TRACE 1 % - 2% 5% - 12% FEW 2% - 4% 12% - 30% SOME 4% - 8% 3~1 50% MANY >8% ENGINEERING & TESTING LABORATORY P.O. Box 1625.lakeClty,Fl 32056-1625 6900 Phlffips Hwy., Ste. 3, Jacksonville. FL 32216 7850 Rex Drive, Milton, Fl32570 Lake CIty. (9.(H) 755-Y'->3.3 Fax. (904) 752-S4S6 Jacksonville · (904) 296-7201 Fax · (904) 296-7202 MIlton. (904) 626-0000 Fax. (904) 626-0190 In-Place Penneability Test Summary Taxiway Rehabilitation Marathon Airport Marathon, Florida Cal-Tech Project No. 98-011 Test Depth Groundwater Coefficient or . Location Interval.Ft. Deoth.Ft. Penneabllitv 1-1 0.0-1.9 3.0 1.3X10-scm/see 0.02 inlhr 1-2 0.1-2.9 6.0 6.6X 1 o-S em/see 0.09 inlhr Addendum No. 1 14 Addendum No. 1 c o .5~ CU:: c= ~ ....0 ~ lI)CU 9 C1).ccuco I-.CI)'OQ) ~o:: _ . 5" >. 0 ZO ...cu_ l!:t~1j o )( C CI) .QCUOO' CU I-.c .. ...Jt::~c. -O".c oe-cuo ~_~ CI) cuet t-;- Ec Cii EO 0 :d:i C/)E CU ~ '0 en ~ ~ ~ ~~ Gl I- ro:: CI) 0::: 0::: a a 0::: 0:::0::: C ..!!! ~ ~ C/) C/) C/) ~ ~~ ...J ::J 0 ...J ...J ...J ...J ...J 0 0 N 0 0 CD co m..... 0 M cri M ci oi cri crio> ~ ..... ..... N N N 0 m II) 0 ll) II) ('I".) ('I".) ('I".) co ..... N ('t) N ('I".) ..... ..... ..... 'It: 0 I"- CD co ~ ~ 0 0 ..... ~ N ('I".) ('t) ('t) ~ N N N CI) 0 N co 0 I"- ~ ('I".) N 0 I"- en ~ ~ <D II) ll) CD ('I".) '<t ('I".) 'It: CI) > CI) ~ ~ ('I".) m CD ('I".) ll) CD m en CD I"- to to I"- ~ ll) ~ , c Iii Co m N 0 l"- ll) ('I".) ..... ~ lI) - I"- co co I"- co CD I"- to CU M C. ... c N ?"- m ~ ll) 0 ll) N N Gl - co co co co m I"- co I"- 0 ..- .. CI) a. "r II) ('I".) 0 ll) ~ N ll) 0 - m m m m m m m m M ~ 0 ..... CI) c <q CD ('t) ...... ..- ... CI) <0 0> ci u) cu ... ..... :: c ..... ..... ..... N ..... 0 0 CI) ...; CD CD CD l1: 0 0 0 0 'e N ,= ,= 0 0 0 .c ~ ll) ~ ~ ~ E Q I 0 0 0 ll) ..... cu ci ci M ::J ::J ::J fJ) CI) ..... C/) C/) C/) C Gl g 0 ~ ~ ~ E z ..... .....N N..... Z Z Z cu en g ..- N C? . ..... ~~ 1~ ' I 1: o I 0::0:: 0:: 0 zm mm m OJ au () ~CI) oc 20 C1)... Ell) _CI) ...JE ,- '::t:~ 0::1- ~en ...J...J 15 . \ ENGINEERING & TESTING LABORATORY P.O. Box 1625, lak9 City, Fl 32056-1625 6900 Phlmps Hwy., St9. 3, Jackeonville, Fl 32216 7850 R9X Dr1v9, MIlton, Fl32570 Lakg City . (004) 755-3633 Fax. (9()ct) 7525-l.S6 Jacksonvlllg . (904) 296-7201 Fax. (904) 296-7202 Millon. (904) 626-0080 Fax. (904) 626-0190 Bearing Ratio Test Summary Marathon Airport Taxiway Rehabilitation Marathon, Florida Cal-Tech Project No. 98-011 Maximum Optimum Maximum Dry Density Moisture CBR MateriallDeScription Location feE Content, % Value Classification CBR-l 116.3 12.4 155 Tan Sandy Limerock CBR-2 115.5 11.4 98 Tan Sandy Limerock CBR-3 119.1 11.1 132 Tan Sandy Limerock Addendum No.1 16