05/15/1991 AGREEMENT FOR SERVICE (Member Al:reemenl) TUE CREDIT Bl'REAL. I.'l/CORPORAn:U OF GEOR(;IA CREJ)lT NORTHWEST CORPORATION I. The undersigned, desiring to use your services at the regular prices established by you from time to time, agrees to furnish information concerning its customers with the exception of information it has received from others, upon your request and further agrees that all information, whether oral or written, whether by report, bulletin or otherwise, will be submitted and received subject to the following conditions: 2. Information will be requested only for our exclusive use. All information received from you will be held in strict confidence, except to the extent that disclosure to others is required by law. Reports on employees will be requested only by our designated representatives and employees will be forbidden to attempt to obtain reports on themselves, associates or any other persons except in the exercise of their official duties. 3. We agree to hold The Credit Bureau, Incorporated of Georgia and Credit Northwest Corporation and all their agents harmless on account of any expense or damage arising or resulting from the publishing or other disclosure contrary to these condi- tions, by us, our employees or agents, of report or other information. 4. Recognizing that information is secured by and through fallible human sources and that for the fee charged you cannot be an insurer of the accuracy of the information, we understand and agree that the accuracy of any information furnished is not guaranteed by you and we release the Credit Bureau, Incorporated of Georgia and Credit Northwest Corporation and their agents, employees, and independent contractors from liability for any negligence in connection with the prepara- tion of such reports and from any loss or expense suffered by us resulting directly or indirectly from your reports or those of your affiliated companies. 5. All reports and bulletins will be charged to the undersigned at the regular rates of the Credit Bureau, Incorporated of Georgia/Credit Northwest Corporation in the city in which the service is rendered, such charges to be applied against the contract price, and charges, in addition to the contract price, shall be paid for by the undersigned upon rendition of monthly or yearly statements. 6. Written notice by either party will terminate this agreement, but the obligations and agreements of the undersigned set forth in the second, third and fourth paragraphs above will remain in force. 7. We certify that consumer reports, as defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act, will be ordered only when intended to be used as a factor in establishing a consumer's eligibility for new or continued credit, collection of an account, insurance, licensing, employment purposes, or otherwise in connection with a legitimate business transaction involving the consumer and such reports will be used for no other purpose. Each request for a report which we intend to use for employment pur- poses will be specifically identified to you at the time the report is ordered. We certify that consumer reports will only be obtained for the following specific permissible purposes and for no other purpose: "" (a) in connection with a credit transaction involving the consumer on whom the information is to be furnished and involving the extension of the credit to, or review or collection of an account of the consumer, or C (b) for employment purposes ~J (c) in connection with the underwriting of insurance involving the consumer ~.:' (d) in connection with a business transaction involving the consumer which is 8. We understand and agree that this letter constitutes all agreements and conditions of reporting, present and future, and applies to all types of reports, including all types of checking services and bulletins, made by you and your affiliated com- panies. Reports from affiliated companies shall be paid for at their prices established from time to time. No changes in this agreement may be made except by consent in writing of an officer of The Credit Bureau, Incorporated of Georgia/Credit Northwest Corporation. 9. The undersigned is a duly authorized representative with all powers required to execute this agreement. Company MONROF. r.OTTNTY (F.MF.Rr,F.Nr.y MF.DICAL By ~~J_~.~~2..-": . ~~ Print Name: Wilhelmina Harvey Title Mayor /Cha irman ~~ Dated. Service $33.00 Beginning Mailing Address ') 1 9? Street Address S RID P Account Number "9,'29,'91 at Wi L "bCb Other Total$33.00 Min Per Type Business countv qovernment Mcr::lt-hon, FT Zip Zip Telephone No. -.305 Month n"E'rSE'as <'IS <'Ihovp Hjghway, hn-m 21-15 7 x7 liSA By Date A:t '!U'S O!,/C~ 4- - d <.,) \. By: SUPPLEMENT AGRJ.:EMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR SERVICE THE CREI>IT BUREAU. INCORPORATED m' GEORGIA An.A!'iTA. GEORGIA Gentlemen: This Agreement shall not supersede the Agreement for Service executed by the undersigned organization on May 15, 1991 , but shall be considered as supplementary thereto. We own or lease..1. remote terminal(s) suitable for integration into your computer system to permit us to access information available to us under said Agreement for Service. We understand that, on acceptance by you of this agree- ment, access to your computer system will be made available. We will bear the expense of and make all technical arrangements necessary at our place of business to connect our terminal(s) to your computer system. We agree that the terminal(s) will be operated only by certain of our employees who shall have been trained by members of the staff of CBI. At least two of our employees shall have been so trained by CBI prior to connection of our terminal(s) to your computer system; at least two trained operators will be available to operate the terminal(s) during the time of this agreement. We agree to take all necessary measures to prevent unauthorized use of the terminal(s) by any person other than designated operators and will establish and enforce policies whereby our employees are forbidden to obtain information on themselves or associates. "We further agree that if the terminal(s) are utilized to order or obtain reports for employment pur- poses, that such reports will be ordered and obtained only pursuant to the CBI Employment Report Request Procedures which, as amended from time to time, are incorporated into and made a part of this Agreement." We agree that, with regard to the operation of the terminal(s), CBI shall not be liable for transmission distortion, inter- ruptions or failure or for any resulting consequential or special damages whatsoever. This agreement is not assignable. It shall be effective on the date it is accepted by CBI and shall remain in force a minimum of 30 days, and thereafter until written notice of termination shall be given by either party, at least 30 days prior to the termination date. (SEAL ) ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK Company MONROE COUNTY (EMERGENCY MEDICAL By ~1~E~)"",,-: '-"'--~ ~~ By,J2~~ Deputy erk Title Mayor /Chairrnan Dated May 15, 1991 ACCEPTED: CREDIT BUREAU, INCORPORATED OF GEORGIA By ~\ By ~kC~L Date~ ,( fCjq ( Date Form 9559-1-86 USA "t_ GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP EQUIFAX CREDIT INFORMATION SERVICES TYPE OF GOVT. (CITY, STATE, FED) County M:>nroe County Board of County Cannissioners NAME OF AGENCY Errergency Medical Services ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE 5192 Overseas Highway Marathon, FL 33050 BILLING NAME Same as above BILLING ADDRESS Same as above CITY STATE ZIP CODE ATTENTION PHONE # Emily L. Stoll 289-6003 OFFICERS, MANAGERS, SUPERVISORS NAME James R. Paros TITLE Public Safety Director BUSINESS ADDRESS IF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE PHONE # 289-6004 WE WILL USE YOUR SERVICES ONLY FOR THE FOLLOWING PURPOSES: Mail Return Service AUTHORIZATION THE CREDIT BUREAU, INC. OF GEORGIA CREDIT NORTHWEST CORPORATION I understand and agree that CBI may obtain a credit report on me as: D A. An individual applying for membership with CBI in my own capacity. o B. The owner of the sole proprietorship applying for membership with CBI. D C. A partner in the partnership applying for membership with CBI. ",.", D D. An officer of the corporation applying for membership with CBI. Company MONROE COUNTY EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES Wilhelmina G. Harvey Mayor/Chairman Title 59-6000749 ~9tlx~}lJf~ # Fed. Tax ID Signature (SEAL ) ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK Printed Name' Deputy Clerk 5192 Overseas Highw~y ADDRESS City M.::Ir~t-hnn. t:i'T 33050 BY: State Zip Signature Printed Name Title Social Security # Address City State zip Signature Printed Name Title Social Security # Address City State Zip By APPROVED AS TO FORM DLEGALS~ Attame 's Office rt - ~ -~ \ , ! t~'i DBl. POLICY STATEMENT ON INTEGRITY OF CREDIT INFORMATION Recognizing that the integrity and effective functioning of the consumer credit system is dependent upon the furnishing, maintaining and reporting of factual credit history information, which is a responsibility shared by credit grantors and consumer reporting agencies alike, our company reaffirms: 1. That consumer credit history information will be reported in a factual, precise and objective manner. 2. That requests by consumers for reverification of challenged information will be processed promptly. 3. That upon the request of a consumer, we will promptly review that consumer's account, disclosing to the consumer the factual payment record as reported to consumer reporting agencies and/or to other creditors. 4. That unless error is discovered, the consumer will be advised that the factual credit history information will continue to be reported. ( SE AL ) 5~Q~/ DATE ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK Monroe County COMPANY NAME By: Monroe County, Florida CITY/STATE \u:.~~ ....~ BY: SIGNATURE AND TITLE By D6le E~UIFAX ( 1<1 IlII 1.\i1(}j{,\1.\110'< '>LR\ICI S March 29, 1991 ! i h l i l'lilt f-ill !"t'dU 1/:, _',''''-1 '" U';-::~\j ~t 1',1 !)\l\ nll'Jillll) ",,-,'tIll \h,!1J)1 Ht'dd i-I )~!/'11 'I, I I <1);-- {l~l H 1 Ms. Emily Stoll Monroe County Emergency Medical Services Ambulance Billing Coordinator 5192 Over~eas Highway Marathon, FL 33050 Dear Ms. Stoll: Thank-you for your recent inquiry concerning CBI membership. To begin service with CBI, kindly complete the enclosed application and membership forms. Return the original to CBI and retain a duplicate for your records. You will be notified if an escrow deposit is required. There is a one-time fee of $125.00 for account installation which should be remitted when returning the completed application/membership forms. It will take about 10 business days to process your application once received. After your membership has been approved, one of our representatives will contact you to explain our services and procedures, and your responsibilities under the Federal Fair Credit Reporting Act. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please contact New Member Services at one of the fOllowing phone numbers: DADE - (305) 937-6500 PRESS 2 BROWARD - (305) 764-6288 PRESS 2 PALM BEACH - (407) 478-2116 Thank you for your interest in Equifax Credit Information Services. New Member Services Equifax Credit Information Services :ams Enclosures o w o - > a: w en ,... (J) -- ,... -- ,... w > I- a w u.. u.. w en w l- e:( a: ......... ,.. 0) 0) ,.. c: o -- .... (,) <t c: -- U) E CD .... ~ en c: o -- .... (,) <t c: -- U) E CD .... ~ en c: o -- .... (,) <t c: -- U) E CD .... U) ~ en c: o ti <t c: -- U) E CD .... U) ~ en 'CCIlt:.. c:;=oOGi C'lI Q.. U _ >-CIl~:;:: i~::!!o l/)'Ellai5 -.. CIl .. 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