Public Works Bond Owner Address Owner Phone No. Obligee Name (if ClOIIb'lIcIin8 entity is ditlbeat ftom the owner, the contracting public entity) Obligee Address Obligee Phone No. Contract No. (ifappJicable) Project Name: Bond No. Contractor Name Contractor Address Contractor Phone No. Surety Company Surety Address Surety Phone No. Owner Name Project Location Legal Description (ofdle Property) Description of Work PUBLIC WORKS BOND in compliance with Florida Statutes 255.05 (I)(a) SEIFSU0270941 .,.~~ronmentat SeMces, Inc. 39646 Fig Avenue Crystal Springs FL 33524 813-783-1688 International Fidelity Insurance Company 1211 N. Westshore Blvd. Tampa FL 33607 813-282-8499 Monroe County Board of County Commissioners Public Service Building, Room 002 Stock Island, Key FL 33040 Gato Building, Phase 1, Selective Demolition & Abatement Program Gato Building, Phase 1, Selective Demolition & Abatement Program Gato Building, Phase 1, Selective Demolition & Abatement Program Gato Building, Phase 1, Selective Demolition & Abatement Program FRONT PAGE AD other Bond page(s) are deemed subsequent to this page regII'dless of any page IlUJDber(s) that may be preprinted thereon. Bond Number SEIFSlD270941 Public Construction Bond KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, Cross Environmental Services, Inc. as Principal and International Fidelity Insurance Company as Surety, are bound to Monroe County Board of County Commissioners herein called Obligee, in the sum of Three Hundred Eighty-Eight Thousand Eight Hundred and 001100 ($388,800.00) for payment of which we bind ourselves, our personal representatives, successors and assigns, jointly and severally. WHEREAS, Principal has entered into a contract dated with Obligee for Gato Building, Phase 1, Selective Demolition & Abatement Program which contract is by reference made a part hereof, and is hereinafter referred to as the Contract. THE CONDITION OF THIS BOND is that if Principal: 1. Performs the Contract at the times and In the manner prescribed In the Contract and; 2. Promptly makes payment to all persons supplying principal with labor, materials and supplies, used directly 01 Indirectly by principal or subcontractors in the prosecution of the work provided for In the Contract as prescribed by Section 255.05. 3. Pays Obligee all loss, damages, costs and attorney's fees that Obligee sustains because of default by Principal under the Contract and; 4. Performs the guarantee of all work and materials fumlshed under the Contract applicable to the work and materials. Then this bond is void; otherwise it remains In full force. The proVisions and limitations of Section 255.05 Florida Statutes, are incorporated In this bond by reference Signed and Sealed on Monday, November 16, 1998 Cross Environmental Services, Inc. International Fidelity Insurance Company By: &All ~ 1YOc1" By: --- Attomey-In-Fact & Florida Resident Agent INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT S ta t e of _________________ Co u nty of ______________ On this day of , 19 _, before me personally came to me known and known to me to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and he thereupon duly acknowledged to me that he executed the same. CORPORATE OR FIRM ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Sta te of ....:ELot.~d~_______ County of =E~______ On this (~ d'!Y. of AbuurriYr . 19 ft. before me personally appeared aJ~' -A- !~ ~n~o me known, who being duly sworn, did depo~_ an~ say that he resided in ~~ Pl and that he is the ----l.~_L~_t____ of ------~__s..___________ th e co rpo ra ti 0 n described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knew the seal of said corporation; that it was affixed by order of the Board oJ: Directors of said corporation and that he signed his name thereto by like order. qwl-'P},J;. Q~~dd U- ry Public Notary Pubic SURETY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ~~"6~..:~~H;~....~ .: . to-:. i' .: \~, ~ii ~.'":'<?I'''~~~'''''''' KIMBERLY A. YOQUELET Notary Public, Stale of Florida My Commlsllon Exp. June 22. 1999 Comml..1on No. CC475872 Sta te of -----__Lh._______ County of ----J:!l!J~~~..s.~ On this 16th day of NJve:nter, 19 98 , before me personally appeared Albert Elia, 1/1, who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resided in Tampa, FL and that he is the Attorney-in-Fact of International Fidelity Insurance Company the Surety described in and which executed the foregoing instrument that he knew the seal of the said Surety; that the seal affixed to said instrument was such surety seal; that it was affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said Surety, that he signed his name thereto by like order. '\JJ~~ )-J\~~ Notary Public OINA ri,UJd;~!!~?,1. !" ~. t of 1'\c"_L' Notary Pu:)l,c. ~1;-' e 21 '1 C:t) & "''''',,~ Hoy, " Mv comm C^!" '-' ., ('" ,..., I 5 5 5 No. _ ,- .. t. . J A0009000185 POWER OF ATTORNEY IN'fERNATfIONAI., FIPELITY INSURA.NCE COMPANY HOMEOFFICE:ONE NEWARK CENTER, 20tl-tFLOOR NEWARK, NEWJERSEY 07102-5207 BOND NO. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANC~COMPANY, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of theStatebfNew Jersey, and having its principal office in the City of Newark, Ne:wJer->ey.does hereby constitute and appoint TEL. (973) 624-7200 ALBERTELIA In, EVELYN ROGERS, EDWARD P. MC>ONEY, PA'I'it..ICIA p.BEaNARD FL. its true and lawful attorney(s)-in-fact to execute,seal anddeliv~r for and on its behalf as surety, any and all bonds and undertakings,contraqtsofindelllnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof.w:hich are otntay be allowed, required or permitted by law, statute, rule, regulation,contr~ct()rothelWise, and the execution of such instrumenl(s) in pursuance of these presents, shall be as binding upon the said INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY, as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as if the same had been duly executed and acknowledged by its regularly elected officers at its principal office. This Power of Attorney is executed'a:i').drnay be certified to and may be revoked, pursuant to and by authority of Arti9Ie3-*tion 3. of the By-Laws adopted by the Board of Directors of INTERNATIONM-,flDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY at a meeting called and held on the7th day of February, 1974. ., -" """--. ., - . ",',' ,',"'.' ,. ,'" ,. "'. The President or any Vicel'resiqenl,ExecutiveYiceP~\lsident, Secretary or Assistant Secretaty;.spall h<tyepoWetalld authoritY . - -. ',. . . - '. (I) To appointAUotneys-in-fact, and lo.authorizeJnern tO~~c\ltC9n\Jehalf of the Company, and Attach the Seal of the Compallytheret(),bQ.n<band undertakings, contracts of indemnity and otl)ei'Writing$Obligaloryirithe nature thereofithti, . - ". - . (2) To remove, at any time. any such Attorney-in-faci an(j.ievoke thea\lttlority given, Further, this Power of Attorney is signed and sealed by facsil1).!l<iputi;uantto resolution of the Board of Directors of said Company adopted at aI1leetlngduly.. called and held on the 29th day of April. 1982 of which the following is a true excerpt: .......... Now theref()fe~he$ignatures {jf~ucho~l;:ers and the seal of the Company m~~b~ affixedt9anysl.lch powerota~tof?#yor any certificate relating thereto by facsimjje,~nd anysuch power 9fatt911leyor certificate bearing such facsimilesigp.aturesorfacsitrli!~~e~1 sh!a}lpe valid<ilnd binding upon the Company and any such power soe"ecutedand certified by facsimilesignatures and facsimilesellls/1aIl~evalid an4bjt@rtg~pon *e~ompany in the future with respect to any bond or undertaking to which itis~ttachd:i. .. ...... ... . . '" " -. ., , - ,--. . " . IN TE:StIM()NYWHE~f;INTERNATlONA.t...ltlDELITY INSURANCE COt\4PANYhascause(lihisinstrument to be signed anditscorporllteseal to be affixed by its authorized officer. this 1st day of May, A[)>I991. . INTERNATIONAL FIDELITYINSlJlU.NCE COMPANY STATEQFNEW JERSEY CountYofE~x Execciiive Vice Presideni ;'. -'-.'-',:, :.,,<,-,,:::-:"':- -'-":.:>. .--:- ," -.' :,' ':"-':' :. '. ;. :"-::' .:'--.,: ":', ::.:-..;'-:- " >:-,::::.':':".: <. -,:'::-', -;",:./:: .:;:::,-):;,:.>. '.'>':'. -;-;:",-,"-',:.. "c":':: On this 1st day of June 1992, before me Cilmethe indiyidual ~h()e"l;Cutedthe preceding instrumeh,t.tomepersonallYIqJe)Wn., and, b~il1gb} medulysworn' said that he is the t/J,ereindescribed and authorized ofQct;r?fth~lI"frE~N,AtIONAL FIDELIryINSlJRANCE COMPANY; thatth/!seal affjX\':d!osaid instrument is the Corporate Seal of said Company: thattltesaidRorporate~e:lland his signature ~ereduly affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said Company. .......... . ....... .. . .. . .. . . "".' "....."'"..,, i'" N A. G I "'/ ......~i<<-O ........ I\I~ "" IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,lhav~1iereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal, I "?:' /... .. ......~\. at the City of Newark, New Jersey the day and year first above wntUin; i J, ~ 0 TAll y.. jl\ !. : :.Gl: ~ . t . %- \ PUB L ,cl .J ~:'- '-. - - ~'" f -'1-; - ... ~.~, ~ 1;/:'....-.. 0 ~" "''"I, '- W J Et6 ~,\'" f"", IIfrl)"'~"'\ ~A71;~ ANOTARYPUiBLlC <1FNEWJERSEY My Commission Expires$epC8,l99$ CERTIFICATlON I, the undersigned officer ofINTERNATIQN4Flb~LITY INSURANCE COMPANY do hereby certify that I have corripanidthe{oregoingcopy of the Power of Attorney and affidavit, and the copybftheSedion of the By-Laws of said Company as set forth in said Power of Attorlley,witl1the ORIGINALS ON FILE IN THE HOME OFFICE OF SAID COMPANY, and that the same are correct transcripts thereof. and of the whole of the said originals, and that the said Power of Attorney has not been revoked and is now in full force and effect IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, IhaveherelIfI~o set my hand this 16thday of ~ fuveTrer~ _ .............19.cjJ..@"<0f? ~~~ ~(~y?PUd' A~s.i~t~nt Secretary ...... .. ......... . white P$P~t. tnt does not have these three fe~'tl:!:,.es:.jt::;s not an authentic Power of Attorney. For,vf!.ti#i~ation pJ~age'ta1l1.800.::t:n.ii:1f;'i IMPORTANT NOTICE This Power of Attorney must be printed with black ink