Miscellaneous ..... i_....wiIo..... ,..a.~.....,~~ ,.....,:::r""_"'.""'_,_._:,~_..~._.; _. .._..:':":T.:;::"::":.t""_,"',.,.,......,,~..&.~~..-~.__..'m,...;.., ".."".~"',.'-"'_.:~,'''''''~t::iJ,~::r-~,~,.-'!'.~~.~_'!""''--'>:::-:''_______, ..__~.~..-:--_.~~_~..__.,_..~.~......~_ '"._...,_ .,. Jlannp 1... l{olbagt BRANCH OFFiCE 3117 OVERSEAS H'GHWAY MARATHON, FLORIDA 33050 TEL 005.\ 743-9036 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT 16TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT BRANCH OHICE PO BOX 379 RECORDER COLLECTOR OF DELINQUENT TAXES MONROE COUNTY '500 WH (TEHEAD STREET KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 TEL. (05) 294-4641 PLANTATION KEY, FLORIDA 33070 TEL. (05) 352-9253 COUNTY CLERK COUNTY AUDIT( it May 17, 1984 Ralph E. Cunningham, Jr., Esq. Cunningham Building 2975 Overseas Highway Marathon, Florida 33050 Dear' Ralph: I called your office on Monday, May 14th, to speak to you about the transfer of the data processing communications line to the Marathon Library. I was informed that you would be out for the rest of the week and I therefore spoke to Bill Carter about this matter. As I am sure you are aware, within the past six months I have been besieged with requests from both the legal and busi- ness communities in Marathon and the Middle Keys area to provide facilities for on-line inquiry into the Document Recording and Indexing system and also capability to inquire into other public records which are maintained on our computer system. Since it is impossible for me to provide the necessary communications to sup- port all of the individual requests that I have had for on-line inquiry capabi I ities, I must at this time take action to centra- lize in one public facility a terminal which can be used by the general public for this purpose. I have recently worked out an arrangement with the Marathon Library to place a computer terminal and a complete set of the microfilmed public records in that facility. It is my intention to make the transfer some time during the week of May 21st through May 25th. .... ~ Ralph E. Cunningham, Jr., Esq. Cunningham Building 2975 Overseas Highway Marathon, Florida 33050 ~'iay 17, 1984 Page Two I am also by this letter extending an offer to you to pl.Jrchase your Model 7900-301 NCR computer terminal fOl the amount of $1,800.00 should you care to sell this equipment at this time. We have inquired of some used equipment dealers who specialize in NCR equipment and find that the sum of $1,800.00 represents the approximate market value of that terminal. r regret any inconvenience that this action may cause you; however, I feel sure that the availability of the same ser- vices in the Marathon library will more than adequately serve your needs. Further, I have requested the County Commission to budget sufficient funds in their next fiscal year to provide for a modest addition to the Marathon Clerk's Office, hopefully by the end of the year, which will alloYI me to consol.idate all of the records including the computer terminal in an area adjacent to the existing Marathon Clerk's Office. I am sure that you understand that my decision to take this action is based upon what r perceive to be the needs of the citizens of the Middle Keys as they have been expressed to me. If you have any questions, please contact m" ~ . Very truly yours, -.-., ... ~~ t ''''.'-...- \~.~' c:::::.....--~;-- Danny L. ~l..h ge Clerk of CIrcuit Court and ex officio Clerk Board of County Commissioners .A-., OLK/rls cc: File ..... ..'