A/A Document 13/4//CJla
Standard Form of Agreement Between
Owner and Architect
Where the Construct ion .lfm/(lf!.er is NOT a Constrllctor
71IIS 1)( 10.111:".\1' !fAS 1.11I'ORT1..\'T I. FGA I. CO.\'SFQl E.\"CFS. co.\.,,'(FGTlO.\' IU1'II.1.\
.un IN.\!;T IS E\U If RAG!:D I\"!TlI NFSPFCT TO IT'. U).1IPI.ET/ON OR ,1!()[)IFlCtTlO.\'
Tbis dlJu/1II1'1I1 is illtellded to be l/sl'd ill cOlljllllctilJl/ lI'itb tili' 10').! editiolls of
AlA [)oCl/llleIllS 13801/C1ItI, AI()f/C1ItI tllld A.!O//Cl/a,
made as of the 541'\...
da\' of
in the \'ear of
I III /{(lrds 111111((//(' (ii/', IJI' I}/Ih and 1'('(/1" I
BETWEEN the Owner:
Monroe County Board of County Commissioners
500 Whitehead Street
Key West, Florida 33040
(Slime Ilnd adelrl'.,"s!
and the Architect:
Currie Schneider Associates, AlA, PA
25 Seabreeze Avenue
Del ray Beach, Florida 33483
(407) 276-4951
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Key, Florida
(Yti1l11' cUtd litldressl
for the follO\\'ing Project: Big Coppitt Key Fire Station, Big Coppitt
{I"dude "dill/cd "('StTfllt/un tll!'nJ/{'Cf. /ucatIfJll. address and scu!W)
The one-story New Secondary Fire Facility of approximately 6,200 square
feet as detailed in the program submitted in the Report on Existing
Fire Facilities Design of Prototype Station dated Deceffiber 30, 1991
The Construction Manager is:
(Saml' lillt! oddrt'ssJ
5090 College Road
Key West, Florida 33040
305) 292-7845
The O\\'l1er and Architect agree as set forth belo\\',
(( lI)\"rJght Il)--). Il)HO I'Jq~ hy The Anwricmln.;tilllle uf :\r\..'hltt'\:l~. l-_~~ ......C\\. York .-\\'l:llue, :\ _\\. , \'Cl'ihillgt(lll, IH' ~(HH )()-~~l)~ _ l-kprpductlt \11 ()fthl' m.lterul herelll
~)r suhst;llltl;J] tjuot;ltiull uf il... pro\"lsiuns \\'HhoUI the \yriUL'1l pt'rmi,ssion ()f the Al:\ \jU!Jfl.... rhe \..'opynglll la\\'" of thL' l 'nllt'tl S(:lte.; Jnu will 'iuhjcct the \-1( datI lr III
kg;d prtlst'l'utiIH1
,\fAISER E[)ITlO'\' . 1992 EDITION' AlA'" . ~19<)2 . TIlE .'X~lERIC.\:\ I:\STITlTE OF ARCHITECTS,
1-," :\1'\\ YORK AX'F:\IT :\,,' \\'ASIfIN(;TON, 1)( 2000<>.';2"2' WARNING: Unlicensed
Oh()t('H~0~'_'ir!O viof;:ttes US coovriaht laws And will -suhiect the violator '0 Ipo,,' cm~f>'~l'tion
B141!Cr.~a-199? 1
"" .,'...., ", .." .',
. .-. ......". .,"^ .--,... ".
1.1.1 The .\rchltl:ct's 'il:r\"1U:S consist I)f lhlbl:'ier\'ices Pl:f-
fl 1fI1lnj hy the Ardlltecr. .\rchitect"s employees Jnd Architect's
c\>Ilsultants JS enul1ll:fJled in .\rticks 2 :tnd 5 1)1" this Agree-
ment Jnd am' other seryices included in ArtIcle 12.
1.1.2 The ,\rchitect"s seryices shJIl be pro\-ided in conjunc,
tion with the sen'ices of :t Construction ~IJnJger as described
in the edition of AlA Document B801/C:-'la. Sland:trd Form
of Agreement Between Owner and Construction ~IJnager.
CUrrel1l .IS uf the dale of this .\greel1lenr.
1.1.3 The\rchitcct"s sen'ices shall he performed as expedi,
rioush' as is cunsistent \\'ith professlon:tl skIll al1d care and
the or'derl\' progress of the \X'ork. The .\rchitect shall submit
for the Owner's appnwal and the Construction ~lanJger's
il1formatiol1 a schedule for thc performance of the Archltect's
sen"icCS which m:ty be adjusted :ts the Project proceeds. :tnd
shall include :tllo\~'ances for periods of time required for
lhe Owner's ;.l1ld Construction ~IJnager's rn'in,' al1d for
applll\'al of suhmissions b\' authorities ha\'ing IUflsdictiul1 O\'er
thl: Project Time limits estahlished by' this schedule :tpprO\'ed
Iw the Owner sh:tll nor. except for reasonable cause. be ex,
ceeded b\' the Architect or OWl1er.
1.1.4 The seryices cO\'ered by this Agreement :tre subject to
the time limil.1tions contained in SubpJrJgraph II) I.
2.1.1 The .\rchitect's Basic Sen'ices CllllSISt of lhose de,
scnhed in P:tragraphs 2.2 through 2() and :tn\' other ser-
\'ices identIfied in Article 12 as part of Basic Sen'ices. and
include normal structural, mechanical and ele:ctrical engineer-
ing sen'ices.
2.2.1 The .\rchitect shall rn'iew the program. schedule: and
construction hudget furnished h\' the Owner to ascertain the
requirements Ilf thc Project and shJII arriye ;1( a mutuJI under-
standing of such rcquirements with lhe Owner
2.2.2 The Architect shall rcyiew '....ith the Owner and Con-
struction ~lanJger proposed site use Jnd impro\"l:ments; selec-
tion of materials, building s\'stems and equipment; and
mcthods of Project delivery.
2.2.3 The .\rchltect shall re\iew with thc O"nn and COI1-
,t r\l, ,I< ll1 \1.I1l.l).:cr ,i1tl:rn;1( i\ I' ;q'pn );11 hI" l\, dC'I).:n ;Ind C( In-
,trUI';llln "f tIll" Prlljl'ct
2.2.4 Ba'ed un the mutu;Ilh agreed.upon pfllgram. 'chedule
and construction budget requirements. the .\rchitect shall
prepare. for approval by the Owner. Schema lie Design Doeu-
menrs consisting of drawings and other documents illustrat-
ing the scale Jnd reIJtionshlp of Project components.
2.2.5 .\t inren'als appropriate to the progress of the SChemJtic
Design PhJse and mutuall\' Jgreeable to the Owner. Construe-
lIon ,\tanager and Architect. the Architect shJII provide schl:m-
Jtie deSign studies for the Owner".s re\'iew and the Con'truc',
tion ~lanager's mformJtion.
2.2.6 In the further de\'eJopment of the drawings and speo-
fiotions during this and subsequent phases of design. the
Architect shall be entitled to Jssume the accuracy of the esti-
mates of Construction Cost which Jre to be provided by the
Construction :-'lanJger under the Construction Manager's
agreement with the Owner,
2.2.7 l'pon completion of the Schematic Design Pha'e. lhe
.\rchitect shall prm'lde drawings. outline specificalion' JnJ
other documents for the Owner's appro\';}1 and the Construc,
tion ~l;lIlager's information.
2.3.1 Based on the apprO\'ed Schematic Design Documents
and any adjustments authorized by the Owner in the proW:tm.
schedule or construction budget. the .\rchltect shall preparl'
Design De\'elopmcnt Documents fur the Construction ~Ian-
ager's rcview and thc Owner's appm\'al. The Design De\'elop-
ment Documents shall be based UpllI1 data and estlmJtes
prepJred by the Construction Manager and shall consIst of
drawings and other documents that eSlJblish and describe the
size and character of the Project as to Jrchitectural, structural.
mechanical and electrical systems, mJterials and such other
elements as may be Jppropriate.
2.3.2 At inten'als mutually agreeable to the Owner. Construe-
tion \Ianager and Architect. the Architect shJII provide draw-
ings and other documents which depict the current SlJtus of
design dn'e1opment f()r the Owncr's re\'iew and the Construc-
tion \l;lllager's information
2.3.3 l'pon completion of the Design De\'elopment Phase.
the Architect shJII provide drJwings. outline specitkJtions :tnd
other documents for the O"'ner's appro\'al and the Construc-
tion ~Ianager's information
2.4.1 Based on the appro\'ed DeSign Dc\'eJopment Docu-
mcnts Jnd any further adjustments authorized b\' lhe Owner
in the scope or quality of the Project or in the construction
budget. the Architect. utilizing datJ Jnd estimates prepared
by the Construction ~IJnager. shall prepare. for appro\'a] by
lhe Owner, Construction Documents consisting of DrJwmgs
and Specifications setting forth in delJiJ the requirements for
the construction of the Project.
2.4.2 At inten'als mutually Jgreeahle [0 the Owner. Construc.
liun \LlIlagcr and ,\rchitect. lhl' .\rdlllI'Cl 'ilull prodde Dra\\"-
ing' .II1J "pl'c'lfic.lI1l'lb fllr thl: O\\'Ill',' ,l1ld lhl' Clll1'I~~,ctJ, .;~
.\lan.lger".s rnll'"
2.4.3 l'pon completion of the Construction Doculllcnt.' Phase.
the Architect shall prm'ide Construction Documents lor the
O,yner's Jpprm'al and the Construction ~Ianager's infom13tion
'-.'':: ','-.,'\' \- <'~. \'.T'::I- '';\\" \\\'-qr'((;TJ--~'< r)(- :'II'(h,_':'21-)~ . WARNING: Unlicensed
_ J .... .,...,. _ .................
2.4.4 The Archllect Sholl! olssistthe Owner and Construction
\Ian;t~er in the prepar.llion of the necessary biddin!!- infor-
nution. bidd1l1g lorms. the Conditions of the Contract,. and
the forms of .\peement hetween the Owner and the Con-
tr;!Clors, The Architect ,lull Jsslstthe Construction \LlllJ~er
in is,uin!!. hidding documents to hidders Jnd conducting pre-
bid cont'c:rences with prll'peCII\e bidders. The Architect. \\lIh
the ;1."lstance III the C,lnstrUL'llun \Lu1Jger. shall re,pllnd to
que'tll>lb lrom hldder' olnd 'lull issue Jddenda,
2.4.5 The :\rchitt:'Cl ,11.111 .lSSi'lthe Uwner and ComtrllClllHl
\1.1n.lgl'r 111 c( 1I111eCl\l1!1 \\'lIh the O\\ner's respon,1I)IL;\ f( H
111111g l1< l,ument' rcqll::nl for tl1e .lppro\'JI of g()\'('rnl~~"!ll.li
,luthlHllil" h.l\lng lur:..ll,'tllll1 ,,\'cr the Prowct
2.5.1 The ,\rchllect. lolh)wing the Owner" Jppronl 01 the
Constructiun Documents and of the Construction \1:111.lger's
latest e,t tnute of Construction Cost. shall assist the Construc-
tiun \L1I1ager in obtai!1l11!!. hids llr negotiated propo,alo ;1I1d
;1."I.'t lli prl'j1;mng Cl ll~: LlCl' It lr construction,
2.6.1 The\r,'hllcL'l's rl"pomib1lit\' to pf()\'ide BasIC scr\ ICl"
for the C( 1I1,lruction Phase' undn this ,\~reement comn~cnces
with the ;Iw;lrd olthe C, >ntraCllor construction and terml11.lles
;Il the earlier olthe issu.lnce to Ihe O\\'ner of the fin:ll P:, '1l'L'l
CertifiClle for Pa\'ment (1r (10 d:l\" ;Iftc:f the date of '-,lli',tan-
tLl! C( lmpkl10n of the \X'ork
2.6.2 Tlw .\rchlleCl sh.lI! pf()\'ide ;ldministration of the Con-
tract for l'\lnstruction in cooperatiun with the Construction
\Iana~er .IS ,et forth helo\'\' and in the edition of .\1.\ Docu-
ment ,\201 C\la, Genc:TJ! Conditions of the Contract for Con-
struction. Construction \1anap.er-Ad\"iser Edition, curn:nt as
of the date of this Agreement.
2.6.3 Duties. n:sponsinllities and limitations of authont\' of
the ,\rchitect shall nllt he restricted. modified or extended
\\'ithout written J~reer.lent of the Owner and Architect with
consent of the ContLlct<lfS .1I1d the Construction \1an;lger.
\\hich CllnSl'nt ,hall n.lt he unre~l,onahh' withheld
2.6.4 The ,\rchlteCl ,UII he .I reprl'sentati\'e of alhl <hall
ad\'i'e and cun'ult \'\Ilh the Owner (I) during construction
until final pJ\'ment Il) the Contractors is due, Jnd (21 JS an
,-\dditional Sef\'ice at the Owner's direction from time to time
durin!!. the correction period descrihed in the Contcld' for
Con-;t [lICtl' 1I1 The ,\rchllect ,hall ha\"e authorit\' to old on
hdulf of the O\\'ner Ilr.!\' to the extent pf()\'ided in thi' ,gree-
mUlt unk" Olhef\\I'C' modifin1 h\' written instrument
2.6.5 The ,\rchitect shall \'isitthe site at inter\'als appropnate
III the su!!.e uf construction or a~ otherwise agreed b\' the
Owner ;lI1d ,-\rchitect 111 writing to hecome generall\' familiar
with the progress and qualit\' of the \X'ork completed and to
detl'f111111e in general If the \X'ork is being performed in a
nLl11ner indiCltinp. that the \X'ork \\'hen completed \\'ill be in
;I,'," )rlLuKe \\llh tl1l' Cl1nlrJct Docun1l'nts, l!lw,ne" the
\rchllt'l."r ,,\);\11 nIl! hl" ~~'qlljrl~d (() rn:Ikc l.:XhJU..;ii\'l' l,r \..-l,n-
11lllH lll" 'i',-'11l :Il"pl'~:. rj.. It J I.. :iClb- lhl' qu.dJt ~ \ J\" \.j~... ~,' \
,1\ the \\, ,I'\-; l)n tb, [1,1'1' "1 on-sill' Ilh,ef\;ltll)n' .I' ,Il)
;I rch1I('('t tl1l' 'I,'hitl',: .b,dl keep the CJ\\ncr inf(lfl11l'd ,1' the
prow"" ,ll1d ljlulll\ .,[ the \\"rh, and ,hall endeJ\.'r Il!
guard the O\'\ncr apmst defects and dcficiencie, In the
\\'urk, (,\Jure extclIsin' site rcprcscllt{/tiulI mtlY /)e tI~n'c" to
as an AdditiO/wl SelTicc, as desaibed ill ParagralllJ 3.? )
2.6.6 The Architect shall not ha\'e control o\'er or char~e of
and shall nOl be responsible for construction me~lI1s. methods.
techniques. sequences or procedures. or for safety precautions
and programs 111 connection with the \X'ork, since thl'se are
the Contractors responsibitit\' undl'f the C\lntr~lcls for Con-
,truClion The ,\rchllect shall not he resp<)f1'lblc: tor rhl' Con-
tCll'wrs' scheduks l'r f;lilure [0 carry out thc \\'(Hk ll1 ~lccor-
dance \\'jth the C"ntr:lCt DocumentS Thl' ,\rchitl'd ,hall not
Ix responslhle for thL' performance h\' till' (,lI1'lructllll1 \Lln-
clgn "f the sc:f\'lCl" rl'quJrnl h\' the C'lIbt:uctinn \L1nclgn,
.lgreemel1l \\'Itb Jhc Owner The ,\rchilcl't ,tl,lll nllt h:1\l' ClHl'
tfllll)\'er or ch.lrge of .lCIS llr omi-;Sllll15 l'1' thl' Contractors,
:-;uhcontLlcturs, or theIr Jgents or emplo\'('e<, nr of al1\' other
person, performing ser\'ices or portions ()f the \X()fk,
2.6.7 The Architect shall at all times ha\'e access to the Work
where\'er it is in prepJration or progress,
2.6.8 Communications h\' and with the Archilect's cnnsul-
(;liltS slull he through the Architect
2.6.9 B.l'l'd l In ; he ,\ rchllect 's ,!h'l'f\J [Il 'I> and l'\';i1lut il In,
"f each ContLlct\lr', ~\ppliclliun for P.l\ men!. the Archi-
tect shall rc\'iew ;lI1d certify the .1I1)(lunt< due the re.;pec,
ti\'e Cll[)tLlct( lr' The ;\rchllect's certification fur pa\'mel1l shall con-
stitute a represenLllion to thl' Owner. based lJI1 the ,\rchitert 's
ohsen'allons at the site as pro\'idn1 in SUhp;lf;lgraph 2() "-,
on the rt:'coml11endatilll1' of [he CnnstruCllon \l:lI1a!!.n and
(lI1the dJu comprising the Cnntr:lctnrs' Aprlications for 1'.1\'-
ment. that. to the hest of the .\rchitect's knowkdge, infor-
nut ion and helIet', the \X'( Jrk Ius pro!!.ressed to the puint indi-
catl'd and the Ljlulit\' uf the Work is in .lCCOrltllKe with
the Cuntract Documents, The fore!!-oing representations are
subject to an e\'JIU;llinn of the \X'ork for conformance \\'ith
the Contract Dncuments upon Substantial Completion, ro
results of subsequent tests and inspection" to minor de\'ia-
tions from the Contract Documents correctable prior to
cnmpletion and to specific qualifications expres-;ed b\' the
Architect The Is.;uance of a Certificate for Pa\'ment slull
further cnnstitutl' 'I representation that the ContrJct(lr is
entitled to pa\,menr in the amount certified The 1"U;ll1CC \It a CertifiCite for P.l\'ll1l'nt ,h,1I1 not
be a represenulion that the .1,rchltect has ill made exhau,\)\'e
or conllnuous (,n,site in,pections to check thc Ljualit\' or quan-
tit\' of the \\'ork. (2) re\'iewed construction means. methods,
techniques, ,equence' ()f procedures. (5) re\'iewed copies of
requisitions recel\nl fr"m Suhcontf.lCl<lr' and nUlerial sup-
pliers Jnd other lLlu requl"ted h\' thl' O\\'ner to 'uh,t:lI1tule
the Contr~Ktor' right tl) p~l\mentlJr (-I) a'CCft.llnn! ho\\ "r
for \\'hat purpu,e the Ct lI1traCl<lr hel' used 1111 Hle\' pre\'inlhl\'
paid on account uf the ContrJct :-;um
2.6.10 The ,\rchiteCl ,hall hel\'e authority, elfter nntificllinn
to the Construction \lan~lgl'f, to reject \X'ork which dol'S not
conform to Il1l' Cnntract Documents, \X'hene\'l'r the ,\rchilect
considers it Iwc,',s;lry (lr ad\'isable for impkmenutinn of thl'
intent Ilf the Contr;]ct Documents. the Architect will ha\'e
authurit\', Upllll \\Tlttet1 Juthnril.ation fr(1l11 the Owner. to
rl'qlllrl' Jddlli, '1~,1I II-,,:','Cllon "r te,tin:.: ,d tl1l' \\"rh in
.Il i...(lf\...Lir:\..l' \\ i~. ."1\ 'l~'o ':>...' (.' ,:\: 1', ,,,'U:l),,-'j~l'
\\'hethn 'lr nl,t 'lI,h \\. 'rk IS uhrJc;lted '!l,t,JiIl'l1 I lr ,um-
plelnl fil J\\enT nellhc'f thiS aUllll lrll\' ')1 thl' ,\rcllltl','l nl)r
J dt:(i:,i~.lI11l1~llk in ~\ h '''-: fJitll either t~) eXl'fl....::--l' lH lllJt tu L':\L'[-
ise such authorll\ ,hall gi\'e rise to ;J dun ur responsihi!m
AlA DOCUMENT B141/CMa . O\\:--;ER,,,RCHITECf ,,,GRED1E:--;T . CO:--;q!l.lLllO:--; \PS"GER~
,\D\'I"ER EDITtO:--< . t992 EDITtO:--; . AL'" . ~ 1\,.)2. THE ,\.\IERIC\." I:"STITlTE OF ,\RCHITECTS,
1-'; "E\\' YORK\\'E:--;I'E, :--; \\', \\\'HI"Cll''\', DC 21100!>,;2<12 . WARNING: Unlicensed
OhC!0('~ovi"'Q violales U, S, cooyrichl laws and will subject the violator to legal prosecution,
of tht' ,\rchilt'n 10 Ihc Construction \tanager, COntr:lclOrs,
SUbnlrllraC!ors, malcrial and equipment suppliers, their agcnts
llr l'mplm'ccs or other persons pcrforming pnrtions of
lht' \X'ork
2,6.11 The :\rchllecI shall rC\'il'w and apprm'e or t;Jkc other
;IPI'Tll!'T1;lte action upon CllntraclOrs' submil!;lls such as Shop
f)L/\\ :ngs, Product [):lU and S:lInpks, hut onh' for lhe Iimiled
pur:', "t' llf checking fllr cllnforl1lance \\'ith mfurm:llion gi\'en
,me: l:lt' dt'slgn concept exprcssn.l in the Clmtr:Kt Documents,
Thl' \rlhllnls ,It'llonshall he taketl \\'ith .;uch Tea';lltuhk
1'1', '!~~!'[J1es' :1' 10 caUSt' no del:l\' in tht' Contr:ldOT.s \"'ork or
III c', 'I~'lructl<"l h\ tht' ()\\'I1er's o\\'n I<'rces, whlk ,lllll\\"ing
'lI!l:, "'Il! Illl1l' Illlhl' \rlhill'd s prOk"I()lulludgllletll [" plT
111:1 ,,,kqU:lll' rnil'\\ l{nil'\\' of .;uch 'Uhllllll:lls I' tl,Jl con.
dlk'le,! 1< II' the purp, l,se I If dett'rlllinlllg the ;h.:curaC\' :md COIll'
plett'llt'SS of mher deuils such :IS dimensillns and quantllies
,'r I,'r ,uhstanllatillg instructions for illsulLnillll or perfor.
11l:l11l't' of l'quipmcnt or S\'stems designed hy the Clllltra('\ors,
:i11 c)f \\hich rel1lain the responsibility of the COlllractoTs to
the extl'nt required h\' the Cnntract Documents, The Archi.
tt'CI' Tn'ie\\" .;h:ill l111t constitute appro\':il III safet\. preclLJ.
!I, >I> "I' lItlk.;,- ,I{ IlLT\\'i,,-e ,;pt'l'ilk:II'" still'll h\' the .\rchitecl.
,d "'11'1 nldll In Illt':m" Illelhl )tb. tet'llnlqUt". sequl'tll't" I IT
1'1', ',t'dUIl"- Tht' ,\rchitl'n\ ,Ippnn';il of a 'Jx'CJlk ilUll '-h:ill
tltll :ndll'ale .Ippro\':il of an ,Is,emhl\' of \\'hlch the ilel1l is :1
t','I:: I"~ lIlt'llI. \"'hl'n pfl lk,.;si< mal ccrtific:il lOll t If perf'lrm:lllcc
l'h,i~.lc'll'T1,tics ,)1' 1ll:lll'n:ils, s\'stl'nb or l'quiplllcnt is reqlllrl'd
h\ i::l' C"lllr:lct f)Ot'llllll'nts, thc ,\rchitect shall be cntitlnl
t,; rt'h Uplltl sut'll n'rtificnion to estahlish Ihillthe materials,
S\.'tl'llh t lr l'q ulplllt'nt will IllCl't t hc perti Jrm:IlKt' crllni;1
required h\' till' Clll1lr:tct Docul11ellls
2,6.12 TIll' .\rdlitect .;11:111 rl'\'Jt'\\' :lIld sign llr ukl' 'Jlhn
,1J'I'r, 'I'n:lle :ICllon Oil CI1:1ngt' Orders and Con't ruct ion
UUllge Dlrl'ctJ\.cs prepared 11\ lhl' Construction \tlllager tilT
the ()\\'ncr's appro\'al and cxccution in accordancc with
tht' Ctllltract DllCUI11CntS,
2.6,13 The .\rdlirl'ct m:I\' authnrize minor changes in \"'ork
not Ill\'ohin~ an adjustment in a Contract Sum nr an exten.
sion t)f a COlltract Time which are nnt illt'llI1si'lent with
thc intent of the ContT:lct Documellls. Such ch:lIlt:es shall
he effected /1\' wrilll'n ordn issued through thc Ctllbtruc.
Jilin \tlll:lger.
2.6.14 Tilt' .\rchitt'ct, :Issistcd /1\' llll" CtHlSlrut.'tion \LIl1:lgn,
,h.ill c',)JldUCl illsl'ectitll1s to dClerl11l1lt' the d;lle t)r d,lll'S of
Suh,t.Il1tJ:d CIHllpletilll1 and the dale "~f fin:d coml'lt-ll<lIl The
.\rcllitet.'t shall forward to the Owner \\'arranucs al1d simibr
suhmillJls required h\' the CnlllraCl Oocuments which h:I\'e
Iwen recci\'ed frolll thc Construction \tlll:lgl'r The ,\rchitect
.;h.111 i.;suc :1 final Project Certificllc Ii lr P;I\'ment upon com.
pli.lI1"c \\ith [he rl'ljuircmcl1t.; llf lhe Cllntr;lct Dtlc'lllllt'I1lS
2.6.15 The ,\rchitl'ct shallllllnprel and dl'C1dc m:lllt'r.; Clln.
cerlllllg pcrforl11ance of thc Owner Jnd ContT:lctor ul1dn the
requiremel1!s of the COlllr:lct Documcllls '1I1 wriHcn request
of either lhl:' Owncr or Cnntractllr. The ,\rchilect's response
to ,uch rcqUl:'sts shall he made with reJsonahle prompllless
Jl1d withlll :111\ timc limits :lgrl:'cd upon,
2.6.16 IntnprcI:1l10nS :lnd dccisions olthc Architect sh:dl he
COllsi'fl'nl with lhc intent of and rcastlll:lhh' inlerahk from
lht' C, )Jl{T;iCI I), )n1l11l'l1l, :lIld .,-Ilall he III \\Tl1int: or in ihl' Ii )rm
! i, ,-,..;\\ In:_> \\"I1L'11 I1Llhil1~ ....clI...h il~Ic:';)rl'l.iti\)n> ,l;~...! initi.d
ck,;-:, 'I>. lhl' .\r,'lllleCl slulll'llck:J\, 'I' it I ..<,'url' Llllhfull'tT'
t, '!':~:.I:~Ce 11\' ht )Ih Cl\\'Iln and C'lI1lT:lt't' l!"S. ,-lullllOl "ht l\\ par.
11.1~::'. t" "l1hn, :lI1d .;h;IIIIl<)( he li.lhk f, Ir rt',ults "fllltl'rpr't'l,l'
lil'l1' I H decisions so rl'ndcrl:'d in good faith,
2.6.17 The Architect's decisions on mailers relating tt)
aesthetic effect shall be final if consistent with the intent
expressed in the Contract Documcnts,
2.6.18 The Architect shall reoder wrillcn decisions wnhlll .I
reason:lhle time 011 all c1Jims, dispulCs or other mallers III
question bClweel1 the Owner and COl1!raClOrs relatjn~ 10 the
exccution or pTllgress 01 Ihl: \""lrk a.s pro\'ided in the Cnn.
tr:lct Documents.
2.6,19 The Archllect s dn'lsII1l1' IH1,"I.III1lS, dispUIl:S or ,l(ller
Illatlns, including those III qUt'stlOI1 hctween the Owner .lIld
Clll1[raClnr,. except/ilr th'lst' rel.nil1g tn acsthellc effect:1> J'~".
\'i,kd in Suhp;lragr:tl'h 2 () '-. ')'"i11 he suhlct.'t to :Irhitr..ll: 11
a, prondnl in this .\grn'mt'llt :lIld ill the Contr:ICI DOnlJlle:~t'
3.1.1 The Sl'T\'ices lkscnhcd 111 r!lls .\rllck 5 :IT<: I1IH incllll~t'c!
In 1l:I.;ic' ~t'l'\lces unks, 'Il idt'l~llfit'llll1\niclc 12. :ll1d r1~C'\
shall he p:llel flll h\' the O\\'l1er ,I, prl )\I,lt-d in t!lis ,\greeme:H.
III :1t!t!IlIl)11 to lhe c')lllpenS:ltIl1l1 fllr BaSIC Scr\lces, The 'tT
\ICCS de'dlhed under P:lragraphs 52 ;1I1t! .~-i ,hall llnh be
prm'idnllf authorizcd llr conlirmedlll writing by the Owner
If sCT\'ices descrihed undcr C\lntingl:'fl( ,\ddiljonal SCT\'ice.;
in P:lragr:lph 5,5 :Ire required dUl: to circumstances he\'()l1d
the ,\rchitect's control. till' ,\rchitt'ct shall nOlif\' thc O\\Tt';
prior to cOl1lmcnclllg such .;eT\ICe, If thc Owner deem, ,':.d
'Udl sl'T\ices descriheduneler P.lr;lgT:lph 55 are nm rcqulTc'j,
the O\\'ner shall gi\'c prol1lpt \\Tllll'n IllHicC to thc ,\rchlleCt
If the 0\\'I1er indiulc.'; in writil1t: Ih:1l all or part of such C, '11.
llIlgcIH ,\dditional Ser\'ices are not required. the Architcct shall
h:l\'e no obligation tn pTl)\'itk those ,cT\'lces,
3,2.1 If more extcnsi\'e represl:'nt:llion :11 the sitc than"
described in Suhparagraph 26"i is required, lhe ,\rchitl:C1 sh..lJl
pro\'ide onc I)T more Project ReprcSent:lli\'l:S to assist in cilr.
T\ing llut such ,lelditllln:1I on'SilC respon,ihilities,
3.2,2 Pn lit".t Rq're'-t'nUtl\e'- ,Iui! he 'elt-cted, t'mpl()yed ..I"d
directcd h\' the ,\rchllccl. and thc .-\rchllt'CI shall he compen.
s:lled therefor as agrecd h\' the OWl1cr :Ind .-\rchitecl The
duties, rt'sponsibllitics and limitatllllb Ilf all\horit\' of Project
Rq)rcsenUli\'cs shall he ..IS descrihed in thc edition l)f-\1.-\
Docullll'nt B5"i2 current as llf the tLue nf this ,\greement.
unkss I Hlll'r\\'j,.;e agreed
3.2.3 TIlrl1ugh the "hsCT\';llilllls )w such Project Reprt'''l'n.
t:lli\'l's. tht' .-\rchitecI sh,dlt'nllt-ayor t" prm'ide further pr'I'
teClion for the O\\'ncr against dekct.; and deficiencies 111 .hc
\"(Jrk. butthe furnishin~ ()f such project rcpresl:nt:ltion shall
nO! modify the rights. responsihilities or obligations of the
Architect as descrihed else\\'hl'Te III this ,\greeml:'nt.
3,3,1 \l:tklllg rc\'isi"ns in Dr,l\\ lng'-, "1'ecific:IlJIJllS "I', :[;~n
t!<lt'lllllt'llt'- \\'hl'll "ut'll rc'\'isl<ln- :If,'
.1 lli.....{ Jll,j...fL'I:I \\ n!- .lfll'r .i:'" 11r r:-;...truL'ri()l1."; prl'\"j ,,\.
gi\'ell Iw till' O"'nl:'r. il~'_ fUlling re\'lsit1ns m;I,lt- r'o':'
l'~";'~ln- hy .ldi:~l....tn~,:nt' ir: i:~;l' r'\\Tll'(' pr~]grJnl or p~
en hudget:
AlA DOCUMENT B141/CMa . OW"ER.....RCHI1'RT ....GREE.\IE:\1 . CO:\S1'RU_TION \tAN....GER.
....D\.I.;ER EDlTla:\. 1<)<)2 EDITla". ....H" . 't1992. THE ,-\.,\IERIC\.\; I:\S1'I1'l'1'E aF ARCHITECTS,
1-;' 'E'" YORK \\TNIE, :\ "', \\'\SHINGTO-..;, DC 20tltI6.,292 . WARNING: Unlicensed
~h^'CC00'.';00 ";~I'!ps U.S coovrioht laws and will subject the violator to legal prosecution,
8141/CMa-1992 4
.2 reque'teo hI' the Owner hecause the Construction
\Ianager's eSllmate of Construction Cost exceeds the
Owner's hudget. except where such excess is due to
changes mlliated by the Architect in scope, capacities
of hasic s\'stems. or the kinds and quality of nuterials.
finishes or equipment:
.3 required hI' the enJCtment or re\'ision of cooes, laws
or regulation, subsequent to the preparation of ,uch
documt:nt,: or
.4 dut: t,) changes requlfeo a, a re,ult of the Owner\
LlIlure to render deCISions in a llmclv manner
3.3.2 Pnwiolng 'l'rllce' reql!1feO txcau,e l)f signilk.ll1t
ch,ll1,.:e' In the l'r"ll','1 111l1udm,.:, hut nlH limited to, changes
m ,ile, qlulit\', C')!11pkxll\', the O\\'l1er', or Con,truClHlI1
\1:1I1.I,.:er\ scheduk, or the ml,thod uf hidding or negotl:l\lng
and contractmg for con,truction, except for sen'lCes n:quired
under Subparagraph 52,,~,
3.3.3 Preparing Dr:l\\ll1g" Specifications ano other documen.
tation and supporting oata, e\'aluating CnntrKlOr's proposals.
and pro\'iding other ,efl'ices in conneCllon with Change
Order' and c( ,n,lruction Clungt: Dlrecti\'"
3.3.4 pro\idmg 'efl'l(es Il1l'lHlnection \,Ilh l'\aluatlng 'uh.
-.tllutions propo,nllw Contractors and making suh'equent
rn'i,ilH1S III Drawings, SpeclficlIions and other documenta-
tion re-.uiling therefrom
3.3.5 Pro\'iding consult;nion concerning replaceme\1llJf \X'ork
damaged b\' fire or other cau,e during construl'tion, and fur.
nishing ,ernce, required in connection with the repl;lcement
of ,ueh \X'urk
3.3.6 Providing sernee, made necessary by the termination
l lr ddauil of the Con-.tructil)n \Ianager or a Contractor. b\
majllr defects or deficiencies in the Work of a Contractor. or
hy failure of perfnrmance of either the Owner or a Cont rac.
tor under a Contr:lct for Construction,
3.3.7 Pro\.tding sen-ices in e\'aluating an extensive number
of cLlIms suhmilled b\' a Contractor or others in connection
with the \X'ork
3.3.8 providing sen'ices in connection with a public hear.
ing, arhitration proceeding or legal proceeding except where
the ,-\rchitect i, part\ theret,)
3.3.9 Prepanng documents (\)r alternate, 't:parate or ,equt:n-
tial hid, or pro\'idmg services in connt:ctilln with bidding,
negotiation or construction prior to the completion of tht:
Construction Documents Phase,
3.4.1 Pro\'iding :l11ah"es uf the Owner's needs :lI1d prowam-
min~ the reqUIrement' 11f the Project.
3.4.2 Pro\'iding fimncial fca,ibilitv or llther special qudies
3.4.3 Prm'iding planning SUfI'CYS, site e\'alu:lIillns or com-
parati\'e studies of prospectil-e sites,
3.4.4 Pro,'iding spc,'lal sune\'s, en\'ironmental slUdies and
suhmissions required for appro\'als of go\'ernmental authori.
tit:' or other' h:l\'ing jurisdiction ()\'er the Project
3.4.5 F:; >\ ;\..~~i:~ ,i....r.. i...1..'''' !':....~.:,;\l. \\l (utllrt.: LIl"t1111l'_". ,\-"1<.:n)'
;UiLl cQdl1li1h.:1H
3.4.6 Prl l\ldlng 'er\lce' I( \ 1l1\l"tlgate exro;[ing COl1ditllll1' "r
facilities ur to m:lke me'a,ured drawings thnellf
3.4.7 Pro\'iding services \0 \'erify the JCcuracy of drawings
or other information furnished by the Owner,
3.4.8 Pro\'iding coordination of construction performed
by the Owner's own forces and coordination of services reo
quired in connection with construction performed and equip'
ment supplied by the Owner,
3.4.9 Pro\'iding ser\'ices in connection with the work of
separate consultants retained by the Owner.
3.4.10 Pro\'iding estimates of Construction Cost
3.4.11 Pro\'lding detailed qU:ltltlt' ,sur\e\" ,)[ In\'entorles of
material and equipment.
3.4.12 PrO\lding anah',es of llwn1l1g and operallng Cll,tS
3.4.13 ProI'iding interior design and other similar ser\'ices
required for or in connection with the selection. procurement
or installation of furniture, furnishmgs and rebted equipment.
3.4.14 Providing services for planning tenant or renr;J! spaces,
3.4.15 \laking in\'estigations, in\'entone, ()f material-. or
eqUIpment, or n!uations :1I1d det:llln1 :IPi'LlI':lh uf exist-
1I1g fac:lilles
3.4.16 Preparing a set of reproducible record dr:t\Ying, shm,'-
ing significant changes in the Work malk dunng CllnstruC
tion hased on marked.up prints, drJwll1g' .Hid other d:lta fur.
nished by Contractors,
3.4.17 Providing a,sist:lI1ce in the ulIlizati,)n of eqlllpment
or systems such as testing, adjusting and h:ll:tncing, prepara-
tIOn of operation and maintenance manuals, trJlI1ing person-
nel for operation and maintenance, and cllnsultation dur-
ing operation
3.4.18 PrO\'iding serYices after issuance to the Owner of the
final Project Certificate for Pa\'mem. or in the absence of a
fin:ll Prolect Certificate for Pa\'mem, more than 60 days after
the date of Substantial Completion of the \\'ork, .
3.4.19 Pro\'iding services of consultants for other than archi-
tectural. structural, mechanical and electrical engineering por.
tions of the Project prm'ided as a pan of Ba,ic Sen'ices,
3.4.20 Pro\'iding am' other serYices not otherwise included
in thl' ,-\greement or n(\t eustlll11Jrih' furni,heJ in Jccordance
wllh generally .ll'cepted :Hchllectur:lI prJCllCe
4.1 The Owner sl1all prn\'ide full InfllrllLlllOn reg:lrding
reqUirements for the Project. including:1 pwgram whICh sh311
set forth the Owner's ohjecti\'es, schedule, constraints and
criteria, including sp3ce requirements and relationships,
t1exihility. expandJbilitv, special equipment. S\'stems, and
site requirements,
4.2 The O"'ner shall est:1hlish 3nd upd:lle :In (nerall hudget
for the Project based on consultation witl1the Construction
\lanager and the Architect. which shall include the Construc-
tion Cost. the O\\'ne[S utht:r co't, and [e:tsun.lhle contingen-
,'It'-, f,'LltC',i {( \ ~llll ,f rt1t'''C l-II....1....
4.3 If reque'ted h\ the ,\rchitect. the ()\\Tc, ,11:111 furni,h
nitlence (hat fin:tn,'i,iI :lrr:lngcment' 11..'. t' hCl':~ nude to fulfill
the O"ner', l)blig:lI1un, under thiS '-\f,reement
ADYtSER EDlnor-; . 1992 EDlTlON . AlA" . <S 1')')2. THE A,\lERIC\:-': I:-':STITlTE OF ARCHITECTS,
\-3'; "1EW YORK AVE"il'E, "1 \X', \XASHINGTON, DC. 20006.~292 . WARNING: Unlicensed
photocopying violates U.S, copyright laws and will subject the violator to legal prosecution.
5 B141/CMa-1992
"" -f'" O;l~~:
4.4 The Owner shall designate a representatl\'e authorized
to act on the Owner's behalf with respect to the Project, The
Owner or such alllhorized representative shall render deo-
~Ions in a timely manner pertaining to documents submilled
by the Architect in order to avoid unreasonable delay in the
nrderly and sequential progress of the Architect's sen'ices,
4.5 The Owner Sh;ll1 retain a conslruction Olall:lger to admin'
I,tn tht: Prolt:L'1. The CunstruCllun ;..1anager's st:n'ICt:S, duties
alld rL"p,mslhililll'S \\'ill he as dt:scnht:d in the t:ultlon uf AlA
[)()L'llml'lJ[ BHUI 'C.\Ia, St;lndard Form of Agrt:ement Ikt\\'LTn
OWIlt:r and Construction ;..lanJgt:r. currt:nt as nf tht: datt: of
thls\grt:t:ment The Tnms Jnd Cnnditions llf the :\grt:t:Il1t:nt
hel\\een O\\'IlU ;lI1d CnllstruCllull ;..lanagu shall he fur-
l1I,hed t() the Architt:Cl alld shall nO! ht: modified \Vilhout writ-
ten L'llllSent of the ,\rchitect, whICh consellt ,hall nO! he
unreasonahlv Withheld, The Architect shall nO! he responsi.
hie for aClions taken b\' the Construction ;..lanJger,
4.6 The OWIlt:r shall furnish sun'eys describing physical
chaLlcteristics, legal limitations and utility locations for the
Sill' of the Project, Jlld a \....rillen kg:ll descriptioll of the site
Thc surn:\'s .lI1d kg,i1 inf()rnuti()1l shall illclude, JS applic:lhk,
gLides ;lI1d IiIlL'S III 'treelS, :lik\s, pan:menls ;Jlld .Idj()illillg
propert\' ;ll1d structures: adjacent drain:lge: r1ghts-of-w;I\',
restrictions, casements, encroachmellts, ZOlling, deed restriL--
tions, hounclJries and Contours of the site; IllCltillllS, dimen.
slons :ll1d necessary dati pertaining to existing buildings, other
impnwements :U1<J trt:es: Jnd infi.lrm:ltion concerning a\'ailable
utilit\ services and lines, both puhlic and pri\':lte, aho\'(' ;tnd
hd()\\' gr:lde, including il1\'erts :llld depths ,\11 tl1<: inforn1;l-
tHlI1 on the sun'ev shall ht: rekrcnn:d [0 a Project henL'llm;lrk
4.7 The Owner shall furnish the st:n'ices of gt'lltt:chnlCal
engilleers when such sen'ices are requested h\' the ,-\rchitect
Such sen'ices may include but are not limited to test horings,
test pits, determinations of soil hearing \'alues, pncolatilln
tests, evalu;llions of hal.:Hdous nuterials, and ground corro-
sion and resist;\ity tests. including necess:HY operations for
anticipating suhsoil conditions, with reports and appropriate
pn llt:ssi( mal recommendations,
4.7.1 The Ownn shall furnish the services of other con.
sult:mts when such ser\'ices are reasllluhly required by the
,cope of the ProJl'C[ ;llld are requested h\' the ,-\rchitect
4.8 The Ownnshall furni,'h structur:i1, mechanlral. dwmical.
air and watn pollurl< 111 tests. tests fur IUl.:Hdous nlJ[erials, and
(Hhn (;Iboratuf\ and el1\'ironmentll tests, inspections ;md
reports requlrnl h\' (;I~' or the Contract Documents
4.9 The Owner shall furnish all legal. JCcounting Jnd insur.
,liKe counst:ling sef\'ices JS nu\ he necessary at any time fur
the Project. indul!ing :lLIditinl!. ,enlct:s the O\\l1er may reqUire
to \'err!\' the CO!1tLlct()r's Application for Payment ur to ascer-
tain hu\\' or f(lr \\-h;1l purposes the Contractor has used the
mone\' paid h\' or ,>11 hehalf of the Owner,
4.10 The sen'ices, lIlformation, sun'eys and reports required
h\' Paragraphs --16 through --19 shall be furnished al the
O\\'ner's expt:nse, and the Architect shall he entitled 10 reI\-
upon the accurac\' and completeness thereof.
4,11 Pr<>mpt \\ rIt[en l1()tICL'sh:i1l he gl\en h\ the Ownn
r" rh,--\rchitl'll :lJld Consrfllctl<)n ;..Lrnager if the OWl1er
hl'l(!InC~ J\\.lrl" ()f .Hi> t~lLJlt ur ....k":-c,--'( 111 [111,,: Pflijl.....-t {ll Ih);-,-
Cunll>rnUI1Ce \\ Ilh the Conruct Documents,
4,12 Thc prop, "l'L1 I.lllgu:lge uf cnufiL'atcs ur L'ertifkatioll'
requested of the ,-\rchitect or Archllect's consultants shall be
submilled to the Architect for rnil'w Jnd approval at least 14
days prior to execution, The Owner shall not request certifi.
cations that would require knowledge or ser\'ices beyond the
scope of this Agreement,
4.13 The Owner shall furnish the required information and
sen'ices and shall render appro\';lls and decisions as expedi-
tiously as necessary for the orderh' progress of the Architect";
'l'n'ices and \X'ork of the ContraClors
4.14 The O\....ner shall furnish the Architect copIes of \\'rll-
ten communications with the Construction ~bnager Jnd
C( JlllraClors,
5.1.1 The Con,truClion C'lst sh:i11 he the to[al cost or esti-
mated cost to the O\\'nn of ,III l'kmellls of the ProJect
designed or specified t1\' the ,\rdllll'ct
5.1.2 The C()n,lrUClion (ost shall include the COst at current
market rales of bhor and materials furnIShed h\' the OWller
;ll1d eLJuipment designed, 'Ix'cifinl. sdeued or speciall\' pro.
\'ided for by the ,-\~chlln't. plus a reasnnahlc allow:mce for
the (olllrJctors' m'erhead .md protlr In ;Iddit;on, a reasonJhle
,lllm\ance for Cl Hltingencies shall he included Ii lr market con.
dirions ;Il the time 111 hidding and for L-hanges m the \X(lrk
during construction Cunstruuion Cost slull also mdude the
compensation of thc Construction .\lanager :llld Construction
;..lanager's consull3nts,
5.1.3 Construction Cost does not include the compensation
of the Architect and .-\rchitect's consult:lnts, the costs of the
IJnd, rights-of-w;!\', financing or other costs which are the
responsibility of the Owner as prm'lded rn Paragraphs --II
through --1--1 and --It) through --1,1--1,
5.2.1 The ArchiteL'!'s rC\'IC\\' of thL' OwnnOs Prlljecr hud~l,t
and of preliminar\ estlm:IlCs of ('lnstrLKtlon Cnst or detaIled
estimates of COnStnlL'l!On en,r prcpared h\' the Construction
;..lanager is solely for the ,-\rchiteCl's guid:lOce in the Archi.
tcct's prepar:ltion of the Construction Documents, Accor.
dingly, lhe Architect cannot and docs nO! warrant the Jccurac\
of the estim;lles of rhe C"nstruction ;..LlOager. or warrant o'r
rcpresent that hid, lIr negotiated price.s will nOl un' from
lhc Owner's Pro)t:t't nudgel or from al1\' estImate of CU;lStruc-
riun Cost or e\'altull,)!1 rn'iewed b\' the ,-\rchilect
5.2.2 i'io fixed limit nf Construction Cost shall be estahlished
as a condition of Ihls Agreement.
5.2.3 In the e\'t'nt [hJt the Construction ~lanager's estimate
ur the lowest bona fide hid or negotiated proposal recei\'ed
h\' the O\yncr e"cn'ds rhe Owner's ~'l1dget for reason,
"Ihl'!' than th()se clc'lflhnl II] !':lugr,lph ,-\5, the 1ll0dl-
r~l'~j(ll)1l (if {:(l1lll":i._. I)~,;. _~;nL'l1t... ...11;"J :'L' rhl' IIn:~! (If the
,-\rlhitn'(, rc,p()I]<-,];t\ rhe ,\rlhllelt ,lull hl' el:rlllnl t()
cUlllpel]sation in ,ie" >rd.lIll'e \\llh Ihl' ,-\greclllelll fur all
'L'r\il'CS perliJfllle,' \\I1L'Il1er ()r I]ot Ihl C'lblructllll] P/Use
is commenced,
t-\< ,F\\' YORK\\'E,IE ,lX', \\ASH"GTO'i, DC 2(1111"'-<2')2 . WARNING: Unlicensed
~~-_'_--~-,,--- -;-'-'-- "~ --~,-,"-\.,' I~,.- _~,..l "II _..h:__. .1-,_ ,;....l~.._. ,_ t___, _~"__...'__
p",,.,..... '1""._ "''''''' ,..
6.1 The [)ra\"in~", ~1)L'clfi,'allon" and <lther document~ pre.
parl'lll)\' the .\rchiICCl fur IhlS Project are instruments ul the
,\rdlllect 's ~eryice lor ll,'t' ,oleh' wilh respect [0 [hi, Prowct
,1I1t!, llnk'~ ,Hhl'rwl'c pn >\ldl'L1. lhc .\rdlllt'ct ~lull be lkcn1L'd
tht' ,llllh'lf of 11ll'~e dtll'u1l1ctlt, .Illd ,lull rl't.lItl .111 C,)ml~:1 ltl
LIW, ,LlIlllury ~lI1d other n:,'ern.t! 11~llI~, illcludin~ thc C(1\'1\"
n;.:lll Tht' ()\\ Ilet ,lull be pl'rl11l1ll'll It) rC'I,l1tl l" 'pIes, Illclu,:,Il\.:
1"I'r"duclhk ,', )1'll'~, ,>f tl1l'\rl'hlle'l'1 ' ilL!" )I1~-, "l'cc',::c,l'
11"llS ,lI1d ((thn d"llll1lent' 1<)r 1I1f"rl1:.III'111 .md rl'leru1,c' 11\
\..'(lIllll'\'llll!l \\\111 the ()\\'I1l:(" U~.< .Ind \'l'cuJ!JnLY ()ftlil' P:-. '1-
l'd The\rcl1Hl'(t ~ DLI\\ill~', )lKlIflc,lll<ltl' "r t >Ihl'r J. ". u,
l11elllS shall nut be u,ed by Ihe OWller llr llthn' <lll uther pt. >i'
n'I', f"r ,lddilltlllS 10 Ihi, Prolect or lor completioll III thIS
I'ru1l'(t Iw other', unle,;,; the ,\rchilect is at11udged 10 be in
,kLiull undnlhl' .\~rt'l'mt'nl. except h\' agret'l11t'nt in \\Tlung
,Ind \\llh ''1'pr()prl,ile c'll11pt'n,ation to the ,\rchited,
6.2 "Uhl'\I",.'1l "r dl~lr!hll:,I'Il"lll..,umclll' Itll11"C: ;1:.,',,11
rl'~u1.l!i\r\ f,--"ju:rl'll1l'IH' ()r tllr...;jl111Llr ;:urpi.!...l....; 111 '-- 1'~-.,--'\..'-
tl,lll \\111, Ihc I'rtllt'ct I' 11,>1 It) be ,'"n'true'l! ,I~ pU\'[k.lt'I'tl
in lk'r()g.l.t1: I!~ (q" the .\rl-hltCl-t \ fl"I.:f\-l'd n:..::n"
7.1 CLilI11S, dl'I'ute, or Othl'!' 1ll~lltn' il1 ljuc,unl1 hel\\l'l"l1 '!1"
partlcs tn tillS ,\greelllt'nt ari,ing llUt tll nr reLlung to till'
\grcclllcntl)r hrl'~lch thnel)I shall hl' 'Uh\l'CI tll and cln'ldl'd
b\' arhitratt<ltl in accordanct' \\'lll1lhe Clll1,trUCtllltl Indu~\[\'
.\rhitr:lIion Rule, 01 the ,\l11erican .....rbnr:lIion ,\,SOCi:Jtllln L'ur,
renth' in dkcl unle,;,; the p~lrlie~ lllutuJlh' agree tHht'r\\'!'e
7.2 Del11and lor arhitr,ltlt'n ,lull be filed in \\riting with the
other parl\' to thl~ .-\greement IlIld with rhe ,\mcrican .....rhitr:t-
tinn ,\';';OCi~1I1nn ,\ tlenund lor :lfhltration ,hall he made
\\ilhin a rca,olubk tilllt' ~IIIt'r the claim, disputc or mhn l11at,
tl'r In que'tilln 11,1, ~lrIsen 111 nn e\'t'nt shall the tknnnJ II)r
,Irhllullon hc nudc Alcr Ihl' datc \\'l1cn insutution ,)1 k~al
"1' e'lIUluhk l'lt ll'l'cding~ h~I'l'd, 111 ,udl CL11111 , e11'pule ,,1" 'Iher
111,Il1Lf 111 ljUC'll' 111 \\l)uld hc b,lrrl'd h\ thc ,q,;,It"lhk 't,IlUIL"
\)f lilllll~1l t< .Ib
7.3 \, I arhnratl(ltl arising OUI 01 or reLitln~ III this .....grecment
,h~1I1111dude, b\ consolitiJti(ln, JoinJn tlr in :.IIlY othcr l1un'
ner, an ~lddlllt1l1al per")\l or enUt\. nnl ~I part\. lU this .\grt'c'
l11ent, e'\ccpt 1'\ \\J'1lll'n Ctll1'l"llt Ctllll.l11l1l1g a speufic rl.fl"r,
encc 10 1111' .\f'rl'l'l11l'l1I ~1~1lt'l11'1\ Il1c U\yncr. .\rChlll'l\. .II1J
an\ "Iher pt'L" '11 ,>r cntil\' ~tlughl 10 he Ill1l1CJ Col1~el1t It)
arbllratinn IIl\'ohing an ~ldditional per'\ln or entity ,hall nnl
conqitute consent to arhilLlIlelll nf aLl\ claim, dispute nr lHht:r
lll~lItcr in ljUcsllon not tk-cribnJ in Ihe \\THten consent or
\\'ilh a pcr,on e)r cntity nlH Ll,llllctl or de,cribl'li therelll Thc
I()rc~()ing agrcel11ent to ~Irhitralt' and nther agrcclllent' III
arhitratc with an additional pcr,on or entity duh' consented
\( 11'1\ the rUrlie, tn thi, Agrt'<:llll'nt ,hall ht' ~pccllicllh cllf"rcc-
,Ihle- III lk,'or,1;l!lCl' \\ llh ~li'pltl,lhk 1.1\\ 111 ~ll~\ ll'Ur! '\,;\ .11~
iU~j",,-~h.tl; '1' ~~~l.."<'" 1\
7.4 Thl' ,1\\ ,I rei r,'lllkrl'J h\ tilc ,lrbIlLll,.r, ,1' arbltrat, "- <"ill
he f1[~JL Jl1d iudSl11L'IH nl.i~. hl' 1..:IHI.."rl'd Up\ Jl'~ it in .Ie.... ':-'-~.I:-:,--'l>
\\Ilh applic:thk la\\ in an\' court ha\'ill~ juri,diction thereol
8.1 ThiS .\~ret'ment ma\' he terminated b\' either pJrt\' uplln
ntlt 1cs, than ,<:\'('n tbys' wrillen notice ,hnuld the other p:Ifl\'
bit suh,unlulJy to perform in :tccllrdance \\ith the terms nf
Ihi, ,\greemt'nt through nll fault of Ihe parl\' initiating
lhe It'I'l11l1l,lllon,
8.2 If the I'rn\ect j,; ~u'pended Iw the O\ynn ;'tlr III I >re Ih.1Il
,II ctllbl'lUti\c d~I\'s. Ihl' .\rchileC( ,h.ill bc l' I\\Pl'Il',ltnl Itlr
'~'f\-h.l'''; i'l'r(\ Inned pri~)f tl) t1\ )ti("l' ()f ....U\.:l "t:";'l'n-..jl)11 \\"hl'n
Il1l' 1'1', lit'CI !~ r"umn1. Ihl' ,\rchllt'l'{ 'l'l ,mIXli'~ltll '11 -11~11I hl'
njult.lb" ,Idiu,ted t(l l'I',,,'ltk fllr c'\i'L'Il't" 111c'llrrnl III tl1l'
Il1lnruptlt)1l .llld n:,~umptioll of the .\rchitl'cl ' StT\'ICl'S.
8.3 Thi, .\wt:t:ment may be terminated b\' the ()\\,ner upon
nlH ks~ tban sl:\'en tb\-s' written notice to thc ,\rchitect in
the cn'nl Ih;ll tbe Prlljcct i, permanent I\' abandoned If thl'
l'rlljt'ct i, ;lb~lIldoned b\' the Owner for more than l)1l con,
'ecutin' d~I\", the .\rchitt'ct ma\' terminate Ihl' .\~ret'ment hy
~I\'mg \\ J'1ttt'n n()tlCc
8,4 F.ulurc ", thl' ()\\IlCf tu IlUhl' j'.l\ ml'IlI' ;" 11ll' .\rlllltl'c'l
111 acc\)rl1;\I1(<: \\lIh Ihis ,\~rn'ml.nt ,lull hc c',)lbltkrcd 'uh,
-tantul Illll1perll.rn1:\I1ce IlIld CIU,e fllr tlTl1llli.lll\1I1
8.5 Ifthc Ch\'ller Luis ttl nukt' paymel1l \\hen due the ,\rchl-
ICU fur ~el\'ic" and c'\lx'nses, the ,\rchiteCl m~I\'. Upll\1 ~e\'t'n
,\;1\< wrillen nOlice to the Owner. ,u'pelld l)crlorm~l1ltT ell
,n\il't" under thi, .\grt'e111 l'nI I'nk', p~1\ l1lt'nt In lull I'
rl'cel\t'L1 h\ the ,\rchiln'l \\'ithm ~l'\'en dJ\', ,'llht' datt' llf the'
11, >IICC, I he 'U-PClbll III ,Inllt;lke effect \\Ilht nit !'Urlhn III It il'"
111 the l:\'el1l 01 a ,u,pt'n,ion 01 ,er\'ict'-, thl' .\rchilt'ct sh~ill
h~I\T nu Ilahilit\' to the OWller for dC!.I\' or d;lmage clu,ed
the Owner beCluse of such slIspen,ion III ,'Cl\'ict'"
8.6 In the c\'ellt nltermin:llion not the lault {If tht' ,\rchiteCl,
the Architt'ct shall he compen'~lI<:d lur "f\[(e~ pnlormed
prior to termin:lIion, Itlgt'ther with ReimbursJble Expense,
then due and all Termination Expenses as defined in Para-
gr;lph ~-
8.7 Tt'rmination ['\penses art' in additilln to lompl'n,atitln
f,.r Ba,ic and .\dtlitional ~ef\'ices. anti include "'pense, \yhich
,Ire directh ;Ittnbut:lble to ttTminJtion TCfmil1Jlion E'\lxlbe'
.,I1,ill bl' c'lmputl'd;l~.l pl'r,'l'llugt' llfthl,(t>ui ",mpcll'~IlIt'n
f,lr Ba,ll :'>l'f\'ic'l', .\I1d .\ddilllll1.il )Cf\ iL'l" l'~lrneJ to Ihc time
tll It:rmllution, a' 10111 )\\"
.1 Twent\' percent e)I the to[al compcll,allln lor Ba,ic and
Additional St'ryict', earned to datl' II Inm\l1ation l Kcur'
heftlrc ()\ during the predesign. 'Ill' ;In,I"'h, ()\ ,>chl"
nnllC Dt',ign Ph:tSt:s~ or
.2 1,:11 percent III the tllul cumlxn';llltll' I'll B;I.'!l' ~lI1d
.\ddllll lluI ~cryicl's t';Irned to Jatc If Inmll1allOIl 11,'cur'
durlllg the De~lgn De\.t'lupment Pha'l'. tlr
.3 Fi\'e percent of the total ctlmpen'~lliun for 13a,lc and
,\ddllional ~cl\'lCes earned to dale II tnmilulion occurs
durlllg an\"ubsequent ph:tse.
9.1 1 nk...;.... IHlh..r\\-;....\. pr\ I\-ldl'\"!. thl'\:": '~'l1il" ..hJl1 hI.. ;,!,II\
l'rnnl h\ Ih,' I:J\\' t'I tIll' pLICC \\hell' ttll' PI" ,,:,'1 I' !l".;tln!
9.2 'krl11~ 111 (hI' .\ grl'l' 111 l' 11 I ,h.ill h,.., thl ',dl1l' 111l','lli",.:
as thllse 111 the cdililln 01 .\1.\ DIlCUl11cnt .\.2oj,C\I:1. Gell'
AlA DOCUMENT B141/CMa . O\X"ER,,\RUlITEO' AGRED1E"T . CO~qRt 010~ \I.\~AGER-
AD\bER EDIT10:O;' 1992 EDITIO'" AtA' . sl'l'l2' THE A~lER[C\" I"Q1TL'TE OF ARCHITECtS,
1-" "E\X' YORK\\'E"I'E, "\X'. \\',\~HI"GTO~, DL 2111111(,,;202 . WARNING: Unlicensed
phOlocooying violates U.S, copyright laws and will subject the violator to legal prosecution,
l:r:11 Cllndllllll1S ,)1 thc ComraCl fur CIlI1SlrUclion. Cun~lruc'
lion \l;lI1:1~cr,,-\d\'iscr Edilion. currem as of lhe dalc uf
Ih" ,\~rl'Cl11l'1l1,
9.3 CIUSCS Ill' .ICliOI1 hctwl:cn thl: p:lrlics 10 this Agreell1elll
l'lTt:llnll1~ to :In" ur Llllurl." to .lel ,h.1I1 hc decl11ed to h:I\"(.'
.1"Tunt :ll1d thc appliClhk ,,1:IlLIlC' 'It" Iil11lUtlllns shall CIlI11-
111<'lll'C to rUI1 11<>1 I:lter tlun l'llhlT llll' d;ll<: Ill' Suh';lalllial
COllll'kllun t"or ans or f.lilurc.; to :Ill 'll'currin~ prll)r to
Sulbt;ll1li;ll ("Ol11pkllOn, or thc d:llC ,)f 1"~IUI1CC ,)f th<: fil1al
I'n llCll Cl'flifiut<: for 1';I\'Ill<:nt t"or Xl' I)r failur<:s tll ;ll't ,)ccur-
fin:-: ;lftl'f Suh,t.lllti:i1 C'lI:::'kll\ 'I'
9.4 lill' (l\\nlT .Ind ,\rlhll'n \\,11\,' .111 righl" ;lg:III1'1 ,';lch
olher .ll1d :lgainSl lhc Con~truCliun \Lllug<:r. Cuntractors, .lIld
the CI 1I1.;ult:IIlIS. agems :1I1d el11phl\<:<:s of :1Il\" of th<:111 fur
d,ll11ag<:s. hUllln!\' 10 the extem cm'ernll1\" propcn\ insurallce
during cIlIlslruClion, cxcept such fights :IS they n1:l\' tu\"(.' to
t hc prucccds of such insurallce :1> ';L'l funh in thL' edililll1 of
,\1.\ l), lCUI11Clll :\20I.'C\Ll. (~Clln:i1 ("lIldi[itlIlS of Ih<: CUlllran
f,lr CI 111,1 rlll'l II Ill, (:"llstruClI'1I1 \1.IIl;I:-:,-r-\d\ I.;n Edi[i"ll, <"llr.
rl"lll .I,,)f [hl' d.lll' ,,1' Ihl'; ,\:-:;l'l'l11l';;1 Thl' ()\\ Ill'f ;lIld ,\rchlll'l'l
\'.Ilh ,h;1I1 rnlLllrl' '111111.11 \\.Ii\er' Irum Ilwir C"Il'lrllll'tlll
\LtI1;IC:l'f. COIlILl,'lors, l'on'ulullt" ;I;':l'llI';, .ind pl'r" Ill' 'lr l'n-
Illil" '.t\\'ardnl 'l'p;lr:lll' C"n[r:ICl, .lllillil1i,ll'l"nl Ul1dL'r Ih<:
O\\"ncr"s U\\'11 fur"l",
9.5 ThL' O\\nn :lIld ,-\rdlil<:Ct. re'i'l'cti\'l'!\', hllld thcllb<:ln's,
Ihclr 1';lnlll'rs, SLll'Cl"'" )r" .I"I;.:n, .lIld kg:i1 reprC"l'I1l.11i\'l" II I
11ll' olhn 1':1rl\ to Ihi~ ,-\,l.:rn'111 ITI .lIld t'l thc p:lrtl1L'r', ';L1l',
,e,'," ,r" a "1,1.:11 S :ll1d kg:1I rq'rl"c'IlI:11I\l'S uf'udl I llhL'r
part\' \\ith rc'pcL'! IU all CU\L'1l:1I11'. ,tIhl'; ,\grl'l'Il1L'1l1 "L'llhn
0\\ I1cr nor ,\rdlill'CI shall a,sl~n Ihl' ,\grCL'Il1,'1H \\'llhoul thL'
\\TillCn COlb<:nl uf Ihe olhL'r,
9.6 This ,\~rc<:ll1cllt rqxe'L'llIs thL' emirL' and intL'gr:lIL'd :1~rL'<:-
1l1L'1lI hct\\'ecl1 thc Owner :lI1d ,-\rchileCl and supL'rs<:dL''' all
prior negoti:llluns. n:prescllt:lIions ,lr agrCell1<:nls, cllh<:r \\Til-
ten or oral. This ,-\grCell1elH ll1a\" hL' :ll11emkd onl\" h\ \\Tit-
I<:n IIlstrlll11<:llt signed Iw hoth Own<:r :lnd ,-\rchileCl
9.7 "'llhing CIlIlI:lil1ed in this ,-\grL'L'l11ellt shall L'rL':1lL' a CIlIl'
IracllI.i1 rel.lll'lllship \\'llh ,)r .1 Colll'<: llf :Inilln in LII\'r ,11 ;1
third p:lrt\' :Ipinst L'lIhn IhL' O\\nL'r I)r ,\rchitt:cl
9.8 ['nks, (lthen\'isc prm'idcd in rillS ,-\grl'l'menl. IhL' ,\rchi-
I<:Ct and ,-\rchitects con,sull:lllls slull h:I\'<: no respon"il1iJiI I'
fllr the discmen, presence, lundlIllg, r<:mo\";1I or disposal of
"r l'xpllsure Ill' pt:r';llns l<; llazard'lus nutert:lb In :111\ form
.11 the Pro/en Sll<:, IIlcluding hUI not limiled to a,hest,)s,
a,hL'''lllS pmduch, pol\'chl<1rinated I1lphel1\1 (PCB I llr ,Hiler
toxic suh"t:lnces,
9.9 The ,-\rchitect shall h:l\L' the right to include rL'presenta-
tillns of Ihe lksi~n nf the PmiL'Cl, including photo~r:lph" of
the extL'ri,)r :lnd interior. :lIlllHlg thL' ,-\rchiten's pmn1<lti,)I1al
:llld profL'ssioll:i1 m;llcrial, The ,-\rc'hitecl's ll1:1tcrials shallnllt
illclude the 0\\ nn', Lllnf,:,'IlIUI "r pmprietan' il1f'JrIll.ltilln
It lh,' (h\ nn h,l' l'I'L"\lllll'" .Idl ;'c,.: the' ,\r,hill'll Ii: ',\ rlllllg
(d 11ll' 'Ix','it"i, Illf, '1"m.llJ. :', cllll':.:,'rc-d hI lhl' O\\llc':' I,) h"
c' 'l1fidcllli;i1 Ilr pr"priL't:lfI The (i'.\ Ill'f,hall Pl"<)\ idc pr"k"
'itlll,i1,TedH 1,lr thl' ,\rch::l'd tlJ~ :h,' c'llIl'I1"Unioll .;igll alld
ill th<: promotion:ll m:llen;l!s for Ih<: PmjL'CI.
10.1.1 Dirt:ct I'ersnnnd Expense is ddll1L'd J'; the direCl sab-
ril's of thL' :\rchlll'L'!"s pn'olllld L'n~:lgL'd on the Pmjecl and
Ille ponlon 111' the ,', l,SI ,,1' their nund:1I1 )n' :Illd custonun' c< In'
Inl1utions ,JIld Ill'ndits rel.lled theret'l. 'uch JS emplm'll1elll
laxes .lI1d olhL'r st:llutOf\ <:ll1plm'ec ht:ndll' IIlsurJnce, sick
k:l\e, h'llilb\'s, \':IL':1I1l JIl' pt:nsinns :lI1d slml!.lr contnhu!lons
,llld hUll'lll'
10.2.1 Ikimhllfsahk EXI'c'IlSL'S :trL' 111 :Iddlll,)n to compensa-
lion for B:I"'c :lIld ,-\ddlll\lI1al Sen'ices and indude expenses
ilKUrrL'd Iw the ,\rchitecl Jnd Architecl".; L'mployees and con-
SU!t:IllIS in thL' illterest 'If the Project. a" identified in the
fl ,III 'wing I :!:IU,';L'S, FXPl'll.'l' tll 1r.i1,'pllrt;lllllll In CIlIll1L','(lon with the
I'rllll.\'t, l',p,'Il.'l's IIll"<,I1::l'dion \\'llh .IuIIl,)r::c'd ,'uI-llf,t()\\'1l
IU\el: long-disl:lIlcL' L'lll11111Ullll':lIioIlS: .lI1d lee' p:lld for senlr-
Ill" '!J'I'l"<l\':l! \,t"aulhofllle' h:l\ill:-: jur"diCII'lll In the Projl'n ExpL'Il"L' of reproductions, Pllst.lge, L'xpress ddi\'-
erit:", t:kl'lronic ElCsill1ile tr:llblllissions and l1.indlin~ of Draw.
Ill,,', spt:l'ifil';lli( IllS alld ,lllll'r d'll'Ul11l'IlI' If ;Iutlwflznllll .I,h'ancc 11\ thL' 0\\ :1L'r. l'xpL'nsL' 01
I l\crt imt: \\1 )rk rt:quirlllg higher th:11l regllbr ratcs, Expense nf renderlllgs, models and m, ><.:k-ups requL'st-
t:d tw thL' Owner, EXpL'nSl' ,)1' addllllllut insurJnce L'l)\"erJge or Ii milS,
including professiolla] liahiJiI\' insurJnce. requeSled by thc
Owner in ocess of that 11\ )fIllalh' carried 11\ the Architecl and
,-\rchitect"s ~'OI1SUIt:lI1ts Expn1sL' llt l"t'Il1!'tIll'f',lIded de'lgn .Ill,! drJfllng L'qlllp'
m,'nt lime \\hcll u'l'll ::~ \IJIlllenilln With t::L' Prlllell
10.3.1 ,\n initial pa\'mL'lll as SCI 1'1 mh ill Par:lguph II I is the
minimum p:I\'mL'llt undl'f thi- ,\grt:L'll1elll
10.3.2 Suhsequellt p:I\T1cnI.S f'lr 1l:1Sie' "l'f\I\'c' .;h;1I1 he m:llk
l11ollth'" and, \\hlTl' :lp(Jl.lhk. ,11:111 he III i,r. 'pLlrtl'1Il10 ''IT'
\'ilL'S pnforl11ed within each ph:I'l' "f scn'ICe, on tIlL' h:I"'s
,'l't forth in SlIopar:lgraph 1122
10.3.3 If and to the l'XICIl[ tl1at tIll' til11L' illit:.II'" eSlaolisllL'd
in SlIhpara~raph ] I :;,] ,,1' thi" ,\grL'el11ent I' exceeded or
<:xtended thf()lI~h no LIllII llf thL' .-\rchllL'cl. c, ':1lpL'ns:nion for
am' S\'f\'iLT' rL'llckrL'lJ lbrl11g IhL' additlllll:l! perilld of time
,h;lll he l'Ol11plltL'lt in llll' 111:I1111lT ,,'I I, ,~:h ill "lIhp:lr:I'
:-:L1i,11 II, ~
10.3.4 \X'hell COl11jX'Il'.::;, III i,,; h:l,,<:d, 1I1 a pc:emagL' ,)1' ("nil,
'I rUclinll ("II';! ;llld :111\' I'nil JIl' ,,1' I hl' 1'1"' >1\', : :lr,' dekled ,Ir
otl1er\\'ise not constructed, compL'n"alion for Ihose portions
AlA DOCUMENT 8141/CMa . O\\"ER-ARCHITEL, AGREE.\lE:'\T . CO:'\STRl"<..,IO" ,\I.\:'\AGER,
,\D\'ISER EDITIO:'\ . 1')')2 EDITIO:'\ . ,\IA! . ~ 1992. THE A~lERIC\:'\ I:'\STITl,TE OF ARCHITECTS,
1-" "\E\\' YORK ,\\"E"t"E. "\\' \\',\'lIJ"(~TO", D,C 2000h'''""" . WARNING: Unlicensed
"'h,.....t"'l1""("\...."i'"''"' \,;,...,h'e>c- I.l S f'oo':.iah' I?,\,,"C ;!nd will subiect the violator to leqal orosecution.
of the I'rowct shall he pJyable to the extent sen'ices Jre
performed on those portions. in accordJncc with the schedule
set forth in SuhparagrJph 11.2,2, hJsed on (I) the lowest hl1l1J
fide bids or negollJted proposJIs. or (2) if no such bids or
proposals Jre receiyed. the most recent estimate of Construc-
lion COq prepJred hy the Construction :-'1anager for such por-
lions of the Prowct
10.4.1 Payments nn ;lCcount of the _\rchitect's Additional Ser-
\'ices and for Reimhursahle Expen'es shall he made mnnlhh'
upon presenull< ,n "f the ,\rdlltCllOs stltellll'1lt of SenlLL'S
renderl'd ,>r expenses II1curred,
10.5.1 !'io deductions shall be mJde from the Architect's com-
pensation on JCCount of penalty, liquidJted danuges or other
sums withheld from payments to Contractors. or on Jecount
of the COSt of changes in the \Xork other th;Jn those for which
the ,\rchnect has been found to he Iiahle
10.6.1 Records uf Reimhursahle Expell.'c,; ;Jnd exrenses per-
tainll1g to Additional SerYices and sen'lce.; rerformed on the
ha.';is of ;1 multiple nf Direct Persunn<:! Expense Sh:lll he
.1\':IILJhk tu the OWller or the (I\\'ner"s .Il;:h"Tl/nl rqlresen-
UlI\T .Il mlltll:ilh' lonyenient times.
The O\\ncr sh:ill cnmpens.lle !hc\rchitect as fnlluws
11.1 ,\:" I:\lTl:\L 1',\Y\IF'\T lIf Zero [)"lIars IS 0.00
sh:dl he made lIpnn exenJtI< 1I1 \'( this Agreement and credited to the Owner's aCCOllllt at final pa\'ment
11.2.1 FOR B:\SIC SER\"ICES, JS descrihed in Article 2, and am' other senices included in ,\rtick 12 as p.1[( of Basic SerYices,
Basic C'lmpens:nion shJII he cUl1lputed :IS follows Lump sum amount $82,800.00 ,
rinser! /)d.'/.\ iiI (ldJli'l'}f~llltll" 1I111,'td:nl.!. ';,'/flu/.l!t'tI'IOll.\, Hlll/II/'h'_, I,,. j'('rCl'II"l.l.!.t'S ;old Idl'flll/l/'/!tlSt'\ ~" !l /Ill-I> jJort/od.iI' nlt'rll/q," ,,' tl'lIlt<'Il\"/JIIII "/l/d)".
IJ }/('('!'S.\(irl' )
flll:>!'I" addtUfl1llll/Jha:,{'s a.... a/if'n'f1rhllt' J
11.2.2 \X'here cOl1lpens:nion is hJsed on a stipulJted sum or percentage of ConsrruClion Cost. progress p:I\'ments for Basi'("
Services in e:lch phase shJII totJ! the following rercentJgcs of the total Basic Compensation pa\'Jhle:
Sd1el1l:ItIL Ikslgn Ph:lse
Design [)e\'l'Iopment Phase:
Construction Documents PIl:lse
Bidding or ~egntia[ion PhJse
Construction Ph.lse
pern.!lt 115 " I
percent (25 ",,)
percent (30 "" I
percent (5 ",,)
pncent (25 "" I
one hundred percent (111)1'',,)
TotJI Basic Compensation:
11.3.1 FOR PROJECT REPRESE:\T.\TIO~ BEYO~D B,\SIC SER\'ICES, as descrihed in PaTJgrarh :',2, cOlllpen'J!Jon,hall he COIll-
putcd as follO\\'s
Pri nci pa 1 $100.00 per hour
PM $ 75.00 perhour
Tech I $ 55.00 per hour
Tech II $ 45.00 per hour
Tech III $35.00 per hour
AD\"1SER EDlTlO:-; . 1992 EDITIO:\ . .\IA! . [)1992 . THE AMERICA:'< I;-';STlTl TE OF ARCHITECTS,
I-,~~ :-;E\\" YORK AVE;-';l'E :\ \X' \X'\SIlI:\GTO;\l, DC 2n006-~292 . WARNING: Unlicensed
photocoDVina violates U.S, cooyrioht laws and will subject the violator to legal orosecution,
8141fCMa-1992 9
11.3.2 FOR A[)DITIO:\AL SERVICES OF TilE ARCHITECT. as described in Articles:\ and 12. olher lhan (1) .\ddllional Projecl
RepreSenlJliol1, as described in p.JragrJph :\,2, and (2) sen' ices included in Article 12 as part of Basic Sen'ices, bUl excluding
sen'ices l)f c'lI1sultal1ls, compensation shall be computed as fullows;
Ih/\('rtll(l_\I-' I}/ tIl1ll!1en'OluJII, ",dll(""~ rate.'\ {lfltl~)T mult1l,les UJ Dlnxt/:a,.'rSfulIll'I E,pt'IlSt'lw'I'nuU!J{lb; alld el1l/JluYt~'s. (llul u/"Ill'll"/J,.ulu/,afs "lid dassl})
l'm/l/lIlt.!,,- 1/ n'l/llJrt'd Idculllr,pt'd/I( St'ru(('s 10 ubtdl/Jtlrtlf:ular metbodo; u,- c"m/,l'''~allfjll tlf'/JIl: 'I W.'Ct'S.'\O,"-l',)
Principal $100.00 per hour
PM $ 75.00 per hour
Tech I $ 55.00 per hour
Tech II $ 45.00 per hour
Tech III $ 35.00 per hour
11.3.3 H,)j{ .\/)[)ITIO:\.\L '-ER\'ICES OF CO:\SlI.T\:\T'-. including addIlion:t! 'Irudural. nll:chanicll :lI1d ekltri(:t! <:ngineLT'
ing s,'n Il'" .1I1d Ihose pr,)\'ided under '-uhp:Ir:lgraph 5-l.1') or Id,'nlifinl Jf1 ,\nick 12 as pJn of Addilional Senxl''', .1 mulupk
of one point zero five ( 1.05 I limes Ihl' am<lums hilll'd to Ihl'\r(hIlect for "uch Sl'r\'iel'S.
I/llt'11111! ,!il'l1!lt (I/lt',\' ('/tfJlI.'II/Idlil.,' J1I .~,-r/dt' 1_1 :1 r('l/lured)
11.4.1 FOR HEI\IBl'RS,\BLE EXPE:\SES, J' descflhl'l1 In Paragr;lph 1()2, .1Ild In\' Olhcr items includl'd in ,\f1I"1c 12 as ReJJllbur.
sahlc Exp<:nses, a Illlllllple of Zero I -0- ) timl's Ihl' l'xp<:nsl's lIlcurrl'll h\
Ihe ,\rdlil<:c!. thl' Ar(hill'ct's emploYl'es :ll1d conslIlwlll" in the illlerest of the Prolec!.
11.5.1 IF TilE IHSIC SER\'ICES co\'ered 0\' lhis Agreement ha\'e not bel'n complcled within Nineteen
mOnIhs of thl' date hl'rl")f. lhrough no fault of the ,\rchitcc!. l'xlension llf th<: .\rchilect's Sl'f\'iel'S bl'Yllnd
compens.lIl'll ;IS pf<J\'idl'd in SlIhpJragrJphs 105.5 Jnd 1/,52.
I 19 I
Ihal timl' sh:i11 he
11.5.2 P:I\Illl'nIS arc' dul' .lI1d p;l\';lhlc I,Ll\'s fromth" date of Ihe ,\rchitn't'- 111\ < 1I(<: .\m(llll1l-
lInp:JJd (I days :lfler thl' im'oicl' d:itl' slul/ hl'ar inIt'fl''l JI the r;lIe l'nIernl hl'l<l\\. or 111 [he ;lhsence
lhcrl'of :it the kg:i1 raIl' prl'Lliling from timl' to time at the principal plal'l' of hll-lI1l'SS of Ihe .\rl'hill'n.
r!"St"-! "il/{' .-,/ IIIIlTt"'! agreed lI!~"n )
1('.'''1', ,d.'l ' ,JlId 1"t"IJ(fI'l'lJ/t'lIls :t1i,ler the I-i..d('rrt! /'-:I/h III I.t'HIIlJ1,L!..k"JOlil",. ,,(uk d}1l1 I, 't'." llJ}/':OJ.'l.'r \. ruil, 11I/I"' dlld Id/ltT "I':':Ii/,U." ,,:. ,I: {/It' "Ii Ih'r:, lill"
tJ\/l':t." 'IIJ":I/<. ii'li! l'llit t" o{ iJ.'i,,:I:(','S, tht /{}t'i{(II,I.".{ (ht' I'rr'it'd .n;,1 d"u )ltTt' nlti\' "/It'd tIlt' /<,1'1".'1' ,( :/'1" In',,, 1'(1,,, '/It'd!.'t 1\':":'<111/11:', t ./1. 'liI.I ht' "I)/onlnl
l/flll !I ,,"tl.' i', (/t'it'lll'"' ur ni"d,";'ulli""-' dlld .4,' rc.:.!.ordfJl,'.!. rti,r:,n'll~.'tlll""'lh'/l tiS 111'/.'(t'l/ <l1.....t/",..",,' "I' lItI!.' IT.....)
11.5.3 The ratt:" and multiples set fonh fur ,\ddilional Sl'n'icl's shall bl' annllalh :ldjllstl'u in acl'ordJncl' \\nh normal sJlar\'
rl'\'iew practices of the ,\rchilecl.
.\IWJ"ER EDITIO:-; . Il)<)2 EDITIO\; . ,\IA' . .s'1~)<)2 . TIlE .\\IERIC\:-; I:-;QITl'TE OF \RCHITECTS.
,-" ',"\\ Y"R" \\T\;I r ,\\ \\'.\-III,C,TO, DC 2''''lIh.<;2''2. WARNING: Unlicensed
" -"~;~,,,. 61--_ ,,;,.,1..,.,...,.. t,.... 1.0,..,...,' ............~P....'T.;'"'....
(11I:il:rl cft.')'fI"lPI/()l1:> fJl ulbt'r :It.-n',,,:,,:). "1"'III1}y .-141.1/110111/' ,,'n'/t 1'.) Illdll,I.,,, "'J/'III H.4.\h ( '''''J'''#I.~'''fJl/. JIII..I "[\I'U "1f~dIJIt .llIull\ /II '"I'I}''' fill")! ,01.1 11./1//" " '01
(lull /l'r",.\ 1I1C:/IIUI'J II' 1IJ1:i ....fJ.:Tt/...II'I.IlI)
The attached Supple.ental Te~ and Conditions, pages 1 through 8, a.end, supple.ent or clarify these
Acceptance by execution of this doc~nt constitutes an acknowledge.ent that the individual executing
the doc~nt has the capacity to consent to the tenas of this Agree.ent.
Danny L. Kolhage, Clerk
By' LteL~.~d~
Date: fV\1JJJ 5, ( 1 q 3
~ I
This Agrcemclll elllcrcd illlo :IS of [he thy :lnd Yc:lr firs! \\THlell .Jlllll't'.
()WNElt Monroe County Board of County Comm; S5; oners
V-. ~ ce.Jl
(.""J.:1I1'/url') ........
(1"~';III1~~",,)~Dr frv T~
ssociates, AlA, PA
-l~. r)l)JVCIP(Jl/
CAUTION: You should sign an original AlA document which has this caution printed in red,
An original assures that changes will not be obscured as may occur when documents are reproduced.
See Instruction Sheet for Limited License for Reproduction of this document.
A()\'ISElI EDITION' 1')')2 EUITION . AlA" . 101')').1 . TilE AMEKltAN INSTITt:TE Of AHU UTI'C1",
I-,~~ NE\\' YOKK A\'I'Nl'l'. N\Ii;', \\'^SIIINGTON, Dt 2IHJOh-'i21).!' WARNING: Unlicensed
photocopying violates U,S. copyright laws and will subject tt>e violator 10 legal prosecution.
8141/CMa-1992 11
1. Paragraph 1.1.2 - delete reference to AIA Document B80l/CMa and insert: "AIA Document
B801-1980, Standard Form of Agreement between Owner and Construction Manager as
amended and executed by the Owner."
2. Paragraph 2.2.3 - delete in its entirety and insert: "During this and subsequent phases of design,
the Architect shall review with the Owner and Construction Manager alternative approaches to
the design and construction of the project and shall incorporate changes requested by the
Owner at no additional cost to the Owner."
3. Paragraph 2.2.7 - add to the end of the paragraph: "One meeting, at the Owner's offices in Key
West, will be attended by the Architect to review these documents.
4. Add Paragraph 2.2.8 - "In this phase and subsequent phases of design, the Architect shall
interface and coordinate the design with the local public utilities to provide complete
construction documents meeting the requirements of the utility companies."
5. Add Paragraph 2.2.9 - "The Owner's review of any documents prepared by the Architect or its
consultants in this phase and subsequent phases of design shall be solely for the purpose of
determining whether such documents are generally consistent with the Owner's construction
program and intent. No review of such documents shall relieve the Architect of its
responsibility for the accuracy, adequacy, fitness, suitability and coordination of its work
product. "
6. Add Paragraph 2.2.10 - "In this phase and subsequent phases of design, the Architect shall
submit to the Construction Manager, for the Owner's review, not less than four (4) complete
sets of documents."
7. Paragraph 2.3.1 - delete the remainder of the sentence after "character of the Project" in this
paragraph and insert "as to architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, civil and
landscape architecture, materials and such other elements as may be appropriate."
8. Paragraph 2.3.3 - add to the end of the paragraph: "One meeting, at the Owner's offices in Key
west, will be attended by the Architect to review these documents.
9. Paragraph 2.4.1 - add to the end of the sentence; "including compliance with all applicable
Federal, State and local government regulations and laws. The Architect shall incorporate those
publicly announced federal, state and local laws, regulations, codes and standards that are or
will become applicable during the time the Architect rendered his or her services. In the event
of a change in these laws and regulations, during this phase and subsequent phases of the Work,
of which the Architect becomes aware of and which the Architect believes affects this Work, the
Architect shall inform the Owner of the change and its impact on work already done or to be
done, fees and costs involved, and scheduling. If in the Architect's professional opinion the
Contract FF-101
Page 1 of 8
impact is such to significantly affect the Architect's fee, costs or anticipated completion date, a
changed condition will exist and shall be dealt with accordingly."
10. Paragraph 2.4.2 - add to the end of the paragraph: "For this Project, a submittal at 65%
completion of the Construction Documents will be prepared by the Architect and submitted to
the Owner. One meeting between the Architect and Owner will be scheduled at this phase of
the work."
11. Paragraph 2.4.3 - add to the end of the paragraph: "One meeting, at the Owner's offices in Key
west, will be attended by the Architect to review these documents. .
12. Paragraph 2.4.4 - delete the last sentence and insert ''The Architect, with the assistance of the
Construction Manager, shall respond to questions from Bidders and others. Responses to these
questions shall be provided to the Construction Manager within three (3) working days of the
Architect's receipt of these questions. The Construction Manager will issue the appropriate
13. Paragraph 2.4.5 - delete in its entirety and insert: ''The Architect is responsible for the
coordination and filing of all documents and permits required for the approval of the local, state
and federal governments, with the exception of the building permit. The Architect is
responsible for providing all documentation required to obtain a building permit. The Owner
will be responsible for all filing fees."
14. Add Paragraph 2.5.2 - "The Architect shall provide to the Construction Manager for bidding and
construction phases, complete packages of specifications and drawings as requested by the
Construction Manager, but in an amount not to exceed a total of 30 complete sets."
15. Paragraph 2.6.2 - delete in its entirety and insert: "The Architect shall provide administration of
the Contract for construction in cooperation with the Construction Manager as set forth below
and in the edition of AlA Document A20l/CMa, General Conditions of the Contract for
Construction, Construction Manager-Advisor Edition, as amended by the Owner."
16. Paragraph 2.6.4 - add the following sentence to the end of the paragraph: ''The representatives
of the Architect assigned to the Project shall be subject to the approval of the Owner and shall
not be changed without the approval of the Owner."
17. Paragraph 2.6.5 - delete the first sentence and insert: ''The Architect shall visit the site at
intervals of once every two weeks to become generally familiar with the progress and quality of
the Work completed and to determine in general if the Work is being performed in a manner
indicating that the Work when completed will be in accordance with the Contract Documents,"
In the last sentence, delete "endeavor to".
18. Paragraph - in the first sentence, delete "the best of'.
19. Paragraph - delete in its entirety.
Contract FF-I01
Page 2 of 8
20. Paragraph 2.6.11 - delete the remainder of the first sentence after "Product Data and Samples".
Delete the second sentence and insert: "The Architect's action shall be taken with such
reasonable promptness as to cause no delay in the Contractors' Work in construction by the
Owner's own forces, while allowing sufficient time in the Architect's professional judgement to
permit adequate review, but in no case shall this review exceed fifteen (15) calendar days after
receipt thereof." Delete the remainder of the third sentence after "approval of safety
21. Paragraph 2.6.14 - delete the remainder of the paragraph after the first sentence and insert:
"The Architect shall forward to the Owner, through the Construction Manager, warranties and
similar submittals required by the Contract Documents which have been received from the
Construction Manager. The Construction Manager shall issue to the Architect for approval a
final certificate( s) for payment upon compliance of the requirements with the Contract
22. Paragraph 2.6.15 - delete in its entirety and insert: "The Architect, in consultation with the
Construction Manager, shall interpret and decide matters concerning performance of the Owner
and Contractor under the technical requirements of the Contract Documents on written request
of either the Owner, Construction Manager or Contractor. The Architect's response to such
request shall be made with reasonable promptness but shall not exceed seven (7) calendar
23. Paragraph 2.6.16 - delete the last sentence and insert: "When making such interpretations and
initial decisions, the Architect shall endeavor to secure faithful performance by the Owner,
Architect and Contractor, and shall not show partiality to any party."
24. Paragraph 2.6.18 - delete in its entirety and insert: "After consultation with the Construction
Manager, the Architect shall render written decisions within fifteen calendar days on all claims,
disputes or other matters in question between the Owner and Contractors relating to the
execution or progress of the Work as provided in the Contract Documents."
25. Subparagraph 2.6.19 - delete in its entirety and insert: ''The Owner's decision shall be final on
any claims, disputes, or other matters, including those in question between the Owner and the
Contractor(s), after consultation with the Architect and Construction Manager."
26. Add Paragraph 2.6.20 - "All written communications to the Contractors shall be forwarded
through the Construction Manager."
27. Add Paragraph 2.6.21 - "The Architect shall prepare a set of reproducible record drawings
showing all changes in the Work made during construction based on marked-up prints, drawings
and other data furnished by the Contractors."
28. Paragraph 3.1.1 - delete after the first sentence and insert: "The services described in this
Article 3 shall only be provided if authorized or confirmed in writing by the Owner. If the
Architect determines that additional services described in this Article 3 may be required, the
Contract FF-101
Page 3 of 8
Architect shall promptly notify the Owner of the nature, extent and the cost of such services."
29. Paragraph 3.2.3 - delete "endeavor to".
30. Paragraph - delete in its entirety and insert: "required by the enactment or revision of
codes, laws, or regulations subsequent to the affixing of signatures to this agreement by the
parties, except where the revision of such codes, laws, or regulations was announced or
published prior to the affixing of the signatures."
31. Paragraph 3.3.8 - add the following sentence to the end of the paragraph: "No additional
compensation shall be required when the public hearing, arbitration proceeding or legal
proceeding is a third party claim against the Owner based on an alleged negligent or wrongful
act or omission of the Architect."
32. Paragraph 3.4.4 - In the second line after "submissions" insert "not normally".
33. Paragraph 3.4.16 - delete in its entirety.
34. Paragraph 3.4.19 - delete in its entirety and insert: "Providing services of consultants for other
than architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, civil and landscape engineering
portions of the Project provided as a part of Basic Services."
35. Paragraph 3.4.20 - delete in its entirety.
36. Paragraph 4.3 - delete in its entirety.
37. Paragraph 4.4 - delete in its entirety and insert: 'The Owner's designated representative
authorized to act on the Owner's behalf with respect to the Project is the Monroe County Board
of County Commissioners, which meets to consider agenda items scheduled two weeks in
advance, approximately every three (3) weeks. The Owner or such authorized representative
shall render decisions in a timely manner pertaining to documents submitted by the Architect in
order to avoid unreasonable delay in the orderly and sequential progress of the Architect's
38. Paragraph 4.5 - delete reference to AlA Document B80l/CMa and insert: "AlA Document
B801-1980, Standard Form of Agreement between Owner and Construction Manager as
amended and executed by the Owner."
39. Article 5.1.3 - delete in its entirety and insert: "Construction Cost does not include the
compensation of the Architect and Architect's consultants, the Construction Manager and
Construction Manager's consultants, the costs of the land, rights-of-way-, financing or other costs
which are the responsibility of the Owner as provided in Article 4 of this Agreement."
40. Paragraph 6.1 - delete in its entirety and insert: 'The Owner reserves the right to utilize the
design at other locations determined by the Owner. If used in a location other than the site
Contract FF-101
Page 4 of 8
specifically designed for in this agreement the Architect's obligations and liabilities for the
Contract Site will not carry to subsequent sites."
41. Paragraph 6.2 - delete in its entirety.
42. Article 7 - delete in its entirety and insert: "Article 7 - Claims and Disputes.
7.1 Should any claims be asserted against the Owner by virtue of any deficiency or ambiguity in
the plans and specifications provided by the Architect, the Architect agrees and warrants that he
shall hold the Owner harmless and shall indemnify him from all losses occurring thereby and
shall further defend any claim or action on the Owner's behalf."
43. Paragraph 8.7 - delete in its entirety and insert: "Termination expenses shall be limited to
bonafide costs directly attributable to termination. A mark-up of 15% shall be added to
documented termination costs to cover all overhead and profit. The Owner shall have sole
discretion in determination of allowable termination costs."
44. Paragraph 9.1 - delete in its entirety and insert: "This agreement shall be governed by the laws
of the State of Florida. Venue for any action arising under this agreement shall be in Monroe
County, Florida."
45. Paragraph 9.2 - delete "...current as of the date of this Agreement." and insert "as amended by
the Owner."
46. Paragraph 9.3 - delete in its entirety.
47. Paragraph 9.4 - delete "...current as of the date of this Agreement." and insert "as amended by
the Owner."
48. Paragraph 9.6 - after "This Agreement" in the first sentence insert ", which includes the attached
Supplemental Terms and Conditions,".
49. Add Paragraph 9.10 - "Insurance." and the following subparagraphs:
"9.10.1 Following award, but prior to execution of the contract, the Architect shall provide
satisfactory evidence to the Owner, that the Architect, at their own expense, has obtained the
limits of insurance specified under this paragraph. The insurance form included in this section
is to be executed, unmodified, and submitted as the certificate of insurance. The Architect will
also ensure that all consultants and subconsultants in any tier have obtained the same insurance
as specified.
9.10.2 Delays in the commencement of work resulting from the failure of the Architect to
provide satisfactory evidence of the required insurance shall not extend deadlines specified in
this contract and penalties and failure to perform assessments shall be imposed as if the work
commenced on the specified date and time.
Contract FF-101
Page 5 of 8
9.10.3 The Architect, and all consultants shall maintain the required insurance throughout the
entire term of this contract and any extensions specified. If any coverages are required to
remain in force after final payment, a certificate evidencing continuation of such coverage shall
be submitted along with the application for final payment. Failure to comply with this provision
may result in the immediate suspension of all work until the required insurance has been
reinstated or replaced. Delays in the completion of work resulting from the failure of the
Architect to maintain the required insurance shall not extend deadlines specified in this contract
and any penalties and failure to perform assessments shall be imposed as if the work had not
been suspended.
9.10.4 The acceptance and/or approval of the Architect's insurance shall not be construed as
relieving the Architect from any liability or obligation assumed under this contract or imposed
by law.
9.10.5 Indemnification and Hold Harmless
The Architect covenants and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Monroe County, Monroe
County Board of County Commissioners, and Morrison-Knudsen/Gerrits from any and all claims
for bodily injury (including death), personal injury, and property damage (including property
owned by Monroe County and Morrison-Knudsen/Gerrits) and any other losses, damages, and
expenses (including attorney's fees) which arise out of, in connection with, or by reason of
services provided by the Architect or any of its consultants or consultants in any tier, occasioned
by the negligence or other wrongful act or omission of the Architect or its consultants in any
tier, their employees, or agents.
The first ten dollars ($10.00) of remuneration paid to the Architect is for the indemnification
provided for the above.
The extent of liability is in no way limited to, reduced, or lessened by the insurance
requirements contained elsewhere within this agreement.
9.10.6 Workers' Compensation. The Architect shall obtain Workers' Compensation Insurance
with limits sufficient to respond to the applicable state's statutes.
In addition, the Architect shall obtain Employers/ Liability Insurance with limits of not less than:
$ 100,000 Bodily Injury by Accident
$ 500,000 Bodily Injury by Disease, each employee
$ 100,000 Bodily Injury by Disease, policy limits
Coverage shall be provided by a company or companies authorized to transact business in the
State of Florida and the company or companies must maintain a minimum rating of A-VI, as
assigned by the A.M. Best Company.
Contract FF-IOl
Page 6 of 8
If the Architect has been approved by the Florida's Department of Labor, as an authorized self-
insurer, the County shall recognize and honor the Architect's status. The Architect shall be
required to submit a Letter of Authorization issued by the Department of Labor and a
Certificate of Insurance, providing details on the Architect's Excess Insurance Program.
If the Architect participates in a self-insurance fund, a Certificate of Insurance will be required.
In addition, the Architect will be required to submit updated financial statements from the fund
upon request by the County.
9.10.7 General Liability. The Architect shall obtain General Liability Insurance with the
following minimum coverages:
a. Premises Operations
b. Products and Completed Operations
c. Blanket Contractual Liability
d. Personal Injury Liability
e. Expanded Definition of Property Damage
f. Medical Payments
The minimum limits acceptable shall be:
$ 500,000 Combined Single Limit (CSL)
$ 5,000 Medical Payments
If split limits are provided, the minimum limits acceptable shall be:
$ 250,000 per Person
$ 500,000 per Occurrence
$ 50,000 Property Damage
$ 5,000 Medical Payments
An Occurrence Form policy is preferred. If coverage is provided on a Claims Made Policy, its
provisions should include coverage for claims filed on or after the effective date of this contract.
In addition, the period for which claims may be reported should extend for a minimum of
twelve (12) months following the acceptance of the Work by the County.
9.10.8 Vehicle Liability. The Architect shall obtain Vehicle Liability Insurance with following
minimum coverages:
a. Owned, Non-Owned, and Hired Vehicles
b. Medical Payments
The minimum limits acceptable shall be:
$ 100,000 Combined Single Limit (CSL)
$ 5,000 Medical Payments
Contract FF-101
Page 7 of 8
If split limits are provided, the minimum limits acceptable shall be:
$ 50,000 per Person
$ 100,000 per Occurrence
$ 25,000 Property Damage
$ 5,000 Medical Payments
9.10.9 Architect's Errors & Omissions Insurance. Recognizing that the Work governed by this
Agreement involves the furnishing of architectural services, the Architect shall purchase and
maintain, throughout the life of the contract, Architects Errors and Omissions Liability
Insurance which will respond to damages resulting from any claim arising out of the
performance of professional services or any error or omission of the Architect arising out of the
Work governed by this contract.
The minimum limits of liability shall be:
$ 500,000 per occurrence"
50. Paragraph 10.2 - delete in its entirety.
51. Paragraph 10.4 - revise to read: "PAYMENTS ON ACCOUNT OF ADDITIONAL
52. Paragraph 10.4.1 - delete - "...and for Reimbursable Expenses".
53. Add Paragraph 10.5.2 - ''The Architect shall pay, to each of his consultants, not later than the
end of the calendar month in which each payment is made to the Architect, the representative
amount allowed the consultant on account of the services performed by his consultant's interest
therein. The Architect shall, by an appropriate agreement with each consultant, also require
each consultant to make payments to his subconsultants in a similar manner. The Owner may
withhold payments due to the Architect upon proper notice of nonpayment from consultants or
subconsultants until such time as the nonpayment notice is resolved to the satisfaction of the
54. Paragraph 11.5.2 - delete in its entirety.
55. Paragraph 11.5.3 - delete in its entirety.
56. Add Paragraph 11.6 - "In accordance with Paragraph 11.2.2, progress payments for Basic
Services in each phase shall be submitted monthly to the Construction Manager for review and
the Construction Manager shall forward these applications for payment to the Owner for
approval and payment. The Architect shall provide documentation as requested by the Owner
and Construction Manager to substantiate the requested percentages of the total Basic
Compensation payable for each phase."
Contract FF-101
Page 8 of 8