County of Monroe
Growth Management Division
2798 Overseas Highway
Suite 400
Marathon, Florida 33050
Voice: (305) 289-2500
FAX: (305) 289-2536
Board of County Commissioners
Mayor Jack London, Dist. 2
Mayor Pro Tern Wilhelmina Harvey, Dist. I
Commissioner Shirley Freeman, Dist. 3
Commissioner Keith Douglass, Dist. 4
Commissioner Mary Kay Reich. Dist. 5
October 13, , 1998
Ms. Carol Forthman, Director
Division of Resource Planning and Management
Florida Department of Community Affairs
2555 Shumard Oak Blvd.
Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100
RE: Development Agreement for Coral Coast Subdivision
Dear Ms. Forthman:
At the August 12, 1998 Board of County Commissioners' meeting, the Board granted approval and
authorized execution of a Development Agreement for Coral Coast Subdivision between Lamar Louise
Curry and Monroe County. A copy of this agreement is attached for your review, in accordance with
Chapter 163.3239, Florida Statutes.
Thank you for your assistance. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call.
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Robert L. Herman, Director
Growth Management Division
cc: James L. Roberts, County Administrator (w/o enclosure)
James T. Hendrick, County Attorney (w/o enclosure)
Tip:K5thy J. McGarry, Director of Planning
~lle DeSantis, Deputy Clerk (w/o enclosure)
Lamar Louise Curry, as trustee
James S. Mattson, Esq.