100 barren hill road .conshohocken pa u.s.a'19428
(215) 825-2200'cable: cardInal
r'IC.Y 28, 1986
Brewer Company
9800 N.W. 106 Street
Miami, Florida 33178
Attention: Mr. Walter Brewer, Jr.
Dear Mr. Brewer
The information you requested regarding our extras for the
work performed at Marathon Airport are included in our letter
of May 12 as well as our Invoice Number 53227 dated January 15
and stamped "received" in your office on January 21.
How you can claim, some five months later, that you were not
aware of our extra charges, is difficult to comprehend.
Enclosed is a photo copy of the first page of the subcontract
agreement wherein we have crossed off Clause 1 which addresses
our contract becoming part of your contract with the owner.
As you know this would have been impossible since we have
never actually seen your contract with Broward County Airport
The real problem in this matter is your withholding of the
money received for grooving for a period of five months
contrary to the enclosed photo copy of page two of the
contract you mailed to us and which we modified prior to
returning to you.
In accordance with our terms, we have enclosed an invoice in
the amount of $3157.88 which represents finance charges for
the period from the invoice due date to the date your check in
partial paYment was received. Finance charges will continue
to accrue on the remaining unpaid balance of $12631.30 in
addition to the unpaid finance charges.
Mr. Walter Brewer, Jr.
May 29, 1986
Page -2-
You indicated you are not in agreement with our measurement of
the gDooved runway of 5,0171 long by 1001 wide, making a total
of 501,700 square feet. Perhaps this should be re-measured.
Inter ional Grooving and Grinding Division
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Edward A./Zu3l~lo
cc: Mr. A. R. Skelly, Airport Manager
Monroe County Board of Commissioners ~
Kemper Insurance Group
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