Resolution 133-2010 RESOLUTION # 133 -2010 A RESOLUTION OF THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUPPORTING THE REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCILS OF SOUTHEAST FLORIDA IN PREP ARING A COMPREHENSIVE JOINT APPLICATION UNDER THE FEDERAL SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES INITIATIVE AND EST ABLISIDNG A WORKING P ARTNERSIDP WITH LOCAL GOVERNMENTS, APPROPRIATE WATER RESOURCE, ENVIRONMENTAL, HUMAN SERVICES, HOUSING, AND TRANSPORTATION AGENCIES, NONPROFITS, ACADEMIA, AND PRIVATE SECTOR ORGANIZATIONS. WHEREAS, on June 16, 2009, the u.s. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the U.s. Department of Transportation (DOT), and the U.s. Environmental Protection Agency (EP A) announced a new partnership to regionally coordinate federal housing, environmental protection, and transportation planning and investment; and WHEREAS, this new partnership is looking to multidisciplinary regional councils of government to identify and coordinate regional strategies that: . Provide a regional vision or plan for sustainable growth; . Integrate water infrastructure, environmental, transportation, housing, and land use planning and investment; . Address energy efficiency; . Address the impacts of climate change through the development of mitigation and adaptation strategies; . Promote environmental protection and restoration; . Foster compatibility of sustainable built systems with restoration of the Florida Everglades; . Promote the creation of equitable, sustainable communities; . Promote social equity and access to opportunity; . Redevelop underutilized sites; . Leverage federal investment in existing communities; . Promote equitable affordable housing; . Increase economic competitiveness; and . Promote multi-modal transportation and healthy, safe and walkable neighborhoods - rural, urban or suburban; WHEREAS, there is a clear understanding that the Sustainable Communities Planning Grants Program is designed to support the development of a comprehensive regional plan or vision identifying critical projects and infrastructure to improve the Region's sustainabiIity and to be used as a guide by federal funding agencies to prioritize and focus future federal investment; and WHEREAS, any application for funding under the Sustainable Communities Planning Grants Program should be prepared in consultation with the appropriate water resource, environmental, human service, housing, and transportation agencies, local governments, nonprofits, academia, and private sector organizations; and should include a formalized agreement among these entities to work cooperatively on the application and funded project; and WHEREAS, the regional planning councils of Southeast Florida should commit the resources necessary within the limits of their budgets and work programs to prepare and submit a successful joint application under the Sustainable Communities Planning Grants Program; BE IT RESOL YED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA that: the MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS supports the South Florida and Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council in preparing a comprehensive joint application for the Sustainable Communities Planning Grants Program, and the establishment of a working partnership agreement with appropriate water resource, environmental, human services, housing, and transportation agencies, local governments, nonprofits, academia, and private sector organizations to collaborate on the application and the funded project. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 19th day of May 2010. Mayor Murphy Mayor Pro Carruthers Commissioner Wigington Commissioner Neugent Commissioner DiGennaro Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes --"-=--- ~/~' cA) c~ /~~o e=Jji1~' ~~> i C~I'~ 18 \2f1l . Y"'.\ Itd ~~ . ><.', '.. ;P"""3 f!,') Jl~mY L. Kolhage, Clerk CO? ""'.~ ~' ' " ~..' .'..-"/ (' ~tI' /.. ~ Deputy Clerk' ' n_ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA p~ ~;u,v" ~ Mayor Sylvia Murphy () ~__ :;~1 ~-" ~ - , /..J (-~;. ":J't: ..';:":' ~:? .:".,~= :~:...:.;p ::-1- . C1 r- rn CJ r-..:>> ." <::::) - r <::::) E rr1 0 r- ." N 0 0"\ :;:l:J :z:,. :::.0 :x rr1 - ("') - 0 .. N ::0 (.,;.) 0 .~