08/04/1987 CONTRACT /7 THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this -Y.tltt day of 170':"0'57' ,19~-, A.D., by and between Monroe County, Florida, party of the first part (hereinafter sanetimes called the "CMner"), and f? fi-E ~~7""VCPt'J,) ~ , party of the secorx'i part (hereinafter sanetimes called the "Contractor"). WI'INESSETH: That the parties hereto, for the consideration hereinafter set forth, llUltually agree as follows: 1.01 SCOPE OF THE WORK A. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, equipnent, machinery, tools, apparatus, and transportation arx'i perfonn all of the following work as indicated on Drawing A arx'i in accordance with the specifications of Section 1000. / Trenching of approximately 1400 feet including layout and supervision as a part of the lighting iIrprovem:mts for the baseball fields, Harry Harris Park, Monroe County, Florida. 1.02 THE CCNl'RACI' SUM A. The CMner shall pay to the Contractor for the faithful perfonnance of the Contract, in lawful IIDney of the United States, and subject to addition arx'i deductions as provided in the Contract Docunents, as follows: B. Based upon the price shown in the Proposal heretofore stil:mi tted to the CMner by the Contractor, a copy said Proposal being a ~rt of these ~tract Documen~ the aggregate anount of this Con"=cf~ct l.S the sun of/-I"M./J ~JS"IJ?> ~fJ. ;/oJ)Y~~ dollars ($ 9'~. -). 1.03 CONI'RACIOR' S EXAMINATICliI OF EXISTING CONDITIONS A. The Contractor hereby agrees that he has carefully examined the surface of the site and has made sufficient test holes, or other subsurface investigations to fully satisfy himself that such site is a correct and suitable one for this work and he assumes full responsibility therefore. B. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for maintaining in gocd condition all cultivated grass plots, trees and shrubs outside of the County right-of-way. Where maintained shrubbery, grass strips or arl3a wi thin the right-of-way must be raroved or destroyed incident to the construction operation, the Contractor need not, after canpletion of ~ work, replace or restore to the original condition all destroyed or damaged shrubbery or grass areas. He llUlSt, however, leave the area in a clean arx'i workmanship condition. Tree limbs which interfere with equipnent operation and are approved for pruning shall be neatly trimmed arx'i the tree cut coated with a tree paint. 1.04 UTILITY LOCATIOO A. '!he Contractor shall be responsible for and make good all damage to all buildings, telephone or other cables , water pipes, sanitary pipes, or other sturctures, etc. which resulted fran the Construction operation. B. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to detennine the location, character and depth of any existing utilities. He shall assist the utility carpanies, by every means possible to detennine said locations. Extreme caution shall be exercised to eliminate any pcssibility of any damage to utilities resulting fran his activities. C. '!he Contractor shall canply with Florida Statute 553.851 regarding notification of existing gas and oil pipeline carpany owners and shall also notify "UNCLE" at 1 (800) -432-4770 prior to work. Evidence of such notice shall be furnished to the County prior to digging. :rbtice shall also be given to the FKAA and the Florida Keys Electric Co-Op, Southern Bell Telephone Carpany as well as American Telephone and Telegraph. 1.05 CONTRAC'IOR' S RESPONSIBILITY A. '!he Contractor shall be soley and wholly responsible for delivering the canpleted work in a good and workmanlike condition and for the good condition of the work and materials until final acceptance and his formal release fran his obligations. He shall bear all losses resulting in account of the weather, fire, the elements, or other causes of every kind of nature. B. '!he Contractor and/or Vendor shall indemnify, defend and hold hannless the County of Ivbnroe and its agents and arployees fran all suits and actions, including attorneys' fees and all costs of litigation and judgernents of every name and description brought against the County directly or indirectly connected with the perfonnance or no:nperfonnance of the services or products provided, including the perfonnance of or failure to perfonn any other activity related to such services or products, regardless of whether such injury or damage is caused in party by a party indE!IlIlified hereunder. 1.106 ca.JTRACTOR' S INSURANCE 1. '!he Contractor shall obtain the following insurance and subnit proof of such insurance prior to the ccmnencement of work: A. WORKERS' COMPENSATIOO: Coverage to apply for all employees for Statutory Limits in conpliance with the applicable state and federal laws. '!he policy IIUlst include Employers' Liability with a limit of $100,000 each accident. B. CDMPREHENSIVE GENERAL LIABILITY: Shall have minimum limits of $300,000 Per Occurrence Canbined Single Limit for Bodily Injury Liability and Property Damage Liabili ty . This shall include premises and/or Operations, Independent Contractors and Products and/or Canpleted Operations, and a Contractual Liability Endorsement. C. BUISNESS AUIO POLICY: Shall have minimlIn limits of $300,000 Per Occurrence canbined Single Limit for Bodily Injury Liability and Property Damage Liability. This shall include, CMned Vehicles, Hired and Non CMned Vehicles, and Ell'ployee Non-<Mnership. D. CERTIFlCA'IE OF INSURANCE: The County of Monroe is to be specifically included as an additional insured. In the event the insurance coverage expires prior to the corrpletion of the project, a renewal certificate shall be issued thirty days prior to said expiration date. The policy shall provide a 30 day notification clause in the event of cancellation or modification to the policy. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to insure that all subcontractors comply with the same insurance requirements spelled out above. All certificates of insurance must be on file with and approved by the County's Office of Risk Management before the carrmencement of any work acti vi ties. 1.07 GUARANTEE A. All materials shall be guaranteed to confo:rm with the specifications. Materials defective or not in accordance with the specifications shall be replaced in the system free of cost to the Owner and for a pericx:1 of one year after final acceptance of the canpleted system, shall be fully guaranteed. B. In the event that a repetition of anyone material defect occurs, indicating the probability of repeated failures which can be tr.aced to faulty manufacture, manufacturer's design of material or item, or contractor's rnethcx:1 of installation, the Contractor shall not continue to replace with the same material, part or rnethcx:1, but shall take steps to rerredy the fault through replacement of all such defective material or revise canpletely the rnethcx:1 of installation. C. Manufacturer's guarantees which extend beyond the guarantee pe:ricx1 specified shall be transferred to the Owner before request for final payment. D. Certification must be provided stating that all materials and equipnent used on the project are new. 1.08 PARI'IAL AND FINAL PAYMENTS A. In accordance with the provisions fully set forth the Owner shall pay the Contractor as follows: 1. Within 30 days after receipt of the Contractor's request for partial payment by the Owner, the Owner shall make partial payments to the Contractor, on the basis of the estimate of work as approved by the OWner I s Engineer, for work perfonned during the preceding calendar Ironth, less ten percent (10%) of the arrount of such estimate which is to be retained by the OWner until all work has been perfonned strictly in accordance with this Agreement and until such work has been accepted by the OWner. 2. Upon subnission by the Contractor of evident satisfactory to the OWner that all payrolls, material bills and other costs incurred by the Contractor in connection with the construction of the work have been paid in full, and also, after all guarantees that may be required in the specifications have been furnished and are found acceptable by the OWner, final payment on account of this Agreement shall be made wi thin sixty (60) days after cc:trpletion by the Contractor of all work covered by this Agreement and acceptance of such work by the OWner. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the day and date first above written in three (3) counterparts, each of which shall, without proof or accounting for the other counterparts, be deemed an original Contract MJNROE COUNTY. FLORIDA party of the First Part ~ Signed, Sealed and Witnessed presence of: ** rn:eM~F ~~~ ~d"<.~L .~ C & E Construction Co. Party of the Second Part Title APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY. %..1- %o~- Attorney's Office ----- Attest. ./~ ~~......- '" _11I1OI11f. III ..._ ---..... (Seal) BY (*) In the event that the Contractor is a Corporation, there shall be attached to each counterpart a certified copy of a resolution of the Board of Directors of the Corporation, authorizing the officer who signs the Contract to do so in its behalf. (**) 'IWo witnesses are required when Contractor is sole CMIlership or partnership. LON WORTH CROW INSURANCE AGENCY P. O. Box 141916 Coral Gables, Florida 33114-1916 INSURED BOC BUILDERS, INC. DBA C & E CONSTRUCTION CO. P. O. Box 6 Tavernier, Florida 33070 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND. EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. '---___.. _______0__. I I I COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE L------_________________________ i f~_f4~~NY A ASSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA 1-------------.--- ...-_.___________n_ ! COMPANY B i LETTE R r------.-.--~- ------------.-.----------- i COMPANY C : LETTER 1-----.---.--- i COMPANY D i LETTER i COMPANY E i LETTER THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY I~EQUIREMENT. TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERT,"N. THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS. EXCLUSIONS, AND CONDI. TlONS OF SUCH POLICIES;. TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER GENERAL LIABILITY COMPREHENSIVE FORM PREMISES/OPERATIONS UNDERGROUND EXPLOSION & COLLAPSE HAZARD X PRODUCTS/COMPLETED OPERATIONS X CONTRACTUAL X INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS X BROAD FORM PROPERTY DAMAGE X PERSONAL INJURY PA 87824116 AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ANY AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS iPRIV PfSS) ALL OWNED AUTOS (OTHER THAN. ) PRI\' PASS HIRED AUTOS NON-OWNED AUTOS GARAGE LIABILITY WAA80692890 I i I EXCESS LIABILITY '=i UMBRELLA FORM I OTHER THAN UMBRELLA F?~-t-- WORKERS' COMPENS/ITION I AND TC8 22396550 EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY tl OTHER_ DESCRIPTION OF OPERA TIONS/LOCA TIONSNEHICLES/SPECIAL ITEMS General Contractor - MONROE COUNTY Department of Public Works P. O. Box 1029 Key West, Fla. Attn: - . -r POI_'CY ,fffCTIVE I POLICY EXPIRATION ~A~~~M/DDIYY) -J- DATE IMM/DDNY\ I i 5/6/87 I 5/6/88 i I .----+----..-- ------...--+ 5/6/87 5/6/88 LIABILITY LIMITS IN THOUSANDS EACH AGGREGATE OCCURRENCE BODIL Y INJURY $ $ PROPERTY DAMAGE $ $ I BI & PO $300 $ 300 t COMBINED , I i PERSONAL INJURY $ 300 i " BODi,Y iNJURY , ,PfR PfRSONI $ r 8001l.')' i~i~R:CClDfNTi $ PROPERTY DAMAGE $ ,BI & PO . COMBINED $ 300 ------+-_.._~._---~._----+---- I . I -+-----+--- i i I 5/6/87 5/6/88 I -~t -~t--~ i I i I . ---------~J____.___-L The below named Certificate specifically included as i BI & PO I COMBINED $ i $ STATUTORY $100 $500 $100 (EACH ACCIDENT) IDISEASE-POLlCY LIMIT) (DISEASE-EACH EMPLOYEE) ~ to .. . () 0 '. .- '" ...~ . , 0 . ~ 0 ". ~ -,. PROJECT LOCATION . TAVERNIER . ~ ,.0 .. . '. ., c:. /Ill " 0 "t ~ .... .... f \ ... ,. " 5 't. 0 . ~IIU' 1 , Atlant. VICINITY MAP PROJECT LOCATION o 1/4 1/2 I . I APPROX.SCALEIN MILES lOC4A TION MAP LIGHTING BASEBAll FIELDS, HARRY HARRIS PARK PBSJ POSt BUCKLEY. SCHUH &. JERNIGAN. INC. CONSULTI~G 'ENGINEERS AND PLANNERS REY. SHEET DATE MAR.20,1987 JOB No. 04-701.01 10fL .. .. I .. ....-0 MOIlUCN IIIC. SECTION 1000 TRENCHING, BACKFILLING AND COMPACTING 1.0 GENERAL A. The work included under this Section consists of clearing, excavating, grading and backfilling as required for the construction of the electrical distribution system. 2.0 EXCAVATION A. The Contractor shall perform all excavation of every description and of whatever substances encountered, to the dimensions and depth shown on the Drawings, or as directed. No excavated holes shall be left open at night. See Section 1000-1.15 for further details. All excavations shall be made by open cut. All existing utilities such as pipes, poles and structures shall be carefully supported and protected from injury, and in case of damage, they shall be restored at no cost to the Owner. B. Trenches for utility lines shall be excavated to a width within the limits of the top of the utility and the trench bottom so as to provide a clearance on each side of the utility, measured to the face of the excavation, if used, of 2-inches to 4-inches. All trenches shall be excavated to a level 4-inches below the outside bottom of the proposed utility to provide a minimum cover of 24 inches. 3.0 BACKFILL A. Backfill material shall be noncohesive, nonplastic material free of all debris, organic material, lumps, clods and broken paving. B. Where not enough suitable material is available from the excavation for backfill, suitable material shall be hauled in and used at no additional cost to the Owner. 4.0 COMPACTION A. Trench backfill shall be compacted sufficiently so that settlement does not occur. Trench backfill which settles shall be reworked by adding suitable material and recompacted until the required compaction is secured, at no additional cost to the Owner. This work shall be guarante.ed for six (6) months. 5.0 CLEANUP A. All rocks and debris resulting from the trenching and backfilling operation shall be raked and disposed of by the Contractor. 6.0 METHOD OF PAYMENT A. Payment will be based on a lump sum price for all the work necessary to complete the above-stated work. ".,r- " '/ ~/ -' ..'/ ;,-. -c/ -...t'.:. .... ...: ''.. :~".,.': '/:''J i ~. '.~i,:~"' i ~if~ / ...:!.. 'If: Q o '/ ... " ,,'\ .j..../. -r'~";' ." i .; ~ J <r <... "'-, en o c ~ I ." H rn 'r ,0 l . 'f1 ' -I o "" ~'. W N U1 W N U1 " " co U1