07/21/2010 Letter
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(305) 294-4641
Mayor Sylvia J. Murphy, District 5
Mayor Pro Tem Heather Carruthers, District 3
Kim Wigington, District 1
George Neugent:. District 2
Mario Di Gennaro, District 4
July 21,2010
David Thatcher
Development Services Director
Town of Lantana
500 Greynolds Circle
Lantana, FL 33462
Re: Environmental Protection Agency's Climate Showcase Communities Grant (RFP No. EPA-OAR-CPPD-IO-09)
Dear Mr. Thatcher:
On behalf of the Board of County Conunissioners of Monroe COUllty, Florida, I am sending you this lettcr of
interest in suppont of your application to the Environmental Protection Agency for the Climate Showcase
Conununities Grant. As you know, Monroe County encompasses the Florida Keys and has a population of 75,000.
W c are very intcrl~sted in joining you as a partner with the city in this grant application with the understanding that
if the grant is awarded we will enter into an Interlocal Agreement. This grant could greatly advance energy
efficiency initiativcs our Commission has already wldertakcn in Monroe COUllty.
As you know, the Florida Legislature passed Florida Statute 163.08 this year, which authorizes local governments
to create programs for home and business owners to finance energy projects by repaying those funds back through
non-ad valorem assessments. Florida Statute 163.08 allows those mechanisms to be applied to a col11l11unity's
homes and businesses. We see this partnership as a potential first step towards creating a multi-jurisdictional
effort, potentially across County lines, which will result in tangible greenhouse gas reduction results for South
Florida communities.
Given that we estlmate our residential and commercial greenhouse gas emissions at 30-50% of our col11l11unitywide
footprint, we see this prOgmm as a mechanism that can achieve significant energy savings and greenhouse gas
reductions while achieving additional environmental, economic, public health and/or COl11l11unity benefits. For
instance, Florida's construction industry hit hard by the economic downturn, will realize significant new
opportunities ill completing the residential and cOl11l11crcial retrofit projects anticipated in this program.
Again, Monroe County appreciates the opportunity to participate with you in this grant program and we hope that it
is the start of a significant partnership with other local government jurisdictions. Please do not hesitate to call Asst.
County Attorney Natilct.'11C Cassel with any additional questions you might have at the following number: 305-292-
3580. We are looking forward to working with you.
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