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if~i 215 PAGE 52
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"",r'j',,":\J';U"TY. Fl.0Ri\i~
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T HIS IN DEN l' U R E, Made and entered into, in duplicate. this tJrf
, A. D. 1959, by and between THE CC,YNTY OF MONROE. STATE
a poUtical subdivi.ion of the State of Florida, hereinalter called the
Le..or. which term sh&11 include ih tela! repre.entatives, successor. and assign.
wherever the context so requires or admits. of the firat part anel CABLE- VISION,
INC., a Florida corporation, hereinafter called the LAs..e. which term shall
include its legal repre.entative., succes.or. aad asslans wherever the cont.xt .0
requires or aclmits, of the second part.
WIT N E 5 S F T H, that the Leesor by th..e pre..nts 1...... unto .aid Le..ee
the followtna de.cribed pr.mia.., .ituate, lyina and beinain the County of Monroe
and State of Florida, to- wit:
A tract of land in a part of Government Lot I, Section S. 1'. 65 S.,
R. 35 E.. on Lon& Key. Monroe County, Floricla, and beln. mol'.
p..rticul..rly de.cribed by mete. and bounds ... follow.:
Commencing ..t the cent.rUne of tJ. S. Highway No. 1 and the Point
of CUl've of Station 2.4068 plus 96. 1. Florida Eaet Coast RaUway Right
of Way and Tract Map, b.ar noJ'the..aterly aloDI the centerline of
U. S. Highway No. 1 for a di.taace of 330.22 f.et to a point; thence
at riaht anale. and .outhea.terly' lor a di.tance of 50.0 feet to the
point oi b..innbl, of the tract of land hereinafter de.cribed. .aid
point of "pnning ..lao beiDl on the .outhea.terly right-oi-way line
01 U. S. High...y No.1; fl'om .aid point of beliar.!ng, continue
bearin, .outh....t.rly and at ript an,le. to U. S. Hip..;: NG. 1 to.!"
a cii.tance of 100.0 feet to .. point; th.ftCe..t daht &nal.. and
north.aaterly for a clhtanc:e 01 SOO.O f.et to a point; th.nce at right
&ngl.. ..4 northwesterly for.. di.taDce of '00.0 feet to .. point on
~. Southea.terly right-of-..y line of U. S. Hi.hway No.1; thence
b..... .ouUa..ater1y alOD, the louth.a.terly ri.ht- of- way line of U. s.
Hiahway No. 1 lor a di.tance 01100.0 feet. back to the point of
.1 shown on the attached plat.
T C, H A V E AND l' 0 H 0 1, D the premiae. ... afor.said unto the .aid
Las.ee from the let day of J\lly, A. D. 1959. for a term of twenty (10) yeaI'I
then next en.ulna, .aid. lea.. beina under the following term. anet conditione:
.Ir~a~ 215 PAGE 53
1. The Le.... y..le1in. and payiaa Wlto the .aid Le..or the total reAlal
of Seven Thou.and Fi.e Huedr.d and DO/IOO Dollar. ($7.500.00) for the te... of
twenty (JO) y.ar.. .aid nm to be payable a. follow.: Three HUDClred .DD11a...
($300. (0) payul. upoa tIl. executioll aad deUv.ry of thi. Lea... which w.m 18 to
cover th. y..rly reatal for the fir.t y..r of thi.Le.... aD' Thr.. Hundr.d
Dolla... ($300.00) oa the l.t day of July of the DeXl ncc..din. '.ur (4) year.:
Thre. Huadl'e. Fifty Dollar. ($150.00) Oil the 1.t day of JulY. A. D. 1964. &JUt
Three H"'re. Fifty Dollar. ($150.00) 011 the l.t day of July of the next .u.:..dia,
four (4) y.ar.: Four H\1ftdr.d Dollar. ($400.00) on the l.t day of My. A.1>. 1969.
aad Four HuDdr.. Dollar. ($400. (0) Oil the l.t day of July of the n.xt nce...Il,
four (4) y.ar.; Four H\UIClr.d Fifty Dollar. ($450.00) Oil the 1.t day of July.
A. D. 197., and Foul' HUllelr.. Fifty Dollar. ($450.00) Oil the lat day of July of
.ach and every y.ar "'riA, the r.malader of the term of thf.. Le....
z. It Ie further uaderetood and ..re.. by &ad betw..n the Lee.or aacl tIt.e
Le.... that the Le.... will:
a. U.. .aid pr.mi... for a cabl. to....r atatioll ill coaaaction with
the op.ratioll of Cabl... Vieion activitie., which .aid Le.... i.
pr..enUy ..,a.ed ia. aDd lor DO other purpo.e.
b. P.y the r.nt her.in r...I'Ved .t the time and in the maaaer a.
atated herein.
c. .Make DO improper, lUll.wful or oUea.ive u.e of .aiel pr.mi....
d. Pay aay aad all char... for I... .l.ctricity, water, ,.rbaa.
eIi.po.at aad fuel, II My, aad all ia.ta11atioa charge. for .am..
e. P.rmit the Le..or or it. a..nt to .nt.r upon the lea..el premi...
at all re.Nnabl. time. for the purpo.. of vi.willa aad ia.p.ctin,
the condltioa ther.ot.
f. Durina the term of W. 1..... ..v. and k..p the Le..or harml...
..aln8t any and aU HabUity reeultlna from iDjuri.. to per.OD or
property on or about the l....d premie.. Dy r...oa oflt. occupaacy
or u.. ther.of aDd .hall tak. the Mc....ry public uaWUty in.u"&8Ce
to protect .ei. Le..or.
I. At: the expiration of the t.rm of thi. lea.., without demand. quietly
&ad peac.abl. deliver up full po.....ion of .aid pr.mia.. in .. 10"
corulltiOll .. they DOW ..... dama.e or el..truction by lire &ftd the
el.meat. only .xcept.d.
OFF'Cl-215 5
3. '1'h. lA.acr h....by cov....t. with the Le.... UpOD. the p...formanc.
by the Le.... of the coveaaat. an. .Ir.emeat. h.reiabefor. .e\fo~ that the
fe .} , ':
Le..or will JHtl'mit the Le.... to quietly hol. all. eajay the "tnt..el plemi.e.
without Ally laternaptloa. by the Le..or or by aay per.oD. or per.oa. clatmial
by, tArou,b or UDder it.
4. It i. mubaaUy uader.tooel, covelULDtect aad all'ee. by and betwe.a the
parti.. hereto taat defaatt Oil the pan of the Le..e. lor a p.riod of thirty (30)
clay. la makin, any of the paymeat. of r.at her.in re..rved from the eIat. the
.ame .hall '."rally b.com. cIu. ..d payable ehaU imm..ately and th.reupoa
t.rminate any aacl all of the ri,ht. of the Le.... UDd.r thie Lea.e.
5. It 1a al.o ..tually u"'eretooel, cove...ted and a,reed by and between
the parti.. h.reto that the Le.... ehaU have the riaht to r.new W. Lea.. at
the .xpiration th.reof for an acWltioaal p.riod of tW'tlllty (10) year. at a rental to
b. mutually a,r... to bet....ea the parU.. h.r.to. In the ev.at the L..... int.ael.
to r.a.w .am.. It mu.t adri.. the .Le..or within .txty (60) day. of the expiration
01 thie Lea.. of it. lAt..tion to r.a.w.
IN WI l' N E 5 S W HER EO F. the party of the fir.t pan hat cau.e. th..e
pr..... to be .1,Deella It. Dame by it. Chairman and ita ..al to be affla.. by the
CI.rk of the Circult Court of the Sixt..ath Judicial Circuit of Flod", in ea. for
Moar.. COWlty. Florida. and the party of the "COM part ba. cau... th..e pre..nt.
to be .i.... ia ita nam. by it. Pre.tdeat. a.D4 it. corporate ..al to be aUi....
atte.t.d by it. Secretary. a. of the 1.t day of July. A. D. 1959.
I. i
FW~A ~
Commi.aio..r. 01 Mo.ro. County. Floria
Att~. :
.' ..' ' ' ',' "".: ",- ~""',':: . --, ' ',' '..: :- -. . ,'" ",
. ' '" .
..' .' '.. .'iJ:...... ......... ......... .... ,.
"A. C .ttt.,....\(:I..'*'t .....'''i-1th.
st..... ....,...WCll'o.s*..,th. state
01 Flori.... ......9......Ji..CO\tDty.
an4 'x olAclo' ~1.*. of a....I'. of
COIUIty eo............ CltWoDI'Oe County.
ItoK6215 PAGE 55
Atte at:
Sl,De" Sealed aDd Deliver.d 1n the
Pr...nc. of:
Sip.., Seatecl and Delivere. 111 the
Pre.ellC. o.f:
I HERE,BY CERTIFY. That on thh ~ clay o.f U, A. D. 1959,
before me per.oully app...re. aerald ~... a 1 R.. Adam., Chairman
... Clerk of the Circuit Court of the Sixte.Dth Judiei Circuit of the State of
Florida. in and for Monroe COUDty, aacI ex officio Clerk. r.apectively, of the
Board of County Commh.lour. 01 Monroe CO\Ulty, .Florida, .. political .ubcti:ri.loD
01 the State of Florida, to me )Ulown to "be the per.o.. ".cri.... in ud who execut.d
the for.,oina Le..... .......1".ral1y ac:kaowl.cl... the e..ClItioa thereof to. be their
free act and "ed a_" . Y~t:er.. for the .... ud purpo... therein meatio..el;
&Ad that th.y a.fft_~ .,_~.<.e'f1Cia1 ..at 01 Moaroe County, Flori..... and the
.aid {..tnam.at i.,~.:~'i*l4 ~". of Mouoe Cowaty, .I"lori....
WITNESSji"~_.:ol4cia1 .ea1 at Key l\' ..t. in the County of Mouo..
and State of Fl4l. ..~,. 'C":.,': at afore d.
:,:~<,~",,> .: "!".~;o:~~,,;:;&."~,~'t.,.<,,,"-
(~'/..:~_.,.,,- "'--,.i.-#f.''t _-_",';'
"~;:, ~i)W! !;~~~<~f{;/
", ,..,:'/..
e 0 I'l'" at Lar..
N6ttJr'{ Publli:, $lotl'of f!Torlt!ll 'at larell
expir.~; Gommission expires Mar, 31, 196'1
Bonded by Mass. Bonding & Insurance Co.
IlJt215 PAGE 56
STATE 01t' .h~LOiU1)A,
1 HEREBY CERTIFY, That on thia 9Ii day of , A. D. 191'.
belore me per80na11y appeared JOHN M. SPOTT5WC'O Pr.atel.at of Cable-Viaioa.
Inc.. a Florida corporation. to me known to be one of e peraona cleacrilted ill ad
who execut.. the for.,oin, Lease. anel he ackJ'lowled.ed the .xecution thereof to be
hla! f.r.e act aD. de.. aa auch officer, for the uaea and p1lrpoaea therein menticme':
and the aaid iD.tNmem is the act and deed of aaid corporation.
............. WITNESS my st,nature and official a.al at Ke / Weat, ia the County 01 MODI'M.
..(....~~.te 01 Florida. the day and ye.r last afore.aid.
.,,' -;"':~':-:~
. :; ~
." :t):t FLORIDA,
't OF MONROE. aa.
~: 0
:,., 1 HEREB Y CERTIFY. That on this 9.1< day of , A. D. 195 i
~fore me peraonally appeared CONSTANCE W. WE HERFORD, Aaaistant C'Q
'~ecr.tary of Cable- Vision, Inc., a Floricla corpora n, to me known to be one ~e
persona deserib.diD &Del who e..c:uted the foreaoina Le.... and.. ackDowl.....
the executii)a thereof to he her fr.e .ct and de.d a. auch officer, for the u.ea &Del
purpoaea therein mentio.." that .he affixeel thereto the olflclal a.al of
Cable- VialOA, lac., and the .aid laetl'\Unellt la the act and de.. of aatd corpol'.Uon.
WITNESS my al,_wre aad official .. Key W.at, ill the County of
MOllroe, aacl State of .Flortcla, the cia d year 1aa afore Baid.
. State of
lon expire I:
Notary I'ublie, State of Florida at larQI
My cClmm'ssicn expires MQr. 31, 1961
Bonnen by M':Jss. Bonding & Insurance Co.
tela at Lar.e
Notary Public, State of Florida at large
My commission expires Mar 31 1961
Banded by Moss. Bondlno & '~su,r,'ncn Co.
110 IN OfflClAl RECORD 600K