Certificates of Insurance 7.3331 ~ SE""'RITY INSURANCE GROUP I D SECURITY INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW HAVEN D UNITED STATES CASUALTY COMPANY D THE FIRE AND CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY OF CONNECTICUT Ii> D THE CONNECTICUT INDEMNITY COMPANY I ~ ~ NEW AMSTERDAM CASUALTY COMPANY 15~ l~~ II t::: ~': ~~ iR~, 15~ !~) I~" " I~, >':,' ;~ I ',' I ..T~ ! ;;~ I~ I : ~ I ~ , ' * I <:, Ji , i I I Ed. Date: 1-64 : I i\ t ~~. sg! )~, I ~\~ j .~S} ~l, ~! ~~i ~~i I,~l ~,;~I i~! ~,~j ~I ~! ~! ~~: \~ ~8i ~~l ;;qi ~~, ~~' '~ f ~I ~-- I ~~ 1>- '~ r) r Th i s is to certi fy that insurance policies issued to ............ ....... QfAQl~.,,:,: y.;l.. ~.~.Q D,... .I.n!;. .................... .................................... ............... .............. (Name of insured) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . ..3 QQ. . ~ .lm. 9. n t. g . 0.. . . S t. .r ~ . ~ t ~. . . .I~ y: . . .1:~~. ~ .t .J. . . . E l 9 r .~ g 9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Address) b d" d f h. h I' d b 1 · f · h. C f 1\ nrj 1 30 1966 the num ers an eXpIratIon ates 0 W IC are lste e ow, are In orce In t IS ompany as 0 ...........t:'.....:...... .:..)...... ..~......................................, (Date) .. d . h h h f h f 11 · I t. Florida covering In accor ance Wit t e terms t ereo at t e 0 oWIng oca 100.... ............................................................... ........ ................................................. I> I ;\ I ~I '>. I ~-, I ~.:.;!. :r, I~ r- ~ ~ i.,,<~~ r l I !~cl ~~l ~! \~, :~~ i ,>?1 ',>~l ~~I ~~! il~"-' I, l~ ~-l ~~I ~I ~~I ~ j'}l~ I ~l ;:-1 ~I ~~, ~,,'~,I I~ql ~~i . ICE~IAC~E OF LIMITS OF LIABILITY KIND OF POLICY EXPIRATION POLICY NUMBER DATE Bodily Injury Property Damage A-Workmen's Provided by Workmen's Nil Compensation Law Compensation Sta te of.............................................. B-Manufacturers or Each person $. . . .. .. ... . . . .. .. . . .. .. . . . . .. . . . Each accident $................................ Contractors Liability Each accident $................................ Aggrega te $. . .. .. .... .... . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. .. . C-Owners or Contractors Each person $. ................ ....... ........ Each accident $.... .............. .............. Protective Liability Each accident $................................ Aggregate $... ...................... ....... D-owners, Landlords Each person $. . ..... .. .. ...... . . . . ... . .. . ... . Each accident $................................ and Tenants Liability Each accident $.............. .................. E-Automobile Each person $............................... . Each accident $................................ Liability (1) Owned Vehicles Each accident $.... ............. ............... (2) Hired Vehicles Each person $. . . . . .... .. .... . . .... . . .. . . .. .. . Each accident $................................ Each accident $... .............. ............... (3) Other Non-owned Each person $. ........ . . .. .. .. . ... . . . . .. . . . . . Each accident $. .................. ....... ...... Vehicles Each accident $. ........ ........ ............... F-Comprehensive Liability Each person $. ...................... .. ...... . Each accident $................................ (1) Comprehensive Each accident $................................ Automobile -~ (2) Comprehensive roc u,42413 4--30...67 Each person t. .30.Q,.Q.QQ... ....... Each accident $..3.QQ~.QO.Q........... General Each accident $..3QQ~.O.QQ.......... Products excluded ~rodu~ts V~.~~.~~............. Aggrega te $.3 QQ ,.Q.oo........... ggrega e (3) Comprehensive Each person $............................... . Each accident $.... ........... ........ ......... (combined General and Automobile) Each accident $........... ............... ...... Aggrega te $............................... . Aggregate $.............................. .. Each person $............................... . Each accident $. ...... ........ ................. Each accident $....... ........... .............. Aggregate $. . ... ......... ..... . . . .... . . . . . . Aggregate $. . . . . .. .. ..... .... .......... . . .. - * Property damage c~,used by blasting or explosion (other than explosion of machinery or pressure equipment) excluded. * Property damage cuused by collapse of or structural injury to buildings excluded. * Property damage u:nderground caused by mechanical equipment excluded. This Certificate is issued at the request of: Name... ...........~ ~~~ ii~.. .Q~~.~.~... .......... .......... ................... ........ ................................ ....... ...................................................................................................... Address............~~~~~:.. .9~.~~~Y...g.9.~:t~...~9.~.~~.J.. ..~~Y.. .~~~ ~.~ .1.. ..f~.9~.~9:~ .... ... ........................... ...... ..................................... ... ...... ............. to whom we will mail \vritten notice of cancelation or any changes affecting this Certificate....._-/ * ~50.00 Deductible Property Damage KEY~.?'I~~CE, ,I=~C. / /' ~. /// 4: .,.. <'~ ...--- By.... ....... .~.~..).. ...<... ./~-:-::::r.-.-(::'~-.. ..... ........ .... ......... , . /' AuthorIZed Representative INSURANCE !M~ * Ed. Date: 1-64 7-3331 ".f~1JRITY INSURANCE GROUT -~ a SECURITY INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW HAVEN I~ o UNITED STATES CASUALTY COMPANY '~~ o THE FIRE AND CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY OF CONNECfICUT I ~ o THE CONNECTICUT INDEMNITY COMPANY I ~~ [j NEW AMSTERDAM CASUALTY COMPANY I ~~ !2~ fi~ , ' I-~ ~.~ I~ I~\ 15~: I~ i~ I~ I~~ I~~ l~, l~ I ! , I , 'i .~~~ . ~ This is to certify that insurance policies issued to ...........QfM?~~Y~.~.iQ.~.a....~~~........................................ ................................................... (Name of insured) ........... ....... ...................... .3.00... s. ntan...S.t1:l!e.t......KeJ;. ..w.e(~~f-lo.r.1d.a.. ......................... ............ ............................................................. the numbers and expiration dates of which are listed below, are in force in this Company as of.......AI'-~1.1...3.Q,....1.965.................................., (Date) covering in accordance \vith the terms thereof at the following location...........nQ~1da.............................................................................................. ............................. ..... ...... ................... ..... ........ ....... ..... ..... .................... ............... ................................... .... ................................... ................................ ... ................... . LIMITS OF LIABILITY KIND OF POLICY EXPIRATION POLICY NUMBER DATE Bodily Injury Property Damage A-Workmen's Provided by Workmen's Compensation Law Nil Compensation State of... ........ ................. ..... ............. B-Manufacturers 01" Each person $............................... . Each accident $................................ Contractors Liability Each accident $................................ Aggregate $.... ....................... ..... C-Owners or Contractors Each person $............................... . Each accident $.. .............................. Protective Liability Each accident $................................ Aggregate $.............................. .. D-Owners, Landlords Each person $............................... . Each accident $................................ and Tenants Liability Each accident $................................ E-Automobile Each person $............................... . Each accident $................................ Liability (1) Owned Vehicles Each accident $............... ................. (2) Hired Vehicles Each person $............................... . Each accident $................................ Each accident $................................ (3) Other Non-owned Each person $. . ......... ...... . . ... . .. . . .. . . . Each accident $................................ Vehicles Each accident $................................ F-Comprehensive $. ........ .................. .... . Liability Each person Each accident $................................ (1) Comprehensive Each accident $................................ Automobile *(2) Comprehensive Each person $. ....3QQJ.999.. ..... Each accident $....~QQ".Q9Q........ General Each accident $......300,.0.00....... Products Excluded WG-351939 4-30-.66 Products Excluded $.... J99...9QQ........ Aggrega te $. . . . . ... . .. . . .. .... ... ... . ... . . . Aggrega te (3) Comprehensive Each person $. . . . . . . . . . . .. ........... ....... . Each acciden t $................................ (combined General and Automobile) Each accident $................................ Aggrega te $.......................... .... ... Aggregate $. . .......................... .... Each person $............................... . Each accident $. .............. ................. Each accident $................................ Aggregate $...... ................ .......... Aggregate $........... ...... ............... * * * Property damage caused by blasting or explosion (other than explosion of machinery or pressure equipment) excluded. * Property damage caused by collapse of or structural injury to buildings excluded. * Property damage underground caused by mechanical equipment excluded. This Certificate is issued at the request of: Name. .............. ........................................ CQl1Dt~...Ql.~ls;...... ........ .......... .......... ...... ........ ........ ............ ........................................................................... ...... Address................................................ .....&n.rQf'-.. .Co:t1tlt,J:...Coul1i... Jbue.e.,.... ~ey.. W~Jt,....flc>.~1..g.~.......................................... ........ ......... to whom we will mail written notice of cancelation or any changes affecting this Certificate. _" . * $50.00 deductible Property Damage BY....:==--~~:~..;;,;;=~:::::-..~. -_.~ Authorized Representative CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE S;ECUR) 'y ~ INSURANCE 10010 Asylum Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut 4-1-68 slm [Xl SECURITY INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD D THE FIRE AND CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE ROUP D THE CONNECTICUT INDEMNITY COMPANY D This is to cE!rtify that insurance policies issued to..... ......... ...C.ab.l.e~Vis.i.on.,....In.c........ (Name of Insured) . .3.00.. .~'imont.on. ::.t..., ..K ey.. :rtte.st 'J'" Florid.a.................................... (Address) the nU111bers and expiration dates of which are listed belo\v. are in force In this Company as of..... . .A.p.ril.. .3.0.~... .1.96.8........ (Date) covering in accordance with the ter111S thereof at the follo\ving location ...........~,t.~te...o.f ..flo.:r.:LQ:~........ KIND OF POLICY POLICY NUMBER EXPIRA nON DATE Bodily Injury A-Workmen's Compensation Provided by W ork111en's COlnpensation Law State of .................... Each person $.. ..... . ......... Each occurrence $...... Each occurrence $.. Each person $.300,OOO.Each occurrence $. 300.,.000. A * Each occurrence $.300".0.00. Prod.uctsExcluded ~roducts ~xcluded Aggrega te $.. Each person $.......... Eac h occurrence $............ B-Manufacturers or Contractors Liability Each person Each occurrence C-Owners or Contractors Protective Liability Each person Each occurrence D-Owners, Landlords and Tenants Liability E-Automobile Liability ( 1) O\vnecl Vehicles Each person Each occurrence Each person Each occurrence (2) Hired Vehicles Each person Each occurrence (3) Other N on-o\vned Vehicles Each person Each occurrence F-Comprehensive Lia bili ty (1) Comprehensive A. u to 111 0 b i I e (2) Cotl1prehensivc General GLA 43 28 32 4-20-69 (3) Cotllprehensive (co111bined Gleneral and ..;\utomobile) ;\ggrega te Each person Each occurrence ./A.ggrega te $..... $. .................. $ ................... $ ................... $.................... $. $ $ $..... $.. $... $.... $.... $............ . $ $.... LIMITS OF LIABILITY Property Damage Nil Each occurrence $ :!: .0..0.. ..0. .0..0.. .0.. Aggregate $ ..0.......0'.0........ . Each occurrence $ ................ .. Aggrega te $ Each occurrence $ .... ....,.. ............ Each occurrence $.............. Each occu rrence $............ Each occurrence $........................ ~;\ggregate Each occurrence $. .3.00.,.000. $......... .Aggregate $.. Each occurrence $ .................... .Aggregate $....... *Property damage caused by blasting or explosion (other than explosion of machinery or pressure equipment) excluded. *Property damage caused by collapse of or structural injury to buildings excluded. *Property damage un.derground caused by mechanical equipment excluded. This Certificate is issued at the request of: NalHe .................count.y..Clerk.............. ... ........ ...... Address ............. Monroe.. .C.ounty.. Caur.t... Heuse.,.. .Key. .1LJ.est~.. .F.l.orida..... to \VhOnl \ve will tllail \vritten notice of cancelation or any changes affecting this Certificate. ~.. '.~ .-",...' By. ........./-~;~..R~~e~:~;:~~. Form 30134-1 ;--". SECUft. _ f INSURANCE GROUP ~ SECURITY I NSUf\, II.~E COMPANY OF HARTFORD o THE FIRE AND CASUALTY COMPANY OF CONNECTICUT o THE CONNECTICUT INDEMNITY COMPANY o 1000 Asylum Avenue, Hartford, Conn. 06101 I CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE) 3-26-69 a\.{ .. JOOHS:i.monton .Str.S3E3t,... KE3Y JYE3st,. .1"10 r.ida This is to certify that insurance policies issued tOHHHGa.b.l~-Vi~:iQn"JnG. (Name of Insured) ........ -.......... ...................... (Address) the numhers and expiration dates of which are listed helow. are in force III this Company as ofH.Apri1JO, 19.69 (Date) covering in accordance with the terms thereof at the following location.StateHofH.F1o:ri.da This Certificate of Insurance neither affirmatively or negatively amends, extends or alters the CU\lTage afforded by the policy or policies certified to herein. KIND OF POLICY EXPIRATION POll CY NUMBER DATE A-Workmen's Compensation B-Manufacturers or Contractors Liability C-Owners or Contractors Protective Liability D-Owners, Landlords; and Tenants Liability E-Automobile Liability (1) Owned Vehicles (2) H ired Vehicles (3) Other Non-owned Vehicles F -Comprehensive Liability ( 1) COt11prehensivc A. u tOI11ohile (2) COlnprehensive CIA 42-87-12 4-30-70 General (3) Conlprehensive (conlb'd General and Automobile) LIMTTS OF LIABILITY BOdily Injury Property Damage Provided hy \V Orkll1en's COlnpensation Law State of Each person $......................... .... Each occurrence $.... Each occurrence $......................... ...../Aggregate $ '" Nil Each person $............................... Each occurrence $...................... Each occurre nce $............................... /Aggrega te $..................... .. Each person $..... ........................... Each occurrence $....................... Each occurrence $............................... Each person Each accident Each person Each accident Each person Each accident $............................... Each accident $............................... $...................... $............................... Each accident $...................... $............................... $............................... Each accident $............................... $....................... Each person $............................... Each occurrence $....................... Each occurrence $............................... Each person $.300,QOQ.Lqq Each occurrence $qJOQ,.QOQ. Each OCCULence $..3QQ".O.(~......... Products Excluded AJ;g~1!r~B ExctI:~dE3~qqq.qH..lAggregate $.q?()(:)?g~. Each perSOll $.... " ....................... Each occurrence $.......................' Each occurrence $.................... ........... ~ggregate $......................... ... ... ~ggregate $....................... Each person $............................... Each occurrence $...................... Each occurrence $............................... Aggregate $..................... ........./Aggregate $....................... *Property damage caused by blasting or explosion (other than explosion of machinery or pressure equipment) excluded. *Property damage caused by collapse of or structural injury to buildings excluded. *Property damage underground caused by mechanical equipment excluded. rrhis Certificate is issued at the request of: N al11t'HQo.1l!ltyqG1~:r.lcqHHH. ..q.q..q . .q... .\ d d r t' s s . .. l'-fo l1!'O ~ Go. 1l!l t,y q Qo. \1:r.tH J1():tl~ ~, )(ey W ~~ h F'lO!:'iclCl to whom we will mail written notice of cancellation or any changes affecting this Certificate. Form 30134.5 By.. 2Y ~~~~~C-=-- ....... .. .-L~.;~.:H ............. Authorized Representative SECUR!J!Y INSURANCE GROUP XB SECURITY INSURAIJ!CE COMPANY OF HARTFORD D THE FIRE AND CASUALTY COMPANY OF CONNECTICUT D THE CONNECTICUT INDEMNITY COMPANY D 1000 Asylum Avenue, Hartford, Conn. 06101 I CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE I Th is is to ce rti fy that insurance policies issued to ... . 300..S.lmonton...Stre.e.t, . . . C.a b.1 e ~.v. i. .5. i .cD n , . . . .1. n c .. . . . . . . (Name of Insured) (Add ress) . .... .K.e.Y... Wes.t..,... F.l.or. I.d.a.... the nun1hers and expiration dates of \"hich are listed helo\v. are in force in this COlnpany as of.....Apr..i.l...30.,....1970.. (Date) covering in accordance \vith the tern1S thereof at the follo\ving location ......S.t.~.t~....o.f...F.l.or..i..d.a...... This Certificate of Insurance neither affirn1atively or negatively amends, extends or alters the cu\crage afforded by the policy or policies certified to herein. KIND OF POLICY POLICY NUMBER EXPIRA nON DATE LIMTTS OF LIABILITY Bodi Iy Injury Property Damage A- Workmen's Compensation Provided by \V orkl11en's COlnpensation La\v State of Nil $.................... .... .... Each occurrence $... .................. $......................... ..... Aggregate $ ...................... $............................... Each occurrence $..... ............. ... $............................... Aggregate $................... ... Each person $............................... Each occurrence $....................... Each occurrence $............................... Each person $............................... Each occurrence $....................... Each occurrence $............................... Each person $....~9~.~.9.q.q........ Each occurrence $.....).99.,.0.0.0:: 500,000 Each occurrence $............................... P~oducts Exc1 Aggregate $..........Excl......... Aggregate $.....30Q.j.OO.O Each person $............................... Each occurrence $....................... Each occurrence $............................... B-Manufacturers or Contractors Liability Each person Each occurrence Each person Each occurrence C-Owners or Contractors Protective Liability D-Owners, Landlords and Tenants Liability E.-Automobile Liability ( 1) O\vned \1 ehicles Each person Each accident Each person Each accident Each person Each accident (2) Hired V' e hicle~, (3) Other N on-o\vned \1 e hicles F -Comprehensive Liability ( 1) C 0111 pre hensi ve .\utol11ohile (2) COIl1prehellsivt' General GLA 581863 4-30-71 (3) C0111prehensive (conlb'd General and Au tonlobile) Aggregate $............................... Each accident $............................... $.. .. $............................... Each accident $............................... $...................... $............................... Each accident $............................... $....... $. .. . .... ... . ........ ........ ... Aggregate $....................... Each person $............................... Each occurrence $...................... Each occurrence $............................... Aggrega te $............................... Aggregate $....................... *Property damage caused by blasting or explosion (other than explosion of machinery or pressure equipment) excluded. *Property damage caused by collapse of or structural injury to buildings excluded. *Property damage underground caused by mechanical equipment excluded. 'rhis Certificate i~ l~sued at the request of: ~ allll' . ...C.ounty ...C.lerk... ....... ............. ........... ..... :\ d(l res~ M.on.roe~.. .C.QUn ty.. .Cou.r t.. .House .,...... Key.. .We.s.t.,....F 10 r.l d.a...... to \\thOl11 we will Illail written notice of cancellation or any changes affecting this Certificate. KEY ~S~E, INC. By.. ..~~~.,....."",~~. Form 30134-5 Authorized Representative bbs 4-15-70 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCf THIS CEI HE OF INSURANCE NEITHER AFFIRMATIVElY NOR NEGATIVElY AME. iXTENDS OR ALTERS THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY ANY POLICY DESCRIBED HEREh... UNITED STATES FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY THE NORTH RIVER INSURANCE COMPANY WESTCHESTER FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY THIS IS TO CERTIFY TO CLERK of the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF (NAME OF CERTIFICATE - HOLDER) Monroe County Co~rthouse, Key West, Florida 33040 (ADDRESS OF CERTIFICATE-HOLDER) THAT ON THE DATE BELOW THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED INSURANCE POLICIES, ISSUED BY THIS COMPANY, ARE IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT: INSURED'S NAME: CABLE-VISION, INC. ADDRESS: 300 Simonton Street, CITY & STATE: Key West, Florida 33040 THE POLICIES INDICATED HEREIN APPLY WITH RESPECT TO THE HAZARDS AND FOR THE COVERAGES AND LIMITS OF LIA- BILITY INDICATED BY SPECIFIC ENTRY HEREIN, SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS OF SUCH POLICIES. COVERAGES AND LIMITS OF LIABILITY POLICY EFFECTIVE EXPIRATION HAZARDS NUMBER DATE BODIL Y INJURY LIABILITY PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY DATE each person each occurrence each occu rrence aggregate PREMISES - OPERATIONS GA 81 48 14 4-30-71 4-30-72 $ 300,000 $ 500 ,000 $ 300 ,000 $ 300 ,000 ELEVATORS $ ,000 $ ,000 $ ,000 XXXX IN DEPEN DENT CONTRACTORS $ ,000 $ ,000 $ ,000 $ ,000 PRODUCTS - COMPLETED $ ,000 $ ,000 $ ,000 $ ,000 OPERATIONS AGGREGATE: $ ,000 XXXX XXXX CONTRACTUAL-AS DESCRIBED BELOW $ ,000 $ ,000 $ ,000 $ ,000 AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY GA 81 48 14 4-30-71 4-30-72 300 ,000 500 ,000 $ 300 OWNED AUTOMOBILES $ $ ,000 XXXX HIRED AUTOMOBILES $ ,000 $ ,000 $ ,000 XXXX NON-OWNED AUTOMOBILES $ ,000 $ ,000 $ ,000 XXXX WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION COMPENSA TION-ST A TUTORY AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY - $ ,000 UMBRELLA LIABILITY $ ,000,000 LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS, AUTOMOBILES, CONTRACTS. CONTRACTUAL LIABILITY - (INDICATE TYPE OF AGREEMENT, PARTY AND DATE). Should any of the above described policies be cancelled before the normal expiration date thereof, the Company will endeavor to give written notice to the above Named Certificate-holder, but failure to give such notice shall impose no obligation or liability of any kind upon the Company. ...::::> DATE: 4-2e-7l BY FM 103.0.4 4PT (REV 6/69) ORIGINAL COpy TO Cle~k 06 ~he Boa~d 06 Coun~y Comm),.6.6),oneJt.6 FROM DOTSON & BROWN INSURANCE P. O. BOX 276 - 315 SOUTH BROADWAY TYLER, TEXAS 75701 597-8348, 597-8349, 597-8340 I DATE: 3 / 1:, / 7 3 __--Key Weh~, Ffohida SU BJ ECT: C elf. t .i.. {i c a. t e. 0 a I Y./6 {( 1l. a Y./ c. e - (' a. he e. - V .i.. 6 .i.. 0 niT Yl c. , FOU'l t We have been de~ignazed ~~ b4o~e~ ~Q~ ~he above QQmpany. Pe~ the~~ ~'QU'~~ WP a~p Ptl~JnAina a ~Ph~i'i~a~p n~ i~AU~an~e 60h YOUh ~ilp~ 16 fjOt~ ha"" ttnfj que6t-ioVJ6 plea6e 'eel 'hee tn caPP nn1j:fiYYJ" T h a n h -i n 9 Y (f {{ -8 " I{ Y" tt 4.. a t t ~ 14 t {. Q n t" t h ~ a b" " ~ ~Lf:&~~ I . PLEASE RtPLY TO ~ SIGNED RiP P V (1 t .c. (1 14} 11:t Pn 1:t tl4 V 1:t trl~ I SIGNED DATE GRAYARC co.. INC., BROOKLYN, N. Y. 11232. THiS COpy FOR PERSON ADDRESSED CER"P' ~( ,.". Name of Insured A,4dresaof IDlUred . Loca.tioa..Qwered OperatiCms"Covere ".IS'..": :.: ;7< f~,~ - ers COVERAGE is provided in, Company initialed below: [jJA=AETNA INSURANCE COMPANY D U~AETNA FIRE UNDERWRITERS INSURANCE CO. OC= CENTURY INDEMNITY COMPANY Effective 12/.2'0/.72 that. on the above date '..~'.followingdescribed insurance policies, issued by this Company, are in full force and effect, subject to all the tenns,.. conoitions, limitations and exclusions, thereof. c. NaM. .... C...... ...........'. c........... .....ic .....ty-IMIIy, .....,. .(Hot Auto) ..... Ual,ilJtfw,.."'.................> f........, ..... .... ^. " ""',,' '. . - ...,.. ".. CowrN. ..............) Pr..,. .~o......... ....f'dfiOM.. Iodily'......., "'oduds-~,Qper_OM- Property Do..... ......C_..~..I.,..., ....,. (....... ...... ...........C........ . As Delated In 1M Pdcy) StteClflc Controc................,....... (Other Thonlncidental COtttrocts As. .DeltMcI In The Policy) AutoMoWfe--lWly ...jury PoIic, ......... EfFective · Date Expiration Date Limits of Ualtility Statutory ,000 each person ,000 each occurrence ,000 each occurrence ,000 aggregate ,000 each person ,000 each occurrence ,000 aggrega te ,000 each occurrence ,000 aggregate ,000 each person ,000 each occurrence ,~ each occurrence ,000 aggregate ,000 each person ,000 each occurrence ,000 ea~h occurrence .......-P........., ...... ....." ... ...... -Inc. luaa....... .00.'. ..verage fo.r.. tb.. .'efall.owing incidental written agreements: (1) 'lease.. of pre. mise.s, (2) ea.sement ag.' reem. ent, .ex. cept in connection withCODSUuction or demolition operations on or adjacent to a railroad, (3) undertaking to indemnify 'a muaicipa!i!r:r~uired.'brmum..cipal ordinance, except in connection with work for the municipality, (4) sidetrack agree- ment, or (5)el.ev8tor mamtenance agreement. Should any of the above described . ~be.callcelled :before the normal expiration date thereof; the Company . will eft-wx: te.give.wtitten' notice.to the above-Named CertifICate-holder, but failure to give such notice shall im- pose noobliption or liability of any' kind upon the Company. . .' "-" '-"MOI MIM1IVItY AMENDS..'1X1'INDS 01 At1ElS THE-COV.....~ &YJMEPOUCIIS INDlCA1ID' By .;~3:~.~1!'!~.~. send 1fiaI.....C!Mfce .One....l... .Copy. ';'~*,.r . " at AutllOrizetl Agmt ..... Policy listed he......) , '\ dotson &. brown . Insurance bill dotson, ir. res. 592-7797 martin h. brown res. 592-0533 specializing in communications · commercial & industrial insurance March 8, 1974 Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners Monroe County Courthouse Key West, Florida 33040 RE: Certificate of Insurance Cable Vision, Inc. Gentlemen: Per our insuredls request we have enclosed a certificate of insurance for your files. If you should have any questions please feel free to contact our office direct. Thanking you for your attention to the above. Si ncerely, 4,T ON .& BRO~~~NSURANCE II j I' ~ t I Bill Dotson, Jr. Partner ms 315 south broadway · p. o. box 276 · tyler, texas 75701 · ac 214 597-8348 C~TE OF 1N5U~ ~. DESCRIPTIVE SCHlDULE Inc. ETAL ~ Address of Insured .p ~O~ Box 1300 J(~WAst, Florida Location Covered All locations Oper3:tions Coveren CATV op@rations tHIS IS TO CERTIFY TO CRfIPlCATE HOlDER: Main.. AcWr.. (SIr'" And Nu......, City, State, Zip Code} Cl~rk of th~ Board of County Commissioners Manro~ County Courthous~ K~~ W~~tt Florida 33040 COVERAGE is provided in Company initialed below: [[J A=AETNA INSURANCE COMPANY D U=AETNA FIRE UNDERWRITERS INSURANCE CO. D C= CENTURY INDEMNITY COMPANY Effective 3/6/74 that on the above date the following described insurance policies, issued by this Company, are in full force and effect, subject to all the tenns,conditions, limitations and exclusions, thereof. Co Nam. of Covera.. Polley Effective Expiration Umits of Num&.r Date Date Ua&ility Workmen'. Compensation WC801573 12/20/73 12/20/74 Statutory · Public liability-locIil, Iniury (Not Auto) $ jUU ,~ each occurrence CG221367 12/20/73 12/20/74 .Public lia&ility-Property Dama.. (Not Auto) $ 50 ,O(H) each occurrence CG221367 12/20/73 12/20/74 $ 50 ,000 aggregate (Explosion, C_ps., Underground ....rcls $ ,000 each occurrence Not Covereel Unle.s Otherwise Sta'" ......) $ ,000 aggregate Products-Completed Operations- $ 300 ,000 each occurrence Wily Iniury CG221367 12/20/73 12/20/74 $ 300 ,000 aggregate Products-Complee.d Operation. $ 5U ,000 each occurrence Property Damage CG221367 12/20/73 12/20/74 $ 50 ,O(H) aggregate Specific ContractuallNiIy Iniury $ jUU ,000 each occurrence (Other Than Ind.ntal Contracts As Defined In The Policy) CG221367 12/20/73 12/20/74 Specific Contractual-Property Damage. S ~U ,000 each occurrence (Other Than Incidental Contracts As Defined In The Policy) CG221367 12/20/73 12/20/74 $ 50 ,000 aggregate Automobile-IocIHy Iniury S 100 ,000 eac h person CG221367 12/20/73 12/20/74 S 300 ,000 each occurrence Automobile-Property Dama.. r:G??13fi7 12/20/73 120/200/14 S oU ,000 each occurrence ......ary Plate GIa.. -Includes coverage for the following incidental written agreements: (1) lease of premises, (2) easement agreement, except in c9nnection with construction or demolition operations on or adjacent to a railroad, (3) undertaking to indemnify a municipality required by municipal ordinance, except in connection with work for the municipality, (4) sidetrack agree- ment, or (5) elevator maintenance agreement. Should any of the above described policies be cancelled before the normal expiration date thereof, the Company will endeavor to give written notice to the above Named Certificate-holder, but failure to give such notice shall im- pose no obligation or liability of any kind upon the Company. THIS CEanFICATE Of INSuaANCE NIIIMEI AFFlRMAnVELY NOR NEGAnvELY AMENDS, EXTENDS 01 ON1HIS CIIIIFICA'fE UNDEI POLICY NU.-&R. By ... (I''''. 0.. Duplicate Copy foreGCh Policy liatecJh }AuthOrized AgenlllS Form 600.840 3/73 '0,., DESClIPTIVE SCHaM.E Name of Insured Cahl~ Vision. Inc.. ETAl ~ CIltTlFlCATI OF ItllUMNCE Address of Insured ',P.O I Ilnx ] 300 Kay W.~tt Florida Location Covered All 1 BrA ti ons Operations Covere~ ~~TV a,.rat. ions 1MIS IS TO CllftFY TO CEM1FICA1I HOLDER: MailiRe AchIr.. (StreIt AtMlNumMr, City, State, Zip Code) C 1 ~rlc of thQ Beard ef CGu,nty COOITlissioners Monroe County CourthQuse l(_~ WA~t. Florida 33046 COVERAGE is provided in Company initialed below: [X] A-AETNA INSURANCE COMPANY D U-AETNA FIRE UNDERWRITERS INSURANCE CO. o C=CENTURY INDEMNITY COMPANY Effective 12/20/74 that on the above date the following describeci insurance policies, issued by this Company, are in full force and effect, subject to all the tenns, conditions, limitations and exclusions, thereof. Co Nam. of Cov...... Policy EfFectiv. Expiration Umits of N.....r Date Date Liability Work......'. COMpensation ~lR~573 12/20/74 12/20/75 Statutory *'ultllc liabiRty-lodly lniury (Not Auto) $ 300 ,000 each occurrence CG658778 12/20/74 12/20/75 *Public Liability-Pro......, ........ (Not Auto) S 50 ,~ each occurrence CG658778 12/20/74 12/20/75 $ 50 ,000 aggregate (lxp......, C....., ......... ....... $ ,000 each occurrence Not Coverecl Un.... Oth.... s...... .H....) $ ,000 aggregate Procluds-CoMpIetecI Operations- $ 300 ,~ each occurrence locIily Injury CG658778 12/20/74 12/20/75 $ 300 ,000 aggregate ProcludI-CompIeted Oper...... $ :>u ,~ each occurrence Property Damag. CG658778 12/20/74 12/20/75 $ 50 ,000 aggregate SpedIc Co.... ..... -I...., I..., $ 300 ,000 each occurrence (0IIMtr .... ......... COfttracts As DefIned In The Poley) CG658778 12/20/74 12/20/75 Specific Contractual-Property Damag. S 50 , ()()() each occurrence (Other Then Incidental Contracts As D.lned In Th. Policy) CG658778 12/20/74 12/20/75 S 50 ,000 aggregate i'c~ -' ,..... . '. -'- -,. - , '--' '. ,. , i .-.meWIe-hcll, I-fu" S 100 ,000 each person CG658778 12/20/74 12/20/75 S 300 ,000 each occurrence Automobile-Property .0....... CG658778 12/20/74 12/20/75 S 50 ,000 each occurrence ......., ........... -Includes covera. ge for the fOll,. owing incidental written agreements: (1) lease of premises, (2) easement agreement, except in connection with construction or demolition operations on or adjacent to a railroad, (3) undertaking to indemnify a municipality required by municipal ordinance, except in connection with work for the municipality, (4) sidetrack agree- ment, or (5) elevator maintenance agreement. Should any of the above described policies be canceUed before the normal expiration date thereof, the Company will endeavor to give written notice to the above Named Certificate-holder, but failure to give such notice shall im. pose no obligation or liability of any kind upon ~he Company. 1IIIICIIIIFICA.Of....NCI......MF.-ATlVE..V NOR NEGATlVElVA_NDS, EXTENDS 01 AlTEIS tHE COVIlAGE AFFOIDID ON.,.. ClnACA1EUNDII JIOUCY...-. 0 ON & BROWN SU By (1.18..... Du'fIIk.,.C.,., Agent ms Form 600-840 3/73 dotson &. bro1.vn . Insurance bill dotson, ire res. 592-7797 martin h. brown res. 592-0533 specializing in communications · commercial & industrial insurance December 18, 1974 RE: Certificate of Insurance Cable Vision, Inc. Gentlemen: Per our insured's request we have enclosed a certificate of insurance for your files. If you should have any questions please feel free to give us a call. Thanking you for your attention to the above. Sincerely, ms Enc. 315 south broadway · p. o. box 276 · tyler, texas 75701 · ac 214 597-8348