Clerk's Memo Ulann!, I.. ltolbagt BRANCH OFFICE 3117 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY MARATHON, FLORID1\ 33050 TEL. (305) 289-6027 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT MONROE COUNTY 500 WHITEHEAD STREET KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 TEL. (305) 292-3550 BRANCH OFFICE 88820 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY PLANTATION KEY, FLORIDA 33070 TEL. (305) 852-7145 M E M 0 RAN DUM To: Barry Boldissar, Director Division of Environmental Management From: Isabel C. DeSantis, Deputy cler\9.c.6. June 6, 1995 Date: -----------------~---~-~-~---------~-~~-~-~--~--~---~-~~------~--- ----------------------------~~-~----~~~~---~~-~-----~~-------~---- At the J~pril 1~, 1995 County Commission Meeting, the Board granted approval and authorized execution of a Contract between Monroe County and Caffrey Construction, Inc. for roof repairs at the Cud~loe Key Transfer station, in the amount of $23,175.00. Attached hereto is a duplicate original of the contract for return to the Contractor. Should you have any questions concerning the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. CC: County Attorney County Administrator wlo document F inlance Risk Management wlo document /F i 1 e .