Certificates of Insurance APPROVED BY RISI< M~MAr,rMrNT Aero Insurance, Inc. ~ ~~I A T ION 5 U RAN C E " ".', ... , ~ , . k. J. ", BY __ ....~ DATE .( l / i I' l . . { I This is to certify to: County of Monro~ Monroe County Risk Management 5100 College ROdd Key West, Florida 33040 c; -1.f.-7~ ~.." o fC:-. WAlVER: NIA . YES **** CERTIFICATE OF INSt~CE **** that the following policies have been issued to: Hyannis Air Service d/b/a Cape Air 0: d/b/a Nantucket Airlines Barnstable Municipal Airport Hyannis, MA 021:501 POLICIES AIRCRAFT LIABILITY Policy Number 87SP-603378 of One or More Member CompanieB of Associated Aviation Under\vr i ters Policy Period: from 9/13/94 to 9/13/95 Coverages Limits of Liability Single Limit Bodily Injury and Property Damage Including Passengers *$25,000,000 ea. occurrence Aircraft Make & Model FAA Reqist..t'"ation # 1980 Ce:;sna 402C N2748Y AIRPOHT LIABILITY Policy Number 87SP-€03378 of One or More Member Companies of Associa':ed Aviation Underwriters Policy Period: from 9/13/94 to 9/13/95 Coverages Limits of Liability Premises Liability Single Limit Bodily Injury and Propert~T Damage *$25,000,000 ea. occurrence *Limit of Liability applies only with respect to Florida Operatic)ns. Additional Insured: County of Monroe, Key West, Florida --~----_._------~-~~---~----------------~~----------------------- This Cel:~tificate does not amend, extend C:lr otherwise alter the ~~ :;~::::~:_:Z;~:~;:_::::::::_::_::::~:~________ // . '.' . By : / Da te : C\ ,q \ q 4-- Nashua Munici;a~iir~~u'1 ~ashua, NH 03063 (603) 883-0033 1-800-356-7075 FAX (603) 883-1299 f'flOnUCf:rt Aero Insurance, Inc. Ttil8 CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MA TTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFEns Nashua Municipal Airport, 99 Pine Hill Rd. NO RIGtiTS UPON TUE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, Nashua, NH 03063 Received EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED 8YTHE POLICIES BELOW Risk Mgmt. & Loss Control COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE -- / c / .~ "". DATE ~. 7 / S , conE s q ttHQtP Rt; COMPANY A LETTER The Fidelity & Casualty Company of New York IN SUR EO Hyannis Air Service, Inc. d/b/a Cape Air Barnstable Municip,al Airport Hyannis, MA 02601 COMPANY B LETTER APPROVED BY RIS~~ M~Nt\GEMENT COMPANY c BY b~/~ CL&72-K- L E TT E R COMPANY 0 lETTER COMPANY E Df\TE };~, '\'FR: N/A YES __ LETTER THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO TUE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, N01WITtiSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TEAM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICti THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED on MAY PERTAIN. TUE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL TtiE TERMS. EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBEA POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATIOt DATE (MM/DDjYY DATE (MM/DDfYY All UMITS IN TltOUSAND9 co lfl GENEnAlllADllIlY COMMERCIAL GENERAL lIABllIT CLAIMS MADC]OCCUR. OWNER'S & CONTRACTOR'S PROT GENERAL AGGREGATE PRODUCTS-COMP/OPS AGOR $ PERSONAL & ADVERTISING INJURY $ EACH OCCURRENCE $ AUTOMOUllE lIAUllITY ANY AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS SCHEDULED AUTOS HIRED AUTOS NON-OWNED AUTOS GARAGE LIABILITY FIRE DAMAGE (Anyone fire) $ MEDICAL EXPENSE (Any ono person $ COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT wonKEn's COMPENSATION AND EMPlOYEnS.lIAOlllTY 1~/13/94 12/13/95 800lL Y INJURY $ (per person) 80DIL Y INJURY $ (Per ace) PROPERTY DAMAGE $ EXCESS lIADllITY IOTHER TlJAN UMBREII 4 FORM $ A MU8896343 94L STATUTORY $ (EACH ACCIDENT) (DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT) (DISEASE - EACIt EMPLOYEE $ (lI It. ~.~ () l: seluP liON OF OPEnA nONS/lOCA TIONSjVEIIIClES/AESTRICTlONS/SPECIAl nEUS Covering Florida LC>e..ation - 574 Terminal Drive, Naples, FL 33942 County of Monroe Risk Management I~~!j SHOULD ANYOF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE 5100 College Road ~~I~i EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO Key west, FL 33040 Ililll MAIL DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO TtiE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE CC !Y '-li~ ~ ~}~~~ · ~ ~~:t~ ....: >:A . ,- IN S \J n N ET 25" S (3/88)',': ,.::.' .:' : ::: .:<r:".::::;::::i::;:::'::i::t::::::: :::,; ::::'::':i::,:.;:i;: :;::"::::"::f=;::::::' :i;):::;':: :';",:;.: ..\::: .::; ::.: .'. '.::.:: ;'X: . . .: . :.,;. ;.:.;>~;~sLJflNET":.ft~c.. .'080 Aero Insurance, Inc. AVIATION INSURANCE inrn; : -.. .'__d !~.:'d._(~.__:...~~2~__.___. / **** CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE **** i~ r ~-~ ')" f D 8 \ F i S r\ ~\'~ t~ NAG E MEN T County of Monroe ~ ~A- ~/1 ~~~~o~oi~~~~Y R~~~k Managemea't_ .IG~ >7~ · [' ""'E. ;? -;Lo ~ Key West, Flor1da 33040 }.q' that the following policies have been issued to: i"!.."!ER: N/~. YES V . Hyannis Air Service O~/C CL~~ d/b/a Cape Air & d/b/a Nantucket Airlines Barnstable Municipal Airport Hyannis, r~ 02501 This is to certify to: POLICIES AIRCRAFT LIABILITY Policy Number 93SP603853 of One or More Member Companies of Associated Aviation Underwriters Policy Period: from 9/13/95 to 9/13/96 Coverages Limits of Liability Single Limit Bodily TIljury and Property Damage Including Passengers $25,000,000 ea. occurrence Aircraft Make & Model FAA Reqistration # 1980 Ces;sna 402C N83PB AIRPOHT LIABILITY Policy Number 93SP603853 of One or More Member Companies of Associated Aviation Underwriters Policy Period: from 9/13/95 to 9/13/96 Coverages Limits of Liability Premises Liability Single Limit Bodily Injury and Propert1l Damage $25,000,000 ea. occurrence Additional Insured: C()unty of Monroe, Key West, Florida --------~------------~------------------------------------------- This Certificate does not amend, extend or otherwise alter the terms and conditions t-)f the policies referred to herein. AERO INSURANCE, IN:~'~ --------~------------------------------------------------------- ....- ... ,{ II ,/ Date: By : ~ .'t..4/~ ~;,'.. J' '!"'" C).13'9S cc .' ~6'Y~B Nashua Municipari~rt, 99 Pine Hill Road, Nashua, NH 03063 (603) 883-0033 1-800-356-7075 FAX (603) 883-1299 .\pril 22. 199.1 I sl Printing MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Rcquc.~t For Wai,"cr of Insurance Requirements Received Risk Ivfgmr. & Loss Control DATE 7/7/ t')' ~ INITIAL ~ It is requested thalthc insurance rcquircmcnts~ as specified in the County's Schedule of Insurance Requirements, be \\'3ived or Inodificd on the: follo\ving contract Contractor: Hvannis Air Servic~ Tn~ n /~./l\ (";::Irt3 n ir Contr3ct for: Facil i ty T.~~~~- K~y W~~i- Tni-t3rn~t-:i 00.1 ~ irport Address of Contractor: Barnstable Municipal Airport Hyannis, MA 02601 Phone: (508) 775-8171 Scope of\Vork: Scheduled Airline Service Date L~ \.._.l-/l~ . 1 /) '--f- .. \.-., _ '- J _A..J<...' L,() ~ LA.) / /: / . /1' -I- r I () () () I Q (J () I r; ;;}- 7 1 s-' Y:-IJ'''/U,/~CJ I ;=:!J.ffi,( ,cz:X:G-cL;C... Approved ~ Not Approved O~~/\~ --~'-j ~t/l_~---- 2-' 7/9\')- R<::!son for Waiver: Signature of Contractor: Risk Managemenl County Administrator appC31: Apprpvcd: Not Approved: Dale: Board of County COJnlnissioocrs appc.11: Approvcd: Nol Approvcd: rvleeling Dale: \VAIVER "110IHI<;r:n Aero Insurance~ Inc. Nashua Munlci~l Airport, 99 Pine Hill Rd Nashua, NH 03063 eonE sun-COOE ",sun EU Hyannis Air Service, Inc. d/b/a Cape Air & d/b/a Nantucket Airlines 574 Terminal Dri\re Naples, FL 33942 / TUIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MA lTER OF INFORMA TlON ONl Y AND CONFEf1S NO P.ICHIT9 UPON lUE CERTIFICATE tlOlDER. TUtS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY TilE POllCIE9 BELOW COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE COMPANY A Fielit & Ca 1 Insurance lETTER . Y sua ty Co. through COMPANY B tETTER COMPANY C LETTER COMPANY D lETTER COMPANY E lETTER P ecep'</..'f' f ! .",\ I ~v~ C 'I ' --'/ - >1 ;:/4' . ../ "" / l _. '^ /,_, , . / /;Jt.G/ .. . .",L~~"'._~_"."~''''___ 1:"31'1'1 ~i TtflS IS TO CERTIFY THAT TflE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED DElOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE Fon TUE POLICY PEnlOD INDICATED, NOTWITttST ANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM on CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OltiER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO Wlflctt 1ttl9 ~~~~~~ftJi k:fJ g5~t~}:g~~~fs'J6f~6~:gIJ~~I:~r:~R:~78~~r;Ir:.9ffEBBYETJ:rriJ'J0ca~~ ~~~~mBcl~:~~EIN IS SUBJECT TO All. TftE TERM9, co TYPE OF INsunANCE . POLICY NUMBEn 1" OENEnAl LlAOlllTY COMMERCIAL GENERAIL lfABILlT CLAIMS MADC]OCCUR. OWNER'S & CONTRACTOR'S PROT POLICY EFF ECTIVE POLICY EXPIAA llOf' All UMITS IN TIIOtJ9AN09 DATE (MM/DDfN DATE (MM/DDfYY GENERAL AGGREGATE $ pnODUCTS - COMP/OPS AGGR $ PERSONAL & ADVERTISING INJUn)' s EACIt OCCURRENCE $ FIRE DAMAGE (AnV one fho) $ MEDICAL EXPENSE (AnV ono person $ \ire: ~".'.'.'.'.'...'.'.','.".','.'..,'-'.'.'.'.'. 4..............,............,..................... ...... ......4............ ....'.........'.......'...............'.... . ,. I. ., ...... ........... . ......... -.,. ........ :: : :: :;::: : : : ~ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :: : : : : : :: : : : ; : :: . : . : ~ : ~ !:i:,:::;:';::::::':'!::'::::::::;::;::'::: .:-:.:.:.:.:.:-:.:-:.:.:.:.;..,:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. ::: :;::::: ~::~::::::::::::::: ::: :::: ::::::::::;:. : ;.:,:.:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:-:.:.:.:. ji ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~:[ ~ ~i ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~j~f f~~~ m j Ji:::;, f; ~ [\~ [i~ !1~!i~ij i!i~i!!;!;!~ !~)fi:? i\: .:,:.:.:-:.:.;.:.:.: .:.:.:.:.:.:. ~ -:.: -:.:-:.:.:.: ~::i~:ii~ii:~ !i{ii:iiii!!imii~~) }m~; ~: i::~;: ~: r i!) i :i~ i:; ~i:; ~: ~ i~~: i: {::: ~ j ~: :::::::>:::::::::~:;::;:;::::::::::::::::::::::: ~~~~: ~~ ~~)~~~,:~~ ~~~~/ ~{i ~r~~:~~f~{~;:::.:: Ii:::!::!::::::,::::::!::,::::::::::!: o~~cv~, [0 ~~~l'~~'~';;""""" 3Jttrfi)jittW S $ : ~i ~j ~i ~j (f!~ !~! i j~ 1! j ~ ~~ m: i ~r m ..:.:...:...:.:......,.................... ..... .... .~. ~.~ T ~~~;!;!;!i:iiiji~;:!!!i!:~ii!~ii!I;i~i;i!i!!!!:i!i:i:;~!iij;i!i!:!i;i!:!i!:i:!;!i!ji;J:I:;i;;!t:i!!i~:i;' 1,000,000 (EActf ACCIDEN1) . 1,000,000 (OISE^SF . POLICY LIMIT) $ ,1,000,000 (DISEASE-EACIt EMPLOYEE AUTOMOUIl.E lIAIJIlITY ANY AUTO All OWNED AUTOS SCtfEDULED AUTOS HIRED AUTOS NON-OWNED AUTOS GARAOE LIABILITY D,~TE '''Tq: lJ" EXGE8911AUllHY OTttER TffAN UMOnEt. L~ FORM A wonK En's courEN9A1ION AND EMl'lOYEnS'lIAfllurv 15MU 889634395 0111. COMBINED SINGI.E LIMIT $ 800ll Y ~ ( ~ INJURY t)~ (per person) C~ 8001l.Y INJURY (Per ace) s s PROPERTY DAMAGE 12/13/95 12/13/96 Ul::9G"If'1 ION OF OPEnA TIONS/lOGA TlONS/VEIIIClES/AESTnICTlONS/SPECIAlITEU9 Policy covers operations in Florida and Massachusetts Coun ty of Monroe, }{isk Man ag emen t 1I~~i SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE lttE Public Service Building, 5100 College Rd. ~~t~~ EXPlnATlON DATE THEREOF, TUE ISSUING COMPANY Wft.l ENDEAVOR TO Key wes t, FL 33040 ~~~H MAil D^Y8 WITTEN NOTICE TO TttE CERTIF .:~:.:.: :::::::: 1rm ::::=::: :.:-:.:. CC I, 6~/~ ~~ '"SIJ"NEr~5'S~~/~~).~:~~~;~~~J)j0G;1S~\t0~JS~~0(S0;;10;l~~~~~~~dll"E~Jc~ I ~ ,,/ Aero Insurance, Inc. \'v AVIATIO NSURANCE **** CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE **** This is to certify to: County of Monroe Monroe County Risk Management 5100 College Road Key West Florida 33040 that the following policies have been issued to: Hyannis Air Service, Inc. ~d/b/a Cape Air & d/b/a Nantucket Airlines ~ 660 Barnstable Road North Ramp Barnstable Municipal Airport Hyannis, MA 02601 Policy No. 46SP 604261 of One or More Member Companies of Associated Aviation Underwriters POLICY PERIC)D: from September 13, 1996 to September 13, 1997 AIRCRAFT LIABILITY: Single Limit Passen~rers Bodily Injury and Property $25,000,000 each Occurrence Damage Including Aircraft Make & Model FAA Registration # " All Aircralft Owned or Operated by the Named Insured" APD!1(\\.'[f' RV P~~F. ~:u~,.lu~rrF~n BY__~~~'c~~ 0-:, ~ D/4.TE -~______~~~~Lk._..___.__ ' AIRPORT LIABILITY: Premises Liability Single Limit Bodily Injury and Property Damage $25,000,000 each Occurrence V" :\TP: N'.~ vrr ___~_ It is agreed that: This Certificate Holder is included as an Additional Insured under the Liability Coverages specified above, but solely with respect to its Liability arising out of operations of the Named Insured. This Certificate does not amend, extend or otherwise alter the terms and conditions of the policies referred to herein. AERO INSURAN'CE, INC. GaeL 1). ~~ BY: DAT~: September 16, 1996 c c / yfj~)P/cJL&VL /-/7;,;:, Nashua Municipal ~~99 Pine Hill Road, Nashua, NH 03063 (603) 883-0033 1-800-356-7075 FAX (603) 883-1299 . "II" 4o... "'.' I~ IJrinling MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Rcquc.~t For Wai,'cr of Insurance Requirements Received Risk Ivlgmt. & Loss Control DATE 7/7/ "i' ~ I IN ITIAL Er It is requcsted that the insurance rcquircmcn~ as specified in the County's Schedule of Insurnnce Requirements, be "'3ived or modified on the follo\ving contract. Contrnctor: Hvannis Air Service Tn~ n /'R./n ("'~rl3 n ir Contract for: Facility T~~~p- ~~y W~~r Tnror"~~ional Airport Address of Contractor: Barnstab~e Municipal Airport Hyannis, MA 02601 Phone: _(508) 775-8171 Scope of\Vork: Scheduled Airline Service Signature of Contractor: . A_. . l.J1--to I) () a I Q ~ () wi '7 ~-::>- 2/1,~ '4~"Icv.du I ~J.-tt.-( ,~-t:G-L-&~ Approved "-/:. Not Approved O~/\__.^-/ YfYt, C~--- g-- 7/q~)- Rc~son for Waiver: Risk Management Dillte County Administrator nppcll: Apprpvcd: Not Approved: D3tc: Board of County COJnlnissioDCrs npJlCc,l: Approved: Not Approved: M<:Cling Dale: \V AIVER I \ .....-"\ Aero Insurance, Inc. ~~~~0\'~D~. qJSk '.U\I~rn,ni~ AVIATION 5 U RAN C E ' ('~\Ly v ~-" pv --1.-!-~ j ~ J\ J.L__~_.. _.- ~1 ~,.--, 1.- f '~ \, . \ ".< - .." ?I. ( · t . ___ f\ [, T E / CERTI FICA TE OF I NSU RANCE W!I':n~: N/^ .~ VES_- ~,\ . U&{..-C.- { )() ~4 1 ( . '. '~JJ, l.t.~(..t-\.. ..~}.~.~~-z Date of Issue: September 16, 1997 CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 91397-12 "~. THIS IS TO CERTIFY: Monroe County BOCC C/O Monroe County Risk ManagelTlent 5100 College Road Key West FL 33040 that insurers, EAC::H FOR HIS OWN PART AND NOT ONE FOR THE OTHER, are providing the following insurance NAMED I NSURE[): Hyannis Air Service, Inc. d/b/a Cape Ai r & d/b/a Nantucket Ai rI i nes 660 Barnstable Road, North Rarnp Barnstable Municipal Airport Hyannis, MA 02601 PERIOD OF INSlJRANCE: September 13, 1997 to September 13, 1998 on both dates at 12:01 A.M. Local Standard Time at the Address of the Named Insured GEOGRAPHICAL LIMITS: Worldwide (however, in respect of Extended Aircraft Liabilities AV,52C, the policy territory is worldwide excluding Iraq and any other countries subject to l)nited Natic.rlS sanctions.' AIRCRAFT INSURED: All aircraft owned and lor operated by the Named Insured INSURERS & POLICY NU"'1BE~~S: See Attached Schedule { ~'" r '''J 1 I, I /..' ,}--(--- '. ,ufl (;-;~ Nashua Municipal Airport, 99 Pine Hill Road, Nashua, Nfi 03063 (603) 883-0033 1-800-356-7075 FAX (603) 883-1299 Aero Insurance, Inc. AVIATIO NSURANCE CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 91397-12 DESCRIPTION OF COVERAGE: As respects Comprehensive Airline Liability Insurance ( including, but not limited to: Comprehensive General Liability, Personal Injury Liability, Contractual Liability, Premises, Products (excluding Manufacturer's Products Liability), and Completed Operations Liabilities, and Hangarkeepers Liability and the AAU equivalent of AV.52C (War Risks Liability Clause). LIMIT OF LIABILI"TY: Combined Single Limit Bodily Injury (including Passengers) and Property Liability $25,000,000 each occurrence / aircraft. As respects Products Liability or Completed Operations, the above limit shall apply to anyone occurrence and in the aggregate. Personal Injury is limited to $2,000,000 each offense and in the aggregate. SPECIAL PROVISION(S) APPLICABLE TO I\DDRESSEE This Certificate does not amend, extend or otherwise alter the terms, conditions, limitations or exclusions of the policies referred to herein, except as stated above. Each of the above Insurers, individually for its policy only, has authorized the undersigned to issue this certificate on behalf as a matter of convenience. The undersigned is not an insurer and has no liability of any sort under the ab()ve policies nor as result of this certification. Aero Insurance, Inc. Nashua, New Hampshire --, . ") G f2a u ,'7. J,n~rJL Authorized Representative Nashua Municipal Airport, 99 Pine Hill Road, Nashua, NH 03063 (603) 883-0033 1-800-356-7075 FAX (603) 883-1299 Aero Insurance, Inc. AVIATIO NSURANCE CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 91397-12 SPECIAL PROVISION(S) APPLICABLE TO ADDRESSEE Solely as respects Comprehensive Airline Liability Insurance, subject to policy terms, conditions, limitations, deductibles and exclusions the following provisions apply: It is agreed that: This Certificate holder is included as an Additional Insured under the Liability Coverages specified above, but solely with respect to its Liability arising out of acts or omissions of the Named Insured at the Key West International Airport. The undersigned has been authorized by the above insurers to issue this certificate on their behalf. The undersigned is nOlt an insurer and has no liability of any sort under the above policies nor as a result of this certification. This certificate does not alter, extend or amend any policy terms, conditions, limitations, deductibles, warranties or excl usions. Aero Insurance, Inc. Nashua, New Hampshire ~~ ~ G"/20 [.t (-7 - cflrud!.. Authorized Representative Nashua Municipal Airport, 99 Pine Hill Road, Nashuat NH 03063 (603) 883-0033 1-800-356-7075 FAX (603) 883-1299 Aero Insurance, Inc. AVIATION NSURANCE Hyannis Air Service, Inc. d/b/a Cape Air & d/b/a Nantucket Airlines Hyannis, MA 02601 Schedule of Insurer Participants Aviation Hull and Liability Insurance INSURER POLICY NO. PARTICIPATION One or More Member Companies of Associated Aviati()n Underwriters 500 Hills Drive Suite 105 Bedminster NJ 07921 22SP 604696 40.000/0 National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, PA through AIG Aviation, Inc. Raritan Plaza III 101 Fieldcrest Avenue Edison NJ 08837 A V 338-6838 60.000/0 SEVERAL LIABILITY NOTICE The subscribing insurers' notice obligation under contracts of insurance to which they subscribe are several and not joint and are limited solely to the extent of their individual subscriptions. The subscribing insurers are not responsible for the subscription of any co-subscribing insurer who for any reason does not satisfy all or parts of its obligations. Nashua Municipal Airport, 99 Pine Hill Road, Nashua, NH 03063 (603) 883-0033 1-800-356-7075 FAX (603) 883-1299 Aero Insurance, Inc. AVIATION INSURANCE "~TE **** CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE **** \'~" 'q~: ~II~ _~ vr~ Th i s is to certify t(): Monroe County BOCC C/O Monroe County Risk Management 5100 College Road Key West FL 33040 01r . C~ ~ ~. () -iH 'iY1 (f)(L (( . ~- ~ that the following policies have been issued to: Hyannis Air Service, Inc. d/b/a Cape Air & d/b/a Nantucket Airlines 660 Barnstable Road, North Ramp Barnstable Municipal Airport Hyannis MA 02601 WORKERS COMPENSATION POLICY No. 5BH 038 169-00 of the American Manufacturers Mutual Insurance Company POLICY PERIOD: December 13, 1997 to December 13, 1998 WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE - PART ONE applies to the Workers Compensation Law of: MASSACHUSETTS / FLORIDA EMPlOYEJ~S LIABILITY INSURANCE - PART TWO applies to 'Nork in each state listed: MASSACHUSETTS / FLORIDA OTHER STATES INSURANCE - PART THREE applies to the states, if any, listed here: All states except MAINE, NORTH DAKOTA, NEVADA, OHIO, RHODE ISLAND, 'v^v/AS:-II~~GTON, \VEST VIRGINIA Ai~D 'vVYOiv1Ii~G and MASSACHUSETTS / FLORI DA liMITS - Ernployers Liability Insurance Part Two: Bodily Injury Accident Bodily Injury by Disease Bodily Injury by Disease $1,000,000 each accident $1,000,000 each employee $1,000,000 policy limit This Certificate does not amend, extend or otherwise alter the terms and conditions of the policies referred to herein. AERO I NSURANC:E, INC. BY: GZatU ~7 . &-ru~, I:J/~;/ c,;J ! :~ DATE: December 16, 1997 -~r.~:~ Nashua Municipal Airport, 99 Pine Hill Road, Nashua, NH 03063 (603) 883-0033 1-800-356-7075 FAX (603) 883-1299 Aero Insurance, Inc. AVIATION SURANCE l.~ **** CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE **** ~ T his is to c e rt i fy t~): County of Monroe, Risk Management Public Service Building 5100 College Road Key West, FL 33040 BY that the following policies have been issued to: DATE \-~\-q~ Nl~ L YES ~'.~ ~ ~ ~ ffll&L U \'V~ '\,'fQ: J-~yann~s I\ir Serv'ice, inc. d/b/a Cape Air & d/b/a Nantucket Airlines 660 Barnstable Road, North Ramp Barnstable Municipal Airport Hyannis MA 02601 WORKERS COMPENSATION POLICY No. SBH 038 169-01 of the American Manufacturers Mutual Insurance Company POLICY PERIOD: December 13, 1997 to December 13, 1998 WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE - PART ONE applies to the Workers Compensation Law of: MASSACHUSETTS / FLORIDA EMPLOYERS LIABILITY INSURANCE - PART TWO applies to lwork in each state listed: MASSACHUSETTS / FLORIDA OTHER STATES INSURANCE - PART THREE applies to the states, if any, listed here: All states except MAINE, NORTH DAKOTA, NEVADA, OHIO, RHODE ISLAND, V'v/~SHil~C;TOi~, VVEST V'IRGINiA AND WYOMING and MASSACHUSETTS / FLORIDA LIMITS - Ernployers Liability Insurance Part Two: Bodily Injury Accident Bodily Injury by Disease Bodily Injury by Disease $1,000,000 each accident $1,000,000 each employee $1,000,000 policy limit I 1 1"1 - ~. 7(.) }L...."'.~~. f L - ,,-- " N~_ ,~ ; This Certificate does not amend, extend or otherwise alter the terms and conditions of the policies referred to herein. AERO I NSURANC=E, INC. BY: G1cu ,(]. cljru~ DATE: January 14, 1998 Nashua Municipal Ailrport, 99 Pine Hill Road, Nashua, NH 03063 (603) 883-0033 1-800-356-7075 FAX (603) 883-1299 Aero Insurance, Inc. AVIATION NSURANCE **** CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE **** Th is is to certify t~): Monroe County BOCC c/o Monroe County Risk Management 51 00 College Road Key West, FL 33040 that the following policies have been issued to: Hyannis Air Service, Inc. d/b/a Cape Air & d/b/a Nantucket Airlines 660 Barnstable Road, North Ramp Barnstable Municipal Airport Hyannis MA 02601 WORKERS COMPENSATION POLICY No. SBH 038 169-01 of the American Manufacturers Mutual Insurance Company POLICY PERIOD: December 13, 1997 to December 13, 1998 WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE - PART ONE applies to the Workers Compensation Law of: MASSACHUSETTS / FLORIDA EMPLOYERS LIABILITY INSURANCE - PART TWO applies to 'work in each state listed: MASSACHUSETTS / FLORIDA OTHER STATES INSURANCE - PART THREE applies to the states, if any, listed here: All states except MAINE, NORTH DAKOTA, NEVADA, OHIO, RHODE ISLAND, WASHINGTON, WEST VIRGINIA AND WYOMING and MASSACHUSETTS / FLORIDA LIMITS - Ernployers Liability Insurance Part Two: Bodily Injury Accident Bodily Injury by Disease Bodily Injury by Disease $1,000,000 each accident $1,000,000 each employee $1,000,000 policy limit This Certificate does not amend, extend or otherwise alter the terms and conditions of the policies referred to herein. AERO INSURANC:E, INC. BY: G~7C((j ~7 "j;rud.. REVISED J I cr' l7t;..; i ,:.r c- T" ......; .,' ~I ~' ..H ...~.- DATE: January 14, 1998 Nashua Municipal Airport, 99 Pine Hill Road, Nashua, NH 03063 (603) 883-0033 1-800-356-7075 FAX (603) 883-1299 Aero Insurance, Inc. AVIATIO INSURANCE **** CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE **** Th is is to certify t(): Monroe County BOCC c/o Monroe County Risk Management 5100 College Road Key West, FL 33040 that the followi ng pol icies have been issued to: Hyannis Air Service, Inc. d/b/a Cape Air & d/b/a Nantucket Airlines 660 Barnstable Road, North Ramp Barnstable Municipal Airport Hyannis MA 02601 WORKERS COMPENSATION POLICY No. SBH 038 169-01 of the American Manufacturers Mutual Insurance Company POLICY PERIOD: December 13, 1997 to December 13, 1998 WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE - PART ONE applies to the Workers Compensation Law of: MASSACHUSETTS I FLORIDA EMPLOYEI~S LIABILITY INSURANCE - PART TWO applies to 'Nork in each state listed: MASSACHUSETTS I'FLORIDA OTHER STATES INSURANCE - PART THREE applies to the states, if any, listed here: All states except MAINE, NORTH DAKOTA, NEVADA, OHIO, RHODE ISLAND, 'v\lAS~1INGTOt~, WEST VIRGINIA A~~D WYOMING and MASSACHUSET-rs / FLORIDA LIMITS - Employers Liability Insurance Part Two: Bodily Injury Accident Bodily Injury by Disease Bodily Injury by Disease $1,000,000 each accident $1,000,000 each employee $1,000,000 policy limit This Certificate does not amend, extend or otherwise alter the terms and conditions of the policies referred to herein. AERO INSURANC=E, INC. BY: 01 cur:} . :jhu~ DATE: January 14, 1998 Nashua Municipal Ailrport, 99 Pine Hill Road, Nashua, NH 03063 (603) 883-0033 1-800-356-7075 FAX (603) 883-1299 Aero Insurance, Inc. A v I A T ION INS U RAN C E.;, 'tin\TR'ri. r'7r~'.r;p,t. 'r uL~~hMl LAft._....__.qJi 7~-= CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE \", ~~:.'ffi.':{;'T')_- / .' ,-U't11 \ v' (( , &,v.efh m tf;U<. Date of Issue: September 14, 1998 CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 91398-12A THIS IS TO CERTIFY: Monroe County BOCC C/O ,\I1onroe County Risk Management 5100 College Road Key West FL 33040 that insurers, EACH FOR HIS OWN PART AND NOT ONE FOR THE OTHER, are providing the following insurance NAMED INSURE[): Hyannis Air Service, Inc. d/b/a Cape Ai r & d/b/a Nantucket Ai rl i nes 660 Barnstable Road, North Ramp Barnstable Municipal Airport Hyannis, MA 02601 PERIOD OF INSURANCE: September 13, 1998 to September 13, 1999 on both dates at 12:01 A.M. Local Standard Time at the Address of the Named Insured GEOGRAPHICAL LIMITS: Worldwide (however, in respect of Extended Aircraft Liabilities AV,52C, the policy territory is worldwide excluding Iraq and any other countries subject to United Nations sanctions.) AIRCRAFT INSURED: All aircraft owned and lor operated by the Named Insured INSURERS & POLICY NUMBERS: See Attached Schedule 41, DATE_.. - fNITIAL Nashua Municipal Airport, 99 Pine Hill Road, Nashua, NH 03063 (603) 883-0033 1-800-356-7075 FAX (603) 883-1299 Aero Insurance, Inc. AVIATION INSURANCE CERTIFICATE NUIMBER: 91398-12A DESCRIPTION OF COVERAGE: As respects Comprehensive Airline Liability Insurance ( including, but not limited to: Comprehensive General Liability, Personal Injury Liability, Contractual Liability, Premises, Products (excluding Manufacturer's Products Liability), and Completed Operations Liabilities, and Hangarkeepers Liability and the AAU equivalent of A V.52C (War Risks Liability Clause). LIMIT OF LIABILrry: Combined Single Limit Bodily Injury (including Passengers) and Property Liability $25,000,000 each occurrence / aircraft. As respects Products Liabi I ity or Completed Operations, the above Ii m it shall apply to anyone occu rrence and in the aggregate. Personal Injury is limited to $2,000,000 each offense and in the aggregate. SPECIAL PROVISION(S) APPLICABLE TO ;\DDRESSEE This Certificate does not amend, extend or otherwise alter the terms, conditions, limitations or exclusions of the policies referred to herein, except as stated above. Each of the above Insurers, individually for its policy only, has authorized the undersigned to issue this certificate onbeha!f as a matter of conv'enience. The undersigned is not an insurer and has no liability of any sort under the above policies nor as result of this certification. Aero Insurance, Inc. Nashua, New Hampshire ~~ vI. j)~ Authorized Representative 9/14/98 Nashua Municipal Airport, 99 Pine Hill Road, Nashua, NH 03063 (603) 883-0033 1-800-356-7075 FAX (603) 883-1299 Aero Insurance, Inc. AVIATION INSURANCE CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 91398-12A SPECIAL PROVISION(S) APPLICABLE TO ADDRESSEE Solely as respects Comprehensive Airline Liability Insurance, subject to policy terms, conditions, limitations, deductibles and exclusions the follo\\'ing provisions apply: It is agreed that: This Certificate holder is included as an Additional Insured under the Liability Coverages specified above, but solely with respect to its Liability arising out of acts or omissions of the Named Insured at the Key West International Airport. The undersigned has been authorized by the above insurers to issue this certificate on their behalf. The undersigned is not an insurer and has no liability of any sort under the above policies nor as a result of this certification. This certificate does not alter, extend or amend any policy terms, conditions, limitations, deductibles, warranties or exclusions. Aero Insurance, Inc. Nashua, New Hampshire ~~n.j)~ Authorized Representative 9/14/98 Nashua Municipal Airport, 99 Pine Hill Road, Nashua, NH 03063 (603) 883-0033 1-800-356-7075 FAX (603) 883-1299 Aero Insurance, Inc. AVIATION INSURANCE Hyannis Air Service, Inc. d/b/a Cape Ai r & d/b/a Nantucket Ai rl i nes Hyannis, MA 02601 Schedule of Insurer Participants Aviation Hull and Liability Insurance INSURER POLICY NO. PARTICIPATION One or More Member Companies of Associated Aviatic)n Underwriters 500 Hills Drive Su ite 105 Bedminster NJ 07921 SP 605115 40.000/0 National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, PA through AIG Aviation, Inc. 104 Carnegie Center, Suite 214 Princeton NJ 08540 A V 338-6838-02 60.000/0 SEVERAL LIABILITY NOTICE The subscribing insurers' notice obligation under contracts of insurance to which they subscribe are several and not joint and are limited solely to the extent of their individual subscriptions. The subscribing insurers are not responsible for the subscription of any co-subscribing insurer who for any reason does not satisfy all or parts of its obi igations. Nashua Municipal Airport, 99 Pine Hill Road, Nashua, NH 03063 (603) 883-0033 1-800-356-7075 FAX (603) 883-1299 Aero Insurance, Inc. A VIATION INSURANCE te A. {� 0Y J1 PATE _A-10 -- " YFS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE Oit,ajd2 • ,I 010.Q. Date of Issue: September 9, 1999 CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 91399 -12B THIS IS TO CERTIFY: Monroe County BOCC CIO Monroe County Risk Management 5100 College Road Key West FL 33040 that insurers, EACH FOR HIS OWN PART AND NOT ONE FOR THE OTHER, are providing the following insurance NAMED INSURED: Hyannis Air Service, Inc. d/b /a Cape Air & d /b /a Nantucket Airlines 660 Barnstable Road, North Ramp Barnstable Municipal Airport Hyannis, MA 02601 PERIOD OF INSURANCE: September 13, 1999 to September 13, 2000 on both dates at 12:01A.M. Local Standard Time at the Address of the Named Insured GEOGRAPHICAL LIMITS: Worldwide (however, in respect of Extended Aircraft Liabilities AV.52C, the policy territory is worldwide excluding Iraq and any other countries subject to United Nations sanctions.) AIRCRAFT INSURED: All aircraft owned and /or operated by the Named Insured INSURERS & POLICY NUMBERS: See Attached Schedule ' DATE "` r r INITIAL Nashua Municipal Airport, 99 Pine Hill Road, Nashua, NH 03063 (603) 883 -0033 1- 800 - 356 -7075 FAX (603) 883 -1299 Aero Insurance, Inc. c A V I A T I O N I N S U R A N C E CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 91399 -12B DESCRIPTION OF COVERAGE: As respects Comprehensive Airline Liability Insurance ( including, but not limited to: Comprehensive General Liability, Personal Injury Liability, Contractual Liability, Premises, Products (excluding Manufacturer's Products Liability), and Completed Operations Liabilities, and Hangarkeepers Liability and the AAU equivalent of AV.52C (War Risks Liability Clause). LIMIT OF LIABILITY: Combined Single Limit Bodily Injury (including Passengers) and Property Liability $25,000,000 each occurrence / aircraft. As respects Products Liability or Completed Operations, the above limit shall apply to any one occurrence and in the aggregate. Personal Injury is limited to $2,000,000 each offense and in the aggregate. SPECIAL PROVISION(S) This Certificate does not amend, extend or otherwise alter the terms, APPLICABLE TO ADDRESSEE conditions, limitations or exclusions of the policies referred to herein, except as stated above. Each of the above Insurers, individually for its policy only, has authorized the undersigned to issue this certificate on behalf as a matter of convenience. The undersigned is not an insurer and has no liability of any sort under the above policies nor as result of this certification. Aero Insurance, Inc. Nashua, New Hampshire e - e -) 41“. 0. 1/4S) Authorized Representative September 9, 1999 Nashua Municipal Airport, 99 Pine Hill Road, Nashua, NH 03063 (603) 883 -0033 1- 800 - 356 -7075 FAX (603) 883 -1299 Aero Insurance, Inc. A V I A T I S U R A N C E CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 91399 -12B SPECIAL PROVISION(S) APPLICABLE TO ADDRESSEE Solely as respects Comprehensive Airline Liability Insurance, subject to policy terms, conditions, limitations, deductibles and exclusions the following provisions apply: It is agreed that: This Certificate holder is included as an Additional Insured under the Liability Coverages specified above, but solely with respect to its Liability arising out of acts or omissions of the Named Insured at the Key West International Airport. The undersigned has been authorized by the above insurers to issue this certificate on their behalf. The undersigned is not an insurer and has no liability of any sort under the above policies nor as a result of this certification. This certificate does not alter, extend or amend any policy terms, conditions, limitations, deductibles, warranties or exclusions. Aero Insurance, Inc. Nashua, New Hampshire b Authorized Representative September 9, 1999 Nashua Municipal Airport, 99 Pine Hill Road, Nashua, NH 03063 (603) 883 -0033 1- 800 - 356 -7075 FAX (603) 883 -1299 Aero Insurance Inc. A V I A T I O N I N S U R A N C E Hyannis Air Service, Inc. d /b /a Cape Air & d /b /a Nantucket Airlines Hyannis, MA 02601 Schedule of Insurer Participants AIRLINE INSURANCE INSURER POLICY NO. PARTICIPATION One or More Member Companies of 50 REG 6445 40.00% Associated Aviation Underwriters 51 John F. Kennedy Parkway Short Hills NJ 07078 National Union Fire Insurance Company AV 338 - 6838 -03 60.00% of Pittsburgh, PA through AIG Aviation, Inc. 104 Carnegie Center, Suite 214 Princeton NJ 08540 SEVERAL LIABILITY NOTICE The subscribing insurers' notice obligation under contracts of insurance to which they subscribe are several and not joint and are limited solely to the extent of their individual subscriptions. The subscribing insurers are not responsible for the subscription of any co- subscribing insurer who for any reason does not satisfy all or parts of its obligations. Nashua Municipal Airport, 99 Pine Hill Road, Nashua, NH 03063 (603) 883 -0033 1- 800 - 356 -7075 FAX (603) 883 -1299 Aero Insurance Inc. AVIATION INSURANCE * * ** CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE * * ** This is to certify to: Monroe County BOCC C/O Monroe County Risk Managemerlt . R I. """ 5100 College Road Key West FL 33040 ,.Y - -�– DATE —1": that the following policies have been issued to: / YESS _--- -- Hyannis Air Service, Inc. d /b /a /86'E: ' - (GAL Cape Air & d/ b/a Nantucket Airlines 660 Barnstable Road, North Ramp U ` d�- Barnstable Municipal Airport a Hyannis MA 02601 Q MaRQ WORKERS COMPENSATION POLICY No. 5BH 038 169 -02 of the American Manufacturers Mutual Insurance Company by Associated Aviation Underwriters Bedminster 500 Hills Drive, Suite 105 Bedminster NJ 07921 POLICY PERIOD: December 13, 1998 to December 13, 1999 WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE - PART ONE applies to the Workers Compensation Law of: MASSACHUSETTS / FLORIDA EMPLOYERS LIABILITY INSURANCE - PART TWO applies to work in each state listed: MASSACHUSETTS / FLORIDA OTHER STATES INSURANCE - PART THREE applies to the states, if any, listed here: All states except MAINE, NORTH DAKOTA, NEVADA, OHIO, RHODE ISLAND, WASHINGTON, WEST VIRGINIA AND WYOMING and MASSACHUSETTS / FLORIDA LIMITS - Employers Liability Insurance Part Two: Bodily Injury Accident $1,000,000 each accident Bodily Injury by Disease $1,000,000 each employee Bodily Injury by Disease $1,000,000 policy limit This Certificate does not amend, extend or otherwise alter the terms and conditions of the policies referred to herein. AERO INSURANCE, INC. BY: aCt /7 DA / DATE: January 11, 1999 'TIAL -'� Nashua Municipal Airport, 99 Pine Hill Road, Nashua, NH 03063 (603) 883 -0033 1- 800 - 356 -7075 FAX (603) 883 -1299