THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this #~A day of
Afri I 1989, by and between Amtel Security
Systems, Inc., a corporation doing business at 1421 N.W. 168th
Street, North Miami, Florida 33169, hereinafter referred to as
the "Vendor," and the County of Monroe, a political subdivision
of the State of Florida, by and through its Board of County
Commissioners, hereinafter referred to as the "County."
WHEREAS, the Vendor wishes to sell, and the County wishes to
purchase, a certain automated barrier gate, the parties do agree
as follows, in return for the mutual promises herein contained.
1. The Vendor agrees to sell to the County, and the County
agrees to purchase from the Vendor, the following items, at the
prices indicated:
Two (2) Amgate 880 Barrier Gates
with 12' Arms @ $2590.00...............$5180.00
Two (2) Manual 3-position
Switches @ $150.00..................... 300.00
One (1) Rotating Flashing Yellow
Strobe Light........................... 300.00
On e (1) Ma n u a 1 Swi t c h. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Two (2) Concrete Pads, Conduit Runs,
Wire and associated hardware........... 650.00
One (1) Siren............................... 100 . 00
TOTAL PRICE............................$6590.00
2. The above-quoted prices include installation of the
specified items by factory-trained technicians, training in the
operation and programming of these items, a warranty for one (1)
year on all parts, and any required service and maintenance, by
factory-trained personnel for a period of ninety (90) days from
purchase and installation, all at the expense of the Vendor. The
above-quoted prices do not include applicable sales tax (if any).
3. The County shall pay the full purchase price, as quoted
above, to the Vendor, within thirty (30) days after delivery and
installation of all items purchased.
4. The manufacturer's warranty applies to parts only, and
does not include labor or shipping costs. Any services provided
by the Vendor, including installation, repair, and maintenance of
the items purchased, shall be guaranteed, under normal use of
those items, for thirty (30) days from the date such services are
performed. The Vendor makes no warranty, express or implied, as
to any matter whatsoever, includin.g the condition of materials
and/or equipment or merchantibility or fitness for any particular
purpose unless expressly stated in this agreement.
5. The Vendor agrees to indemnify, and to hold the County
harmless, and to defend the County, and its officials, employees,
and agents, from any action or claim which may be brought against
the COtlnty or its officials, employees, and agents, and which
arises from or is connected with, any act of negligence on the
part of the Vendor in the sale, installation, and maintenance of
the items purchased.
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