02/21/1996 Zi,O'DENDUM TO AGREEMENT (Mass Disposal of Animal Carcasses) THIS p~DDENDUM TO AGREEMENT is rnade and ent.ered into tl1is 21st day of February, between the CQU'NTY OF MONROE and ANIMAL DISPOSAL & PRIVATE CREMA1'IONS in order to amend that certain agreement between the parties dated March 24, 1994, as amended on February 22, 1995, as follows: 1.. .I fl accordarlce wi th Paragraph X of aforement.ioned agreement., the County' llereby exercises its option to renew said Agreement and hereby amend paragraph XIV to read as follows: HXIV Payment by tIle Count.y to plonimal Disposal & Private Cremations for the performance of said service on a per month in arrears basis on or before the 15th day of the following month in each of twelve (12) months, and shall be at a rate of five dollars t3.nd fift.y-nine cents ($5.59) per carcass. (The aforementioned charge does not apply to very large animals such as horses and cows). Pigs and goats shall be a a rate of seven dollars and twenty--one cents ( $7 . 21) per carcass. The total dollar value of this contract shall not exceed eighteen thousand (lollar's per year." 2. · The t.erm of this amended agreement shall March 12, 1996, and terminate on March 11, 1997. commence on '''''7 l-' \d Z '" 0\ r-- 3 · 111 all other respects, the agreement betweert ~t.lie parties dated March 24, 1994, as amended on February 22, 199:~~ tem~s .fj? full force and effect. - ~ .... -.l IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereun.~: set the~r hands and seal, the day and year first written above.-,'- ~ ~ , N ,_ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIO~RS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA - -~ .. By: S~~ (" ",: ~, ~ ...J (Seal) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK BY:_~~~) eputy ~ler. "-- ANIMAL DISPOSALS & PRIVATE CREMATIONS '- ""_"__ ~~~~ ./ .'IOVED AI TO FOil LE BY "C" / ~ ' it / ',L- If~- DATE