01/02/1979 CRt\~,yFOR..D' S COMMERCIAL SBRVICE AIR COT~DITIONING REFRIGERATION P.o. Box 728 SERVICE CONT&\CT NO. 2050 MAINTEI~NCE COr~TRACT for MONROE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBR~RY PHONE 294-4708 KEY wEST, FLORIDA 33040 This contract covers the equipment described below, located at: 700 Flemin~ St. Kev West. Florida 33040 Crawford's Commercial Service will render the service to make systematic inspections 12 times per year. EQllipment: 3 centra 1 air cond ittoners Services to be performed in accordance with the maintenance schedule: .Check performance .Lubricate all bearings as necessary .Check refrigerant charges .Clean condensing coils when necessary .Tighten or replace fan belts .Clean or replace filters IT IS MUTUALLY UNDERSTOOD: That the Seller will provide inspections only. Any emergency service, replacement parts, refrigerant, or supplies neederl are to be authorized and paid for by you. It is agreed that we shall not be liable for injury to persons or damage to property, except those directly due to the negligent acts or omissions of due employees; and, in no event, shall we be liable for consequential or speculative damages. It is agreed that you will provide reasonable means of access to the equipment, including any removal, refinishing, or replacement of the btlilcl'ing structure reql1ired. Maintenan.ce coverage by this Agreemertt shall begin Januartl 2 _, 1979 and shall continue until terminated for the sum of $45.00 per month payable due upon coropletion of each monthly maintenance check. Page 1 of 2 SERVICE CONTRACT NO. 2050 we reserve the right to discontinue this service at any time, without notice, until payments called for herein shall have been made as agreed. In the event that additions, alterations, or repairs are made to the equipment by others, this contract is terminable, at our option, upon five nays notice. This Contract shall remain in effect for one year from the date of approval by us, end shall contin1~e from year to year thereafter unless thirty days prior to the terminationof any yearly period, either party giv~s written notice to the other of their intention to terminate same. Upon termination neither party shall he liable to the oth~r for any reason, except for prior billings that reTl'ain llf'\.pairt b~' tl"p l3l1yer. l\ll extra charges for labor, parts, or supplies not covered by this contract shall be paid for within thirty days of O\lr elated statement: of YOllr aCC01-1nt. 'fhe contract price is subject 'to acljl1stment aft~r tl,.e first: y~~r lJpOn thirty days notice by the Seller for cha~g~s in cost of lahar, ~arts, taxes, etc. TH I S P .R. () P () S,,\. L COl iTA I NS TH E t~ 1'1'T r'R.2: ;\ GR}~ f~;I~:. 'u~ hJ r . ---\ pproven this 2nd dav of January ,--, 1979. Monroe County Publi'.c Li'brary (firm name) Crawford's Commercial Service By: ~)~ ~ By: Pa~e 2 of 2