01/10/1975 1422 PATRICIA ST. TELEPHDNE "296-3882 ESQUINALDO BROTHERS SALES ' SERVICE REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 January 7, 1975 Monroe County Public Library 700 Fleming St. Key West, Fla. JJ040 Subjectl Service Contract on Air Conditioning System. October 1, 1974 to September 30, 1975. Gentlemen I We would like to renew this service for a nominal sum of fifteen dollars ($15.00) a month. This service includes maintenance of the machine, filters and whatever service calls as deem necessary at no addi tional cost, parts not included. You are the owner of the world's finest air-condi tioner. All mechanical equipment needs maintenance and care for its proper functioning. Your investment in this service will pay you back with ithe relaJCation and pleasure only afforded by such an. equipment. Please sign below if these services are accepted, which will beco~ your contract. Respectfully submitted, A.ccepted by. R ~J/ )ld/ ~d( Owner rate -I //t> J7J-- / /