rrF-lIS AGREENIE;NT made this Ilfth day of litlgu5 t , 1963 , between Gli.YLORD BROS., INC.,
a corporation organized uuder the Ia\vs of the State of Ne,,, York, with its principal places of business at
155 Gifford Street, Syracllse, Nevv York and 29 North Aurora Street, Stockton, California, party or the first part,
hereinafter referred to as Lessor, and Monroe County Library
III the (~itv of l{ey \~Jest, Florida , party of the second part, hereinafter referretl to as
the I~essce.
"\Vitr;.essetJ"i that:
"'Fll~REAS, the I...Iessor is the owner of certain patents pertaining to Library Card Printing Machines,
includi!lg United States patents nU.mbered 2,281,763, 2,283,804, 2,306,694, and is engaged in the manufacture
and exploitation of printing machines of Ll:1e class covered by said Letters Patents; and
"VHEREAS, the J...,essee is desirous of leasing one or more of said printing machines;
l'\TOW, THEREFClI\E, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter contained,
the parties do 1I1utually agree as follows:
1. l"'hat the Lessor hereby leases to tile Lessee, and the Lessee hereby hires from the Lessor, printing
machine(s) known as Electric AutorrHltic Book Charging NIachine(s), 1-1odel BI'1 for the term of one (1)
year from the date of installation of said 11achine( s) us hereinafter set forth by the Lessor at t..~e Lessee's
place of business (unless such term sh2.ll sooner expire in accordance \vith any of the telTI1S, provisions and
con(litions hereinafter contained) at the yearly rental of $ 50. 00 for each machine, to be paid by the
I..ic$see to the Lessor in advance upon the installation of said machine ( s) by the Lessor.
2. That the said m.achine(s) shall be delivered by the Lessor at its O\Vll cost and expense at the Lessee's
place of business (if within the Continental limits of the United States, otherwise to the port of shipment) as
llereinbcfore set fortIl as soon as practicably can be done fcIlo\ving the execution of this agreement.
3. ~r!lat the I..~essor agrees) at its o\vn cost and expense, to keep said rnachine( s) in good repair and
w.)rkabIe condition by making, when needed, all repairs thereto or by substitution of machi!le(s) within a
reasonable time from the receipt of notice by the Lessee of the need thereof; and to pay all charges Hnd
eXj?cnscs required in the tra':1sportation of said n)acllin(~(s) or substitute machine(s) to and from said place of
business of Lessee (within CO~ltinental United States) that may be necessary to carry out the provisior's of
tl..ls 1<:a3c_
,1. That title to the rnachule(s) l1ereby leased shall remain in the Lessor at all times and no interest in
or rights under l.~essor>s patents) otller than as herein directly expressed, is created by this agreement \vhich is
solely all agreement to rent and hire from the Lessor the machine(s) specified herein.
5. (a) That \vithout the previous written consent of the Lessor, the Lessee shall not part \vith the
possess'~on of the same to any person other than the Lessor, nor suffer the same to be removed froITt its
possession nor permit the same to be used by anyone except the Lessee and its employees.
(b) T]lat this lease shall not be assigned, {:ransferred, nor shall any sub-lease be made hereunder
wit.hout the prior written consent of the Lessor.
6. 1'hat so long as the said machine(s) shall be in the possession of the Lessee, Lessee shall be liable
for any and all personal property, use or similar taxes levied or assessed by reason of such possession andlor
use of said machine(s) by Lessee by the State, municipality. or other governmental authority having appro-
priate jurisdiction. Lessor may, at its option, pay such tax and bill Lessee therefor or demand that Lessee pay
and discharge the same forth\vith, and I..Iessee agrees to J.11ake payment of such bill or tax.
7. That the Lessor may from time to time, and during tlle regular business hours of the Lessee, enter
upon the premises ,of the Lessee wherein the said machine(s) may then be for the purpose of examining and
inspecting such Iuachine(s).
8. That the Lessee shall have the right to retain possession of the said machine(s) only so lon~ as it
shall not be in default in any of the terms hereof. L
9. 1"hat said machine(s), \vhile in the possession of the Lessee, shall be used only by the Lessee for
the Purl)oses for vvhicll tb.ey are intended and in conllectioll \-vith tlle Lessee>s business and the Lessee shall
take any and all reasonable precautions to protect the said rnachine(s) from damage or loss.
10., That this lease sJlall continue froro year to year unless terminated at the election of either the
Lessor or the Lessee by a notice in wnting to the other to be given by registered mail not less than thirty
(30) dr.ys prior to the expiration date of this lease or any extension thereof. The rental hereinbefore provided
to be paid by the Lessee to the ,Lessor shall be due and payable upon the anniversary date of the installation
of said Yllachine{s:) at the Lessee's premises upon each annual extension of this lease.
11. That in the event the Lessee shall become sixty (60) days in arrears in the payment of rental due,
tlle Lessor may cancel this agreenlent, provided, ho\vever, that cancellation shall not be Inade \vithout
\vritten notice given to the l.Jessee by the IJessor at least ten (10) days before a day therein set for cancellation
of this agreement, such ten (10) days notice being given to pelmit payment of this sum in arrears. i\ \vritten
notic'e deposited in the U. S. registered mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the Lessee, shall be sufficient
notice. Payrnent during the ten 10 day period shall vitiate the notice.
12. That if the Lessee shalllnake default in payment of the rental aforG~~id or shall otherwise breach
any of the ternls, provisions or conditions of this agreernent, then and in <lilY SULh event the Lessor shall have
the right to retake imrnediate possession of said lnachine(:~.) with or without notice of its intention to retake
the same. In the event tIle I.Jessor retakes possession of s::lid machine(s) pursuant to the provisions of thfs
paragraph, thi8 agreement shaH then.ceforth b.:~rn)illatc ,vithout prejudice to any right or claim by the IJessor
fOj' tI.~e i-u:rcars of rent, if ~:rny, or on account cf any ot1,.er ~reach or breaches of this agreement.
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