THIS AGREEMENT made this 22nd day of OQtober ,1969 ,between GAYLORD BROS., INC.,
a corporation organized under the laws of the State of New York, with its principal places of business at
7272 Morgan Road, Liverpool, New York and 29 North Aurora Street, Stockton, California, party of the 6rst
part, hereinafter referred to as Lessor, and Monroe County Public Library
in the City of Key West, Florida , party of the second part, hereiDafter referred to as
the Lessee.
W Unes,.h that:
WHEREAS, the Lessor has obtained certain patents pertaining to Libr~ Card PrInting Machines,
and is engaged in the manufacture and exploitation of printing macl'aines of the class covered by said
Letters Patents; and
WHEREAS, the Lessee is desirous of leasing one or more of said printing machines;
. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter con-
tained, the parties do mutually agree as follows:
1. That the Lessor hereby leases to the Lessee, and the Lessee herebr hires from the Lessor, ~ting
machine(s) known as Gaylord Book Charger, Model c for the term 0 one (1) year from th~ date of.
installation of said Machine(s) as hereinafter set forth by the Lessor at the Lessee's place of business (unless
such term shall sooner expire in accordance with any of the terms, provisions and conditions hereinafter
contained) at the yearly rental of $ 90 ,-00 for each machine, to be paid by the Lessee to the Lessor
in advance upon the installation of saia machine(s) by the Lessor.
2. Additional machines installed subsequent to the original installation will be subject to the tenns
and conditions of this lease, effective as of the date of installation of such machine(s). .
3. That the said machine(s) shall be delivered by the Lessor at its own cost and e~nse at the Lessee's
place of business (if within the Continental limits of the United States, exce~t Alaska, otherwise to the ~rt
of shipment) as hereinbefore set forth as soon as practicably can be done following the execution of this
4. That the Lessor agrees, at its own cost and expense, to keep said machine(s) in c~ repair and
workable condition by makfng, when needed, all repairs thereto or by substitution of ma · e~ within. a
reasonable time from the receipt of notice by the Lessee of the need thereof; and to pay all ges and
~es required in the transportation of said machine(s) or substitute machine(s) to and from said place of
business of Lessee (within Continental United States, except Alaska) that may be necessary to carry out the
provisions of this lease. .
5. That title to the machine{s) hereby leased shall remain in the.Lessor at all times and DO interest in
or riJd1~ under Lessor's patents, other than as . herein directly e~ressed, is created by this agreement which
is sofely'an agreement to rent and hire from the Lessor the m~chine(s) speci8ed herein.
. 6. (a) That without the previous written oonsent of the Lessoz.a, the Lessee shall Dot part with the
) possession of the same to any ~rson other than the Lessor. nor suffer the same to be removed &om its
possession nor pennit the same to be used by anyone except the Lessee and its employees.
(b) That this lease shall Dot be assigned, transferred, nor .hall any sub-lease be made hereunder
without the prior written consent of the Lessor.
7. That so long as the said machine(s) shall be in the possession of the Lessee, Lessee shall be liable
for any and all personal property, use or similar taxes levied or assessed by reason of such possession and/or "
use of said machine(s) by Lessee by the State, municipality or other governmental authori9' having appro-
priate jurisdiction. Lessor may, at its option, pay such tax and bill Lessee therefor or demand that Lessee pay
u:'d diScharge the same forthwith, and Lessee agrees to make payment of such bill or tax.
8. That the Lessor may &om time to time, and during the reJrolar business hours of the Lessee enter
upon the premises of the Lessee wherein the said machine(s) may then be for the purpose of e~Amini~g and
inspecting such machine(s).
9. That the Lessee shall have the right to retain possession of the said machine(s) only so long 81 it
shall Dot be in default in any of the terms hereof.
10. That said machine(s), while in the possession of the Lessee, shall be used only 1Jy the Lesseeb
the purposes for which they are intended and in CODDectiOD with the Lessee's .busfness aind the Lessee shall
tab any aDd all reuoDabfe precautiODl to protect the ..~.) from daIage or loss.
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