01/30/1975 Agreement o1I(on1[OE: Count!) g:JubUc ~ib-1[a1[!) 700 FLEMING STREET KEY WEST, FLORIDA January 30, 1975 The Honorable Ralph White Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners Monroe County Courthouse Key West, Florida Dear Mr. White: This is to inform you that G. J. Rodrique of Key West has submitted the following or attaohed proposal to contraot for the combined position of maintenance ser~ices for the new east and west wings and o~ the grounds. His duties are outlined in the enclosed job desoription and he otfers these services for $ 300.00 per month. This proposal has been accepted and he will begin his duties at the'library effective February 1, 1975. Sinoerely yours, 7k1 . ~ May~~~a:'~l Monroe County Publio Library 1K~1- )\ob ~nt~rpris~s 609.8 KEY WEST TOWERS KEY WEST. FLORIDA 33040 January 29, 1975 POSITION DESCRIPTION G. J. RODRIGUE. PRES. RES. PHONE 294.9878 OFF. PHONE TITLE: Contractor of Maintenance services for East and West wings and grounds. LOCATION: Monroe County Public Library, 700 Fleming Street, Key West, Florida I INTRODUCTION The incumbent shall perform contractual maintenance se~vices consisting of properly grooming the grounds fron~,sides and rear of library in accordance with its present layout and perimeters. This includes spraying of trees and plants. This position shall ~lso be resposible for the proper clean- liness maintenance of the interior of the West wing refered to as the audi torium and its adjorning rest,~ro::oms and foyers. Additionally, this position shall be responsible for the cleanliness maintenance of the interior of the East wing which shall include the Conference room and the Administrator's office space. II MAJOR RESPONSIBILITIES --"., .-.....----. A. Shall include vacumning, dusting, replacement of furnishings and minor repairs to spaces such as wall gauges and touch up painting. Rest-rooms shall be' scoured and disinfected as appropriate subject to the requirements established by the administrator, and the incumbent voices no objections to being called in for assistance or ror repeat clean up in the event of unscheduled programming or unforseen events which may arise either during day light or evening hours. B. Major repairs, alterations, changes or new installations shall be separately negotiated. c. The incumbent shall not be required or permitted to perfo~~ repair functions which are restricted to by law to licensed journeymen tradesmen, such as plumbing, electrical, air- conditioning etc. D. This position sh~ll be responsible for the landscaping and grooming of the .xterior of the library which includes front, two sides and rear as presently perimetered. In definitions this provides ror lawn cutting and trimmming, care of plant life, watering and all necessary spraying of said trees and plants. Fertilizations and plant food materials shall be funded by the library as well as up- keep and repairs of lawn cutting and trimming devices belonging to the library. F. The incumbent shallallow the adninistrator proper latitude in requesting changes to the above services as required by ever changing conditions and requirements. III SUPERVISIONS The incumbent shall be directly responsible to the Monroe County Administrator 1.'\lIlo,shall act as his supervisor. Tasks shall be performed independently unless otherwise directed; However the incumbent shall exercise proper initiative in the absence of the administrator with the exception that approval for all purchases in that event shall be solicited from the Librarian. IV This agreement shall remain in force for a period of six months and may he terminated with"a 30-day notice either as a result of mutual agreement or as a result of violation of the working agreement outlined in this position description. Further, the administrator shall be the sole arbitrator and the decisions of the administrator shall be final. ADDENDUM This position description s~ll be in effect for the t~e period cited in paragraph IV and shall be reviewed for renewal or modification at the time or eVeD in the event of reh~ing which ever occurs firsto Contract price: $ 300.00 per month ,...,,...-.' ')