04/30/1972 BUR\GLAR ALARM SYSTEMS PHONE 872-2532 P.o. BOX 526 BIG PINE KEY, FLA. 33043 Date of Agreement:__-:- /l/'eIL _,19_2'.2... BET\VEEN: BURGLAR ALARM SYSTEMS hereinafter called "Company" and ~~t2~__ n_(~__~__PI.d~c.-_~/8/C.~/e '--/ hereinafter called "Subscriber." Subscriber's Address: -----_________L~. --.F'-~~G._5T~€Y W'=~/ EQUIP1\tIENT'I'O BE I~ST/\IJ.FI): _________._ ~G:_______e...RLYT~oJ...- /.6(,') t<' ANCJ AE'-L ('()#,A/t:<,rc~ TO ---__tP~L_4g'____~r/lL/ON n~~('EP~()N€ L/Nt~: / 'Lq)u _____t; .4_ L~A_;5~~..L~ e r /t:?N u /\1/ r.s t 0 /V E fJl{e~=-~~~TR/~_ N~; eO#7Lil!r $,'Y /nooAZ5 ~As_~_L~;e.--'2A"5 /ILl- ~~ L//v~ l!H/le6eS. SERVICE- PERIOD:-.~~;t-r~~;-__-~_/itjix~-~_~-' ~~19=J~ ElId~: /lP?~//-- dO . 19~. INS1~ALI-,.t\TJON (~H:\'RC;E::~ ?oo. (.).~ SERVICE CHARGE: $ alS-'VV PEe ;#g,iVrJ.(, /'l"ttt1($L~ q/~AP7€RL,,- Company agrees to i~rnish and instaii the above equipment at suhscriber's address, and to maintain same in good working condition during the term of this agreement. The 5cQ-!I.-e charge includes the expense of ordinary maintenance and repair due to normal wear, but does not include maintenance and repair made neccs~iary hy subscriber'~ or any other person's actions or omissions. Charges for the first month shall be pro-rated from the date uf i n~t;i dation. Company assumes no liahility for l.~,.:li1V~ iD installarion oJ the equipmenf or for interruptions of services due to strikes; riots; floods; fires or any cause beyond the control (If C0n)r<.~l;' (tnd win not be required to supply service to the subscriber while interruption of service due to any such cause shall continue, DU: w1l1, in such event, give n('tice of the condition to the subscriber or his designated representative. The equipn1cnt and all wiring or apparatus provided In connection therewith is not leased or sold, but remains the property of the Company. Company is authorized to enter sllbscril--<~t's property during normal working hours, or otherwise as agreed, to install and service the equipment. Company's sole obligation 15 tc in~tal t and maintain the equipment as herein provided, and does not include any duty to operate or assure operation ot the equipInent. nor to f:1aiPt,lin, repair, nperare or assure operation of any equipment other than that described above. Subscriber shall pay all taxes and permit fee.,; required in connection with the installation, maintenance, repair or operation of the equipment. Company shall have no ohlipati~)f1 to r(~r:air or redecorate Su~SCI jbec's premises on removal of the equipment. It is expressly understood and agreed that COIT!pany is /"lGt an in~urer aud Conipany's ohligatioc for ariY loss or damage sustained by Subscriber by virnIe of non-operation or defective oper~ti0n of the e\1.uipment shall he limited to the sum of Twenty-five Dollars. Subscriber agrees to trive CeHlpany at !ea5~ ten (! 0) days \\'ritten notice hy registered mail addressed to Company's office address of Subscriber's intention to vacate the ahove nlcfltlone(: premises, and for failure to do so, Company shall hold subscriber liable for any and all loss or damage sustained by the COffij)3.ny as a rest'it of the failure of suhscriber to notify Company of such intention. However, nothing herein contained shall be deerned a waiver by Cnmpany of th~__~_~~~rili~0~~<?_~_ligatiof1 to nlake the mo~thly payme~ts hereinabove provided for. _~___-=c:.",~~ . .-,-,............_~-,.__~___~............_..,..._,_._._._._.___ _..____.__ _ __ ______ This contract is automatically renewed uilless either party notifies the other of its intention to cancel this agreement at the expiration date hereof, at least .=)0 day's prior to the expi ration date hereof. Any of the following acts shal! c, 'nstituf(; a default by the sub~criber: failure to make any pay-nent required when due; failure to admit Company to the premises fur the purpose of ;epalr~ng, maintaining, or removing the equipment; the insolvency of subscriber; the filing by or against Subscriber of a petitiop seeking remedies under the Bankruptcy Laws of the United States; the removal of the equipment by Subscriber from theprerrlises above mentioned. In the event of any such default, Company may enter upon Subscriber's premises. without notice, and remove therefrom the equipment and all wiring and apparatus associated therewith. Such removal shall not terminate Subscriber.s obligations hereunder. Failure to make any payment required when due shall cause all subsequent payments to become immediately dne and payable. In adc1 irion. Sunc;criber shall pay to Company all damages, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys fees, incurred by Company by virtue of any default hy the ~Ub5(ribcr. Subscriber expressly agrees not to tamper with, disturb, iniure or remove or otherwise interfere with said equipment nor to permit the same to be done. It is further agreed that the equipment shall renlain in the same location as installed, and any removal or disturbance thereof resulting from painting, altering or remodel1ing the fixtures or any changes whatsoever necessitating any '~lork by way of repairs, relocation or otherwise, on said equipment shall be paid for by Subscriher in accordance with the standard charges of the Company in addition to all other charges mentioned herein. The Subscriber agrees to reimburse Company for any damages to the equipment other than ordinary wear and tear while said equipment is on subscriber's premises. To secure the payment of all monies hereinabo\:e required to be paid by Subscriber, Subscriber hereby authorizes any attorney of any Court of Record to appear for him in any such (ourt in term time or vacation, at any time hereafter, and confess judgment 'without process against Subscriher in favor of the Company for such amounts as may appear to be unpaid or owing hereunder, together with costs and, reasonable attorney's fees, and to v:aive and release all errors which may intervene in any such proceeding, and to consent to immediate execution upon any such jucignlent and that any execution that may he issued on any such judgment may be immediately levied upon and satisfied out of any property of the subscriber; hereby ratifying and confirming all that said attorney may do by virtue hereof. This agreement and all rights and remedies hereunder shall he' non.assignable by Subscriber without Company's written consent, and shall inure to the benefit of the Company, its successors and assigns. If Su bscriber is more than one person the obligation hereunder shall be joint and several. The number 0: gender of a noun as herein used shall be considered modified to fit the context and the parties. This document contains all of the terms of the Agreement bervveen Company and Subscriber and there has been no representations, warranties or promises not specifically set out herein. This Agreement does not bind Company until signed by the Company. b~Z Attest Monroe County Public Library /Jl IZ.ir(::a.. me , .1")" . /" //? /..~-. .... / II , . - ,.;//_tLi/:s"/k~Ubs~~~:-<i.H: - ;it;~~'- ~ Secretary