05/09/1990 Agreement _ '"' ,S~);~\ ~9' ~OUNr)- ~ . -<. tf. ........ ('0 ~. J;.~i~....~1>.. ~ff:" jf'"" . \<<1' I . : r)" . . ..:_ : ~ : \~...... . ...<~~ ~o;~o. .......... ~'" ~. . ,'~tt~COUN1.. ':.;f" '-,~~~~ 11lannp JL. 1&olbage BRANCH OFFICE 3117 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY MARATHON, FLORIDA 33050 TEL. (305) 743.9036 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT MONROE COUNTY 500 WHITEHEAD STREET KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 TEL. (305) 294-4641 BRANCH OFFICE P.O. BOX 379 PLANTATION KEY, FLORIDA 33070 TEL. (305) 852-9253 M E M 0 RAN DUM To: Dent Pierce, Division Director Public Works Division From: Rosalie L. Connolly, Deputy Clerk Date: June 4, 1990 On May 9, 1990, the Board of County Commissioners approved and authorized execution of a Number Two Diesel Fuel Contract with Blaylock Oil Company. This Contract, which was just received by this office today, has now been executed and sealed on behalf of the County. Attached hereto are two duplicate originals of the Contract, one of which should be returned to your Contractor and the other kept in your proper departmental files. Attachments cc: County Attorney County Administrator Finance Director File .,~~,-....:aot~"'~~~,:,......;..,~~ ''\''''~~''''':'.;'~.'~'l~~l>!!t...~~:'W'':~:'~'~~~~___'~~ e', er:: c ( , u, ~ ,. a.... c W --l l.L. ,.. . <, ~ '1 ~ iiIS 'AGljEMENT, made and entered into this 9th day of May NUMBER TWO DIESEL FUEL CONTRACT (1.: LL C" l..L. 1990, by and between the COUNTY OF MONROE, STATE OF FLORIDA, a political subdivision of the State of Florida hereinafter called "Board" and Blaylock Oil Company, P.O. Box 309, Homestead, Florida, 33090-0309, hereinafter called "Vendor": WIT N E SSE T H: That the parties hereto for the consideration hereinafter named, agree to the following: I . DESCRIPTION A. The vendor shall deliver Number 2 Diesel Fuel to locations in the Key West, Marathon, Plantation Key, Pigeon Key and Key Largo areas as requested by the ordering County departments and on the dates requested by such departments. B. Deliveries will be in quantities of Two Hundred gallons to Seven Thousand gallons (Full Tanker). The vendor must also have a metered tanker for small deliveries and shall be required to itemize invoices for each small delivery under this provision. C. Upon request by the Board, Vendor shall provide documentation supporting most recent pump meter certification. D. All deliveries must be witnessed and receipts must be signed and dated by Monroe County personnel. II. SPECIFICATION FOR NUMBER 2 DIESEL FUEL ASTM Fuel Specifications Cetane Number Gravity Distillation F 40 min. 30 min. Max. 480 (10% Recovered) Range 540-640 (90% Recovered) Min. 130 .20% max. 32-38 1% max. 2.5 max. 130,000 min. Flash Point F Sulfur, wt% Viscosity @ 100F, SUS Water & Sediment, wt% Color per D156 or D1500 BTU/gal (gross) I I I . TERM OF CONTRACT A. This contract shall be commencing on the day in which parties. B. The Board shall have the option to renew this agreement after the first year, for a maximum of two (2) years. for a period of one (1) year, it has been executed by both C. This contract may be terminated for any reason by the Board upon 30-day written notice. IV. HOLD HARMLESS The Vendor shall defend, indemnify and hold the County, its officials, employees, and agents harmless, from any and all claims, liabilities, losses and causes of action which may arise out of the performance of the contract except such claims, liabilities, losses and causes of action which may arise because of the County's negligent actions or omissions. Compliance with the insurance requirements shall not relieve the vendor from the obligations imposed by this article. V. INSURANCE Upon execution of this agreement the vendor shall furnish the Board Certificates of Insurance indicating the following minimum coverage limitations: A. Commercial General Liability Insurance one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) combined single limit. B. Auto Liability Insurance one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) with MCS-90 endorsement for Public Liability as required by Section 29 & 30 of the Motor Carrier Act of 1980. C. Worker's Compensation ($100,000.00). one hundred thousand dollars VI. PAYMENT A. Price per gallon shall reflect Port Everglades Florida Terminal charges. B. This contract shall guarantee that Monroe County shall not be charged more than $.08 above market (RACK) price for the date of delivery, whether price should rise or fall. c. The vendor shall invoice the County upon requested deliveries to locations in the Key West, Marathon, Plantation Key, Pigeon Key and Key Largo areas. D. Upon receipt of Invoice the County shall have thirty days to render payment to Vendor. E. The County shall never be invoiced for any charges other than the current market price for Number 2 Diesel Fuel and/or associated Diesel Fuel Taxes. F. Diesel fuel taxes must be listed as a separate item per each invoice. G. At the time which they may occur, changes in price shall be in writing to OMB/Purchasing Office of Monroe County, Public Service Building, Stock Island, Key West, Florida, 33040. In witness whereof, the parties hereto have executed this agreement the day and year first above written, COUNTY OF MONROE, STATE OF FLORIDA / By tP~~ DATE: June 4, 1990 (Seal) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk VENDOR: Blaylock Oil Company By (Corporate Seal) DATE : May 23, 1990 Attest: /~ 'C r',_/ f \ ,"-,^,-__ ,(--A.1{ t=t__K--I/ WITNESS -' CJ//\ "/ 0 / ..) / /. ) / U<V~ L/~~"~ WITNESS APPROVE~ry AS TO FORM AliDl.E(]/;( " r":FfC/ENCY. B~~ J ' l . I ';! 'j ~ ,.; ,)':.,;; . " ..~ :.,<r; :.;~ ',;>~ "'~ ~~~~ '.")4 ~~I :'1 '.-r, ,;) , f~ ;it! ;l , .;,~ ~,1 H,.." ,:";1,'" ~~:" ;;1:" ~'. .3 .~. .~ ~' .:, :..", 7. 8. . Hf'~l :Jb : .~f) 15; 26 ., p, ~, :: . '. j S\\'OKN ST).TE~1ENT {J~r)J.~J~ S4CTJOt\ Z~7.133(3)(~)t FLORIDA STATUTES, ON P-lJUI.ICF:Nl-rn' CRI~1ES . THIS FORM MUST BE SIGNED IN THE PRESENCE OF A NOTARY PUBLIC OR OTTim or-FreER ACT. OlUZED TO ADMINISTER OAms. 1. Th.tJ 6wcrn S~tcmcnt is submittecJ 'Nlth Bid, Proposal or Q)ucrucl No. a.A T r>t~_..___~~ ~ Lt..J.~A~i Thu SWQru statement i1 5ubmjtt"d by _ . ... 1..c.A.--.O~ a, [nam or ent1ty submitting sworn statement] whole bw;m~ ac1dre:ss is %t<,t /~~. U* C4LL'.:i. ~ 4l..r..~~ ( ~ O. d, A"./~UI.~ ~O?/ ~n Lr46a.L. -YJ.. .an~ (if applicable) ita Federal ~ployer Identification Number (FEIN) is . ~9 :.:~o1 CJ J:/ (:.1 D. rnr ..., ..;.. 3. (It the entity bas no FEIN. include the Social Security Number of the Individual rilgTling this sworn ~a- My name is_ ~ o!Ce~f.' · .. f../. [plea,. prin: nawe or ~ndJ\'ldua! sJg jog] tntl~' named above is ~~L h_"u1---)-.~L~ /hf ~ . I understand that a "pul)Uc ~ty crime" as defined in Paragraph 287.1.33(1)(g). i.loriQtlj~.~ means a viOlation of any state or, reaeral1aw by a person with iespect to ~nd direcUy related to th( lr2Uuacuon of business with any pubH<: e.tulty or with an Jgency or pOlitical subdivision of any other $laU~ or Mdt the United States, including, 1')01 live linutca to, any tad Cl" COntract tor goods or servi~~ iO be provide<1 to any public entity or an 1gency 0: polJtical s\,tb~ivision of any other state or of the Untte6 StaCtI In(l involVing an~itru::;., ::raila, theft, bribery} ~:o!IW5ion. f\\Ckete<.:ring, conspjrs~f. or material mbrepr~~utatiOZl. statement: .) 4, s. I .:nderstand that .cOnVicted' or .conviction" as definea in Paragraph 2Si.lj3(1)(b)...E.l.2ruItl Statutes. means a iindin~ of guilt or a conviction of a public entity crime, will! or without un udjudiC3tion of gullt, in any federal or stato lri~l court of record relating to charge.s brought b}' illC!i~unent or information after JUly I, 19B9, ~ a resuH of a jury verdicr. llOnj\lry triaL or Ontry of ;, plea ot gui1'Y Or nolo contenderef o. I understand that an "amUate" as c1dtined in Paragraph 2.S'U33(1)(a). rlOI'!da SJA!1JrteS, mean:!: I. :~ pre.decessor or !uccessor of a person convict~tJ of a public entity crime: or 2. A.n entity under this control of any natural person wbo i$ active in the n1liMiemcm ot the e~tiZy and who ha! been conviCted of a public entity cri:ne. The term "affiliate' inCludes those otficc:n. direCtors. exeCUtives, partners. Sha~eholders, employees. members, anu agc::nts who Are active in the management ot an affiliate. "'!'he ownership 1Jy Olle person of shares constitutL'1g a ContrOlling int~r~I in another person, or a pooling of cquipmctu or incume atnon~ :persons when riol tor tair market value under an arm', l.;ngth agreement. sbaU be a prIma !3cJe c:lS~ tblH one person controls another person. A peNon '''hO kno....in~ly enters imo a joint venture wHh a person whO has been COnl>4C1.o.d of a public entity crime in FluriUoi durtng the preceding 36 months shall be con.~idered an atfiHatc. . \ ! undenW'lC! thaf 3 Nperson" as defined in ParAgraph 287.l33(1)(e). 'Floridft Staruw means any natural penon or enttry org3n~d under the laws of an)' state or of the United States w:th the legal power to enter into a !l1ndlng COntract and which bid, or applies to bid on COntra.::ts for the provtS.on of ~OO<1s or services let by a public entity, or which otherwise U'~rlSaC"..s or applies to trans~ct bus1n&s with. ~ public emity. The term "t'e~on. includes those ::l ffi":'Cni , l11reclors, execu::ves, panners, Shareholders. emplOyees. members, ana agen~ who U! ~c-..jVe It\ ffi:!flagemem of an entlty. Based on information and beUQ(, the sta teme:n \\ hich : r.ave m:ukcd below is trut; in relation to the entu)' aubmttting t!'..!s sworn Statemr.nt (PIt;.1lit: indiQte which<lllll;W~nt applies.] l:~-.....~... . " ~ I'. ',. ~ ;,. .....1 .~. i .~ I '.1 t .~ :~ J ',\ i't ,.;~ ""'::: ;s~~ '. .~ :..:. " ,~ .~,; '.. ;:; ')~ .~~ '.....'.....~.'! '. ..l ; '~I ,';;: '.~ .>'1 t.\ "~' ;~ ,~. ''''1 '1-1 ~ ~' ~p~ '2~ J90 15:~6 I::'. 2. 3 .. '. ! or- Neither lhe entity submlUift~ this sworn SlalCZllODl, UOr any otDce:s. c1ireC'lon. exeaUiVC$'-~ psrtners. shareholders, emplOYees. members. or agents wbo lie active in manapmen t of t"c enuty. -.--.. nor any aftlliale of the en'i~ have be~n charged 'with ud convic:wS of a public el'tity. crime subsequent to July 1, 1989. ____ The entiry ~ubmitting this swom stalesnealw or one or more! ot the otftcer!. directors. executives. pattne::s, sbartholderst employees. members. or alcuII who art active in management of the entity, or aft alfiU.atC of tbc entity has been chalgc4 wt'h aQd oonvictcd of a public: entity crime sub!equent to July 1. t989. Arm. [please lndlea&e wbJcb add1Uonal statement applles.] ......-.. There tt.u been a p~lng. concerning the couvtcuOA t)etore a heating' oMccr ot the State of Floridat Dlvisiao of Ad~iai'uative HeariDp. Tho 1Inal order entered by the bearing officer <lid not pla~ lb. p.rson or a.t!l1late 01\ the conviCled vel1dor lJsL {Please aflach a cop1 ot the Onal order.l I _____ The perso\l Of at1Wate WM plauc1 on the convicu:cl vendor lilt., There w beeD a SUbsequent proceeding before :1 heating oaiccr of the StalO ot Florida, Divisipn of Administrative Hearings. The tinaJ order entered by me hearU11 ot1!cer determined that it was tn (he p~bl1' lAtercst to remove me person or atmfatc from the conviCted vendor list. (Please attacb a copy at the ODD! ord~r.l ---...- The person or atftlWte has, not been placed on tho CODvictc.d. vendor list. [P!~. d"elibe an)' action taken by or peQcUal with the Depanmeac or Otneral Services.] .....~~ (.' / . ,I ~OF r-~~ CO OF _...1fl~ ~ [ljpamn:] t?';A~Ztpo PERSONALLY APPE.AR.E!) BEPORE M2- tl10 UA<1erstgncd authority, whot aiter first being sworn by me, atDxed hUlher signatu:-e .2~ 7J-.. day of ~ 19 ?o. ~ ~JJ;;~ ~ARY PUWc; J.n th spact prOYl~t4 4bove on this My mmissioD expites: Nor 'f P'.:~t Ie STifE OF FLOAIOA MY ( MMISS10H rxp. JAN.14,lQ92 uo. 0 T~H~ G(~(RA~ INS. u~o. ~ ; , .f~ ...~~ \ ... '. a. ~. ,r , ..'.. .... - (- \ Fora PUR 7068 (Rev. 11189) '1~ AtDttlllt~ 07/13/90 PRODUCER T.R. JONES & COMPANY 1780 N KROME AVENUE HOMESTEAD FL 33030 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE CODE SUB-CODE f~T~~~NY A i I TRAVELERS INS. CO. C/O FRANK B. !B~ INSURED f~T~~~NY B BLAYLOCK OIL COMPANY P.O. DRAWER 309 HOMESTEAD, FL 33090-0309 INTERNATIONAL INS. CO. C/O CRe, I~ f~T~~~NY C EMPLOYERS SELF INSURERS FUND f~T~~~NY D f~T~~~NY E THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. CO LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION DATE (MM/DD/YY) DATE (MM/DD/YY) ALL LIMITS IN THOUSANDS x COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY 60437G7623COF89 12/01/89 12/01/90 GENERAL AGGREGATE PRODUCTS-COMP/OPS AGGREGATE PERSONAL & ADVERTISING INJURY EACH OCCURRENCE FIRE DAMAGE (Anyone fire) MEDICAL EXPENSE (Anyone person) COMBINED SINGLE $ LIMIT 1 , 000 BODIL Y INJURY $ (Per person) BODIL Y INJURY $ (Per accident) $ 2, 000 $ 2, 000 $ 1, 000 $ I, 000 $ 250 $ :; CLAIMS MADE X OCCUR. OWNER'S & CONTRACTOR'S PROTo A AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY x X X X X ANY AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS SCHEDULED AUTOS HIRED AUTOS NON-OWNED AUTOS GARAGE LIABILITY 60437G7623COF89 12/01/89 12/01/90 6~~~~~TY $ EXCESS LIABILITY OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM EACH AGGREGATE OCCURRENCE $ $ Ie I I WORKER'S COMPENSATION AND 83003769 04/01/90 04/01/91 STATUTORY EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY $ 1, 000 $ $ (EACH ACCIDENT) (DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT) (DISEASE-EACH EMPLOYEE) OTHER MONROE COUNTY RISK MANAGEMENT WING II, RM 207, P.S.B. 5825 JUNIOR COLLEGE ROAD KEY WEST, FL 33040 Received Risk Mgmt. & Loss Control DATE 'hI 2) <f " i . fr 'f' INmAL if j) I-~ DESCRIPTION OF OPERA TIONS/LOCA T10NS/VEHICLES/RESTRICTIONS/SPECIAL ITEMS 1_"~f~IBIII'fIlOB.8Ff SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL ~ DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF AN KIND UPON HE COMPANY, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. ACP.O.5~S(a/88) @.ACQBDCQAPORATION 1988 L./'