09/20/1977 A G R E E MEN T This AGREEMENT made at Tallahassee, Florida, on this 20th day of September , 1977, by and between the Division of Archives, History and Records Management, Department of State of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as the Division, and the Board of County Commissioners, County of Monroe, State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as the County relative to the West Martello Tower Development, Phase I projec't, hereinafter r~ferred to as the Project. WHEREAS, the Division is responsible for the admin- istration of federal grant-in-aid assistance for historic preservation purposes under the provisions of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, Public Law 89-665, as amended, and Florida Statutes 267.061 (2) (b); and WHEREAS, the County proposes to conduct an historic preservation research and planning project as the first phase of a long range program for the preservation of the West Martello Tower, a designated h,istoric site listed on the National Register of Historic Places; and WHEREAS, the Division has reserved historic preser- vation funds in the amount of two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500) to assist the Project; ..... WITNESSETH, that in considerati~nlof the mutual cove- . nants herein contained, the Division and' the County hereby agree as follows: I. The Division agrees to reimburse the County from available funds, for one-half of the cost of allowable project work as defined below, up to a maximum reimburse- rnent of two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500). A. Allowable project work may include: 1. historical, architectural, engineering and archaeological research and consultation II II I' II II I, I! I! as required to determine the historic design, appearance, materials, and workmanship of the, site, and the preparation of applicable -2- research reports; 2. preparation of a. comprehensive schematic master plan for the preservation of the site, including a narrative text explaining the . background, objectives, rationale" projected costs, and anticipated public benefits of the master plan, and such plans, drawings, renderings, and other written or graphic material as may be required to explain, illustrate and clarify the master plan; 3. preparation of detailed architectural and engineering plans and, specifications for stabilization and/or restoration ap- propriate to the implementation of the master plan. B. The Division shall review and comment on all research reports, preliminary drawings, and design recommendations, and the master plan, and will con- fer with the County and its professional consultants as necessary throughout the course of the Project. C. The Division shall make reimbusement of pro- , ject costs in one payment upon final completion of the project work, or in incremental payments upon completion of substantial components of the . , .... project work, but no reimbursem~rlt will be made except on written request by the County supported by valid documentation of expenditures as described in Section II, F below, and the total of incre- mental payments prior to final completion of the project work shall not exceed two thousand dollars ($2,OOO~ or eighty per cent of the maximum re- imbursement for the Project. II. The County agrees to administer the Project in ac- cordance with the applicable provisions of Policies and. Procedures for Historic Preservation Grants-in-Aid, attached ,I ~ I 'I II I -3- hereto as Exhibit "A", and the following specific conditions: A. The County agrees to complete the Project within a period not to exceed two years from the effective date of this agreement. B. . The County or its consultant shal~ submit copies of all research reports, preliminary drawings, and design recommendations for review and comment by the Division prior to preparation of the final master plan. C. The County shall coordinate consultation between its professional -consul tants and ap- propriate Division staff representatives as necessary to assure mutual understanding of and agreement on the objectives, requirements, and limitations of the Project in relation to the state and federal historic preservation programs. D. The County or its consultant shall sub~it a preliminary draft of the master plan for review and comment by the Division prior to the prepara- tion of detailed plans and specifications for any stabilization or restoration work proposed. E. The County shall, upon completion of; the project work or substantial components thereof, submi t a written request for reimburs'ement of . , .... one-half of its actual expendi t:'ux1es for allowab.le project work as defined above, up to a maximum re- imbursernent of two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500). Such request(s) for reimbursement shall be supported by the following documentation: 1. copies of all applicable contracts for the project work for which reimburse- ment is requested, unless such contracts have been previously submitted; 2. copies of any research. reports, pre- liminary drawings, design recommendations, -4- master plan, or design plans and specifi- cations produced as a result of the pro- II II ject work for which reimbursement is requested, unless such documents have been submitted previously for review and comment; 3. copies of all vendor's invoices or statements pertaining to the project work for which reimbursement is requested; and 4. copies of cancelled checks or other evidence of expenditures for which. re- imbursernent is requested. III. No change or addition to this Agreement shall be effective unless in writing and properly executed by the parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have affixed their signatures as of the day and year first written above. ~~#~ urle~on ~wanitz Mayor - Chairman Monroe County Board of County Commissioners ./ OBERT W Division of Archives, History and Records Man:a,~ement Department of State State of Florida Tallaha?see, Florida WITNESSES AS TO: WITNESSES AS TO ROBERT WILLIAMS: 'I LR II I ~/~~ , HEREBY CERTIFY that this dOCUfTlent has been reviewed for legal suffi- ciency and that the same meets with ;: a#g~ Attorney's Office