FY 1981-82 ~ ~. . ..:... :~\ C · I ~ ~~ ~: .\ I t '< .~ :-::1 E R EAS, the 30 A RD [) F CnU\'TY C()~[\!I S S 1(1 :';E!{S 0 F \IU :\f.:C):: cr':;" ::r:' , FL)R.IDA. ilnd the Cmn-IUXITY MENTAL IiE.\LTH CLr\IC OF THE LOWER I-:EYc: ~:e 5 in: to en ter in to an agreemen t h'herc in the Board c f Coun ty Com- missioners contracts for services frofu said Clinic for the rendering of mental health services to the citizens of the Lmver Keys, Monroe County, Florida, and WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Of MONROE COUNTY, .... FLORIDA, is vested and charged with certain duties and responsibili- ties relating to the mental health and guidance of the citizens of ~IOl1roe Coun t}T, and WHEREAS, such services have been invaluable to the citizens of the Lower Keys, Monroe County, Florida, and WHEREAS, it is proper and fitting to enter into an agreement for services to be rendered ln the forthcoming year 1981-82; now, !C tllerefore, - THIS AGREEMENT, made between the BOARD OF COUNTY CO~ISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIrDA, and th.e COMMUNITY :MENTAL HEALTH CLINIC OF .:..$'"' r'."-.' THE LOivER KEYS, each in the consi.deration of the premlses, agree as -:;if' .:r ...l~.:'<<:~ f 0 11 0 \'1 S : The said Board of County ~Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, in consideration of said Community MentaLHealtLGlinic_of_tJte-.L.o1ver_ --_._n.. ~ , Keys substantially and satfsfactofily performing and earring out the :/. duties and obligations of the Board as to rendering counsel to the citizens of the Lower Keys, Monroe'County, Florida, in matters of mental health and guidance, and providing transportation to treatment facilitie~ as required by Florida Statutes 349.459 for all Monroe '\l County patients, agrees to: 1. Pay to the said COMf1UNITY MENTAL HEALTH CLINl.C OF THE LOWER KEYS the sum of Twenty Thousand Six Hundred Seventy 'two Dollars ($20,672.00) for the fiscal year 1981-82. Page 1 of 3 Pages ~ , P ~l. :. ~ n n a ci (1 i t ion a 1 sura not toe :\: c e e J 1- ~..' e 11 t \/ - :.] ~ c -r h 0 Ll ~~ an (1 EL;b~ Hundred Ten Dollars and \iIH~ty c0nts ($21,810.90) for the pro- ',-i;li~lg of tr::msportation of a1 L patients in .\lonroe lOl!nt:~ to treat- :i; (. n t f a.c i 1 it i c s . These figures will be paid monthly commencing October 1, 19(H, as 1:crcirl~fter set forth. And the said Community Mental Health Clinic of the Lower Keys, ror the cons idera t ion named, covenan ts and agrees lvi th the Board of County Commissioners o~ Monroe County, Florida, to substantially and saisfactorily perform and carry out the duties of the said Board 1n rendering counsel in the matters of mental health and guidance to the citizens of the Lower Keys, Monroe County, Florida, and transporting all patients in Monroe County to treatment facilities in accordance with Florida Statutes 349.459. In further consideration of said financial remuneration, the said Community Mental Health clinic of the Lower Keys agrees to provide a clear financial audit trail to allo~ fOT full account- ability of funds received from said Board. Certified monthly finan- ."... .c .,~ . cial and service load reports wifl~be made available to the Board of County Commission~Ps of '~10nr6~~ounty,Florida, to ,;alidate- the delivery of services under this contract. The monthly financial re- port is due in the office of the Clerk of the Board of County Commis- sioners of Monroe County, ~lorid~, no later than the 15th day of the - ----.-..-. -------- --------.-- f 011 o,.;ing month. After th1~ Clerk of the Board pre-audits the certified '"'t report, the Board will reimburse s~id Community Mental Health Clinic of the Lower Keys for its monthly expenses. However, the total of said monthly payments in the aggregate sum shall not exceed the total amount of $20,672.00 for counseling and $21,810.90 for transpbrting costs during the term of this contract. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board of County Commis~5ioners of Mon- roe County, Florida, has caused these presents to be signed 1n its name by its Chairman, Board of County Commissioners, and the Community Page 2 of 3 Pages ,.f ..J" , .... ~,lcntal. Healt;l Clinic of the Lo\\'cr Lcvs has caused these pn::'s;,::'nts to i''': -0 i ''; 11 e d 1 nit :3 n a Tn e t v its C} i n i c D i r C' c t 0 r'l n d Pre ::3 ide n t (' f t tHe.' B () a r ': . :.: 11 ~3.. s of tZ1e 12th (1 a. Y' ( SEAL) !\ t t est : ,- .,----=) ..<~/ -- // '';:'~---' ;.~$~~:~;/.<~/ c-'/....c- r ___/f._.,--.J C11.ftr k i ,Signed, Sealed and Delivered in Our Presence: J j at 2an11 r4 ry=--___' i\ . [) . 1982. B()f\RD 0 F COUN1~'{ COi'-l~'II 55 I Ol\i ERS OF LviO NROE COIJI\rry', F LO R'ID_-\ b 1'. t/ ' 0.' ~ l.-~" /' i.~".r ./ "......- ~""-- ~ C1alrman r. CO~~IUNITY MENTAL HEALTH CLINIC OF THE LOWER KEYS .O-';1Ir . L"~" ,C" ~ B}//' B)7 ,,",,~;:~.-. t ~ A . M ~ -.J ,"1PPR.D':lED ,,~s 1q POR.&1 . ~^^A f ~, .r-&It.....tl""~'~J~ ~.A. j.~.ly~M~ ~.:lr iii /tc"..rt.: n..~. .' '. .' ',.... .... I...' - · 4' :,.... -"~ io: ,-.. ...-"* ~ < . 8)t ..~~ I.J._;..~______~~', . ;_? . ~ ;i, (I"'c"!"" ""1'11 {'I J.fj""r,' ~ ." ,,$'h f. ~ I. ti .J 11 ." .It ;,:3. \:tE:..;~ . v t-, Page 3 of 3 Pages