09/25/1962 Agreement AGRElIIENT THIS AGIUUNBNT, entereel into this :L s;- it:" day of Septeaber, 1962 by and between the County of Monroe, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, acting by and through the Beard of County ee.aissioners of Monroe county, b.ereiaafter called the nBo~rdtt, party .1 the first pan, anel Maurice H. Conell. Associates, Inc., conaulting Engineers, the "Consuitaats", party of the second part. WITNBSSBnI, that in consideration of the IUItual co.enants and agreeaents herein contained, the said parties covenant and agree with each other as fol1...: 1. The CODsultants agree to act as Airport Consultants to the Board and in 8uell, capacity will b,anelle all airport probleas of the Boa rei. TtJis se"ice will include eacb. and all of the fel1owing: <a> Periodic inspections of the airport and preparation of perioclic reports te the Bondh.olders of th.e Meach." Airport (Ke, West International Airport) ReveRue Bonds as reqaired by the a.solutio. passed 1ft connection with tke bond issue' 'and requested by the Bondh.olders. (b) Keeping the Airport Master Plan current with the County.. aeronautical needs and prepare a Master Plan for any n~ county airports as required by th.e policies of the federal Aviatien A~nistratiOD. ee) Initiationnand coaplete processing of all FAA projects required for airport developaents at both the Key West Iatemational Airport and tb.e Marathon Plight Strip. (d) Day to day advice to tb.e Board in connection wi th the probleas relative to the developaent, operation, and aaintenanee of the county.. airports. (e) COmpile supporting data and conduct negotiations with the PAA leading to th.e cODstnacti01l and operatioD of an Air- port Contr.l Tower at Key West International Airport with. 10. Pederal fin-Dcial. particip~ti... (l) coapile supporting data aDd at the Board-s request, cODduet negotiations with the CAB aad airlines towards the eDd of ebtaining per.anent adequate doaestic and iaternatioaal air service for Monroe County and the Key West Internatienal Airport. (g) Provide airpert engineering services to MODroe County for the developaents ol its airports as directed by th.e Board. The fees for such. se"ices to be in ace.rcl with the latest Miniaua Scb.edule of Bngineering Fees rec...ended by the florida BngiDeering Society. 2. The Board agrees to pay the Consultants as a consideration for th.e furnishing of tb.e herein enuaerated services, a monthly retainer of five hundred dollars ($500.00), payable on tb.e last day of each. soath., said cODsiderat~on to include all ordinary expenses in the Mia.!~ey West area. 3. It is aut.al1y agreed that 'th.. tera of this contract will be' tb.ree (3) years, starting th.. first day of October, 1962 and ending the thirtieth day ef Se~teaber, 1965. 4. The Consultants agree that Harold A. Wilde will actively be in charge of fulfillaent of the Consultaat's services furnished UDder th.is contract. -1- IN WITNESS WHBRBOP, the parties hereto have, at Key West, Florida, caused tb.is contract aDd four duplicate copies thereof to be executed and said party of th.e first part b.as caused this contract to be sealed with it's seal and attested by it.s Clerk, as of the day and year first above written. IN PRBSBr<<:B OF% CWNTY OF MC8ROB, A POLITICAL SUBDIVISIOlf 0' THB STATB (F FLORIDA, A<:1'ING BY AND TRltOOGH THE BOARD Of cmNTY C<JIMISSIONBRS OP MClfROECOONTY '?Ih~~~ ~~~. / ~~~~ ~ / I .I \ ~,;" ' ~ ATTEST: ./' /. t-( ~ t2.d?d+u Bar! R. . ams, Clark (Seal) IN PRBS.Bl<<:E OF: 1~e~/{~ ~'7h.~ -2-