Clerk's Memo
March lO, 1976
Connell/Metealf & Eddy, I~c.
1320 South Dixie Hiqhway~.
P. o. Box 3419 3 9 .'.C_
Coral Gables, Florida 3~114
Atten~ion: Mr. Pat Rebull
Dear Mr. Rebull:
Enclosed please find 3 co"pj,eUiq,f "J\,l;U:..IQ~,nt ,betwe~n ~M.(:mrqe <:O~nty
and Connell/Metcalf and,J1;ddy I,Ine., "wh.i"cll "theB,Qal:d,O,{ CQ'tnty ,
Commissioners approved a,t, ,a r.eqular .IQiletinq in ..$e$s.i"on .Qn
March 9, 1976.
Please siqn where indicated ,and l:e.ttJrn 2 ,aiqne<'t,~Qp,:ies to
the undersiqned and reta.1n ,1cQPY (ca.: .YouJ;:fi~e!t.
Thank you.
Very t,uly yours,
Ralph 'l. Whi te
ex officio Clerk ~
Board of County Commissiq~e~.
by '.
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