Miscellaneous Arc h itectu re IE ng I nee rl ngl Planning 1320 South Dixie Highway P. o. Box 341939 Coral Gables Florida 33134 305/885-9241 Connell/Metcalf & Eddy Environmental Engineering Group Research-Cottrell March 26, 1976 Mr. Ralph W. White ex officio Clerk Board of County Commissioners Monroe County Florida Key West, Florida Dea r Mr. Wh i te : As requested in your letter of March 10th to Mr. Rebull, we are enclosing two copies of the executed Agreement between Monroe County and Connell/Metcalf & Eddy, Inc. In this document, Connell agrees to act as the Airport Consultants to the Board for the three year period beginning January 1, 1976 and ending December 31, 1978. We appreciate this opportunity to be of continued service to the Board. Very truly yours, (r;;~~&0D~~~ Richard D. Howard, P.E. Vice President RDH:pm Enclosure Connell Metcalf & Eddy ARCHITECTURE ENGINEERING PLANNING 1320 South Dixie Highway P.O. Box 341939 Coral Gables Florida 33134 305/6659241 July 11, 1977 Board of County Commissioners Monroe County Key West, Florida 33040 Attn: Mr. Ralph White Clerk of the Circuit Court Gentlemen: This letter will serve as a supplement to our agreement dated 9 March 1976 to provide certain services to the Board of County Commissioners, Monroe County, Florida. At your request and under Section Ig of the aforementioned agreement, Connell Metcalf & Eddy, Incorporated will provide a detailed cost estimate to refurbish the fire damaged bar/lounge and coffee shop at Key West International Airport. Additionally, our professional cost estimator will provide legal testimony if this matter should go to litigation. A detailed cost estimate will include: On-site inspection and detailed measurements. Analyzing and detailing cost estimates. Preparing cost estimate report. Five (5) copies of the cost estimate report will be furnished. It is estimated two to three court appearances may be necessary if required. A MEMBER OF RESEARCH-COTTRELL'S ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING GROUP Board of County Commissioners July 11, 1977 Page 2- The fee for providing these services will be a lump sum of $1,500 plus expenses. Countersigning this letter will bind both parties to this agreement. Very truly yours, CONNELL METCALF & EDDY, INC. ~ Thomas S. President ,it!"" .j"" ,/ [1 'I~ //~ MayO~" & /~~Jm~n1 /' .::~__'_H Monroe County Att~_ .4"" ') t HEREBY CERTIFY that this document has been reviewed for legal su;ti- ciency and that the same meets with my approv~l., ..~ ~/ By/~",,~. '. .~ 4unty A torney's Office