03/09/1976 A G R E E MEN T THIS AGREEMEKT~ enrered into this 9 day of ~~rch~ 1976, b"\. and between the COUNTY OF MONROE, a politicel subdi\7ision of the State of Florida, acting by and through the Board of County Commis- sioners of Monroe Count);, hereinafter called trle "Board", part~.~ of the first part, and CONI~ELL/METCALF & EDDY, INC., the "Consul r.E:-~:5" , party of the second part. WITNESSETH, that in consideration of the mutual cove~ants and agreements herein contained, the said parties covenant and agree with each other as follows: 1. The Consultants agree to act as Airport Consultants to the Board and in such capacity will handle all airport problems of the Board. This service will include each and all of the follow- ing: (a) Periodic inspections of the airport and p:-epa- ration of periodic reports to the Bondholders of the Meacham Airport (Key West International Airport) Revenue Bonds, as required by the Resolution passed in connection with the bond issue and requested by the Bondholders. (b) Keeping the Airport Layout Plan curren t wi th the County's aeronautical needs. (c) Initiation and complete processing of all FAA projects required for airport developments at both the Key West International Airport and the Marathon Flight Strip. (d) Day-to-day advice to the Board in connection with the problems relative to the development, operation, and main- te~ance or tne County's airports. (e) Compile supporting data at the Board's request, 2T10 conduct negotiations with the CAB and airlines towards the end of obtaining permanent adequate domestic and international air ser- vice for Monroe County and the Key West International Airport. . -2- (f) Ma~e such studies and reports and such trips to Tallahassee, Atlanta, and Washington, as the Board may direct in connection with the mai~~enance: operation and development or the County's airports. (g) Provide airport engineering services to Monroe County for the developme~ts of its airpc~ts as directed by the Board. The fees for such services to be in accc~d with the then current P~nimlliu Schedule of Engineering Fees reco~~ended by the Florida En- gineering Society. 2. The Boare agrees to pay the Consultants as a considera- tion for the furnishing of the services set forth in paragraphs 1. (a) through 1. (d) hereof, a monthly retainer of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00), payab~e on the last Gay of each month, said con- sidera~ion to include all ordinary expenses in the Miami-Key West area. 3. The Board agrees to pay the Consultants for the ser- vices as directed and furnished under paragraphs 1. (e) and 1. (f) hereof out-af-pocket expenses, such as, meals, lodging, car rentals, ~ 1 ., . 1 "I. · per c net (~ 160'/0) etc.. a:. cost ana payroJ..-. costs, lnc uClng slxteen . Ie for n2vroll taxes, etc., times a multiplier of two to cover overhead and profi ~. 4. It is mutually agreed that the term of this Agree- rnent will be three (3) years, commencing the 1st day of January, 1975, and ending the 31st day of December, 1978. 5. In the event of any change of key personnel acting for the Consultants under this agreement without the Board's approval, the Board shall have the right to cancel this agreement and said Board ~ill not be liable for any damages that may be incurred as a result of said cancellation. IN WITNESS ~~EREOF, the parties hereto have, at Key West, Florida, caused this Agreement and three (3) duplicate copies thereof to be executed and said party of the first part has caused this . -3- agreement to be sealed with its seal and attested by its Clerk, as of the day and year first above written. IK ~'RESENCE OF: COlmTY OF MONROE, A POLITICAL SUB- DIVISION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, ACTING BY AND THROUGH THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY B:y ~~/ .~~ . If s:.. _. lay J.. ana Lta~man (Seal) Attest. IN PRESENCE OF: (J ,'0\ CONNELL/C)iF & E....D~Y, n~c. By f/'( \J President (S"eal) Attest: ~)