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This instrument will constitute a supplement to that certain
agreement entered into by and between the County of Monroe,
a political subdivision of the state of Florida, acting by
and through the Board of County Commissioners of ~ionroe County,
(the "Board") and Connell Metcalf & Eddy, Inc. (the "Consultants")
under date of March 9,1976 ("the Basic Agreement").
Under Sub-Section l(g) the entire sub-section shall be deleted
and replaced with the fol~owing:
"I. In addition to the services described hereinbefore';....~ '1_
when, as, and if the scope of work is established by
the Board by a letter of authorization, the Engineer
agrees to furnish a complete engineering service as
Basic Services:
The professional services to be ~= '_~-=='.
provided by the 'Consultant shall be accornplished.___
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under the following three phases and consist of _
the work indicated:
1. Preliminary Phase: This phase of project
development shall establish the general size,
scope and location of the project. The basic
services of the Consultant shall include the
a. Conferences with the Board to review its
wishes and requirements, inspection of the site,
review of available material assembled by the
Board, and discussion of scheduling. Confer-
ences with various approving and regulatory
agencies including FAA and FDOT shall also be
b. Planning for assisting the Board in pro-
curing the necessary surveys and other field
c. Preparation of preliminary engineering
studies and designs.
Preparation of Federal and State forms
and requests, preliminary cost estimates
and coordination with other regulatory agencies.
e. Revisions to the Airport Layout Plan as
required by the FAA for approval of the project.
f. Attendance at Public Hearings and assistance
in preparing for public hearings as requested by
the Board.
g. Preparation of draft environmental statement
or negative declaration as required.
2. The Design Phase: This phase shall be undertaken following
written approval of the preliminary design, report or estimate
and a formal letter of authorization to proceed with the Design
Phase. The scope of work to be accomplished under this phase
shall be in conformance with the results of the preliminary
phase, and shall be detailed in the letter of authorization
issued by the Board. The basic services of the Consultant shall
include the following:
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a. Assist the Board in the procurement of necessary
field information to include field surveys, photograrn-
metry, soils-investigation or other special -studies.
b. Preparation of an engineeri~g report to consist
of design calculations, field information results,
detailed cost estimate, conformance with FAA standards
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and other pertinent information.
c. Preparation of plans and specifications, contract
documents and detailed estimates.
d. Prepare change orders as may be required prior
to bid opening.
e. Assist the Board in securing bids.
3. The Construction Phase: This phase shall commence on the
date of the published construction bid opening. The basic
services of the Consultant shall include the following:
a. Assist the Board in bid tabulation and analysis
of bid results, and furnish recommendation on award of
the construction contract.
b. Represent the Board in the preconstruction
c. Make periodic observati:ons,',of 'work~in'progress,
and make appropriate reports to the Board.
d. Check detailed construction, shop and erection
drawings submitted by the contractor for compliance with
design concept.
e. Review, analyze and approve .labora,tory" shop
and mill test reports of materials and equipment.
f. Prepare elementary sketches and supplementary
sketches required to resolve actual field conditions
g. Prepare and negotiate change orders and supplemental
h. Review "as-built" drawings as furnished by
the construction contractor and prepare five (5)
complete sets of as-built construction drawings.
i. Make final inspection of the completed project and
report findings to the Board or its representative.
j. Preparation of periodic and final payment
estimates for submission to the FAA. The Board shall
be ~esponsible for providing information and documen-
tation necessary to complete these payment estimates
to FAA standards.
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B. Special Services: The development of some projects
may require services outside the scope of the Basic
Services. The Board may authorize the Consultant to
provide any or all of the following Special Services:
1. Soils Inves~tgation.
2. Detailed mill, shop and/or laboratory inspection
of materials and equipment.
3. Land surveys, establishment of boundaries and
monuments and related office computations and drafting.
4. Technical inspection of construction by a full-
time resident engineer or inspector, and supporting
staff, as required, who will also:
a. Review and approve requests for monthly
and final payments to contractors.
b. Issue certificates of completion to the
Board on completed construction contracts.
d. Supervise testing and inspection.
5. Additional copies of reports, contract drawings
and documents above the specified number furnished at
cost (Plans at $O.lO/sq. ft. and specs. at $O.20/sheet).
6. Assistance to the Board as expert legal witness
in litigation arising from the development or construc-
tion of the project.
c. Payments:
1. Payment for services furnished under A, Basic
Services, hereof, shall be a lump sum price established
by the letter of authorization and accepted by the
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the Consultant. Payments shall be made monthly to
the Consultant, based upon the percent complete,
upon submission to the Board of a certified invoice
by the Consultant. The maximum percentage of the
total fee which may be charged at the completion of
each phase shall be as follows:
a. Upon Completion of Preliminary Phase _
20% of Total Fee
b. Upon Completion of Desiqn Phase _
An Additional 55% of Total Fee
c. Upon Completion of Construction Design _
100% of Total Fee
2. Payment for services furnished under B, Special Services,
hereof shall be a lump sum price established by the letter of
authorization and accepted by the Consultant. Payments shall
be made monthly to the Consultant, based upon the percent com-
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plete, upon submission to the Board of a certified invoice
by the Consultant. The entire lump sum fee for Special
Services shall be payable upon completion of the Service as
outlined in the letter of authorization.
D. Extra Work: In the event the Board requests the
Consultant to perform services which will change the
character, complexity or scope of the work, as defined
by the letter of authorization, which, in the opinion
of the Consultant, constitute Extra Work not covered
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by the payments in Section C above, the Consultant
shall immediately submit complete documentation of
a claim including an estimate of the compensation
for the Extra Work and refrain from working on the
change while the Board reviews-the claim. No work other
than that for which a claim is bein9 reviewed shall be
delayed pending the written decision of the Board. The
Board may direct the Consultant to perform Extra Work for
a lump sum price stated in the letter of authorization and
accepted by the Consultant.
Authorization by the Board for the Consultant to perform
Basic Services shall not be construed as requiring the
Board to authorize the Consultant to proceed under
Special Services.
WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused these presents to
be executed, by and through their duly authorized officer, pur-
suant to lawful authority properly delegated to and reposing
therein, this
day of
A.p r i 1
, 1977.
Title: Mayor/Chairman
By . -___-. __.