06/27/1972 J - Apri 1 8, 1972 Bc)ard of County Comril i ss i oners Monroe. County, Florida Monroe~County Courthouse Key West, Florida- Subject: Proposal for Preparation of Project Application and Furnishing Professional Services for the Preparation of an FAA-PGP Long-Range Master Plan (20-Years) for Key West International Airport. Gentlemen: , , The firm of Connell Associates, Jnc., Airport Consulting Engineers and Planners to Monroe County, Florida, hereby offers to prepare an Application for the subject PGP Master Plan and if accepted and approved by the Federal Aviation Administration and the State of Florida Department of Transportation, to prepare the Master Plan in accordance wi th the attached I'Statement of Work'l. T~e work necessary to complete the plan in accordance with FAA criteria will be performed under joint sponsorship by Monroe County, the State of Florida Department of Transportation, and the Federal Aviation Administration. The maximum obligation on the part of t-\onroe County would be $7,775., if the FAA approves the project and federal funds are allocated for its completion. There would be no obligation on the part of Monroe County if federal matching funds were not forthcoming. AC~d th i s,;21i/ day of . ~~ , 1972 , . ~ CONNEll ASSOCIATES, INC. COUNTY OF MONROE, a Pol'itical Sub-' ~-;;:1d, /~,. 4.-7>,fZ Division of the State of Florida, act-//a(.t-[~' /l' /j.,;(.t~ ing by and through the Board of County Harold A. Wilde Commissiloners of Monroe County. Vice President Respectfully submitted, ~ L/~b. ;~ Ha1"ry Harri s', Mayor . " By: ,-~..' ~ . ' '" .\ ~/ .- · ;I\l '! COI\INELL ASSOCATES INC CONNELL p:t::~CE GAJ:::'-ANO & FR1~CMAN AAC....y~ CT. a. .... G..... L l: a,. PLIia,-""&.Aa ..080. "'1'7 :J'!\ N \AI J7 Avl C~r'-!N.~-LL:' MIAMt ~ LOAIDA 33'\3'\. ~ l"' . r 1"'-, :JODI a.a '\700 - ~ *-