Change Order No. 1 CHANGE · ORDER OWNER ARCHITECT CONTRACTOR FIELD OTHER AlA DOCUMENT G70J o o o o o PROJECT: (name, address) Modifications to existing chiller plant Marathon Airport Monroe County, Airport Conret, Inc. 94401 Overseas Highway Tavernier, Florida 33070 TO CONTRACTOR: (name, address) No. 1 CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: DA TE: ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: CONTRACT DATE: CONTRACT FOR: August 20, 1997 6826717 April 22, 1997 $ 83,830.10 The Contract is changed as follows: Installation of addi tional pilings and concrete and cooling tower supports. Installation of motor starter and disconnect for cooling tower fan motor. * Permits were obtained by the Contractor on July 29, 1997 ** Additional contract time required due to sbipping>~lq.yS from cooling tower manufacturer to meet wi~d ...load ,~ _,0', requirements and construction of tower slaJ:;>,and s~r:'t~. - ) B r '-) o i 0""') - ~," '-.J Not valid until signed by the Owner, Architect and Contractor. The original (Contract Sum)~~~~J(ortwas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S Net change by previously authorized Change.Orders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S The (Contr2ct Sum)~~~**~lI~ prior to this Change Order was. . . . . . . . . . S The (Contr2ct SUf!l) (JG~ctmMQXtcooox:R<<<x%wi1l be (incre:lSed) ~~ _> by chils Change 0 rder in the :unount of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S The new (Concr:lct Surn)~CXQCX~~~WJa~ including this Change Order \vill be .. S The Contr2ct Time will be (increased) (Xi](~~k:KBd by The date of SubstantiaJ Completion as of the d2te of this Ol2tlge Order therefore is NOTE: 83,830.10 83,830.10 4,411.11 88,241.21 28 ) d~ys. September 12, 1997 This SUmlll:ilry does not reflect ch:mge; in the Contr:lct Sunl. Cuntr.Jct TinlC: or GU3r:lntcco ~t:.LXilnUnl Price \\.hich ha\.c h<.:c:n 3luhorizcd by Construcrion Ch:U1ge Directh.c:. CONRET, INC. CONTRACtOR 94401 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY Addres.c; TAVERNIER FLORIDA 33070 ~~~ ~ c. URS GREINER, INC. ARCH ITECT 5805 NW 11TH STREET, # 340 Address MIAMI, FLORID1~ 33126-2034 BY~~ Yr-?/---,? ? 8Y MARATHON AIRPORT ~~~X MONROE COUNTY ~ /2. I ~ '1 DATE DATE .:-::,:q ~. '-' ,- !. .~ -;:;:.] .i;,~' ,;': :~: ~::~::i ',r., . :':;'.::7::,;:' '/hjc~ :,::;. ~~~ .:::.uN:il;;' :....;~~,~, qERK .. . _.. .. . . .~ -: i ::: ::;:: ::.: . '! '.:: :.~:':"; - : .: ~ : ..' ...... ,'J ')cc~.' "1t1%~~~ t~t1~:~~. AlA DOCUMENT G701 · CHANGE ORDER · 19M? EDITION · AlAe · ~)I,)H7 · THE AMERICAN INSTITl.TE Of At{Cf-IITECTS. 1 ~.\C; NE~. YORK A "E.. ~."".. ~'^SftlN(iT()N. D.C. ~(XK)(, G701-1987 WARNING: Unlice~sed photocopying violates U.S. copyright laws and is subject to legal prosecution. Tn /. C