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This Agreement entered into this date ~ ~ 198k
between Monroe County (The Owner) and Construction d Repair Specialists
ot Florida, Inc. (The Contractor).
1.01 ObligatioDS of the Contractor:
The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, equipment, machinery, tools,
apparatus and transportation necessary to perform all the work and in the
manner shown under Paragraph 1.03. Specifications and Scope of Construction
Wor~ to perform repairs to WestMUtello Tower, Key West, Florida.
1.02 Obligations of the Owner:
The owner shall pay the Contractor for faithful performance of this agreement
in lawful money of the United States the Sum of Fifteen Thousand, Seven
Hundred and 00/100 Dollars ($15,100.00), an explanation of which is shown in
Paragraph 1.04 Partial and Final Payment of this agreement.
1.03 Specl:ficatioas and Scope of CoDStruction Work:
This detailed Scope of Work included herein below is intended to remedy
certain deficiencies outiined in the report entitled "Inspection of Brick Vault
Arches, West Martello Tower, Key West, Florida", as prepared by Post,
BUCkley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc., in July, 1985. Said report does not constitute
working drawings associated with this agreement and is intended as a
reference document only for purposes associated herewith.
(A) Cracks in the Ceiling:
(1) Vault-5:
Repair an estimated eleven (11) toot crack from the floor to the
ceiling on the south wall of vault number 5. Repair a large crack
along the full length of the arched ceiling estimated to be twenty
(20) feet. Repair an estimated tour (4) foot crack trom the
ceiling to the tan opening on the north wall.
(2) Vault-6:
,Repair an estimated thirty-two (32) linear feet of cracking trom
east wall to ceiling, traveling across the ceiling to the south wall
and down to the floor.
(3) Method at Re~
Sika injection epoxy of a consistency and employing an application
method as specifIed by the... ~poxy manufacturer tor this type ot
work will be injected throughout the tulllength at the structural
To maintain the original brick appearance, a layer of epoxy
mortar or equal material wm be applied over the injection
(B) Repair ot the Roof Vault 5 and Vault 6:
(1) Remove felt and asphalt by mechanical method along a minimum
2" wide area to expose and follow the cracks in the vault ceilings.
(2) Cracks will be opened and cleaned as much as possible without. the
use of jack hammers or chippers, so as to work from above and
below to effect 10096 repairs. .
(3) The roof will be restored in an acceptable manner, free of leaks.
(e) Repair and replace missing mortar and brick Vault 5 and Vault 6:
(1) The entire vaults 5 and 8 will be checked for loose bricks and
broken or missing mortar. All loose bricks wm be refastened with
epoxy and repointed with mortar.
(D) Clean interior Vault 5 and Vault 8:
(1) The entire vaults wfil be cleaned with a high p~ water spray,
. no sealer will be utilized.
(E) Vault 5 South wan:
(1) Exterior:
8096 to 9096 at an mortar is missing. Repoint all bricks, which
have missing mortar, to provide structural integrity to the waD.
(2) Interior:
Replace missing mortar to provide the original appearance at the
mortared brick.
L04 Partfa18Dd PfDa1 Payment:
Based on-the Contractors proposal and to provide project cost by room (vault)
to better identify individual cost, it is agreed by both. The Owner and The.
Contractor, that a breakdown of project cost are' as tollows.
A. Mobiliza tion: $ 5,200.00
B. Repair of Vault 5: 4,000.00
c. Repair of Vault 6: 2,725.00
D. Repair- to Exterior Wall Vault 5: 3,775.00
TOTAL COST $15,700.00
E. The Owner shall pay the Contractor the total sum as specified by
Paragraph 1.04 of this agreement ($15,700.00) in two payments.
(1) Item A, Paragraph 1.04 Mobilization shall be paid within 7 days of
commencement of the contract.
(2) Items (B), Paragraph 1.04 Repair of Vault 5, item (e) Repair Vault
6, and Item (D) Repair to Exterior Wall of Vault 5, shall be paid
within 15 days upon completion of work in accordance with the
specifications and scope of work as shown in Paragraph 1.03.
LOS Commencement and Completion ot Work:
. (A) The Contractor agrees to commence work within 15 days of receipt of a
Notice To Proceed.
. (8) The Contractor agreeS to prosecute the work faithfully and diligently
and shall complete the work within 60 calander daJS after
commencement as specified by Paragraph LaS(A) and further agrees
that upon failure to complete the work within the time frame, the Owner
shall be entitled to liquidation damages at the rate of $50 per calendar
day tor days elapsing beyond the specified time.
. (C) The Contractott agrees that all work shall be completed in accordance
with standard practices and shall be guaranteed lor a period of 12
months against failure to provide the intended results as specified in the
(D) The Owner agrees that strikes, accidents or delays beyond the control of
the Contractor shall not be counted as Calendar days toward the
completion of the project as shown in Paragraph 1.05(B).
LOS IDsunmce:
The Contractor shall provide The Owner, Prool of Insurance, Workers
Compensation, Comprehensive Automobile Liability and Comprehensive
General Liability.
f 1 f & ,
1.0'1 Observation and Interpretatiaa of WarIc BeiDg AccompUsM<r
(A) The County Administrator or his designee shall have tree access to all
materials and the work at all time. Based on his on-site observations,
the CO\Ulty Administrator or his designee shall have the authority'to
inform the contractor in writing of his failure to perform the work in a
satisfactory manner and to stop the work and to withhold payment until
satisfactory corrections have been made.
The comity Administrator or his designee shall in the company ot the
Contractor perform a final inspection of the project tor comtormance
with Specifications and Scope ot Work and if the project is acceptable to
authorize final payment.
1.08 Extra Worlc
(A) Any work in addition to that which is specified, shall be considered extra
work, and shall not be paid for unless agreed to in the form of a written
authorization from the County Administrator prior to actual
Date~ ~ /9?L,
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Date~~ /r~.6
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