Clerk's Memo , t I I , ; nlannp 1.. ltO(1)4ge BRANCH OFFICE 3117 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY MARATHON. FLORIDA 33050 TEL. .305) 743.9036 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT MONROE COUNTY 500 WHITEHEAD STREET KEY WEST. FLORIDA 33040 TEL. (305) 294.4641 BRANCH OFFICE P.O. BOX 379 PLANTATION KEY, FLORIDA 33070 TEL. (305) 852.9253 MEMORANDUM To: Billy Wagner, Civil Defense Director From: Diana Gene Collins, Deputy Clerk Subject: Resolution No. 082-1989 Date: May 30, 1989 As you are aware, on February 7, 1989, the Board of County Commissioners adopted Resolution No. 082-1989 authorizing execution of four Agreements and Addendums attached thereto between Contel and the Board concerning NOAA weather wire service equipment.' Attached are three certified copies of the subject Resolution. Also attached are the original and two copies of each of the Agreements, all of which have now been executed and sealed on behalf of the County. It is my understanding that you will now handle obtaining the remaining necessary signatures. Please be sure to return one fully-executed copy of each Agreement to the undersigned promptly after proper execution by Contel. ... ~~~\~ 'ana Gene Collins Deputy Clerk Attachments CC: Mayor Puto Commissioner Lytton County Attorney County Administrator ACA/Public Safety Finance Director File ... ~~'7"_~~"lf~~.1iCI""""'~~~_' III ~.....,.;c_. 1\\ l. 6"''-~~~ 1-..' CoUN 1'., ., ~ ...... c j;i~.~G:p . ".. .;\ J\\.: _......:......~~; >> "h. -9, ........ '"" .# ".~:.'t COUN1'l. ~ ~ ~ ~ J;).l':"..:;:r IDa H np lL. kolbage BRANCH OFFICE 3117 OVERSEAS HIGHW,A Y MARATHON, FLORIDA 33050 TEL. (305) 743.9036 ("Lr:n f' l'IIE CIRCUIT COURT ,inN HOE COUNTY \'lfITEHEAD STREET VI/EST, FLORIDA 33040 l'FL. (305) 294.4641 BRANCH t P.o. \ ILd!. \ \TION KEY, FLORI[, I TEL. (305) E: M 0 RAN DUM To: :3:. J. l~l Waq n ivil Defense Directo! From: :'~:) F a -1 i e I \~1 ()lly, Deputy Clerk Subject: :~E~SC Il1ti n 08:2-1989 Date: ;~a.rc}' 7, 98 As you ,are awa r e ,on Ii Commissioners adopt~E?t). execution of four Agre between Contel and the service equip~ent. lla.ry 7, 1989, the BOd ~ ':1 ()l 'U.tion No. 082 -1989 3 ~rt nt,s and Addendums at t ..J :~:~l <:l.rld concerni ng NOAA \,l; ~l't County rizing thereto r wire I ,have just I'eceived~ the s'llbject Resolution arl: B2'eements from the County Att()rne'~1 B Office and believe t :.It:~ are finally in order fat" ~y'cl Attached are two C(:": t L f.1 ed copies of the subject Res()lut.i Also attached are t rll;! uriginal and one copy c;f eac}l cf Jle Agreements, all 0 \;~':h 11 have now been execu ted aIld s,;: ,:!led on behalf of the .: ell ty. It is my understanding tha you will now handle cd: tH rling the remaining necessary si9n tures. Please be su: 1: return one fully-executed cOf}' c~f each Agreement to t. iE? 1 ~ndersigned promptly after proper ex ~cution by Contel. Rosalie L. Deputy Clerk Attachments cc: Mayor Put.O Commissioner Lytton County At.t.orney County Adnlinistrat()~'t ACA/Public~ Safety Finance Director File