Notice to Owner - _ 2002 North Lois Ave., Sle. 240, Tompo, FL 33607 . PO 80x 25594, Tampo, FL 33622 ~. 0 R K 0 R D E R # -~ (813) 879-0774. WoI1s: (800) 226-2693. Fox: (813) 871-2975 II ]1.-....- BUILDERS NonCE I A vital tool to the construction industry. 708 S. Andrews Ave., Ft.lauderdale, Fl33316 . PO Box 457 . Ft.lauderdale, Fl33302-0457 Broward: (305) 764-1322. Dade: (305) 949-4576. Watts: (800) 432-1959. Fax: (305) 754-1631 12/23/91 82 242739 TO: OWNER MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 500 WHITEHEAD ST KEY WEST FL 33040 WARNING TO OWNER: Under FLORIDA LAW, your failure to make sure that we are paid may result in a LIEN AGAINST YOUR PROPERTY and your PAYING TWICE. To avoid a lien and paying twice, you MUST obtain a WRIITEN RELEASE from: E.M CORSON & ASSOC. INC. ** Every time you pay your contractor. THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY INFORMS YOU THAT HE HAS FURNISHED OR IS FURNISHING SERVICES OR MATERIALS AS FOLLOWS: AIR DISTRIBUTION/VENTILATING E@UIPMENT FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE REAL PROPERTY IDENTIFIED AS : PLANTATION KEY COURTHOUSE / ATRIUM ENCLOSURE 88820 OVERSEAS HWY TAVERNIER MONROE COUNTY PROJECT CODE # PC003, MONROE COUNTY, FLA. UNDER AN ORDER GIVEN BY : HOUSTON AIR 5539 Florida law Jlrescribes the servinJl of this notice and restricts your right to make payments under your contract in accordance with Section 713.06, Florida Statutes. This notice is also notice of intention to make claim against any statutory or common law bond. The undersigned requests a copy of any payment bond for this project and agrees to pay reasonable copy costs for such copy. This notice is requireil by law to be sent as a preHmlnary measure and does not automaticallY inilicate that there is any credit problem. This notice is not a lien, cloud, nor encumbrance u~on title to your croperty; nor is it a matler of public record. If any information in this notice is believed by you to e In error, please advise us immediately. IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR YOUR PROTEalON Under Florida1s laws, those who work on your property or provide materials and are not paid have a right to enforce their claim for payment against your property. This claim IS known as a construction lien. If your contrac:tor fails to pay sub-contractors or material supphers or neglects to ma~e other legally required payments, the people who are owed money may look to your property for payment, even if you have paid your contractor in full. PROTECT YOURSELF RECOGNIZE that this Notice to Owner may result in a lien amrinst your pr~ertl unless all those sup~lying a Notice to Owner have been'paid. LEARN more about the Consfruction Uen Lawi -Chapter 713, Part ;r Florida Statutes, an~ the meaning of this notice by contacting an attorney or the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer )ervices, Division of Consumer Services. E.M50 HOUSTON AIR 5539 171 HOOD AVE TAVERNIER FL 33070 FIRM: E.M CORSON & ASSOC. INC. 2865 S.W. 30TH AVENUE PEMBROKE PARK, FL 33009 By:~ ~'- ~(2 e1'ES A. CARMEL, Agent CERTIFIED MAIL # P-100-039-657 INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INS CO *US TREASURY RATED* 24 COMMERCE 5T STE 333 NEWARK NJ 07102 MORRISON-KUNDSEN (CONSTRUCTION MANAGERS) PO BOX 5283 KEY WEST FL J3.04.5 CO PI "-6 ;;; ~ ~, ~I't~c.~ u,. ~-r-ry :.f"' f'... ~ CERTIFIED MAIL # P-100-039-656 G/e B & L PLUMBING & HEATING CO 198 SPARKS AVE PELHAM NY 10803 3; '- ~ 1...... ;.t. '~ ~ ec::: :z: CJ L 458-3702