FY2010 1st Amendment 08/18/2010 AIIENDMCNT '1st .&MENDMENn TO AGRR"E~T THIS AMENDMENT to agreement dated the /~ay of a.41J41-2010. is entered Into by and between the Boerd of County Commissioners for Monroe County, FIor&, a poNUcaI subcfi~sion of the state of Florida ('"County"), and Lower Keys Chamber of Commen:e, Inc. (-event Sponsor"). WHEREAS, 1here was a contract entered into on October 21. 2009. bet\wten the parties, awarding $10.000 for the production of the Big Pine and lower Keys Island Art Festival on December 4, 2010; and WHEREAS, It has become necessary to revise date of event; NOW, THEREFORE, In consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein the parties agree to the amended agreement as follows: 1. Paragraph 1 of the Agreement shaH read as follows: The County &gr88S to pay up to $10,000 (Ten Thousand Dotlars) for Bf& Pbae uti Lower Keys .....d Art Festhral OR Deeember 11, %010 from tourist development tax funds (see exhibit "C"). No more than 10% of the total advertising and promotional costs paid under this agreement shall be attributable to In-colM1ty advertising and promotion. The 98118I1I1 no"" 8I1oc8ted MCtIon of an event budget ....11 not exceed 15% of the total budget and may be utilized for unror...n permissible expendltu,. and for those budget ..... that may require additional funds. No amendments ...... be made to exhibit "c" ....r approval of contract. A list of Acceptable Ewnt MarketIng Expena. Is atbIched to the contract _ exhibit "Aft. ~. ~.;:-~-~ ~ provisions of the contract dated October 21, 2009, remain in full force and effect. ~~ e=-.=- C . 18 WHEREOF, the parties haw set their hands and seal on the day and year first above f~ ~ Board of County Commissioners of~ yorfi Innsn (CORPORATE SEAL) Attest: By. Secretary "'.~. C~ C:.) ",::";10 :~2:: r. .. Lower Keya Chamber of Commerce, Inc.;~~;~ B~Y L\'~..\ '..,~-.::~...""... ' f -"-_-.:. .",,~., ,.,.~~ . ,~l=.~ / PreSident . : .=: ::: * ~ .; ....l.- "\ ~--< SiLl ~(Q.AtJ.6-!~ Print Name ~ " - c:::::a r- .:c. 1'TJ c: CJ C') -11 N <:) W ::0 ~ ::0 :z (TJ C3 ("j .. 0 (..) ::u CN 0 Print Name OR two WITNESSES (1) (1) Print Name (2) (2) Print Name MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY PR VE .'tIZffFORM: . A ASSI TANT COUNTY ATTORNE' Date \ ... 7-.8 - ~.o It) ~t#l Big PiDe and Lower Keys IsJaDd Art Festival Comract #: 657