Resolution 293-2010GMD RESOLUTION NO. 293 - 2010 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, CORRECTING ORDINANCE NO, 005-2010 TO REFLECT PRIOR DELETIONS AND CHANGES IN TEXT EFFECTIVE IN ORDINANCE NO. 033-2009; PROVIDING FOR TRANSMISSION TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 033-2009 was enacted October 21, 2009; and WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 033-2009 amended Sec. 110-73(a) of the Monroe County Code; and WHEREAS, said ordinance was effective January 29, 2010 and was not available on the Municipal Code Website nor in paper format during the writing of Ordinance No. 005- 201 0; and WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 005-2010, attached as Exhibit A, was enacted on February 17, 2010 and the old text of Sec. 110-73 (a), which was no longer in the Code, was used in the general text of Ordinance No. 005-2010 and was not changed in any way, but was simply copied to provide continuity to the sections in the ordinance and for no other purpose; and WHEREAS, Sec. 110-73(a) had been changed as follows by Ordinance No. 033-2009: 110-73(a) Effect of issuance of a conditional use approval. Approval for a conditional use shall be deemed to authorize only the particular use for which it is issued. A conditional use approval shall not be transferred to a successive owner without notification to the Planning Director within fifteen (15) days of the transfer. (1) Unless otherwise specified in a major conditional use approval, all required building permits and certificates of occupancy shall be procured within three (3) years of the date on which the major conditional use approval is recorded and filed in the official records of Monroe County, or the major conditional use approval shall become null and void with no further action required by the county. Approval time frames do not change with successive owners. Extensions of time to a major conditional use approval may be granted only by the planting commission for periods not to exceed two (2) years. Applications for extensions shall be made prior to the expiration dates. Extensions to expired major conditional use approvals shall be accomplished only by re -application for the major conditional uses. When a hearing officer has ordered a conditional use approval initially denied by the planning commission, the planning commission shall nonetheless have the authority to grant or deny a time extension under this section. If the planning commission denies a time extension, the holder of the conditional use may request an appeal of that decision under chapter 102, article VI, division 2 by filing the notice required Res correcting Ord No. 005-2010 BOCC 9/15/10 Pagel of 3 GMD by that article within 30 days of the written denial of the planning commission. (2) Unless otherwise specified in a minor conditional use approval, all required building permits and certificates of occupancy shall be procured within three (3) years of the date on which the minor conditional use approval is recorded and filed in the official records of Monroe County, or the minor conditional use approval shall become null and void with no further action required by the county. Approval time frames do not change with successive owners. Extensions of time to a minor conditional use approval may be granted only by the Planning Director for periods not to exceed one (1) year. Applications for extensions shall be made prior to the expiration dates. Extensions to expired minor conditional use approvals shall be accomplished only by re -application for the minor conditional uses. When a hearing officer has ordered a conditional use approval initially denied by the Planning Director, the Planning Director shall nonetheless have the authority to grant or deny a time extension under this section. If the Planning Director denies a time extension, the holder of the conditional use may request an appeal of that decision under chapter 102, article VI, division 2 by filing the notice required by that article within 30 days of the written denial of the Planning Director. (3) Development of the use shall not be carried out until the applicant has secured all other permits and approvals required by this chapter, this Code, or regional, state and federal agencies and until the approved conditional use is recorded in accordance with section 110-72. WHEREAS, Sec. 110-73 (a) had already been changed, was effective, could not have been changed by using incorrect text without any strikethrough marks and deletions, and should be so reflected in Ordinance 005-2010 and in the Monroe County Code; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: Section 1. Section 110-73 (a), Monroe County Code shall be corrected as shown above, pursuant to this resolution and pursuant to Ordinance No. 033-2009 previously adopted by the BOCC on 10/21/2009. Section 2. A copy of this resolution shall be sent to the Department of Community Affairs by the Planning Director and to the Sectary of State by the Clerk of the Board. Res correcting Ord No. 005-2010 BOCC 9/15/10 Page 2 of 3 W-1-01 Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 15"' day of September, 2010. Mayor Sylvia Murphy Mayor Pro Tem Heather Carruthers Commissioner Mario Di Gennaro Commissioner George Neugent } ,ti missioner Kim Wigington .ram'♦ .� � �`'''� -,. yy r.� ESL t _ L. KOLHAGE, Clerk Res correcting Ord No. 005-2010 BOCC 9/15/10 Page 3 of 3 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes BOARD OF COUNTY CONIlVIISSIONERS OF MONROE CO , FLORIDA By M yor/Chairperson -q t.`C=i _� �+ .• at _ rn CD � � - ._.gym `� • CD4 i ' i .... (7 ) �°9^S AIM W CD MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY APPR ED AS TO FORM: SU6AN M. GRIMSLEY ASSISTANT,PQUNTY ATTORNEY Date ��ff II o ORDINANCE 005 - 2010 AN ORDINANCE BY THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AMENDING MONROE COUNTY CODE SECTION 102-559 REGISTRATION, SECTION 110-49 DETERMINATION OF COMPLETENESS AND COMPLIANCE, EXCEPT FOR SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLINGS, SECTION 110-7, ACTIONS BY DECISION - MAKING PERSONS AND BODIES, SECTION 110-37, DEVELOPMENT PERMITTED AS OF RIGHT, SECTION 110- 69, MINOR CONDITIONAL USES, SECTION 110-70, MAJOR CONDITIONAL USES, SECTION 110-719 FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN SUBSEQUENT TO APPROVAL OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, SECTION 110-739 DEVELOPMENT UNDER AN APPROVED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, SECTION 110-98, PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL, SECTION 110-99, FINAL PLAT APPROVAL; ELIMINATING REFERENCES TO THE OBSOLETE POSITION OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COORDINATOR; REASSIGNING THE RESPONSIBILITIES AND DUTIES OF THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COORDINATOR TO THE PLANNING DIRECTOR; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF CONFLICTING PROVISIONS; PROVIDING FOR TRANSMITTAL TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS AND THE SECRETARY OF STATE; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the current text within the Monroe County Code's Land Development Code describing the job qualifications and functioning of the Planning & Environmental Resources Department is outdated; and WHEREAS, concerning the development review coordinator position, the position of development review coordinator has been eliminated in the Planning & Environmental Resources Department. All responsibilities of the position have been assumed by the ` planning director and the principal current planner; and WHEREAS, there is a need for consistency in terminology in the Monroe County Code; however, the terms "director of planning" and "planning director" are used interchangeably throughout the code; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY CONMUSSIONERS: Section 1. Section 102-55 shall be amended as follows: EXHIBIT r t T ' Sec.102-55. Registration. All claims of nonconforming uses and structures shall be registered with the planning director in a form provided by the planning director within one year of the service of individual noticeY by mail to all landowners of record of the adoption of the • plan and the requirement to register nonconforminguses and structures. es. Individual notice by mail shall be deemed served upon the deposit of duly y stamped notice in the U.S. mails addressed to the owner of record accordingto the most recent listingof the property p perty appraiser of the county. Failure to register a claim of nonconforming use or structure within one year after adequate legal notification b q g Y the planning director shall constitute a waiver of the right to clam nonconforming ig use status. Evaluation of nonconformity claims shall be on a case -by -case basis b Y y the planning director based on the lawful nature of the use or structure wh en established, subject to appeal as provided in article VI of this chapter. The board of county commissioners, at its discretion, may direct the planning director to issue notification by category. Section 2. Section 110-4 shall be amended as follows: Sec. 110-4. Determination of completeness and � p compliance, except for single- family dwellings. P Within 15 working days after an application for development approval has P pp a been received, the planning director shall determine whether the application is complete. If the planning director PP p ete. p g ector determines that the application is not complete, he shall serve a written notice on the applicant specifying the application's deficiencies. The planning director shall take no further action on the application un less nless the deficiencies are remedied. If the planning director fails to make a determinat ion of completeness within 15 working days, the application is deemed complete. p ete. Once the application is deemed complete, the planningdirector shall cause the application to be evaluated within ten working days for compliance w' Y p with the county's land use regulations. If the planning director determines tha t the application is not in compliance, he shall serve a written notice explaining p ning why this is so; and the application shall be denied. If the application is de termined etermined to be in compliance with these land use regulations, the planning dire lic P g director shall notify the applicant ant and the secretary of the planning commission so that a public hearing may be scheduled no earlier than 30 days following a determination of compliance and a notice given, if required, and shall convene the develo pment review committee. A determination of completeness shall not P constitute a determination of compliance with the substantive requirements ofthis chapter. Section 3. Section 110-7 shall be amended as follows: Sec. 110-7. Actions by decision -making persons and bodies, (a) Generally. All decision -making persons and bodies shall act,in w' accord with time limits established in this chapter except as provided in section P l o l -2(b). Action shall be taken as promptly as possible in consideration of the inter ests of the citizens of the county. (b) Findings. All decisions shall be in writing and adopted by, resolu tion and shall include at least the following elements: (1) A summary of the information presented before the decision -making body; (2) A summary of all documentaryevidence provided p ded to the decision - making body or which the decision -making bodyconsiderf:d in making decision; and ng its (3) A clear statement of specific findings of fact and a statement of the basis upon which such facts were determined, with s ecilic refere nce ence to the relevant standards set forth in this chapter, including, but not limited g � to, the standards in section 110-67. (c) Notification. Notification of a decision -makings decis ion the resolutionbody'y � b y copy of sh all be mailed by the planning director to the applicant b certified mail. PP y Section 4. Section 110-37 shall be amended as follows: Sec. l 10-37. Development permitted as of right. (a) Purpose. Uses permitted as of right are those uses that are compatible patible with other land uses in a land use district, provided the are developed ' y pe In conformity with this chapter. (b) Application. An applicant for development approval for a use a permitted as of right shall submit an application for a building permit, together with Pe g a certificate of compliance, if required, obtained pursuant to section 110-142 and ' a description of the proposed development, to the building official. (c) Action on the application. If the planningdirector determines that the proposed development is in compliance with all requirements of this C • q ode rind the Monroe County Comprehensive Plan, and the buildingofficial determines ' rmines that it is in compliance with the Florida Building Code and the applicant approval has PP for development PP been awarded a certificate of compliance, the buildingofficial ficial shall issue a building permit with or without conditions. (d) Certified IS districts. This subsection authorizes the 1 p arming director to submit for certification by the board of count commissioners c defined which y ccertain [S areas herein ich may be issued permits without review b the land la ' (1) At an y planning division. y regularly scheduled meeting of the board of count commissioners, certification may be given t y y g o those IS areas recommended for approval and listing by the planningdirector. (2) The planning director shall recommend from time to time to commissioners the board of county ners any IS area that meets the following: a. Documentation that all utilities and roads are in lace consistent with the definition of IS • p stent t b. Documentation that all appropriate bulk regulations found in section 130-186 can be followed, as well as the requirements of q article V of this chapter and chapter 130, article V I; c. Provision for appropriate impact fee payments as required by chapter 126; q d. Provision for required landscaping as required b chapter 114 article IV • and y p ' e. Provisions for adequate parking as required by chapter 114, article III and access standards as required by chapter 114, article VII. (3) Any certificate given by the board of county commissioners under this section shall be in the form of a resolution that shall specify compliance Pe Y with the requirements of subsection (d)(2) of this section. Section 5. Section 110-69 shall be amended as follows: Sec.11o-69. Minor conditional uses. (a) Applications for a minor conditional use permit. Ana application for a minor r conditional use permit shall be submitted to the planningdirector in the form provided p ided by the planning department. If approval of a plat is required for the P q proposed development, an application for plat approval shall be submitted in conjunctio n ion with the application for a conditional use permit. If an application for a minor conditional PP onditional use includes a major conditional use, then the minor conditional use shall be consid ered in conjunction with the major conditional use in accordance with the procedures of section 110-70. (b) Review by the development review committee. An application f ' pp or a minor conditional use permit shall be reviewed by the development review committe e. ee. The development review committee shall forward its report and recommendation elation on the application for a minor conditional use permit to the planning director w' workingdays of ' P g Rhin ten y its determination of completeness. (c) Decision by the planning director. Within ten workingdays after receiving report and recommend y ei ing the re Po recommendation of the development review committee, the planning director shall render a development order P g • p . • granting, granting with conditions or denying the application for a minor conditional use permit. •(d) Notice of grant of a minor conditional use permit. The planning di ' notice of an development P g rector shall give y elopment order granting a minor conditional use b sending ro Y g a written notice to all owners of real property located within 300 feet of the property that is subject to the minor conditional use permit, and notice of the inte nt to issue the minor conditional approval shall be published in newspapers of local circulation b advert' lation in the county y advertisement in the legal section. The costs of publication and written notice be borne by the applicant. Notice b the are to y planning director shall be by regular mail on the day of the granting of the minor conditional use. (e) Consideration of a minor conditional use approval b the planning PP Y p ng commission. Consideration of a minor conditional use approval shall be governed provisions g eel by the provisions of chapter 102, article V I. (f) Public hearing on an application for a minor conditional use permit. The public hearing on an application for minor conditional use, if requested by the applicant, an adjacent property owner, or an aggrieved or adversely affected person, as defined by F.S. § 163.3215(2), or any resident or real property owner, shall be conducted by the planning commission in accordance with the provisions of section 102-185(e). Section 6. Section 110-70 shall be amended as follows: Sec. 110-70. Major conditional uses. (a) Applications for major conditional uses. An application for a major conditional use permit shall be submitted to the planning director in a form provided by the planning department. (1) If approval of a plat is required for the proposed development, an application for plat approval shall be submitted in conjunction with the application for a conditional use permit. However, a major conditional use shall not become effective until the plat has been approved by the board of county commissioners. (2) As a part of the application for major conditional use, an applicant shall be required to submit the following, except for those inappropriate to the proposed development due to the limited size or scale of the development as determined by the planning director: a. An environmental designation survey consisting of: 1. A plan drawn to a scale of one inch equals 20 feet or less, except where impractical and the planning director authorizes a smaller scale, and showing the following: (i) The location of property; (i i) The date, approximate north point and graphic scale; (iii) The acreage within the property; (iv) The boundary lines of the property and their bearings and distances; (v) The topography and typical ground cover; (vi) The general surface characteristics, water areas and drainage patterns; (vii) The contours at an interval of not greater than one foot or at lesser intervals if deemed necessary for review purposes; (viii) The I00-year flood -prone areas by flood zone; (ix) The presently developed and/or already altered areas; and (x) The location of mean high-water line; 2. A natural vegetation map and/or a map of unique environmental features such as: (i) Climax tropical hardwood hammocks; (ii) Endangered species habitats; and (iii) Major wildlife intensive use areas; 3. Aerial photographs of the property and surrounding area; 4. A review of historical and archeological sites by the Florida Division of Archives, History and Records Management; 5. A review of unique environmental features such as: (i) Climax tropical hardwood hammocks; (ii) Endangered species habitats; and (iii) Major wildlife intensive use areas; 6. Actual acreage of specific vegetation species or other environmental characteristics; 7. General information relating to the property in regard to the potential impact which development of the site could have on the area's natural environment and ecology; 8. Environmental resources: (i) If shoreline zones were identified, describe in detail any proposed site alterations in the areas, including vegetation removal, dredging, canals or channels; identify measures which have been taken to protect the natural, biological functions of vegetation within this area such as shoreline stabilization, wildlife and marine habitat, marine productivity and water quality maintenance; (ii) If tropical hammock communities or other protected vegetative communities were identified, describe proposed site alteration in those areas and indicate measures which were taken to protect intact areas prior to, during and after construction; (iii) Describe plans for vegetation and landscaping of P g cleared sites including a completion schedule for such work; 9. Environmental resources -wildlife. Describe the wildlife species that nest, feed or reside� on or adjacent to the proposed site. Specifically identify those species considered to be threatened or endangered. Indicate measures that will be taken to protect wildlife habitats; and and their 10. Environmental resources -water quality: (i) Identify any wastewater disposal areas, including stormwater runoff, septic tank drain -fields, impervious surfaces and construction -related runoff; describe anticipated volume and char P characteristics. Indicate measures taken to minimize the adverse impacts of these potential pollution sources upon the quality of the receiving waters prior to, during, and after construction; identify the near shore water quality; and identify how this development will not adversely impact the near shore water quality. (ii) Indicate the degree to which any natural e patterns have been incorporateddrains g into the drainage system of the project; b. A community impact statement, including: l . General description of proposed development: 2. 3. (i) Provide a general written description of the Po ro sed P development; include in this description the proposed hales Po P of development or operation and facility use, target dates for each of these, and date of completion; in addition, indicate the site size, developing staging and appropriate descriptive P measures such as quantity and type of residential units, commercial floor area, tourist accommodation units, seating parking capacities; and P g p , for residential development, indicate the anticipated unit -per -acre density of the completed • Oi) ect•P ProJ , Identify aspects of the project design, such as a clustering, which were incorporated to reduce public facilities costs and improve the scenic quality of the q Y development; describe building and siting specifications ecifications which were used to reduce hurricane and fire damage g potential to comply with federal flood insurance regulations and the comprehensive� land use plan; Impact assessment on public facilities and water supply: 1 : (i) Identify projected daily potable water demands at the end of each development phase and specify Pe Y any consumption rates that have been assumed for the projection; (ii) Provide proof of coordination with the Florida s A Keys Aqueduct Authority; s y q y, assess the present and projected capacity of the water supply system and the ability of such system to provide adequate water for the proposed development; and (iii) Describe measures to ensure that water pressure and flow will b e adequate for fire protection for the type of construction proposed; Public facilities --Wastewater management: (i) Provide proof of coordination with the Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services; (ii) Provide projection of the average flows of wastewater generated by the development at the end of each development phase; describe proposed treatment s st y em, method and degree of treatment, quality of effluent and location of effluent and sludge disposal areas; identify method and responsibilities for operation and maintenance of facilities; (iii) If public facilities are to be used, provide roof P P of coordinati on with the county waste collection and disposal district; assess the present � p ent and projected capacity of the treatment and transmission facilities and the abilityof such facilities to provide ad p equate service to the proposed development; and (iv) If applicable, provide a description of the volume and characteristics of any industrial or other effluents; 4. Public facilities --Solid waste: (i) Identify projected average daily volumes of solid waste generated by the development at the end of each phase; indicate proposed methods of treatment and disposal; (ii) Provide proof of coordination with county municipal services district; assess the present and projected capacity of the solid waste treatment and disposal system and the ability of such facilities to provide adequate services to the proposed development; and (iii) Comply with the requirements of section 114-200 concerning any applicable traffic study; 5. Public facilities --Transportation: (i) Provide a projection of the expected vehicle trip generation at the completion of each development phase; describe in terms of external trip generation and average daily and peak hour traffic; (ii) If the project site is adjacent to U.S. 1, describe the measures, such as setbacks and access limitations, which have been incorporated into the project design to reduce impacts upon U.S. 1; b. Housing: (i) If the project includes residential development, provide breakdown of the proposed residential units by price range or rental range and type of unit such as single-family, duplex, townhouse, etc.; (ii) If lots are to be sold without constructed dwelling units, indicate the number and percentage of such lots and the extent of improvements to be made prior to sale; (iii) Assess the potential of the proposed development to meet local or regional housing needs; in particular, indicate any measures taken to provide low- and moderate -income housing; 7. Special considerations: (i) Describe the relationship of the proposed development to the comprehensive land use plan objectives and policies; also indicate relationships between existing or proposed public facilities plans; identify any conflicts; (ii) Indicate any relationships of the project to special land use and development district such as airport noise and hazard zones, solid or liquid waste treatment or disposal areas; (iii) If applicable, assess the impact of the proposed development upon other adjacent or nearby municipalities or counties; 8. The data and information provided in a community impact statement shall be coordinated with data and other information and/orpermits required by local, regional, state or federal regulatory or reviewing agencies as appropriate to the major conditional use proposed. (b) Review by the development review committee. An application for a major conditional use permit shall be reviewed by the development review committee. Within 15 working days after the submission of a complete application for a major conditional use permit, the development review committee shall forward a report and recommendation on the application for a major conditional use permit to the planning commission. (c) Public hearing on an application for a major conditional use permit. The planning commission shall hold a public hearing on the application for a major conditional use permit and shall within 45 working days of the submission of a complete application for a major conditional use permit to the planning director issue a development order granting, granting with conditions or denying the application for a major conditional use permit. (d) Notice of grant of a major conditional use permit. The planning director shall give notice of any development order granting a major conditional use by sending a written notice to all owners of real property located within 300 feet of the property that is the subject of the major conditional use permit, and notice of the intent to issue the major conditional approval shall be published in newspapers of local circulation in the county by advertisement other than in the legal notice section with the cost to be borne by the applicant. Notice by the planning director shall be by regular mail within 15 days of the granting of the major conditional use. (e) Appeal of a conditional use approved by the planning commission. The applicant, an adjacent property owner, or any aggrieved or adversely affected person, as defined by F.S. § 163.3215(2), or any person who presented testimony or evidence at the public hearing conducted pursuant to subsection (c) of this section may request an appeal of the planning commission's major conditional use decision under chapter 102, article V I, division 2 by filing the notice required by that article within 30 days after the publication of notice or sending of the written notice by the county, whichever is later. Section 7. Section 110-71 shall be amended as follows: Sec. 110-71. Final development plan subsequent to approval of conditional use permit. (a) Purpose. The final development plan is a more detailed plan for implementation of an approved conditional use. (b) Authority. The final plan representing conditions placed b the planning Y P g commission and required for development approval shall be submitted to the planning g director within 60 days of the rendering of the development order for the conditional use permit. The final plan may be submitted in phases if phases have been approved as part of approval at the time of major conditional use approval. (c) Application. An application for final development plan approval shall include the information specified in a form provided by the planning director. (d) Staff review. If the planning department staff shall find that the application is complete, the application shall be reviewed by a development review committee, who shall submit a report to the planning director and planning commission within 15 working days of the date of a determination that the application is complete. (e) Final plan approval. Unless final development plan approval has been reserved to the planning commission as a condition of approval of a conditional use permit or by the provisions pertaining to that land use district, the planning director, upon a finding of conformity with the conditional use approval, shall prepare a report of his findings. If final action of a final development plan has been reserved to the planning commission, the planning commission shall hear it at a regularly scheduled meeting and upon the recommendation of the planning director shall approve a final development plan if it is deemed to be in conformity with conditional use approval. If the plan is not in conformity, the planning commission shall return the final plan to the applicant with a written statement of the changes that would make the final plan conform. The planning commission shall consider the final plan at a regularly scheduled hearing when requested by the applicant. Any final plan rejected by the planning commission shall be deemed null and void if not resubmitted within 180 days unless tolled by the filing of an appeal under subsection (e)(2) of this section. (1) A final plan shall be deemed to be in conformity if it: a. Evidences development within the parameters established by the planning commission in the prior approval of the conditional use as to the total number of dwelling units proposed by type of structure and number of bedrooms; b. Evidences development within the parameters established by the planning commission as to the total number of nonresidential structures; c. Evidences development within the parameters established by the planning commission as to the total square feet of building floor area proposed; d. Evidences development within the parameters established by the planning commission as to the total land area devoted to residential uses, commercial uses, public and private open space, streets, off-street parking and loading areas and other impervious surfaces; e. Evidences development within the parameters established by the planning commission for floor area ratio by type of development; f. Evidences development within the parameters established in the prior approval of the conditional use permit for the number of off-street parking and loading spaces for each type of use; g. Evidences development that is consistent with the stated purpose of the land use district; and h. Evidences conformity to such other criteria and/or conditions as were established by the planning commission in the conditional use permit. (2) The holder of an approved conditional use whose final development plan has P been denied by the planning commission may request an appeal hearing before a hearing officer under chapter 102, article VI, division 2 by filing the notice required by that article within 30 days of the date of the written denial of the planning commission P Section 8. Section 110-73 shall be amended as follows: Sec.110-73. Development under an approved conditional use permit. (a) Effect of issuance of a conditional use approval. Approval for a conditional use shall be deemed to authorize only the particular use for which it is issued. A conditional use approval shall not be transferred to a successive owner without notification to the development review coordinator within five days of the transfer. (1) Unless otherwise specified in the approved conditional use approval, application for a building permit shall be made within six months of the date of the approval of the conditional use, and all required certificates of occupancy shall be procured within two years of the date of issuance of the initial building permit, or the conditional use approval shall become null and void with no further action required by the county. Approval time frames do not change with successive owners. An extension of time may be granted only by the planning commission for a period not to exceed one year and only within the original period of validity. When a hearing officer has ordered a conditional use approval initially denied by the planning commission, the planning commission shall nonetheless have the authority to grant or deny a time extension under this section. If the planning commission denies a time extension, the holder of the conditional use may request an appeal of that decision under chapter 102, article VI, division 2 by filing the notice required by that article within 30 days of the written denial of the planning commission. (2) Development of the use shall not be carried out until the applicant has secured all other permits and approvals required by this chapter, this Code, or regional, state and federal agencies and until the approved conditional use is recorded in accordance with section 110-72. (b) Adjustments to approved conditional use approvals and inspection during development under a conditional use approval. (1) Authorized. After a conditional use has been approved, adjustments may be approved for major or minor deviations as set forth in subsections (b)(3) and (b)(4) of this section. (2) Inspections by department of planning. Following issuance of a conditional use approval, planning director shall review on a quarterly basis until the completion of the development all permits issued and construction undertaken, shall compare actual development and the approved plans and permits for development and the approved development schedule, if any, and shall report his findings in writing to the planning commission. (3) Minor deviations. The planning director may approve a minor deviation from the final development plan and schedule. Minor deviations must be authorized in writing and are subject to administrative appeal to the planning commission. Minor deviations that may be authorized are those that appear necessary in light of technical and engineering considerations brought to tight by the applicant or the planning director and shall be limited to the following: a. Alteration of the location of any road or walkway by not more than five feet; b. Reduction of the total amount of open space by not more than five percent or reduction of the yard area or open space associated with any single structure by not more than five percent, provided that such reduction does not permit the required open space to be less than that required by section 130-157; and q C. Alteration of the location, type or quality of required landscaping elements of the conditional use permit. (4) Major deviations. If the holder of an approved conditional use wishes to make an adjustment to the approval that is not a minor deviation, approval of the planning g commission in accordance with the provisions of subsection (b)(5) of this section must be obtained. If the planning director finds that the development is not proceeding in substantial accordance with the approved plans or schedule or that it fails in any other respect to comply with the conditional use approval issued or any provision contained in this chapter, that director shall immediately notify the planning director and the planning commission and may, if necessary for the protection of the public health, safety or welfare, notify the building official to issue a temporary order stopping any and all work on the development until such time as any noncompliance is cured. No action may be taken by the planning commission that effectively amends the conditional use approval except by way of the procedures set out in section 110-70. (5) Action by the planning commission. Within 30 working days following notification b the planning director y p g ector that work is not proceeding in accordance with the approved plans or schedule or in some other respect is not in compliance with the conditional use approval, the commission shall: a. Determine that action be taken to bring development into substantial compliance; b. Determine that the conditional use approval be revoked; or c. Authorize adjustments to the approved conditional use approval when such adjustments appear necessary in light of technical or engineering considerations first discovered during actual development and not reasonably anticipated during the initial approval process. Such adjustments shall be consistent with the intent and purpose of the conditional use approval as permitted, and shall be the minimum necessary to overcome the particular difficulty. No adjustment shall be inconsistent with the requirements of this chapter. Prior to considering action on such adjustments, the planning commission shall make inquiry of any person having information that may relate to the basis for consideration of an adjustment, but shall act as promptly and as expeditiously as possible. If the planning commission determines that an adjustment is necessary, it may, y, without public hearing, approve the following adjustments, provided that such adjustments do not have the effect of reducing the opens ace required P under the provisions of section 130-157: 1. Alteration of the bulk regulations for any one structure by not more than five percent; 2. Alteration of the location of any one structure or group of �' P structures by not more than ten feet; and 3. Alterations of such other requirements or conditions as were imposed in the approval of the conditional use or in approval of the final development plan by not more than five percent or, in the case of location, a variation of not more than ten feet from the location approved in the final plan, so long as in all cases such adjustments are in accord with the parameters established in the conditional use approval. d. In the event the building official has issued a temporary order stopping PP g work as provided for herein, the planning commission shall, within 30 working days from the date of the issuance of the temporary order: 1. Proceed to revoke the conditional use approval; or 2. Overrule the action of the building official, in which case the temporary order shall immediately become null and void. (6) Appeal before hearing officer. The holder of a conditional use approval aggrieved by the decision of the planning commission made pursuant to subsection (b)(5) of this section may request an appeal before a hearing officer under chapter 102, article VI, division 2 b filing the P y g e notice required by that article within 30 days of the date of the written decision of the planning commission. (c) Other adjustments. Any other adjustments or changes not specified in subsection (b) of this section shall be granted only in accordance with procedures for original P approval of a conditional use, as set forth in section 110-63 et seq. (d) Inspections after development. (1) Inspections by planning department. Following completion of the development of a conditional use the planning P p g department shall review the development for compliance with the use as approved. If it is determined that the conditional use has been developed in accordance with the approval, then a certificate of occupancy shall be issued in accordance with section t on 6- P 145. If the planning director finds that the development, as completed, fails in any respect to comply with the use as approved, he shall immediately notify the building official, the planning g commission, the board of county commissioners, and the applicant of such fact. The building official shall not issue a certificate of occupancy pursuant to section 6- P Y 145 until the planning commission has acted on the planning director's notification of noncompliance. (2) Action by planning commission. Within 30 workingdays following y o ing notification by the planning director, the commission shall: a. Recommend that the finding of the planning director be overruled; b. Recommend to the applicant modifications in the development to bring g it into accord with the terms and provisions of the final plan approval and the conditional use permit; or c. Revoke the conditional use permit, as well as all prior approvals and permits related or resultingP PP . (3) Appeal before hearing officer. The holder of a conditional use approval aggrieved by the decision of the planning commission pursuant to subsection b request � ��5 ) of this section may q est an appeal before a hearing officer under chapter 102, article VI, division 2 by filing the notice required b that article within 30 Y days of the date of the written decision of the planning commission Section 9. Section 110-98 shall be amended as follows: Sec.11O-98. Preliminary plat approval. (a) Generally. All applicants for approval of a plat involving five or more lots shall submit a preliminary plat for approval in accordance with the provisions of this section. (b) Application. An application for preliminary approval shall be submitted to the planning director in accordance with the provisions of this section, accompanied b a P Y nonrefundable fee as established from time to time by the board of county commissioners. The application shall contain the information required on a form provided by the planning director. (c) Staff review. After a determination that the application for preliminary plat P �'Y approval is complete under the provisions of section 110-4, the planning director shall submit the application to the development review committee, which shall a prepare recommendation and report for the commission. (d) Public hearing and action by the planning commission. The planning commission P g shall conduct a public hearing on an application for preliminary P PP plat approval of a subdivision involving five or more lots, in accordance with the requirements of sections 110-6 and 110-7. The commission shall review such applications, the recommendation of the development review committee, and the testimony at the public hearing, and P g, shall recommend granting preliminary plat approval, granting PP � approval subject to specified conditions, or denying the application at its next meeting g followin submittal of the report and recommendation of the development review committee. (e) Effect of approval of preliminary plat. Approval of a preliminary plat shall not constitute approval of a final plat or permission to proceed with development. Such approval shall constitute only authorization to proceed with the of such preparation documents as are required by the planning director for a final plat. (f) Limitation on approval of preliminary plat. An application for final plat approval shall be filed within one year of the date of preliminaryplat approval. Unless a P PP n extension is granted by the board of county commissioners, failure to file such an application automatically shall render null and void the preliminary approval previou slygranted by the board. Section 10. Section 110-99 shall be amended as follows: Sec. 110-". Final plat approval. (a) Generally. All applicants for approval of a plat shall submit a final pla t t for approval in accordance with the provisions of this section. (b) Application. It shall be the responsibility of the developer to complete, final forma Pe p ete, have in and submit to the planning director for final processingthe final plat, along with all final construction 1 P g plans, required documents, exhibits, legal instruments to guarantee performance, certificates properly executed by all required agencies and parties as required in this article, q g q e, and the recording fee, and any other documents or information as are required by the planning director. After receipt of a p complete application for final plat approval, as determined in accordance with section 110-4, the planning director shall submit the application and accompanying documents to the development review committee. (c) Review and action by development review committee. The development review committee shall review all applications for final plat approval. (1) If the committee determines that a final plat for a subdivision involving fewer than five lots conforms to the substantive and procedural requirements of this chapter, the committee shall approve the final plat or approve it with conditions at its next regular meeting 15 working days after receipt of a complete application from the planning director, or as soon thereafter as practical. Final plats that are approved by the committee shall be placed on the consent agenda of the next regularly scheduled meeting of the board of county commissioners and shall become final unless removed from the consent agenda by the affirmative vote of three members of the board. If a final plat is removed from the consent agenda, the board shall not modify or reject the decision of the committee unless the board finds that the record does not contain competent substantial evidence to support approval. If the committee denies final plat approval, the applicant may appeal such denial to the board, which shall consider the application and any additional testimony submitted by the applicant and other persons and shall approve the final plat, approve it with conditions, or deny final plat approval. (2) For a final plat for a subdivision involving five or more lots, if the plat conforms to the approved preliminary plat and the substantive and procedural requirements of this chapter, at its next regular meeting or as soon as practical after receipt of a complete application, the development review committee shall recommend to the planning commission approval of the final plat or approval with conditions. If the committee finds that the plat does not substantially conform to the approved preliminary plat or the substantive and procedural requirements of this chapter, the committee shall recommend denial, specifying the area of nonconformity. (d) Review and action by the planning commission. The planning commission shall review all applications for final plat approval involving five or more lots and the recommendation of the development review committee. If the commission finds that the final plat conforms to the approved preliminary plat and the substantive and procedural requirements of this chapter, and commission shall recommend to the board of county commissioners approval of the final plat, or approval with specified conditions, and shall submit a report and written findings in accordance with section 110-7. (e) Public hearing by the board of county commissioners. The board of county commissioners shall conduct a public hearing on all applications for final plat approval involving five or more lots in accordance with the procedures of section 110-b(c). (f) Action by the board of county commissioners. For proposed subdivisions involving five or more lots, the board of county commissioners shall review the application, the PP , recommendations of the development review committee and the planning commission, and the testimony at the public hearing, and shall grant final plat approval, grant approval subject to specified conditions, or deny the application, in accordance with the provisions of section 110-7. Section 11. Severability. If any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, sentence or provision of this ordinance nance shall be adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid ' such judgment shall not affect, impair, invalidate, or nullify the remainder of this ordinance but th e effect thereof shall be confined to the section, paragraph, subdivision, clause sentence or provision immediately involved in the controversy in which such judgment or decree shall be rendered. Section 12. Conflicting Provisions. In the case of direct conflict between any provision of this ordinance and a portion po or provision of any appropriate federal, state, or County law, rule code or regulation, the more restrictive shall apply. g Section 13. Transmittal. This ordinance shall be transmitted by the Planning and Environmental Resources Department to the Florida Department of Community Affairs as required by F.S. 380.05 and F.S. 380.0552(9). Section 14. Filing. This ordinance shall be filed in the Office of the Secretaryof the- State of Florida but shall hall not become effective until a notice is issued by the Department of CommunityAffairs or Administration Commission approving the ordinance. Section 15. Inclusion in the Monroe Countv Code. The provisions of this Ordinance shall be included and incorporated in the Code ode of Ordinances of the County of Monroe, Florida, as an addition to amendment theret o, and shall be appropriately renumbered to conform to the uniform markings of th stem y e Code. Section 16. Effective Date. This ordinance shall become effective as provided by law and stated above. (REMAINDER OF PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting held on the 17th day of February, 2010. Mayor Sylvia Murphy Mayor pro tem Heather Carruthers Commissioner Mario Di Gennaro Commissioner George Neugent Commissioner Kim Wigington E COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS NY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes By Mayor Sylvia Murphy ATI'ORNE v n r r I. I A:S . FORM0 GAWSLEY '-1+..V ITY ATTORNEY ... a cz) O d r-- ?��� s rn • � O I r+ .... ' N rn CO a� v MONROE COUNTY COURTHOUSE 500 Wt11TEt1EAD STREIiT, SUITE 101 KFY WEST, FI.ORIDA .13040 TEL. (305) 294-4641 FAX (305) 295-3663 BRANCH OFFICE: MARATIMN SUB COURTHOUSE. 3117 0V1~RSFAS HIC:tIWAY MARA nION, FLORIDA 33050 TEL. (305) 289-6027 FAX (305) 289-1745 r �k:� cou" CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT MONROE COUNTY www.clerk-of-the-court.com Ms. Liz Cloud, Program Administrator Administrative Code & Weekly R.A. Gray Building 500 S Bronough Street Tallahassee FL 32399-0250 Dear Ms. Cloud, March 4, 2010 BRANCH OFFICE: PLANTATION KEY GOVERNMENT CENTER 88820 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY PLANTATION KEY, FLORIDA 33070 TEL. (305) 852-7145 FAX (305) 852-7146 ROTH BUILDING 50 HIGH POINT ROAD PLANTATION KEY, FLORIDA 33070 TEL. (305) 852-7145 FAX (305) 853-7440 Via Certified Mail 7005 1160 0000 38-l1 2135 Enclosed are certified copies of the following Ordinances: Ordinance No. 005-2010 amending Monroe Count Code Section 110-37 l 10-69 1 y s 102-55, 110-4, 1 IO-7, 10-70, 110-71, 110-73, 110-98 and 110-99 to eliminate reference positions no longer in the Growth to employee g Management Division; provide for the director of planning to perform those functions within the Division; and provide p g • , p ide consistency in the title for the director of planning. Ordinance No. 006-2010 amending Monroe CountyCode Section � s 102-21 and 6-55 to revise the Plan ning Directors qualifications and duties; eliminate the position ' the development review coordinator; po and description of p dinator; amend the development review committee duties; within the code the duties of th relocate e building official; and eliminate the divisions of capital , land use tannin p ! improvements planning, planning, and environmental resources in the Monroe Count Code. MY Ordinance No. 007-2010 amending Monroe Count Code _ • Conference; Y Section 110 3, Pre -application Eliminating references to the obsolete position o po f Development Review Coordinator; Reassigning the responsibilities and duties of the Development Review to the Planning Director or PlanningD p e 1ew Coordinator Department Staff-, and Amending the time frame in which a letter of Understanding shall be mailed to the applicant. Ordinance No. 008-2010 amending the land use district' map designation from Improved Subdivision (IS) to Suburban Commercial SC pursuant � ( ) p nt t0 a request by Stever s Marine Inc. for property located at Mile Marker 106 in KeyLargo #' 0053 8180.000000 and g � RE s 005 3 8170.000000, 00538190.000000). These Ordinances were adopted b the Y e Monroe County Board of County Commissioners at a Regular Meeting, in formal ' g anal session, on February 17, 2010. Please file for the record. Should you have an uestio 305 295-3130. Y q ns please feel free to contact me at Respectfully submitted, Danny L. Kolhage Clerk of the Circuit Court and ex officio Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners by: Pamela G. Hancock, D.C. cc: Growth Management County Attorney via e-mail File 5E 22 Th9E 0000 09TT 500Z ..... w . Y ........ Dab ofy pgNNY L. Kt)LHA►GE P.0.80X 1990 KEY VIfEST, FLaRiQA 33040 ii��-irr�� 11l��lil l litlll�ltl��liIIII oil III 11111/tells 141111111if r. J1 i�I� _Ww%;Mwv Governor March 11, 2010 STATE LIBRARY AND ARCHIVES OF FLORIDA Honorable Danny L. Kolhage Clerk of Circuit Court Monroe County 500 'Whitehead Street, Suite 101 Key West, Florida 33040 Attention: Pamela G. Hancock, Deputy Clerk Dear Mr. Kolhage: KURT S. BROWNINU Secretary of State Pursuant to the provisions of Section 125.66, Florida Statutes, this will acknowledge receipt of your letter dated March 4, 2010 and certified copies of Monroe County Ordinance Nos. 004-2010 through 008-2010, which were filed in this office on March 9, 2010. Sincerely, Liz Cloud Program Administrator LC/srd -- -ca "Mae Mum ._ .: Z Q+ .. o DIRECTORS OFFICE R.A. Gray 9WIding • 300 South Bromough SUml • Talbhoun. Fbride 32399-0250 830.245.6600 • FAX: 830.245.6735 • TDD: 350.922.4093 • htep:N.A.r COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STATE LIBRARY OF FLORIDA STATE ARCHIVES OF FLORIDA 950.245.6600 • FAX:950.245.6643 950.245.6600 9 FAX: 850.243.6744 850.245.6700 9 FAX: 850.488.4894 LEGISLATIVE LIBRARY SERVICE RECORDS MANAGEMENT SERVICES ADMINISTRATIVE CODE AND WEEKLY 850.488.2812 • FAX:950.489.9879 850?45.6750 • FAX:950.245.67" 850.245.6270 • FAX.850.245.6282 DCA Final Order No.: DCA10-OR-092 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS In re: MONROE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS ^, ADOPTED BY MONROE CO ORDINANCE NO. 005- 2010 r �'• O A ` ) FINAL ORDER _ = • s. �, The Department of Community Affairs (the "Department") hereby issues its�i WW4w o pursuant to §§ 380.05(6), Fla. Stat., and § 380.0552(9), Fla. Stat. approving a lan� CD(2009), development regulation adopted by a local government within the Florida Keys Area of Critical State Concern as set forth below. FINDINGS OF FACT l . The Florida Keys Area is a statutorily designated area of critical state concern, and Monroe County is a local government within the Florida Keys Area. 2. On March 15, 2010, the Department received for review Monroe County Ordinance No. 005-2010 (""Ord. 005-2010'), adopted by Monroe County on February 17, 2010. 3. The purpose of Ord. No. 005-2010 is to amend Monroe County Code Section 102-55 Registration; Section 110-4, Determination of Completeness and Compliance, Except for P ep Single - Family Dwellings; Section 110-7, Actions by Decision Making Persons and Bodies; Section 110-37, Development Permitted as of Right; Section 110-69, Minor Conditional Uses; Section 110-70, Major Conditional Uses; Section 110-71, Final Development Plan Subsequent to Approval of Conditional Use Petit it; Section 110-73, Development Under an Approved Conditional Use Permit; Section 110-98, Preliminary Plat Approval; Section 110-99 Final Pla t Approval, to eliminate references to the obsolete position of Development Review Coordinator ator and to reassign the responsibilities and duties of the Development Review Coordinator to the Planning Director. DCA Final Order No.: DCAI0-OR-082 CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 4. The Department is required to approve or reject land development regulations that are enacted, amended, or rescinded by any local government in the Florida Keys Area of Critical State Concern. § 380.05(6), Fla Stat., and § 380.0552(9), Fla. Stat. (2009). 5. Monroe County is a local government within the Florida Keys Area of Critical State Concern. § 380.0552, Fla. Stat. (2009) and Rule 28-29.002 (superseding Chapter 27F-8), Fla. Admin. Code. 6. "Land development regulations" include local zoning, subdivision, building, and other regulations controlling the development of land. § 390.031(8), Fla. Stat. (2009). The regulations adopted by Ord. 005-2010 are land development regulations. 7. All land development regulations enacted, amended, or rescinded within an area of critical state concern must be consistent with the Principles for Guiding Development (the "Principles") as set forth in § 380.0552(7), Fla. Stat. See Rathkamp v. Department of Community Affairs, 21 F.A.L.R. 1902 (Dec. 4, 1998), affd, 740 So. 2d 1209 (Fla. 3d DCA 1999). The Principles are construed as a whole and no specific provision is construed or applied in isolation from the other provisions. 8. Ord. 005-2010 promotes and furthers the following Principles: (a) To strengthen local government capabilities for managing land use and development so that local government is able to achieve these objectives without the continuation of the area of critical state concern designation. (1) To protect the public health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the Florida Keys and maintain the Florida Keys as a unique resource. 9. Ord. 005-2010 is consistent with the Principles for Guiding Development as a whole. 10. Ord. 005-2010 furthers Monroe County Comprehensive Plan and is not inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. WHEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED that Ord. 005-2010 is found to be consistent with the Principles for Guiding Development of the Florida Keys Area of Critical State Concernand 1S hereby APPROVED. N DCA Final Order No.: DCAIO-OR-092 Ve ':4...... y .. .. ... . .i.o� i :.. �i�r unless a petition is filed as described below. DONE AND ORDERED in Tallahassee, Florida. fi 01 AA -A -'-- - a . r) C S GAUTHIER, AICP Director, Division of Community Planning Department of Community Affairs 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE RIGHTS ANY PERSON WHOSE SUBSTANTIAL INTERESTS ARE AFFECTED BY THIS ORDER HAS THE OPPORTUNITY FOR AN ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEEDING ACTION. DEPENDING UPON WHETHER YOU ALLEGE ANY DISPUTED ISSUE OF MATERIAL FACT IN YOUR PETITION REQUESTING AN ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEEDING, YOU ARE ENTITLED TO EITHER AN INFORMAL PROCEEDING OR A FORMAL HEARING. IF YOUR PETITION FOR HEARING DOES NQ ALLEGE ANY DISPUTED ISSUE OF MATERIAL FACT CONTAINED IN THE DEPARTMENT'S ACTION, THEN THE ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEEDING WILL BE AN INFORMAL ONE, CONDUCTED PURSUANT TO SECTIONS 120.569 AND 120.57(2) FLORIDA STATUTES, AND CHAPTER 28-106, PARTS I AND III, FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE. IN AN INFORMAL ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEEDING, YOU MAY BE REPRESENTED BY COUNSEL OR BY A QUALIFIED REPRESENTATIVE, AND YOU MAY PRESENT WRITTEN OR ORAL EVIDENCE IN OPPOSITION TO THE DEPARTMENT'S ACTION OR REFUSAL TO ACT; OR YOU MAY EXERCISE THE OPTION TO PRESENT A WRITTEN STATEMENT CHALLENGING THE GROUNDS UPON WHICH THE DEPARTMENT HAS CHOSEN TO JUSTIFY ITS ACTION OR INACTION. IF YOU DISPUTE ANY ISSUE OF MATERIAL FACT STATED IN THE AGENCY ACTION, THEN YOU MAY FILE A PETITION REQUESTING A FORMAL ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING BEFORE AN ADMINISTRATIVE LAW JUDGE OF THE DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS, PURSUANT TO SECTIONS 120.569 AND 120.57(1), FLORIDA STATUTES, AND CHAPTER 28-106, PARTS I AND II, FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE. AT A FORMAL ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING, YOU MAY BE REPRESENTED BY COUNSEL OR OTHER QUALIFIED REPRESENTATIVE, AND YOU WILL HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO PRESENT EVIDENCE AND ARGUMENT ON • 61"ko DCA Flual Order No.: DCA10-OR-082 ALL THE ISSUES INVOLVED, TO CONDUCT CROSS-EXAMINATION AND SUBMIT REBUTTAL EVIDENCE, TO SUBMIT PROPOSED FINDINGS OF FACT AND ORDERS, AND TO FILE EXCEPTIONS TO ANY RECOMMENDED ORDER. IF YOU DESIRE EITHER AN INFORMAL PROCEEDING OR A FORMAL HEARING, YOU MUST FILE WITH THE AGENCY CLERK OF THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS A WRITTEN PLEADING ENTITLED, "PETITION FOR ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEEDINGS" WITHIN 21 CALENDAR DAYS OF PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. A PETITION IS FILED WHEN IT IS RECEIVED BY THE AGENCY CLERK, IN THE DEPARTMENT'S OFFICE OF GENERAL COUNSEL, 2555 SHUMARD OAK BOULEVARD, TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32399-2100. THE PETITION MUST MEET THE FILING REQUIREMENTS IN RULE 28-106.104(2), FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE. IF AN INFORMAL PROCEEDING IS REQUESTED, THEN THE PETITION SHALL BE SUBMITTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH RULE 28- 106.301, FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE. IF A FORMAL HEARING IS REQUESTED, THEN. THE PETITION SHALL BE SUBMITTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH RULE 28- 106.201(2), FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE. A PERSON WHO HAS FILED A PE ION MAY REQUEST MEIIIATION. A REQUEST FOR MEDIATION MUST INCLUDE THE WFORMATION REQUIRED BY RULE 28- 106.402, FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE. CHOOSING MEDIATION DOES NOT AFFECT THE RIGHT TO AN ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING, YOU WAIVE THE RIGHT TO AN INFORMAL ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEEDING OR A FORMAL HEARING IF YOU DO NOT FILE A PETITION WITH THE AGENCY CLERK WITHIN 21 DAYS OF PUBLICATION OF THIS FINAL ORDER. CERTIFICATE OF FILING AND SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that the original of the foregoing Final Order has been filed with the undersigned designated Agency Clerk, and that true aWy �ies have been furnished to the persons listed below by the method indicated thisf May, 2010. Paula Ford, Agency Clerk DCA Flnal Order No.: DCA10-OR-082 By U.S. Mail: Honorable Sylvia Murphy Mayor of Monroe County 2798 Overseas Highway, Suite 400 Marathon, Florida 33050 Danny L. Kolhage Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners 500 Whitehead Street Key West, Florida 33040 Christine Hurley Growth Management Director 2798 Overseas Highway, Suite 400 Marathon, Florida 33050 By Hand Delivery or InteraMcv Mail: Rebecca Jetton, ACSC Administrator, DCA Tallahassee Richard E. Shine, Assistant General Counsel, DCA Tallahassee ■ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ■ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: Program Administrator Administrative Code and Weekly R.A. Gray Building 500 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 A. Signature X ❑ Agent ❑ Addressee B. Received by (Printed Name) C. Date of Delivery D. Is delivery add t 1? ❑ Yes I® er arty dressbelow: ❑ No i)v % 1p14 3. ice Type Certified Mail ❑ Express Mail ❑ Registered ❑ Return Receipt for Merchandise ❑ Insured Mail ❑ C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) ❑Yes 2. Article Number (Transfer from service label) 7007 1490 0004 9283 0503 PS Form 3811, February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-02-M-1540 CHARLIE CRIST Governor STATE LIBRARY AND ARCHIVES OF FLORIDA DAWN K. ROBERTS Interim Secretary of State September 29, 2010 Honorable Danny L. Kolhage C ZD -71 Clerk of Circuit Court o Monroe County 500 Whitehead Street, Suite 101 - - Key West, Florida 33040 `' `� C? CD n'i C CD Pamela G. Handcock, Deputy Clerk Dear Mr. Kolhage: Pursuant to the provisions of Section 125.66, Florida Statutes, this will acknowledge receipt of your letter dated September 24, 2010, and certified copy of Monroe County Resolution No. 293-2010, which was filed in this office on September 28, 2010. Sincerely, g;t5- Liz Cloud Program Administrator LC/srd DIRECTOR'S OFFICE R.A. Gray Building • 500 South Bronough Street • Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 850.245.6600 . FAX: 850. 245.6735 • Too:850.922.4085 . http://diis.dos.state.fl.us COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STATE LIBRARY OF FLORIDA STATE ARCHIVES OF FLORIDA 850.245.6600 • FAX; 850.245.6643 850.245.6600 . FAX: 850.245.6744 850.245.6700 • FAX: 850.488.4894 CAPITOL BRANCH RECORDS MANAGEMENT SERVICES ADMINISTRATIVE CODE AND WEEKLY 850.488.2812. FAX: 850.488.9879 850.245.6750 • FAX:850.245.6795 850.245.6270 • FAX:850.245.6282