Resolution 290-2010 RESOLUTION NO. 290 - 2010 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLOtuDA, APPROVING THE ANIMAL CONTROL CITATION TO BE USED PURSUANT TO SECTION 4-46 OF THE MONROE COUNTY CODE. WHEREAS, pursuant to Monroe County Code (MCC) Section 4-46, upon observing a violation of Chapter 4 of the MCC, an animal control supervisor or animal control officer, or any other law enforcement officer, may issue a citation; and WHEREAS, the animal control citation used shall be in substantially the same form as approved by Board resolution; and WHEREAS, the animal control citation should be approved by the Board of County Commissioners for the purpose of ensuring enforcement of the Monroe County Animal Control Ordinance; and WHEREAS, Section 4-46, MCC sets forth the required information that shall be contained in the citation; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT: 1. The Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County approves the animal control citation attached hereto and, pursuant to Sec. 4-46 of the Monroe (~ounty Code, requires that all animal control contractors use citations in substantially the same form as approved herein. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, on this 15th day of September, 2010. Mayor Sylvia Murphy Mayor Pro Tern Heather Carruthers Commissioner Kim Wigington Commissioner George Neugent Commissioner Mario Di Gennaro -u-a """ 5 0 <:::) ." ....~ J:> -- - y es .~.~:] Ie:.? ;2:~ ~ ~ Yes l-r; " ~ ~ 0 Yes (j N ~ ~ a ~:: :~!i5t.; " ~ _>I.: ("'J :::.-:: ::r: rr, ~-":-1> i\3 () BOARD OF COUNTY coMMI&StoN5Rs~ OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ~ 0 By: ~ Mayor/Chairperson f-v10NROE COiJf'JTYATTOr1i'~E"! a~:~O~VM~~;:~ CHRIS-Vt~M. LIMBERT-BARROWS Dat~S~ISTANB~TDATTORNEY ". (SEAL) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK By:&WC. ~~ Deputy Clerk Board of County Commissioners, Monroe County, Florida Animal Control Division In the County Court, In and for Monroe County, Florida Citation No. Citation Date: Time: AM./P.M. In the name of Monroe County, Florida: the undersigned certifies that he/she had just and reasonable grounds to believe, and does believe that First Name Middle Last Name (Name of the Owner/Alleged Violator) Street Address city State Zip day of , 20 ------y at AM. / P.M. at (Location) On the Momoe County, Florida, did c:ommit the following ofIense(s), contrary to laws. Facts constituting probable cause/elements of offense: AIIbnaI Description: (If available) Name: Breed: Color: Sex: Spay/Neutered_ Age: _ o ANIMAL AT LARGE, SEC. 4.67(a) o DOG BITE, SEC. 4.7S(t) o NO CURRENT RABIES 'v ACCINATION, SEC. 4-64 o NO V ALID COUNTY UCENSE SEC. 4-65 o FAILURE TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE SHELTER, SEC. 4-81(j) OANIMAL(S) CONFINED IN VENlDCLE, SEC. 4.81(s) o FAILURE TO NEUTER I>OGS, CATS, RABBlES, SEC. 4.69(a) o OTHER VIOLATION SEC. 4. Where triable in County Court; Lower Keys Division - Monroe County Courthouse Annex, 302Fleming Street, Key West, FL. 33040; or Middle Keys Division.. Marathon Branch Courthouse, 3117 Overseas Highway., Marathon, FL 33050; or Upper Keys Division- Upper Keys Government Center, 88820 Overseas Highway, Plantation Key, Florida 33070 On: (Month) (Day), 20_at_AM./P.M. Judge: Courtroom: o IT IS MANDATORY TH.AT YOU APPEAR IN MONROE COUNTY COURT AT THE TIME AND PLACE RECORDED ABOVE. o YOU NEED NOT APPER IN COURT ON THE DATE ABOVE, BUf MUST COMPLY WITHT THE INSTRUCTIONS ON YOUR COpy OF THIS DOCUMENT. ISSUING OFFICER: DATE: SIGNATIJRE PRINT NAME AND ~E: I HEREBY AGREE TO APP:EAR AT THE TIME AND PLACE DESIGNATED ABOVE TO ANSWER TO THE OFFENSE(S) CHARGED OR, IF THE OFFENSE(S) CHARGED IX)ES NOT REQUIRE A MANDATORY COURT APPEARANCE AND I DESIRE NOT TO CONTEST THE CHARGE, TO PAY A CML PENALTY IN THE AMOUNT OF S IN THE MANNER SET FORTH IN THE INSTRUCTIONS ON THE BACK SIDE OF THIS CITATION. I UNDERSTAND THAT, IF I DO NOT APPEAR IN COURT TO CONTEST THE CITATION OR PAY THE CIVIL PENLTY WITHIN TEN (10) DAYS (tF DATE OF THIS CITATION (EXCLUDING SATURDAY, SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS), I SHALL HAVE BEEN DEEMED TO WAIVE MY RIGHT TO CONTEST THE err ATION AND IN SUCH CASE JUDGEMENT MAY BE ENTERED AGAINST ME UP TO THE MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF THE CIVIL PENALTY OF $500. IN ADDmON, FAILURE TO COMPLY MAY ALSO RESULT IN AN ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE TO BE ISS'UED FOR MY APPEARANCE IN COURT, WHICH MAY FURTHER RESULT IN BEING HELD IN CONTEMPT OF COURT. SIGNATURE OF OWNER! AlLEGED VIOLATOR SIGNATURE IS NOT AN ADMISSION OF GUILT (Note: Front of citation) DATE INSTRUCTIONS If the officer madced an "X'~ in the box preceding the words "YOU NEED NOT APPEAR IN COURT" . You may answer this summons by either of the following methods: 1. If you desire to plead GlJaTY or NOLO CONTENDERE (No Contest) you must WITHIN 10 DAYS of the issue of this citation, (Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays excluded) MAIL this notice with a Cashier's Check or Money Order for the prescribed amount for the violation charged, payable to CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT, to the address checked below, (00 NOT MAIL CASH OR PERSONAL CHECKS); or you may appear at the address checked below, between the hours of 8:30 AM. & 5:00 P.M, Monday - Friday (Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays excluded) and pay the prescribed amount. o Lower Keys Clerk's Office (or Middle or Upper Keys Clerk's Office as appropriate) SOO Whitehead Sl~. Suite 101, Key West, Florida 33040 AMOUNT TO BE PAID: $ Note: Whichever your rnethod of payment, you must sign the" PLEA OF GUILTY OR NOLO CONTENDERE AND WAIVER OF RIGHTS," below and return it to the Clerk with your check. 2. YOU MAY APPEAR IN COURT by requesting a court hearing on this charge. Your request MUST be made in person by appearing yourself or through an attorney at the address and time specified on the front side of this citation. This copy of the Notice to Appear must be presented to the court at such appearance. PLEA OF GlJaTY OR NOLO CONTENDERE AND WAIVER OF RIGHTS In consideration of my not appearing in court; I, the undersigned, do hereby enter my appearance on the affidavit for the ofIense(s) charged on the other side of the citation. And waive the reading of the affidavit in the above named cause and the right to be present at the trial of such action. I hereby enter a plea of: 0 GlJaTY OR 0 NOLO CONTENDERE (No Contest) for the ofIense(s) charged. I waive my right to defend against such charge(s) or to appeal any error in such proceedings. I understand the nature of the charge(s) against me. I plead, as indicated above, to the charge(s) being fully aware that my signature to this plea will have the same effect as judgment of this Court. Signature Address Signature of person taking waiver if presented in person Title: (Clerk, Deputy Clerk) (Note: Back of citation)