043-2010 Utility Master Plan 08/18/2010DANNY L. KOLHA GE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT DATE: September 28, 2010 TO: Peter Horton, Director of Airports VIA: April Pearson FROM: Isabel C. DeSantis, D.C. At the September 15, 2010 Board of County Commissioners meeting, the following was approved: Agenda Item C23 Board ratified a previously executed Federal Aviation Administration Grant to provide funding to "Conduct Utility Master Plan; Improve Airport Drainage (Phl Design); Rehabilitate Apron (Phl Design); and Construct Terminal Building (Reimbursement), Ph4b" at the Key West International Airport. Agenda Item C24 Board ratified a previously executed Federal Aviation Administration Grant to provide funding to "Improve Utilities (water and sewer lines) Phl Design; Improve Taxiway Markings and Lighting; and Conduct Wildlife Hazard Assessment" at The Florida Keys Marathon Airport. Enclosed is a photo copy of the above -mentioned for your handling. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office. cc: County Attorney Finance t/File Orlando Airports District Office U.S. Department 5950 Hazeltine National Dr., Suite 400 of Transportoton Orlando, FL 32822-5003 Federal Aviation Phone: (407) 812-6331 Administration Fax: (407) 812-6978 August 16, 2010 Mr. Peter Horton Director of Airports 3491 S. Roosevelt Blvd. Key West FL 33040 Dear Mr. Horton: RE: Key West International Airport; Key West, FL AIP Number 3-12-0037-043-2010 FDOT PFLs 0006357/6363/7629/7630 Grant Offer We are enclosing the original and one copy of a Grant Offer for AIP Project No. 3-12-00 -043-2 10 for Key West International Airport, in response to your Application for Federal Assistance da ne 15, 2010. Your acceptance of this Offer will constitute a Gr ment by which the government will participate in the allowable costs of the project amounting to 1,180,57 Federal share). Once the authorized official has executed the Agreement and the official's signature has been notarized and sealed/stamped, the attorney for the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners must certify that the Sponsor's acceptance complies with local and state law and constitutes a legal and binding obligation on the part of the Sponsor. Please note that the Agreement is not legal unless the attorney signs it AFTER the Sponsor. If the terms of this Offer are satisfactory, please execute the document as soon as possible, but not later than September 1, 2010. To assist us in administrative reporting requirements you are requested to notify this office by emailing a PDF of signature page of the grant immediately upon executing the grant. Only the original executed grant needs to be returned to this office. The remaining copy is for your file. Please allow approximately 30 days after returning final executed grant to this office before attempting any drawdowns from the letter -of -credit account. Sincerely, Bart Vernace Acting Manager 2 Enclosures cc: w/enclosure (grant) Dionne Henry, FDOT/6 C+a3 Soo c, Af1t . c 911S/i0• eGRANT AGREEMENT U. S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration Date olf Offer: August 16, 2010 Project Number: 3-12-0037-043-2010 t / Recipient: Monroe County Board of County Commissioners (Herein called Sponsor) Airport: Key West International Airport OFFER THE FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION, FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE UNITED STATES, HEREBY OFFERS AND AGREES to pay, as the United States' share, ninety-five percent (95%) of the allowable costs incurred in accomplishing the project consisting of the following: "Conduct Utility Master Plan; Improve Airport Drainage (PH1 Design); Rehabilitate Apron (PH1 Design); and Construct Terminal Building (Reimbursement), PH4b" as mona particularly described in the Project Application dated June 15, 2010. The maximum obligation of the United States payable under this Offer shall be $1.180,570 for airport development. This offer is made in accordance with and for the purpose of carrying out the applicable provisions of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958, as amended, codified at Title 49 of the United States Code. Acceptance and execution of this offer shall comprise a Grant Agreement, as provided by Title 49 of the United States Code, constituting the contractual obligations and rights of the United States and the Sponsor. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA v*41��'10�1 FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION Acting Manager, Airports District Office ACCEPTANCE The Sponsor_ agrees to accomplish the project in compliance with the terms and conditions contained herein and in the d9r3lnaent "Terms and Conditions of Accepting Airport Improvement Program Grants' dated December 15, 2009;` �s1', Ex*QdtffdRthis L aay of1�, 20 / O l ' ! 0 0 i 0 e cc ([ i 1 U L' C (Se f JJ Name of o or le Attest /1 ig re oAns signated Official presenC+Vo/YV)Clit Title Title De�.�evt CERTIFICATE OF SPONSOR'S ATTORNEY �/ Jec�y„ v.*- CA_<;S is ,e— acting as Attorney for the Sponsor do hereby certify: That in my opinion the Sponsor is empowered to enter into the foregoing Grant Agreement under the laws of State o,f Florida. Further, I have examined the foregoing Grant Agreement, and the actions taken by said Sponsor relating thereto, and find that the acceptance thereof by said Sponsor and Sponsor's official representative has been duly authorized and that the execution thereof is in all respects due and proper and in accordance with the laws of the said State and the applicable provisions of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958, as amended, codified at Title 49, of the United States Code. In addition, for grants involving projects to be carried out on property not owned by the Sponsor, there are no legal impediments that will prevent full performance by the Sponsor. Further, it is my opinion that the said Grant Agreement constitutes a legal and binding obligation of the Sponsor in accordance with the terms thereof. Signatu of S�ttor.,e D e e December 15, 2009 U. S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF ACCEPTING AIRPORT IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM GRANTS This document contains the terms and conditions of accepting Airport Improvement Program (AIP) grants from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of Title 49, United States Code. These terms and conditions become applicable when the Sponsor accepts a Grant Offer from the FAA that references this document. The FAA may unilaterally amend the terms and conditions by notification in writing, and such amendment will only apply to grants accepted after notification. 1. DEFINITIONS A. Sponscr—An agency that is legally, financially, and otherwise able to assume and carry out the certifications, representations, warranties, assurances, covenants and other obligations required in this document and in the accepted Grant Agreement. B. Project --Work as identified in this grant Agreement. C. Primary Airport —A commercial service airport the Secretary of Transportation determines to have more than 10,000 passengers boarding each year. D. "this grant" — In this document the term "this grant" refers to the applicable grant agreement or grant agreements that incorporate(s) these Terms and Conditions as part of the grant agreement. II. CERTIFICATIONS Title 49, United States Code, section 47105(d), authorizes the Secretary to require certification from the Sponsor that it will comply with statutory and administrative requirements in carrying out a project under the AIP. The following list of certified items includes major requirements for this aspect of project implementation. However, the list is not comprehensive, nor does it relieve sponsors from fully complying with all applicable statutory and administrative standards. In accepting this grant, the Sponsor certifies that each of the following items was or will be complied with in the performance of grant agreements. If a certification cannot be met for a specific project, the Sponsor must fully explain in an attachment to the project application. A. Sponsor Certification for Selection of Consultants. General standards for selection of consultant services within Federal grant programs are described in Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), and Part 18.36. Sponsors may use other qualifications -based procedures provided they are equivalent to specific standards in 49 CFR 18 and Advisory Circular 150/5100-14, Architectural, Engineering, and Planning Consultant Services for Airport Grant Projects. 1. Solicitations were (will be) made to ensure fair and open competition from a wide area of interest. 2. Consultants were (will be) selected using competitive procedures based on qualifications, experience, and disadvantaged enterprise requirements with the fees determined through negotiations. 3. A record of negotiations has been (will be) prepared reflecting considerations involved in the establishment of fees, which are not significantly above the Sponsor's independent cost estimate. 4. If engineering or other services are to be performed by Sponsor force account personnel, prior approval was (will be) obtained from the FAA. 5. The consultant services contracts clearly establish (will establish) the scope of work and delineate the division of responsibilities between all parties engaged in carrying out elements of the project. 6. Costs associated with work ineligible for AIP funding are (will be) clearly identified and separated from eligible items in solicitations, contracts, and related project documents. 7. Mandatory contact provisions for grant -assisted contracts have been (will be) included in consultant services contracts. 8. The cost -plus -percentage -of -cost methods of contracting prohibited under Federal standards were not (will not be) used. 9. If the services being procured cover more than the single grant project referenced in this certification, the scope of work was (will be) specifically described in the advertisement; and future work will not be initiated beyond five years. B. Sponsor Certification for Project Plans and Specifications. AIP standards are generally described in Advisory Circulars 150/5100-6, Labor Requirements for the Airport Improvement Program; 150/5100-15, Civil Rights Requirements for the Airport Improvement Program; and 150/5100-16, Airport Grant Assurance One —General Federal Requirements. A list of current advisory circulars with specific standards for design or construction of airports, as well as procurement/installation of equipment and facilities, is referenced in standard airport sponsor Grant Assurance 34 in this document. 1. The plans and specifications were (will be) prepared in accordance with applicable Federal standards and requirements; so no deviation or modification to standards set forth in the advisory circulars, or State standard, is necessary other than those previously approved by the FAA. 2. Specifications for the procurement of equipment are not (will not be) proprietary or written so as to restrict competition. At least two manufacturers can meet the specifications? 1 of 16 9l 10 Z uoileluawnoop ;oefad pue 'ueld ;noAel :podile panadde ay; 'sAanms puel 'suoiuido alai; 'speap uo paseq sl yoigm 'dew 1padad „y„ ;lgl4x3 ;uaimo ay; y;1M eouewjo;uoo ui (eq ll!m) s1 loafad ay; ul Alaadoid 17 ;uawaai6e;uei6 sly; y;lM aouelidwoo lIn; luanajd leyl suoisinoid ou suieluoo @seal ay1 o pue'Aoua6e ollgnd e si aossal a41 -q ';oefad ayl;o a;II In;asn ay; jo saeaA OZ jo; si wial ay1 -e :law (eq IIIM) uaaq aney suol;lpuoo 6uIM0110; ay; 'paseal (eq II!M) si luawdolanap liodile ao; Aliadoid 11 '£ pa;eulp�ogns jo 'paylpow 'paysln6ul;xa (eq IllM) uaaq aney Aayl 'loafoad ayl ui Alaadad ;o asn papua;ul s,josuods ay; ;oedwl AlasJanpe ;eyl alIq ay; ul lslxe s@omgwnoua Jo/pue sloa;ap 11 -Z loafoid ay; ui Aliadad uo aouapina 9111; pue al;R ;ualoLps pue pooh (aney IIIM) sey IeIOIJ40 Jaylo jo Aeuwolle s iosuods ay1 - L -(;oy wjo;lun) OL61,10;oy saio110d uoillsinboy Al edoad lea�l pue aoue;slssy uol;eool98 wjo;lun ay; pue VZ Ved 'a30 '6b allll ul We aouelsisse uolleoolaJ pue uoglslnboe "doid leas uo sluawailnbai lejauaO •uoi;lsinbod Aljadad lean jo; uol;eoigpeo josuodg .d -isii paw.un 1Oa ay; uo 6uueadde pue ;uawala (1O(]) uol;eliodsuejl ;o ;uawlaeda(] .s.n Aue q inn ssaulsnq 6ulop woi; papnloxa Ape;unlon Jo 'pajjegep 'pepuedsns swn; jo slenpinipui asoyl of papJeMe ;ou aye s;oei;uoogns jo sloeiluoo ;ey; ainsse o; apew (aq IIIM) uaaq aney s�oayo aleudaddy - L L -sesudj9;u3 ssaulsnq p96e;uenpesi(] Jo; 9Z 2JJO 6t7 PUe £Z WO 6117 pue;oy s;y6l2j llnlO ayl 10 In ailll wa; pailnbai sasnelo (uleluoo IIIM) uleluoo sloeiluoogns pue sloeiluoo II`d OL -plun:poddO ;uawAoldw3 lenb3 uo 9LE L 1, pue gbZ L L sJapJO 9ni;noax3 y;inn aouelldwoo Jo; 09 lied ZI3o Lti woi; sasnelo a;eudoidde (ule;uoo IIIM) uleluoo 000'OL$ 6ulpaaoxa sloeiluoo uollonj;suoo 11V -6 LO L PUe Col, suol;oas (O££-LZ£ (]snot,) ;oy spiepuels /49;eS pue sjnoH AJoM IOMWo(] ay; glinn aouelldwo(] -q pue :uoileupialap a;ej 96eM lejapa3;uaijno ay; uo paseq;oy uooeq-sine(] ay; yIIM aouelldwoo e :suolslnoid 6uimollo; ay; (ule;uoo IIIM) uleluoo 000'Z$ 6ulpaaoxa sloeiluoo uollongsuoo 11V -9 -sueJa;an palgeslP pue sueJa;an eja-weu;aln pa6jeyosip Algejouoy of (suoillsod tiosuuadns pue 'anl;ei;slulwpe 'anl;noaxe ul ;deoxa) jogel ;o luawAoldwe ay; u1 uanl6 eouaaa;aad -q PUB'jov „Veq AOIN-Rub,, Pueledo(] ay; yl!m aouelldwoo -e Jo; suolslnoid (uleluoo IIIM) uleluoo sloeiluoo uollonalsuoo llv -L 8£L L L Japio anl;noex3 PUe '(99£L osn ££) lob jaleM ueel(] ay;;o 809 uol;oas '((q)L98L (]sn Ztb) io`d j1v uealO ay; ;0 90£ uol;oas iapun panssl sluawailnbai pue spiepuels algeoydde y;inn aoueildwoo o PUB 'swia;;oe;uoo yoeajq ao (];Blom sJo;oeJ;uoo yolyM Ul saoueisul asoyl JOJ 'Uolleulwja; ;oei;uoo 6ulpnlou salpaw9j le6al pue 'len;oeiluoo 'angeJ;slulwpe bul/q!oads suolllpuo(] -q 'luaoiad OOL ;o puoq ;uaw1(ed a pue ';ueoiad 00L ;o puoq aouewwopad a 'Iuaojad g ;o a9luejen6 pIq y -e :suolslnad 6wnnollo; ay; (ajlnbai lilts) annbai 000`00L$ 6ulpaaoxa sloeiluoo IIV -9 a;ewl;sa;soo s,josuodS ay; nano luaojad OL uey; ajow aye saoud loeiluoo pasodo�d p jo'japplq anlsuodsaa;sannol ay; 6ulioalas ul joloe; a s1 bullsoo 91040 a;1i -o 'iapplg alglsuodsaa;sannol ay; uey; jay;o of papieMe aq of si ioei;uoo 9q j -q 'plg anlsuodsaj a sllwgns wji;/uosiad palplenb auo Alup e :saouelswnojio bulnnollo; ay; ;o glue iapun pienne ;oeiluoo o; Loud yy3 wo.a; paulelgo (aq lllM) seen aouaiinouo(] -9 'Papinoid aq of saolnias jo/pue;uawdlnbe ayl;o sluawaiinbai jaylo IJV -q pue's;oefoid uol;onulsuoo lle jo; uolleulwialep alej a6eM leiapa3 Iuaijno a41 -e :(aquosep IIIM) saquosep Alaleinooe pue Apealo uogellollos pIq a41 -b -luawamooid ;o poy;aw plq paleas anl;l;adwoo ay; 6ulsn pasl:panpe Alollgnd (eq IliM) sets luawainooid ayl -£ -6ugsal pue 'uolloadsui uolloni;suoo 'uolsuuadns 6uuaaul6ua 'uolleilslulwpe;oei;uoo wao:ped of pa6ebue (eq IIIM) aye lauuosiad pal;Ilene -Z -sloeiluoo Iuawainoad 6ulpieMe pue 6ulllollos ul slua6e jo 'saGAoldwe 'siaol;}o sdosuodS ay; ;o aouewjoped ay; 6ulwano6 ;oa,4a ul (aq IIIM) si lonpuoo ;o piepuels Jo apoo y - L -spiepuels lejapad @say; of wjo;uoo s;uawamooid papinoid sampaoad leool pue a;e;s asn /dew siosuods sjuaweiinbab Ieaapad leiauaO—auo eoueanssy luejO lJodaly '9l-00L9/09L pue'wej60Jd ;uawanadwl liodind ay; jo; s;uawailnba�l sjg61�l IIAI(] '9L-OOL9/09L 'wej6oad luawanoidwl :podal`d ay; jo; s;uawailnbaN jogeg '9-00L5/09L (OV) jelnoJlo /Joslnpy yy3 ui paquosap Allejaua6 ale spiepuels did *W91, lied 'HJO '6V OW1 ul paquosap aje swe16wd lue16 lejapaj ui its sloeiluoo uollonjlsuoo pue ;uawdlnbe jo; spiepuels lejauaO •s;oej;uoC) uol;onj;suo3f4u9wdlnb3 jo; uol;eoigpa:3 josuodg -(] •u6lsap;oefoid;o awl; ay; le algeaesajo; ajaM ley; suol;eol;Ioads pue sueld ay; ul suolsslwo PUB sjoija o; anp s;soo ui uolledlollied Iejapa3;noyllM paleldwoo AlleolsAgd (aq IIIM) sets loafoid ayl -6 -pailnbai;l 'aouaianouoo s,yyd sey ueld 6uiseyd/Aja;es a pue'suogeoi;Ioads ay; o;ul pa;ejodjooul se Ilem se 'yy3 ay; y;lM passnoslP (eq IIIM) uaaq aney Z-OL£5/09 L jelnojio /Joslnpy ul paule;uoo s;uawailnbai ay; 'seaje leuollejado l;ejojle jeau jo ulyllM saglnlloe uogonj;suoo job -9 '6ulpu4 le;uaLUUOJlnua Panojdde Allejapa3 ay; ui ylJo; las suollepuawwooaj PUB s;uawailnbai algeolldde (a;ejodiooul IIIM) alejodjoou suolleol;loads pue sueld ayl L ,VV-A ayl woj; paule;go (aq IIIM) sets eouaiinouoo ';oei;uoo ay; o;u palejodjoouw si asnelo 6uuaauibue anlen a;l 'g -suolleol;loads;oefoid ay; ul papnloul (eq lliM) aje 0L-OL£9/091, aelnomo tioslnpy ul paule;uoo spiepuels Aq ;oafad ay; jo; pajlnbaj s;sa; aoueldaooe pue loiluoo ssaooid a41 .9 -suolleol;loads PUB sueld ay; wa; pepwo (eq IIIM) uaaq sey 6ulpun; dI`d ao; alcl ftlaui s1 leyl luawdolana(] .b ` V=l ayl Aq Panadde ueld;noAel liodile ay; uo pa;oldep si sueld ay; ui (papnloul aq ol) papnloul luawdolanap ayl -£ 5. For any acquisition of property interest in noise sensitive approach zones and related areas, property interest was (will be) obtained to ensure land is used for purposes compatible with noise levels associated with operation of the airport. 6. For any acquisition of property interest in runway protection zones and areas related to 14 CFR 77 surfaces, property interest was (will be) obtained for the following: a. The right of flight; b. The right of ingress and egress to remove obstructions; and c. The right to restrict the establishment of future obstructions. 7. Appraisals prepared by qualified real estate appraisers hired by the Sponsor include (will include) the following: a. Valuation data to estimate the current market value for the property interest acquired on each parcel; and b. Verification that an opportunity has been provided the property owner or representative to accompany appraisers during inspections. 8. Each appraisal has been (will be) reviewed by a qualified review appraiser to recommend an amount for the offer of just compensation, and the written appraisals and review appraisal are (will be) available to FAA for review. 9. A written offer to acquire each parcel was (will be) presented to the property owner for not less than the approved amount of just compensation. 10. Effort was (will be) made to acquire each property through the following negotiation procedures: a. No coercive action was (will be) taken to induce agreement; and b. Supporting documents for settlements are (will be) included in the project files. 11. If a negotiated settlement is not reached, the following procedures were (will be) used: a. Condemnation was (will be) initiated and a court deposit not less than the just compensation was (will be) made prior to possession of the property; and b. Supporting documents for awards were (will be) included in the project files. 12. If displacement of persons, businesses, farm operations, or non-profit organizations is involved, a relocation assistance program was (will be) established, with displaced parties receiving general information on the program in writing, including relocation eligibility, and a 90-day notice to vacate. 13. Relocation assistance services, comparable replacement housing, and payment of necessary relocation expenses were (will be) provided within a reasonable time period for each displaced occupant in accordance with the Uniform Act. E. Sponsor Certification for Construction Project Final Acceptance. General requirements for final acceptance and closeout of Federally funded construction projects are in Title 49, CFR, Part 18.50. The Sponsor shall determine that project costs are accurate and proper in accordance with specific requirements of this grant Agreement and contract documents. 1. The personnel engaged in project administration, engineering supervision, construction inspection, and testing were (will be) determined to be qualified as well as competent to perform the work. 2. Daily construction records were (will be) kept by the resident engineer/construction inspector as follows: a. Work in progress b. Quality and quantity of materials delivered c. Test locations and results d. Instructions provided the contractor e. Weather conditions f. Equipment use g. Labor requirements h. Safety problems i. Changes required. 3. Weekly payroll records and statements of compliance were (will be) submitted by the prime contractor and reviewed by the Sponsor for Federal labor and civil rights requirements (Advisory Circulars 150/5100-6 and 150/5100-15). 4. Complaints regarding the mandated Federal provisions set forth in the contract documents have been (will be) submitted to the FAA. 5. All tests specified in the plans and specifications were (will be) performed and the test results documented as well as made available to the FAA. 6. For any test results outside of allowable tolerances, appropriate corrective actions were (will be) taken. 7. Payments to the contractor were (will be) made in compliance with contract provisions as follows: a. Payments are verified by the Sponsor's internal audit of contract records kept by the resident engineer; and b. If appropriate, pay reduction factors required by the specifications are applied in computing final payments; and a summary of pay reductions are made available to the FAA. 8. The project was (will be) accomplished without significant deviations, changes, or modifications from the approved plans and specifications, except where approval is obtained from the FAA. 9. A final project inspection was (will be) conducted with representatives of the Sponsor and the contractor, and project files contain (will contain) documentation of the final inspection. 10. Work in this grant agreement was (will be) physically completed, and corrective actions required as a result of the final inspection are completed to the satisfaction of the Sponsor. 11. If applicable, the as -built plans, an equipment inventory, and a revised airport layout plan have been (will be) submitted to the FAA. 12. Applicable close out financial reports have been (will be) submitted to the FAA. 3of16 9110 V -pap!noid si uogeluawnoop loefoid leuil algeldaooe I!lun Ja9u!6u3 ay; o; p!ed eq lou II!M loeiluoo saoimas 6ulj99u!6u9 ay; to amen 1e101 ay; 10 (%OL) luawad ual leyl pue pala!dwoo Aluo;oelsiles uaaq sey leyl Vonn jol Aluo ;uawAed aNew of saaa6e aosuodS ay; 'saouuas 6upaaw6ua J03 -luej6 siyl Aq paysildw000e aq of Nionn ay; uo ssai6oid jol!uow of saaj6e josuodS ayl 3 -aoueldaooe luej6 jalle pouad yluow anlannI yoea u! 'a!geogdde se 'lu9w9sjngwi9U jol lsanbaa uallunn quo ;seal le;!wgns jo l!pajo to iallal alayl japun spunl to unnop nneip quo ;seal le aNew lou saop josuodS ay; l! luea6 siyl aleuiwaal AIIejalellun of ly6u ay; satiasaj yyd ayl .4 -aquosaid Ileys tielajoaS ay; se sampaoad pue suoileInbai yons pue 'loaaay swial ay; yl!m aouepi000e ui pue sAelep anpun lnoyl!M (s)loafaad ay; ala!dwoo pue lno fujeo Iieus aosuodS ayl -O -slsoo to ajeys lejapad ay; of sluawlsnfpe piemumop jo pienndn Aue jol apew aq II!nn.luawalllas pue 'slsoo loafad algemolle jo;unowe lelol ayl lo;!pne Inn ay; uodn paseq aq II!nn ajeys ,salels pal!un ayl to uolleulwialap leUid -ag nsaid pegs tielajoeS ay; se sampaoad pue suoileln6ai yons to suo!s!noid ayl yl!M aouepi000e ul pue of luensind apew aq II!m slsoo loefad algennolle ay; to ajeys ,sajels pal!un ayl to luawAed -9 o,s,n 6t7 all!1 japun uoilejap!suoo jol alq!6g9ui aq o; yy3 ay; Aq pauiwjalap sisoo Aue apnloui lou pegs loafoid ay; to slsoo algennolle ayl -V SNOIIIONOO "1"3N39 'III anoge 9 y6nojyl L swel! to uoileluawaldwi y6noayl aoeld�jom 99il-6nap a u!e;u!ew of anuiluoo of @pew aq II!nn liolla qel poo6 y Aoua6e aleudoidde jaylo jo 'juawaojo}uq nnel 'yllegq leool jo 'alelS 'Iejapad a Aq sesodind yons aol panoidde weiboid uogel!I!geyaj jo eouelsisse asnqe 6nup a ui Aluoloelsiles alediorped of aaAo!dwe yons aalnba�j -q Jo 'pepuawe se '£L66 to lo`d uollel!I!geg9ZI ayl to s;uawai!nbai ayl yl!nn lualsisuoo 'uoileuiwial 6uipnloui pue of do 'aaAoldwe ue yons lsule6e uoiloe lauuosiad aleudoidde a�el -e :palolnuoo os sI oynn aaAoldwe Aue of loadsai yl!nn anoge qb wall japun ao!lou a 6UIn1909J 10 sAep iepualeo 0E ulyl!nn ua� el aq II!M suoiloe 6uinnollol ayl to au0 -luej6 paloalle yoea to aagwnu loafojd ay; apnloui TINS saolloN -yyd ay; of 'Woldwe ay; to allg uoillsod 6uipnjoui 'aoilou apinoid lsnw saakIdwe pa;otnuoo 10 sjaAoldw3 'uol;olnuoo yons to aoilou Ienloe 6uln!aoaJ asiwaylo jo a@Aoldwa ue wal anoge qy wall japun aoilou 6ulnl9oaJ m4e sAep iepueleo ual u!yl!nn 6u!lunn a paiplou aq 1I!M ddd ayl uo!;o!nuoo yons jalle step iepueleo anll ueyl Jalel ou aoel ftonn ayl ui 6uwn000 aln;els 6rup leuiwuo a to uolleloln a col uogolnuoo Jay jo siy to 6uilunn ui j@Aoldwa ayl �440N -q pue 'luawalels ayl to swial ayl Aq ap!gy -e :II!nn aaAoldwa ay; 'luej6 siyl japun luawAoldwe to uoilipuoo a se 'ley; anoge l wal! Aq pai!nbai luawalels ay; ui pail!lou (eq 11!M) uaaq aney saaAoidw3 anoge 6 wall ulyl!nn paiinbai luawalels ay; to Adoo a UGA16 (aq II!M) uaaq sey Nionn ay; to aoueuuolJad ay; ui pabebue aq of aaAcidwe yoea �aoeid� jonn ayl ui 6uijjn000 suol;eloln asnqe 6nup jol sesAoldwe uodn pasodwi aq Aew leyl sailleuad ayl -p pue 'swei6oid gouelsisse aaAoldwa pue 'uoilel!i!geyaj '6uilesunoo 6nip algel!ene AUV -o 'aoeld� jonn 99il-6nip a 6ululelulew to Ao!lod s,josuodS ayl -q 'aoe!d�jonn ayl ui asnqe 6nip to sia6uep ayl -e :lnoge saaAoldwe wjolui of paysilgelsa (aq II!M) uaaq sey wei6ad ssauaienne aajl-6nap 6ulo6uo uy uoil!q!yad yons to uo!Jeloln aol saaholdwa lsule6e uaNel aq of suoiloe ayl 6uiApoads pue 'aoeldNiom sdosuodS ay; ui pal!q!yojd si eouelsgns palloiluoo a to asn jo 'uoissessod '6uisuadsip 'uoilnqulsp 'am;oelnuew inlnnelun ayl leyl saeAoldwe 6uiA4!lou paysilgnd (eq Minn) uaaq sey luawalels y V .£ -uoileln6aa ay; yl!nn aouepi000e ui eoeld)Iionn aajl-6nip a 'ap!noad of anuguoo II!M jo 'ap!noid 11!nn Aayl fq!:pao of pai!nbai aie sjosuodS -996L to loy aoeldNioM aajd-6naa ayl pue 6Z:Ped 'ado '6t7 aIl!1 ul paquosap ale swei6ad luej6 lejapad ulyl!nn ooeldVonn a9il-6nip ay; uo sluawaiinbaa lejaua0 •ooeldlioM oaj3-6nja .O Lt,:PBd 1IdO 617 10luawaiinbai ay; laaw 'Alales olwslas ssal ;o uolloaiip ay; ui sa6ueyo jo suo!s!naJ ;ueolliu6!s lnoyl!M 'flajgua J!ayl u! 'anoge palsil 'sapoo Iapow ay; 6ulojolue pue 6uildope saoueuipio 6uipl!nq leuoiloipsimf jaylo jo 'leool 'Alunoo 'alelS -£ 617:ped WO 6b 10 sluawaiinbai ay; leave of uoilejlsiuiwpy buileaad0 104 ay; Aq panadde aq stew 'pelepdn si l! se 'suolSlnad papuawwooaJ dHH3N ayl 10 uoll!pa buipaoaad Alaleipawwi jo luaiino uayl ay; psaoxe jo luelen!nbe Alleiluelsgns ale leyl anoge palsil sapoo lapow ayl of suolSlna�j -Z 90Z6-£lZ9£ ewegely 'wey6uiwn8 'peob neloluoW 006 'Ieuoi;ewalul ssaj6uoO apoO 6uipl!n9 uwaylnos ay; Aq paysilgnd 'apoO 6uipl!ng piepuelS (OOBS) ssaj6uoO apoO buipl!ng waylnoS ay; of sluawpuawy Z66L ayl o pUe 196L9-W709 sloullil 'sIi!H gnlO fulunoO 'peon joowssold 3saM L50b 'sJo;ej;s!wwpy aPoO pue sle!o!.40 6u!PI!n8 ayl Aq paysilgnd 'apoO 6u!PI!n8 Ieuo!leN (VO08) leuoilewalul uoileilsiuiwpy apoO pue slen,40 6uipl!n8 ay; of ;uawaiddnS Z66L ayl "q ' L0906 e!uJol!IeO 'j9!3l!yM 'peON II!W uewMioM ylnoS 09£5 'sleio!40 6uipl!n8 to aouajaluoO leuoilewalul ayl Aq paysilgnd 'apoO 6uipl!n8 wjol!un (0081) sielol l0 6uipl!n8 to eouaialuoO leuoilewalul 6661 ayl .e :6uipnloui (&JH3N) wej60Jd uoilonpaH spJezeH 9� enbylJe3 leuolleN 8861 ayl to asn Aq papinojd leyl of lueleninbe Aileiluelsgns A4ales olwslas to lanal a apinoid of punol sapoo lapow j :spiepuels pa;daooe 6uinnollol ay; to quo ;seal le of 6uljaype Aq law aq II!M aouelidwoO yyd ayl to aouels!sse ayl yl!nn paoueu.1 aq of (s)6u!pl!nq ayl to uoilonilsuoo pue u6isap ay; ui sluawaiinbai ayl yljol sles 6t? ped WO 6t, *uoi;onilsuoa pue u6isea olwslas jol uol;eo!l!PoO josuodS -3 F. The Sponsor agrees to submit final grant closeout documents to the FAA within 60 days after physical completion of the project(s), but no greater than four (4) years from the date of the grant, unless otherwise agreed to by the FAA. G. The FAA reserves the right to amend or withdraw this grant offer at any time prior to its acceptance by the Sponsor. H. This grant offer will expire, and the United States shall not be obligated to pay any part of the costs of the project unless this grant offer has been accepted by the Sponsor on or before 30 days after this grant offer but no later than September 30 of the federal fiscal year this grant offer was made, or such subsequent date as may be prescribed in writing by the FAA. I. The Sponsor shall take all steps, including litigation if necessary, to recover Federal funds spent fraudulently, wastefully, or in violation of Federal antitrust statutes, or misused in any manner in any project upon which Federal funds have been expended. For the purposes of this grant agreement, the term "Federal funds" means funds however used or disbursed by the Sponsor that were originally paid pursuant to this or any other Federal grant agreement. It shall obtain the approval of the Secretary as to any determination of the amount of the Federal share of such funds. It shall return the recovered Federal share, including funds recovered by settlement, order or judgment, to the Secretary. It shall furnish to the Secretary, upon request, all documents and records pertaining to the determination of the amount of the Federal share or to any settlement, litigation, negotiation, or other efforts taken to recover such funds. All settlements or other final positions of the Sponsor, in court or otherwise, involving the recovery of such Federal share shall be approved in advance by the Secretary. J. The United States shall not be responsible or liable for damage to property or injury to persons that may arise from, or be incident to, compliance with this grant agreement. K. If, during the life of the project, the FAA determines that this grant amount exceeds the expected needs of the Sponsor by $5,000 or five percent (5%), whichever is greater, this grant amount can be unilaterally reduced by letter from FAA advising of the budget change. Conversely, with the exception of planning projects, if there is an overrun in the eligible project costs, FAA may increase this grant to cover the amount of the overrun not to exceed the statutory fifteen (15%) percent limitation for primary airports or either by not more than fifteen percent (15%) of the original grant amount or by an amount not to exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the total increase in allowable project costs attributable to the acquisition of land or interests in land, whichever is greater, based on current credible appraisals or a court award in a condemnation proceeding for non -primary airports. FAA will advise the Sponsor by letter of the increase. Planning projects will not be increased above the planning portion of the maximum obligation of the United States shown in this grant agreement. Upon issuance of either of the aforementioned letters, the maximum obligation of the United States is adjusted to the amount specified. In addition, the Sponsor's officially designated representative, is authorized to request FAA concurrence in revising the project description and grant amount within statutory limitations. A letter from the FAA concurring in the said requested revision to the project work description and grant amount shall constitute an amendment to this Grant Agreement. L. If requested by the Sponsor and authorized by the FAA, the letter of credit method of payment may be used. It is understood and agreed that the Sponsor agrees to request cash withdrawals on the letter of credit only when actually needed for its disbursements and to timely reporting of such disbursements as required. It is understood that failure to adhere to this provision may cause the letter of credit to be revoked. M. Unless otherwise approved by the FAA, it will not acquire or permit any contractor or subcontractor to acquire any steel or manufactured products produced outside the United States to be used for any project for airport development or noise compatibility for which funds are provided under this grant. The Sponsor will include in every contract a provision implementing this condition. N. If this grant agreement includes pavement work that equals or exceeds $250,000, the Sponsor will perform the following: 1. Furnish a construction management program to FAA prior to the start of construction which shall detail the measures and procedures to be used to comply with the quality control provisions of the construction contract, including, but not limited to, all quality control provisions and tests required by the Federal specifications. The program shall include as a minimum: a. The name of the person representing the Sponsor who has overall responsibility for contract administration for the project and the authority to take necessary actions to comply with the contract. b. Names of testing laboratories and consulting engineer firms with quality control responsibilities on the project, together with a description of the services to be provided. c. Procedures for determining that testing laboratories meet the requirements of the American Society of Testing Materials standards on laboratory evaluation, referenced in the contract specifications (D3666, C1077). d. Qualifications of engineering supervision and construction inspection personnel. e. A listing of all tests required by the contract specifications, including the type and frequency of tests to be taken, the method of sampling, the applicable test standard, and the acceptance criteria or tolerances permitted for each type of test. f. Procedures for ensuring that the tests are taken in accordance with the program, that they are documented daily, that the proper corrective actions, where necessary, are undertaken. 2. Submit at completion of the project, a final test and quality control report documenting the results of all tests performed, highlighting those tests that failed or did not meet the applicable test standard. The report shall include the pay reductions applied and reasons for accepting any out -of -tolerance material. An interim test and quality control report shall be submitted, if requested by the FAA. 3. Failure to provide a complete report as described in paragraph 2, or failure to perform such tests, shall, absent any compelling justification, result in a reduction in Federal participation for costs incurred in connection with construction of the applicable pavement. Such reduction shall be at the 5of16 9L1o9 paulwia;ap Ala;!uyap aq Aew NioM papnloxa ay; 10 ;soo ay; ;ey; pua ay; o; VVd ay; Aq j!pne pue uoi;oadsui jo; algel!ene apew aq lleys spiooai yoigm ';oefoid sly; japun uol;ediorped jejapad woe; papnloxa �joM pal;l;uep! -anoge ay; o; 6utuleliad sp�ooaj ;soo algeiedas ';oafo,�d sly; 6uuanoo spjooaa lsoo au} ;o uolliod a se ule;ulew lleys iosuodS ay; 'josuodS ay; Aq paysildw000e si ;oefad ay; woe; papnloxa si yoigm >IloM ay; ;uana ay; u! ';eq; paaj6e pue poo;siapun jay}in; sl;I -;oafoid sly; aapun sa;ejS pa;!un ay; Aq;oajay; s;soo ay; u! uoljedlollied Aue;noy;!M aq lleys;uewyslldw000e yons 'aosuodS ay; Aq paysildw000e;ua;xa ay; o; jo j! pue ;oafad sly; jo lied a aq ;ou lleys NioM pies 'uol;duosep ;oafoid ;uaweake ;uej6 sly; ul papnoou! ;ou NioM 10 uol;ona;suoo ay; ulaaay; apnlou! Aew uol;eoilddy ;oafad a ;eyl ;oe; ay; 6ulpue;sy;!M;ou ;ey; o;ajay sallied ay; uaaM;aq pue Aq paaa6e pue poo;siapun si ;I -uol;eoliddy u! VOM dIV-uoN '�f ;uawdlnbe pue wa;sAs ay; Kano axle; o; saaJbe yyd aaaynn;uawdinba pa;eloosse pue wa;sAs 6ulpuel;uawni;sul papun;-dIy ue uey; aay;o;uawdinbe paalnboe-josuods Aue;o aoueua;ulew jo 'uol;ejado 'dlysjauMo ay; nano a)Ie; ;ou II!M yyd ayl 'al eudoidde se 'AeMuna ay; ;y61l pue �jew pue 'alge;daooe eq o;;ey; saulwJa;ap LL fed aye japun pa;onpuoo Apn;s leoilneuoiae Aue;! uoi;oni;sgo ay; ;o 6ulNiew jo 6ul;y6ll a;enbape ay; Jo; ap!nad jo yoeoidde ay} uo uoi;oni;sgo yoea jaMol jo 'a;eoolai '9now9J osle;snw josuodS ayl -spiepue;s leuol;ejado ay; s;aaw;! Grosse o; 6uluolssiwwoo sp o; joud fq!l!oed ay; Moayo pue;uawdlnbe ay; }o a;!I In;asn ay; buunp diy ay; japun papun; pie Ieuol;e6lneu Aue 10 aoueua;ulew pue uol;eiado snonul;uoo ay; Jo; ap!noid ;snw josuodS ay; 'pie leuol;e6!neu olua;Dale jo lens a sapnloul ;uei6 sly; 11 TWO d ul spIVAVN oluoi;oo13 jo lensl� peuMo-:podjiy -0 -a;eudoidde se 'AeMuni ay; ;y6li pue Njew pue 'alge;daooe aq o; ;eq; seulwja;ap LL lied �Iyd aapun pa;onpuoo Apn;s leol;neuaae hue j! uogoni;sgo ay; ;o 6ui{iew jo 6ul;y6ll a;enbape ay} Jo; ap!noid ao 'yoeoidde ay; uo uol;onj;sgo yoea jaMol jo 'a;eoolai 'anowaJ osle ;snw aosuodS ayl spiepue;s leuol;eiado ay; s;aaw ;! amsse o; 6uluolsslwwoo s;! o; solid Aj!I!oe; ay; �oayo ;snw josuodS ay; ';uawdlnbe pue wa;sAs ay; JanoaNe; o; paai6e sey yyd ay; pue ;uawdlnbe pa;eloosse pue wa;sAs 6ulpuel ;uawni;sui ue sapnloul ;uei6 sly;1I •;oafoJd ul juewdlnb3 peleloossd pue wa;sAs 6ulpue-j ;uawni;sul 10 aanoa)lel -d -pa;uesaid aie iledai;o spoy;aw papuawwooei pue 'seuilap!n6 uoijoadsul 'sasneo algegojd clay; 'ssai;slp ;o sedA4 o4!oadS -wei6oid eoueua;ulew angoa}}a ue 6uiysllge;s9 pue s;uawaned liodile 6uwle;ulew ao; sampaooid pue saullap!n6 of;loads jo; „'s;uawaAed liodjly ;o eoueua;ulew jo; sainpaoad pue saullep!nJ., '9-09£5/096 jelnojlo AGoslnpy o; as;ad aouaja;a�j -9 -paalnbai aq Aew se yyd ay; o; liodai e ap!nad o; pan91.119.1 eq ueo Aanuns ;uawaned ay; Aq peonpoid spjooei pue uol;ewao;ui ay; se 6uol os 191el.1dadde sweep;! 6uldaaM pjooaa;o wjo; Aue asn stew iosuodS liodile uy -Ienau;a�A u01;ewJo;ul .t7 -papjooei aq;snw pawjo}jad aoueua;ulew Aue pue uol;oadsui;o a;ep ay; 'suoi;oadsul Aq-anlJp Jod -pawjopad jo palnpayos aoueuaiulew *p pue'sadAl ssaj;sld -o 'uol;eoo-I -q 'a;ep uol}oadsul -e :Molaq pa;sll si papmaj eq of uogew.lo;ul wnwlulw ayl -pa;uawnoop eq ;snw 'pewjo:ped jo palnpayos 'uol;oe lelpawai pue 'suol;eool play; 'ssaJ;slp ;o sad ayl -sJeGA anl;;o wnwluw a ao; al!d uo;daM pue papmej aq;snw pawjopad aoueua;ulew ay; uo pue suol;oadsu! pal!e;ap Ile jo s6ulpul; ay; uo uol;ewjo;ul a;aldwoo (5uld99>{ paooad £ 'uol;!puoo;uaUuaned ay; ul sa6ueyo pa;oadxaun aoa;ap o; y;uow jad aouo jo wnwlulw a pawjoped aq;snw uol;oadsul Aq-anlJp y uol;oadsul Ae-aniaQ -q *sjeaA aaiy; o; papua;xa aq stew suol;oadsul;o Aouenbai; ay; „'s;uaWaned :podjly ;o aoueua;ulelry ao; sainpaoad pue saullap!nE)„ `9-09£5/056 jelnoal� AGOslnpy ui yluo; ;as se Ae/ins (I0d) xapul uol;!puo0 ;uawaned '.a.! 'algel!ene s! u011eJou91ap ;uawaned pepjooei 10 tio;s!y a 11 -jean( a aouo Is eel le pawjopad aq;snw uol;oadsul pal!e;ap y -uol;oadsul pel!e;aa -e alnpayoS uol;oadsul -Z -pa;oldep os aq Ileys aoue;slsse leloueu4 lejapa; y;!M pailedej io 'pa;oni;suooai 'pa;ona;suoo uaeg aney ;ey; s;uawaned 'saouejnsse (dIy) weJ6ad ;uawanoJdwl :podjly ay; y;!M aoueildwoo jod -uol;e;!l!geyaj jofew;ueoai;sow jo uol;oni}suoo;o jea,, -p 'pue 'Iuawaned;o adAj -o 'suolsuawlo -q 'suoide pue 'sAeMlxe; 'sAeMuni Ile jo uoljeoo-1 e I1e19p10 lanai pue waol a;eudoidde ue ul pa;oldep aq;snw 6ulM0II0; eqj -tio;uanul;uawaned :6uiMollo; ay; apnloul 'wnwiulw e se ';snw wei6oid ayl -a;eudoidde sweep ;! wei6oid uol;oadsul ;o wjo; Aue asn stew josuods liodile uy -pawjo:pad s! 'jledej pue anl;uanajd y;oq 'aoueua;ulew ;uawaned jaded ;ey} ainsse o; paMollo; aq o; sainpaooid ay; sl!e;ap ;ey; auo s! weiboid ;uawabeuew aoueua;uleW ;uawaned 9ni10a.4a uy wee ad ;uawa euelN aoueua;ulew ;uawaned :suOISlnoa u!Mollo; ay; y;iM wjo;uoo;snw UJejbCUCI ay; wnwlulw a sy -Vo j!e ay; ;e aoue;slsse Ieloueul; lejapad y;!M paj!e ai jo pa;oni;suooei pa;oni;suoo ;uawane ue ;o ad!I In;asn ay; ao; weiboicl yons ash lleys josuo S ayl - 6 6 jagwnN aoueinssy josuo S IJo ny Aq paj!n ai s1 se Weiboid jU9WqtjeUeW aoueua;uleW JU9UJ@A8O POCIJIU anl;oajJa ue ;uawal w! ileys �osuo S ay; �o �!e ay; ;e ;uawane ;onj;su0oei ao eoei ai o; ;oa.w a god p -a;emooeui eie s;Insai s;sa; iosuodS;ey; aulwia;ap s;sa;;uepuadepul yons;! A16ulpio0oe s;uawAed ;uei6 aonpai o; pue s;sa; ;uepuedepu! ;onpuo0 0; 146IJ ay; sanJasaJ 'uol;aJoslp s;! ;e 'yyd ayl 'b ;uawaai6e;uej6 sly; japun pa;oni;suoo;uawaned le;o; ay; o;;oadsai y;!M;uawaned elgeolidde;o uolliodad ay; y;!M a;einsuawwoo aq II!m pue pa;uawnoop ;ou jo pawioped ;ou s;sa; pailnbai ;o sed/q jo adAj ay; uo paseq aq II!M pue y`dd ay; 10 uol;aaoslp It is further understood and agreed that the Sponsor will submit a Program Statement/cost estimate depicting the excluded costs or a cost estimate depicting only those costs eligible for Federal participation in this project. S. Utility Relocation in Project. It is understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto that the United States shall not participate in the cost of any utility relocation unless and until the Sponsor has submitted evidence satisfactory to the FAA that the Sponsor is legally responsible for payment of such costs. FAA participation will be limited to those utilities located on private right-of-way or utilities that exclusively serve the Airport. T. Revenue from Real Property — Land in Project. The Sponsor agrees that all net revenues produced from real property purchased in part with Federal funds in this grant shall be used on the airport for airport planning, development or operating expenses, except that all income from real property purchased for noise compatibility purposes or for future aeronautical use be used only to fund projects which would be eligible for grants under the Act. Income from noise or future use property may not be used for the Sponsor's matching share of any airport grant. Airport fiscal and accounting records shall clearly identify actual ;sources and uses of these funds. U. Future Development Land. If this grant includes acquisition of land for future development, the Sponsor agrees to implement within five years of such grant the airport development that requires this land acquisition, unless the FAA agrees to a different duration. Furthermore, the Sponsor agrees not to dispose of the land by sale or lease without prior consent and approval of the FAA. In the event the land is not used within ten years for the purpose for which it was acquired, the Sponsor will refund the Federal share of acquisition cost or the current fair market value of the land, whichever is greater, unless the FAA agrees to a different duration. V. Runway Protection Zones. The Sponsor agrees to take the following actions to maintain and/or acquire a property interest, satisfactory to the FAA, in the Runway Protection Zones: 1. Existing Fee Title Interest in the Runway Protection Zone: The Sponsor agrees to prevent the erection or creation of any structure or place of public assembly in the Runway Protection Zone, except for NAVAIDS that are fixed by their functional purposes or any other structure approved by the FAA. Any existing structures or uses within the Runway Protection Zone will be cleared or discontinued unless approved by the FAA. 2. Existing Easement Interest in the Runway Protection Zone: The Sponsor agrees to take any and all steps necessary to ensure that the owner of the land within the designated Runway Protection Zone will not build any structure in the Runway Protection Zone that is a hazard to air navigation or which might create glare or misleading lights or lead to the construction of residences, fuel handling and storage facilities, smoke generating activities, or places of public assembly, such as churches, schools, office buildings, shopping centers, and stadiums. 3. Future Interest in the Runway Protection Zone: The Sponsor agrees that it will acquire fee title or less - than -fee interest in the Runway Protection Zones that presently are not under its control under an agreed schedule with the FAA. Said interest shall provide the protection noted in above Subparagraphs 1 and 2. W. Noise Projects on Privately Owned Property. No payment shall be made under the terms of this grant agreement for work accomplished on privately owned land until the Sponsor submits the agreement with the owner of the property required by Assurance 5d of the ASSURANCES Airport Sponsors, and such agreement is determined to be satisfactory. As a minimum, the agreement with the private owner must contain the following provisions: 1. The, property owner shall subject the construction work on the project to such inspection and approval during the construction or installation of the noise compatibility measures and after completion of the measures as they may reasonably be requested by the Secretary or the Sponsor. 2. The property owner shall assume the responsibility for maintenance and operation of the items installed, purchased, or constructed under this grant agreement. Neither the FAA nor the Sponsor bears any responsibility for the maintenance and operation of these items. 3. If Federal funds for the noise compatibility measures are transferred by the Sponsor to the owner of the private property, or the owner's agent, the property owner shall agree to maintain and make available to the Secretary or the Sponsor, upon reasonable request, records disclosing the amount of funds received and the disposition of those funds. 4. The property owner's right to sue the owner of the noise -impacting Airport for adverse noise impacts will be abrogated if the property owner deliberately or willfully acts to reduce or destroy the effectiveness of the noise compatibility measures during the useful life of such measures. This obligation shall remain in effect throughout the useful life of the noise compatibility measures, but not to exceed 20 years from the date of the Sponsor's acceptance of federal aid for the project. X. Update Approved Exhibit "A" For Land in Project. It is understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto that notwithstanding the fact that this grant offer is made and accepted upon the basis of the current Exhibit "A" Property Map, the Sponsor hereby covenants and agrees that upon completion of an AIP funded land acquisition project, it will update said Exhibit "A" Property Map to standards satisfactory to the FAA and submit said documentation in final form to the FAA. It is further mutually agreed that the reasonable cost of developing said Exhibit "A" Property Map is an eligible administrative cost for participation within the scope of this project. Y. Friction Measuring Devices. If this grant includes acquisition of friction measuring devices, the Sponsor assures that it will properly calibrate, operate, and maintain the friction measuring equipment in accordance with the manufacturer's guidelines and instructions and Advisory Circular 150/5320-12. The friction measuring equipment and tow vehicle (if applicable) shall not be used for any other purpose other than for conducting friction measuring tests on airport pavement surfaces and directly related activities, such as training and calibration. 7of16 9L109 �'(�)OL� '�'S'fl 9L - 90L uogoaS - 996E to;oy uogen�asa�d ouo;siH ieuol;eN 4 z Lea ' L09t, ZV alU OL61, 10 13V sa!o!Iod uoi;!sinboy AlJadad lea�l pue aoue;sissy uoi;eoo!a�i wao;!un -a zw es;a 'Log L 'os,n 5 — toy 43teH -P ' LOZ ,o'S'fl 6Z -;oy spiepue;S aogel ned leaapad -o ,T as;a `(e)gLz 'o'S'n Ob -;oy u00e8-s1Aep -q papuawe se 'IIA alt!tgns ''o-S'n '617 911!1 'e u01jeIs169-1 leiape j :6ulmollo; ay; o; pa;!►uyIOU ;nq 6uipn!oui;oafoad siy; jo; spun; leiapad ;o asn pue eoue;daooe 'uogeoildde ay; o; a;elai Aay; se s;uawaiinbai pue 'sauilep!n6 'saioilod 'siapio angnoaxa 'suol;ein6ai 'smel leiapad algeoildde Ile y;!m Aldwoo ll!m;i •sjuawaiinbeM lejapad IeiauaE) -L :;ey;;uei6 siy; o;;oadsai qpm 'saipliao pue saansse Agajay josuodS ayl •uo!;eo1;!JJa3 aosuodS '0 ;oefwd ay; jo apl ay; Bump ;oa}}a pue a=; IIn; ui u!ewai i!eys ;uawaaj6e ;uej6 sly; ;o saoueinsse pue 'suo!;!puoo 'suua; ayl :s;oefad 6uiuueld o; Aldde 0 uoi;oas ui t7£ pUe '££ 'Z£ '0£ '8 L '£ L '9 '9 '£ 'Z ' L saouemssy Aluo ';uawaai6e ;ue16 sly; ui payloads esuway;o ssalun -josuodS a Aq uaievapun 6u1uueid :Podnd .£ ;oefad ay; jo; p!e lejapad;o aoue;daooe ;o a;ep ay; woi; sieaA (01) ua; uey; ssal ou aq ileys ;oafoid wei6oid L;!l!q!;edwoo asiou ao ;uawdolanap podne ue japun paiinboe;uawdinba io padolanap sag!l!oe; ay;;o a;!I !n;asn ay; jo Apl!oe; a uy;!m palle;sui swat! pafad ;o api In;asn ay; ;ey; ;deoxe josuods a;enud a o; saildde osie I, ydei6ejed 6uipaoajd ayl -iosuodS a;enlid a Aq uaieiapun WOO d fi!I!q!3edwo3 asloN jo juawdolanat, iuodJ!d _Z -saoueinsse ay; ui payloads aq lleys eouemsse s;y6i�j I!A10 ay;;o uoi;emp ay; 'aiowiaypnd spun; lejapa; y;!m paiinboe Aliadoid leas o;;oadsai y;!m saouemsse pue 'suoi;ipuoo 'swia; ay;;o uoi;emp ay; uo;!wil ou aq lleys ajayl -:podne ue se pasn si :podne ay; se 6uol os anuanab :podiiy pue s;y6l�j anlsnlox3 6uipje6ai saoueinsse ay; ;o uoi;einp ay; uo ;!w!i ou aq Ileys 9Ja4; 'JanannoH -;oefoid ay; io; spun; leiapad ;o jajjo ;uea6 a ;o eoue;daooe ;o a;ep ay; wa; sjeal( (OZ) I(;uanq paaoxa o;IOU ;uana Aue ui;nq ';oefad wei6oid A1!i!q!1edwoo asiou a japun Al!i!oe; a u4;!m palle;sui swap ;oefoid ay; ;o api In;asn ay; ;noy6nwy; io ';oefoid wei6oid Ajq q!;edwoo asiou jo ;uawdolanap :podne ue joj paimboe ;uawdinba io padolanap sai;ll!oe; ay; ;o apl In;asn ay; ;noy6noay; 10949 pue aoio; lln; ul uiewai Ileys ;uawaai6e ;ueJ6 sly; ;o saoueinsse pue suoi;!puoo 'swia; ayl 'josuodS Aoueft olignd a Aq umIevapun sVafoJd wej6oJd f4!IIq!;edwoC) OWN io ;uawdolanap :podnd .L AI!I!geo!Iddy pue uolleina •g ;uaw9ai6e;uej6 siy;;o lied awoosq pue ui pa;eaodiooui we seouemsse esay; 'aosuodS ay; Aq is.4o ;uej6 sly; ;o aoue;daooe uodn .£ -siosuods a;enijd pue saosuods Aoua6e oilqnd y;oq sapnloui ,dosuod& wia; ay; pue ':podiie asn-oilgnd a ;o jaumo a;enijd a sueaw ,�osuods a;enud„ wia; ay; ':podne asn-oilqnd a ;o la;uoo y;!M Aoua6e oilqnd a sueaw „josuods Aoua6e oilqnd,, wia; ay; 'uiaiay pasn sy 'popuawe se 'IIn al;ggns "asn '61v al;!l;o suo!s!Aoid ay; japun spun; 6ugsenbaa siosuods Aq uo!;eoildde;oefad ay;;o lied se pa41wgns aq o; pajinbai aie saoumnsse asayl. 'Z -siosuods IJodiie jo; s;umb wei6oid A;!l!ggedwoo asiou pue '6uiuueld :podiie ';uawdolanap :podne io; s;uawaai6e;uei6;o aouewjojjad ay; ui y;!M paildwoo aq lleys saoueinsse asayl - L •IeJaua!D V siosuodS :podalb S33N"nss 1 :suoi;!puoo pue swial asay;;o ved se pa;ejodimui si '90OZ '6Z 40JBIN pa;ep 'siosuodS }iodary S30Nb'&nssd pal;!;;uawnoop yyd 6uimolio; ayl S33NvmnsSV All ;uawdinbe jo alo!yaA siy; jo; josuodS ay; o; pa;uej6 @jam ley; s;!p9j0 uoiMpeN uolsslw3 liodny;o a;g ia6uol alq!ssod ay; jo; ';uawdinbe ao aio!yaA pa;oa.4e ay;;o a;!l In;asn ay; puoAaq 'uoi;e6ilgo;uawooeldai si4; II!tlnt Ile4s I!;ey; sal .cpao osle aosuodS ayl -s;soo;uawaoeldai io; fq q!suodsai le!oueug Ile sewnsse aosuodS ayl -suolsSIW910 lanai J9MOI Jo lenbe ue saonpad ;ey;;!un Jo a!olyaA;ualeninbe ue y;!m 'a;p In;asn sp 6uunp awi; Aue le ;uea6 sly; woa; aoue;sisse y;!m paseyomd ;uawdmba io aio!yaA pa6ewep Alsnoues io palgesip Aue eoeldaj lleys ;! ;ey; sayiliao josuodS ayl -suoi;onpai uoissiwe pue 'ssauaAl;oa_4a;soo 'sam;!puadxa;oafoad ';uawdinbe pue salolyaA Ienp!Alpul 6ulAionul Uog8WJOIUI paI!e;ap we;uoo lleys spiooai oilgnd ssayl -1uej6 siy; woa; aoue;sisse y;inn paseyomd ;uawdinbe pue salolyaA Ile ;o SPJ009J builiodai lenuue uie;uiew lleys iosuodS a41 '£ 'VVd ay; Aq pau6isap waigwe wei6oid 31VA ay; 6uisn pelagel Ifueelo eq lleys ;ueA siy; uwa; aoue;sisse Pm paseyomd ;uawdinbe pue s910149A Ilti 'Z .Aou96e A4!ienb ne a;e;s pue Aoua6y uo!;oa;ad Ie;u9wua!Au3 sa;e;S pa;!un ay; y;inn uoge;Insuoo ui Wd ay;;o;uesuoo ay;;noy;!m:podjie jay;oue le pasn jo 'o; uaNe; 'o; paiia;suei; eq slew ;uawdmba io salolyaA peumo-:podlie ON 'ease aoueua;uiew jo ;uawuie;;euou jay;o Aue jo awes ay; uly;!m uoi;eool io liodme iay;oue o; paiia;suej; aq ;ou lleys wea6oad siy; japun peoeldej ;uawdmba io saloiyaA Aue 'JanoaJolN -paseyomd ajam Aay; yoigm io; liodiie ay; ;e a;!! In;asn nay; io; pasn pue pouie;uiew aq lleys ;uej6 sly; wa; aoue;sisse y;!m paseyomd ;uawdinba pue salolyaA L :wei6oid (31VA) uolsslw3 nnol liodjiy tie;unloA ay; iapun suoi;!puoo 6uimolio; ay; o; saai6e iosuodS ay; 'Niom swa;sAs uolssiwa mol sapnloui ;uej6 siy; 11 -swGISAS uolsslw3 nno-1 'Z g. Archeological and Historic Preservation Act of 1974 - 16 U.S.C. 469 through 469c.' h. Native Americans Grave Repatriation Act - 25 U.S.C. Section 3001, et sea. i. Clean Air Act, P.L. 90-148, as amended. j. Coastal Zone Management Act, P.L. 93-205, as amended. k. Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973 - Section 102(a) - 42 U.S.C. 4012a.' I. Title 49, U.S.C., Section 303, (formerly known as Section 4(f)) m. Rehabilitation Act of 1973 - 29 U.S.C. 794. n. Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Title VI - 42 U.S.C. 2000d through d-4. o. Age Discrimination Act of 1975 - 42 U.S.C. 6101, et sea. p. American Indian Religious Freedom Act, P.L. 95-341, as amended. q. Architectural Barriers Act of 1968 -42 U.S.C. 4151, et sea.' r. Power plant and Industrial Fuel Use Act of 1978 - Section 403- 2 U.S.C. 8373.' s. Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act - 40 U.S.C. 327, et sea.' t. Copeland Anti kickback Act - 18 U.S.C. 874.1 u. National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 - 42 U.S.C. 4321, et sea.' v. Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, P.L. 90-542, as amended. w. Single Audit Act of 1984 - 31 U.S.C. 7501, et seg.2 x. DrUg-Free Workplace Act of 1988 - 41 U.S.C. 702 through 706. Executive Orders Executive Order 11246 - Equal Employment Opportunity' Executive Order 11990 - Protection of Wetlands Executive Order 11998 — Flood Plain Management Executive Order 12372 - Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs Executive Order 12699 - Seismic Safety of Federal and Federally Assisted New Building Construction' Executive Order 12898 - Environmental Justice Federal Regulations a. 14 CFR Part 13 - Investigative and Enforcement Procedures. b. 14 1;,FR Part 16 - Rules of Practice For Federally Assisted Airport Enforcement Proceedings. C. 14 CFR Part 150 - Airport noise compatibility planning. d. 29 CFR Part 1 - Procedures for predetermination of wage rates.' e. 29 CFR Part 3 - Contractors and subcontractors on public building or public work financed in whole or part by loans or grants from the United States.' f. 29 CFR Part 5 - Labor standards provisions applicable to contracts covering federally financed and assisted construction (also labor standards provisions applicable to non -construction contracts subject to the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act).' g. 41 CFR Part 60 - Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, Equal Employment Opportunity, Department of Labor (Federal and federally assisted contracting requirements).' h. 49 CFR Part 18 - Uniform administrative requirements for grants and cooperative agreements to state and local governments.3 i. 49 CFR Part 20 - New restrictions on lobbying. j. 49 CFR Part 21 - Nondiscrimination in federally -assisted programs of the Department of Transportation - effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. k. 49 CFR Part 23 - Participation by Disadvantage Business Enterprise in Airport Concessions. I. 49 CFR Part 24 - Uniform relocation assistance and real property acquisition for Federal and federally assisted programs.' 2 m. 49 CFR Part 26 — Participation By Disadvantaged Business Enterprises in Department of Transportation Programs. n. 49 CFR Part 27 - Nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs and activities receiving or benefiting from Federal financial assistance.' o. 49 CFR Part 29 — Government wide debarment and suspension (nonprocurement) and government wide requirements for drug -free workplace (grants). p. 49 CFR Part 30 - Denial of public works contracts to suppliers of goods and services of countries that deny procurement market access to U.S. contractors. q. 49 CFR Part 41 - Seismic safety of Federal and federally assisted or regulated new building construction.' 9of16 -1joda!e ay; 6u!punoaans eaae ay;;o;uawdoianap ay; ao; ueld o; pa;eool si pafoad ay; yoigm ui a;e;S ay; Aq pazuoy;ne aae ;ey; sa!oua6e oilgnd ;o (uo!;eo!ldde s!y; ;o uo!ss!wgns jo aw!; ay; ;e 6u!;slxe) sueld y;!m ;ua;s!suoo AIgeuoseaa s! ;oafoad ay- •sueld Ieoo-11 y;!nn Aoua;sisuoC) -9 -y;!nnaaay; eoueydwoo sannbaa osle;uawa6ueaae yons;ey; aansui lleys pue ;uawaaa6e ;uea6 s!y; ui saoueansse pue suo!;!puoo 'swaa; ay; pue suoi;eln6aa ay; 'apoO sa;e;s pa;!un '6b al;!1 eouepa000e ui paule;u!ew pue pa;eaado aq Il!nn ;aoda!e ay1 ley; aansui o; h;uoy;ne pue s;y6!a;ualo!Uns anaasaa II!m aosuods ay; 'aosuods ay;;o aar(oldwa ue ao aosuods ay; uey; aay;o uosaad ao Aoue6e Aue Aq liodne ay; jo uo!;eaado pue ;uawa6euew ao; apew s! ;u9w96ueaae ue 11 -; -saoueansse asay;;o uo!;eanp ay; aoj saoueansse asay; y;!m eouepa000e ul lioda!e asn-o!lgnd a se uo!;oun; o; anu!;uoo II!m liodale ay; ;ey; aansue o; tie;ajoeS ay; o; tio;oe;sges sda;s @� e; II!m ;! 'aosuods a;enud a si aosuods ay; ;l -a ;uawaaa6e ayl;o swaaa ay; y;!M eoue!ldwoo-uou legue;sgns si aaay; aanauagM aaumo Alaadoad ay; ;su!e6e ;uawaaa6e siy; aoao;ue 01 sda;s GNM II!M 11 Aje;aaoas ay; Aq pag!oads suo!slnoad sapnloui yo!ynn AIJadoad ;ey; ;o aaumo ay; y;inn ;uawaaa6e ue o;u! aa;ua II!m 1! 'f4aadoad paumo Ala;eAud uo;no pauaeo aq o; s;oafoad wea6oad Aj!I!q!;edwoo as!ou and -p ;uawaaa6e ay;;o swaa; ay; y;!nn eoueildwoo -uou le!;ue;sgns s! aaay; ;! ;u9wua9no6 Ie001 ay; ;suie6e ;uawa9a6e siy} aoao;ue o; sda;s axle; II!m 11 i(ae;ajoaS ay; o; Aao;oels!;es aq ;snw o;aaay; sa6ueyo pue ;uawaaa6e ;ey- ;oafoad wea6oad fi4!1!q!;edwoo aslou ay; aNe1japun o; ;uea6 a ao; yyd ay; o; Apoanp pa!idde ;! ;i 1! o; elgeo!ldde aq p1noan ;ey; saoueansse pue 'suol;!puoo 'swaa; awes ay; o; ;uawua9no6 ;ey; ale61lgo lleys ;uawaa16e ;ey; 'i(ae;aaoas ay; Aq payloads as!Nuay;o se ;daox3 ';uawuaano6 ;ey; y;!M ;uawaaa6e ue o;u! aa;ua II!m ;! 'aosuods ay; uey; aay;o ;u9wua9no6 leool ;o ;!un a Aq paumo Aliadoad uo We ao ;uawua9no6 leool jo pun aay;oue Aq ;no pa!aaeo aq o; aae yo!ynn s;oafoad wea6oad Al!l!q!;edwoo aslou Ile and -o ;uawaaa6e;uea6 s!y; ui pau!e;uoo saoueansse pue 'suoll!puoo 'swaa; ay; ;o Ile aaaa;suea; ay; uodn buipu!q @New pue 'I.saaa;ui saosuods ay; ;o 6u!sods!p ao 6u!aaajsuea;;uawnoop ao;oea;uoo ay; u! �jasui lleys aosuods ay; 'suo!;e6!igo yons Ile ;no iGaeo o; saoanosaa le!oueu!; pue 'fq!aoy;ne 'aamod ay; aney o; pue ;uawaaa6e ;uea6 s!y; ;o suo!}e6!lgo ay; awnsse o; 'epoo sa;e;s pa;!un '6117 91;!- aapun alq!6!le aq o; Aje;aaoas ay; Aq puno; si aaaa;suea; ay; 11 *Aje;aaoeS ay; Aq Ienoadde ;noy;!m ;uawaaa6e ;uea6 siy; ui saoueansse pue 'suog!puoo 'swaa; ay; jo uol;eanp ay; ao; 'papuadxa uaaq aney spun; leaapad yo!ynn uodn AIJadoad aya ;o uo!liod ;ey; ';oafoad wea6oad A4!1!q!;edwoo aslou a ao; 'ao uol;eo!ldde siy; o; y;!giyx3 uo unnoys kPadoad ay; ui s;saaa;u! aay;o ao agg s;!;o ped Aue jo asods!p ao as;suea; asiNuay;o ao 'aagwnoua 'aseal 'Iles;ou II!m ;1 q -Aje;aaoas ay; o; aige;daooe aauuew a ui auop aq lleys s!y- -aosuodS ay; Aq eouewao:ped yons y;!m aaa}aa;ui pinom yo!ynn saay;o ;o ;y6!a ;o sw!elo ao s;y6!a 6u!pue}s;no Aue /4!pow ao ys!n6ul;xa 'aamboe o; Al;dwoad;oe II!m pue 'Aae;aaoas ay;;o lenoadde ua;;unn ay;;noy;!an ;uawaaa6e ;uea6 s14; ul saoueansse pue 'suo!;!puoo 'swaa; ay; ;o Ile ao Aue waojaad o; /Gessaoau saaMod pue s;y6u ay; ;o Aue ;o ;! anudap o; a;eaado pinonn yo!ynn uo!;oe Aue ;!wad ao aNe; ;ou II!M 31 .e saaanod pue s11461H 6ulnaasaad -9 -pau!e;go aq II!m alp; poo61ey; iJe;aaoas ay; o; aoueansse ani6 il!M ao papuadxa aq II!m spun] leaapad yoigm uodn kaadoad ay; ;o uo!7pod ;ey; o; �Ge;aaoas ay; o; Ajo;oe;s!;es al;!; pooh sploy;! 'aosuods ay;;o f4aadoad ay; uo;no pauaeo aq o; s;oafoad wea6oad A;!l!q!;edwoo asiou and -q pannboe aq !iron al;g poo61ey; i(ae;aaoas ay; o; Aao;oels!;es aoueansse 9n16 II!nn ao ';oaaay; a;!s ao lioda!e ay;;o eaae buipuel ay; o; 'fJe;aaoas ay; o; fuo;oe;s!;es 'al;!; p006 sploy ';uawua9no6 Ieaapad ay; ao Aoua6e oilgnd a ';l -e alall Pool 'ti -Ioa;uoo ao umo II!m ;! yo!ynn;uawaaa6e;uea6 s!y; aapun papun; swa;!;o aoueua;ulew pue uol;eaado aansse o; algel!ene spun;;ua!ogns sey;1 sa;e;s pa;!un ay; Aq p!ed aq o;;ou aae yo!ynn s;soo;oafoad ay;;o uoiVod;ey; ao; algel!ene spun;;uani4ns sey;1 �(;11!gel!eA pund aosuodS £ -pannbaa aq Aew se uol;ewo;ui leuo!;!ppe yons ap!noad o; pue'uo!;eo!ldde s!y; y;!nn uo!;oauuoo ul;oe o;'u!aaay; paule;uoo saoueansse pue s6u!pue;saapun lie 6u!pnlou! 'uo!;eo!ldde sly; alg o; uosaad;ey; azlaoy;ne pue;oaalp 6uI;!JM ul lleys pue anl;e;uesaadaa le!o!j4o ue a;eu6!sep lleys 11 •;uawaaa6e ;uea6 s!y; ;o saoueansse pue 'suo!;!puoo 'swaa; Ile y;!nn Aldwoo pue ;oafoad pasodoad ay; ;no Aaaeo pue aoueu4 o; pue ;uea6 s!y; ao; Aldde o; Aj!joy;ne le6al sey 11 :aosuodg a;en!ad -q -pannbaa aq Aew se uo!;ewo;ui leuog!ppe yons ap!noad o; pue uogeoildde ay; y;!m uo!;oauuoo u! ;oe o; ;ueo!ldde ay; ;o an!;e;uasaadaa le!o!.4o ay; se pay!;uap! uosaad ay; 6u!z!aoy;ne pue 6ul;oaa!p pue uiaaagl pau!e;uoo saoueansse pue s6u!pue;saapun Ile 6u!pnlou! 'uo!;eo!idde ay; ;o 6uyg ay; bu!zuoy;ne Apoq BUIUaan06 s,;ueo!ldde ay; ;o ;oe le!o!.4o ue se passed ao pa;dope Alnp uaaq sey uogoe ael!w!s ao uo!;ow 'uoi;nlosaa a ;ey; ';oafoad pasodoad ay;;no rtaaeo pue eousug o; pue ';uea6 sly; ao; Aldde o; Al!aoy;ne le6al sey;l :aosuodg Aoua6d o!lgnd -e aosuodS ay; jo Aj!aoy;ny pue Aj!I!q!suodsaa -Z ;uawaaa6e;uea6 s!y; u! aouaaa;aa Aq pa;eaodaooui aae saelnoa!o ao suo!;eln6aa 'smel anoge ay;;o Aue Aq s;uawaaa6e;uea6 ui papnloui aq o; paa!nbaa saoueansse o!;!oadS *apoo sa;e;s pa;!un '6117 ai;!- aapun aoue;slsse Ieaapad 6u!nla39a saosuods a;en!ad o; elgeoydde aq osle lleys aelnono pue uoi;elnbaa sly; Aq s;uawuaanoO leoo-1 pue a;e;S uodn palnal ;uauaaa!nbaa Auy -aoue;s!sse Ieaapad 6uln19oaa s;uawuaanoO Ieooq pue a;e;S ao; s;uawaa!nbaa ule;uoo Lg-y aelnoa!O 8Wo pUe eL -Jed HJ0 6b E saosuods a;enud of Aldde;ou op snnel asay- z saosuods 6u!uueld !aoda!e oa Aldde }ou op snnel asay- suo!;ezlue6aO;!;oad-uoN pue 's;uawuaanoO Ieoo1 'sa;e;s;o s;!pny - ££ 6-v -q 's;uawuaanoO Ieooj pue a;e;S y;!m s;oea;uoO pue s;ueaO o; algeo!lddy seldlou!ad asoO - ,Lg-y 'e saelnaaiO 196pn8 pue juawa6euew 10 ao!}}O 7. Consideration of Local Interest. It has given fair consideration to the interest of communities in or near where the project may be located. 8. Consultation with Users. In making a decision to undertake any airport development project under Title 49, United States Code, it has undertaken reasonable consultations with affected parties using the airport at which project is proposed. 9. Public Hearings. In projects involving the location of an airport, an airport runway, or a major runway extension, it has afforded the opportunity for public hearings for the purpose of considering the economic, social, and environmental effects of the airport or runway location and its consistency with goals and objectives of such planning as has been carried out by the community and it shall, when requested by the Secretary, submit a copy of the transcript of such hearings to the Secretary. Further, for such projects, it has on its management board either voting representation from the communities where the project is located or has advised the communities that they have the right to petition the Secretary concerning a proposed project. 10. Air and Water Quality Standards. In projects involving airport location, a major runway extension, or runway location it will provide for the Governor of the state in which the project is located to certify in writing to the Secretary that the project will be located, designed, constructed, and operated so as to comply with applicable air and water quality standards. In any case where such standards have not been approved and where applicable air and water quality standards have been promulgated by the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, certification shall be obtained from such Administrator. Notice of certification or refusal to certify shall be provided within sixty days after the project application has been received by the Secretary. 11. Pavement Preventive Maintenance. With respect to a project approved after January 1, 1995, for the replacement or reconstruction of pavement at the airport, it assures or certifies that it has implemented an effective airport pavement maintenance -management program and it assures that it will use such program for the useful life of any pavement constructed, reconstructed or repaired with Federal financial assistance at the airport. It will provide such reports on pavement condition and pavement management programs as the Secretary determines may be useful. 12. Terminal Development Prerequisites. For projects which include terminal development at a public use airport, as defined in Title 49, it has, on the date of submittal of the project grant application, all the safety equipment required for certification of such airport under section 44706 of Title 49, United States Code, and all the security equipment required by rule or regulation, and has provided for access to the passenger enplaning and deplaning area of such airport to passengers enplaning and deplaning from aircraft other than air carrier aircraft. 13. Accounting System, Audit, and Record Keeping Requirements a. It shall keep all project accounts and records which fully disclose the amount and disposition by the recipient of the proceeds of this grant, the total cost of the project in connection with which this grant is given or used, and the amount or nature of that portion of the cost of the project supplied by other sources, and such other financial records pertinent to the project. The accounts and records shall be kept in accordance with an accounting system that will facilitate an effective audit in accordance with the Single Audit Act of 1984. b. It shall make available to the Secretary and the Comptroller General of the United States, or any of their duly authorized representatives, for the purpose of audit and examination, any books, documents, papers, and records of the recipient that are pertinent to this grant. The Secretary may require that an appropriate audit be conducted by a recipient. In any case in which an independent audit is made of the accounts of a sponsor relating to the disposition of the proceeds of a grant or relating to the project in connection with which this grant was given or used, it shall file a certified copy of such audit with the Comptroller General of the United States not later than six (6) months following the close of the fiscal year for which the audit was made. 14. Minimum Wage Rates. It shall include, in all contracts in excess of $2,000 for work on any projects funded under this grant agreement which involve labor, provisions establishing minimum rates of wages, to be predetermined by the Secretary of Labor, in accordance with the Davis -Bacon Act, as amended (40 U.S.C.:?76a-276a-5), which contractors shall pay to skilled and unskilled labor, and such minimum rates shall be stated in the invitation for bids and shall be included in proposals or bids for the work. 15. Veteran's Preference. It shall include in all contracts for work on any project funded under this grant agreement which involve labor, such provisions as are necessary to insure that, in the employment of labor (except in executive, administrative, and supervisory positions), preference shall be given to Veterans of the Vietnam era and disabled veterans as defined in Section 47112 of Title 49, United States Code. However, this preference shall apply only where the individuals are available and qualified to perform the work to which the employment relates. 16. Conformity to Plans and Specifications. It will execute the project subject to plans, specifications, and schedules approved by the Secretary. Such plans, specifications, and schedules shall be submitted to the Secretary prior to commencement of site preparation, construction, or other performance under this grant agreement, and, upon approval of the Secretary, shall be incorporated into this grant agreement. Any modification to the approved plans, specifications, and schedules shall also be subject to approval of the Secretary, and incorporated into this grant agreement. 17. Construction Inspection and Approval. It will provide and maintain competent technical supervision at the construction site throughout the project to assure that the work conforms to the plans, specifications, and schedules approved by the Secretary for the project. It shall subject the construction work on any project contained in an approved project application to inspection and approval by the Secretary and such work shall be in accordance with regulations and procedures prescribed by the Secretary. Such regulations and procedures shall require such cost and progress reporting by the sponsor or sponsors of such project as the Secretary shall deem necessary. 11 of 16 9l to Z l -popuedxa uaaq aney spun; jejapad yoiynn uodn sainseaw wei6oid Aj!Iigi;edwoo asiou ay; ;o ':podiie ay; o; ;oadsai y;inn 'Aj!I!gi;edwoo s;i aonpai Ipm ;ey; 'uoi;oipsunf s;i uiy;inn 'asn puel ui 96ueyo Aue;iwjad jo asneo;ou Ipmj! 'uoi;e;uawaldwi wei6oid Aj!Iigi;edwoo asiou jo; si;oafoid ay; ;i 'uoi;ippe ul -:4ejojie;o.4oaNe; pue 6uwpuel 6uipnioui 'suoi;ejado liodiie jewjou y;inn alggedwoo sasodmd PUB sai;ini;oe o; liodiie ay;;o A4iuioin a;eipewu ay; ui jo o;;ueoefpe puel;o asn ay;;ou;sai o; 'snnel 6uiuoz ;o uoi;dope ay; 6uwpnloui 'algeuoseai;ua;xe ay; o; 'uoi;oe a;eudoidde ale; IIinn;1 •asn pue algi;edwoC) -6Z spiezey :podiie am;n;;o uoi;eajo jo ;uewysilge;sa ay; 6uguanajd Aq pue spiezey :podiie 6ugsixe 6ui;e6i;iw asiAuay;o jo 6uj;y6ij jo '6uiNiew '6upoolai '6uuannol '6UlnowaJ Aq pa;oa;oid pue pajealo Ala;enbape aq rpm (sapn;i;Ie ;y6ig wnwiuiw paysilge;sa 6uipnioui) :podiie ay; o; suoi;ejado lensin pue ;uawni;sui ;oa;oid o; pajinbai si se aoedsiie Ieupia; yons ;ey; aansse o; uoi;oe a;eudadde a>Ie; IIinn 11 •uoi;e6i;fw pue IenowaN pJezeH -OZ papuadxe uaaq aney spun; leaapa j yoiynn uodn sla;uoo jo sumo ;i ;ey; Mal! weiboid Al!l!gi;edwoo asiou uie;uiew pue a;ejado Alge;ins 111m 11 q aosuods ay; jo joi;uoo ay; puoAaq eoue;swnomo jo uoi;ipuoo jay;o jo poo;o;oe ue o; anp paAoa;sap jo pa6ewep Allei;ue;sgns si yoigm A4i1ioe; jo ain;ongs Aue ;o ;uawaoeldaj jo 'uoi;ejo;sai 'aiedaj 'eoueua;uiew ay; 6uumbai se pani;suoo aq lleys uiajay buiy;ou 'jay:pnd aoueua;uiew pue uoi;ejado yons y;inn aiepa;w suoi;ipuoo oi;ewilo jay;o jo pool; 'mous uaynn spouad tiejodwa; buianp asn leoi;neuoiae jo; pa;ejado aq liodiie ay; ;ey; ajinbai o; penj;suoo aq lleys uiajay pawe;uoo 6wy;oN -:podiie ay; ;o asn leogneume 6ui;oa.4e uoi;ipuoo Aue ;o uawjie 6uiA4!jou AIjdwoad (E pue `suoi;ipuoo tiejodwa; 6uipnloui 'suoi;ipuoo podiie woj; bui;Insai spjezey 6ui;y6il pue 6ui>Ijew AIjdluoad (Z `pajinbai Janauaynn sai;iIioe; leoi;neuoiae s,liodiie ay; 6ui;ejado ( l -jo; sIuaw96ueJJe10a14a ui aney IIinn josuods ay; 'aouemsse siy;;o eouejay}pn; ul -tie;ajoas ay; Aq panoidde aq ;sn; ;snw sasodind leoi;neuoiae -uou jo; podne ay; asolo Alpejodwa; o; lesodad Auy -suoi;ipuoo pool; pue oi;ewilo o; pie6ai anp y;inn 'y;innajay; pa;oauuoo jo uoajay; sai;ilioe; Ile pue :podiie ay; uie;uiew pue a;ejado Alge;ins pinn 11 sasodmd podme jo; asn s;i y;inn ajapa;w pInonn yoiynn uoajay; uoi;oe Jo AIini;oe Aue;iwjad jo asneo ;ou Ipm 11 uoi;ejado pue aoueua;uiew �o; saioua6e �eoo� pue a;e;s 'jejapaj algeoildde Aq paquosaid jo pannbai aq stew se spiepue;s wnwiuiw ay; y;inn aouepj000e ui pue uoi;ipuoo algeeoinias PUB ales a ui sawi; Ile ;e pa;ejado aq lleys 'sa;e;s pa;iun ay; Aq palloa;uoo jo paunno sa11i1ioej uey; iay;o 'podme ay;;o siasn leogneuone ay; anus o; AGessaoau aie yoiynn sai;ilioe; Ile pue liodme ayl -e aoueua;uiew pue uof;ejadO '66 ;uej6 liodiie lejapad e jo; uoi;eoildde ain;n; jo 6uipued AUe anadde o; tie;ajoas ay;;o 7ped ay; uo;uaw;iwwoo ao aouemsse Aue Aldwi jo a;n;i;suoo ;ou seop ;uej6 siy; ;o fed se padojanap leiaa;ew 6uiuueld Aue ;o lenoidde s,tie;ajoas ay; jo ;uej6 ;oefoid siy; ;o lenoidde s,iGe;ajoas ay; ;ey; saaj6e pue spue;siapun 11 -y ;oafad ay; jo lied Aue jo Ile op o; saaAoldwe s,josuods ay;;o asn ay; anoiddesip o;;y6u ay; fumajoas ay;;uei6 IIinn;1 -6 saoinJas Jeuoissa;oid;o;soo pue adoos pasodad ay; anoiddesip o; ;y6u ay; se Ilann se ;oefoid siy; ;o lied Aue jo Ile op o; sio;oei;uoogns jiay; pue s;ue41nsuoo ogioads ;o ;uawAoldwe s,josuods ay; anoiddesip o; ;y6u ay; kelwoas ay; ;ueJ6 lI!m 11 -; ;uej6 siy; y;inn uoi;oauuoo ui paiedaid leua;ew ay; ;o Aue asn asimiay;o pue 'a;nqu;sip 'asolosip 'ysilgnd o; A;uoy;ne pa;ou;sajun tie;aJoas ay; an16 IJinn;1 -a Aijunoo jay;o Aue jo sa;e;s pa;iun ay; ui ;y6uAdoo o; ;oafgns aq lleys ;oafad siy; japun spun; y}inn paaedaid leua;ew ou ;ey; sooke pue 'oilgnd ay; Aq uoi;euwwexe jo; algeliene leua;ew yons anew ll!m 11 -p sa;e;s pa;iun ay; Aq p9pinoid;uej6 a japun paiedaid seen leua;ew ay;;ey; aoi;ou e;oefoid 6uiuueld ay; y;inn uoi;oauuoo ui pajedaid leua;ew paysilgnd Ile ui apnloui IIinn;1 -o sagini;oe Nionn 6uiuueld pue ;oafoid 6uiuueld ay; o; 6uwuievad pannbai se s:podaa oipouad yons y;inn tie;ajoas ay; ysiujn; llinn 11 q 'panoidde Alielpis suoi;eoippow ay; y;inn jo uoi;eoildde ;oafoid ay; ui pawe;uoo ani;eJJeu wei6oid panoidde ay; y;inn aouepa000e ui ;oefad ay; a;noaxe llinn 11 e :s;oafojd 6uiuueld ;no 6uiiGaeo ul •s;oafojd 6uiuueld '91� 22. Economic Nondiscrimination. a. It will make the airport available as an airport for public use on reasonable terms and without unjust discrimination to all types, kinds and classes of aeronautical activities, including commercial aeronautical activities offering services to the public at the airport. b. In any agreement, contract, lease, or other arrangement under which a right or privilege at the airport is granted to any person, firm, or corporation to conduct or to engage in any aeronautical activity for furnishing services to the public at the airport, the Sponsor will insert and enforce provisions requiring the contractor to- t) furnish said services on a reasonable, and not unjustly discriminatory, basis to all users thereof, and 2) charge reasonable, and not unjustly discriminatory, prices for each unit or service, provided that the contractor may be allowed to make reasonable and nondiscriminatory discounts, rebates, or other similar types of price reductions to volume purchasers. c. Each fixed -based operator at the airport shall be subject to the same rates, fees, rentals, and other charges as are uniformly applicable to all other fixed -based operators making the same or similar users of such airport and utilizing the same or similar facilities. d. Each air carrier using . such airport shall have the right to service itself or to use any fixed -based operator that is authorized or permitted by the airport to serve any air carrier at such airport. e. Each air carrier using such airport (whether as a tenant, non tenant, or subtenant of another air carrier tenant) shall be subject to such nondiscriminatory and substantially comparable rules, regulations, conditions, rates, fees, rentals, and other charges with respect to facilities directly and substantially related to providing air transportation as are applicable to all such air carriers which make similar use of such airport and utilize similar facilities, subject to reasonable classifications such as tenants or non tenants and signatory carriers and non signatory carriers. Classification or status as tenant or signatory shall not be unreasonably withheld by any airport provided an air carrier assumes obligations substantially similar to those already imposed on air carriers in such classification or status. f. It will not exercise or grant any right or privilege which operates to prevent any person, firm, or corporation operating aircraft on the airport from performing any services on its own aircraft with its own employees [including, but not limited to maintenance, repair, and fueling] that it may choose to perform. g. In the event the Sponsor itself exercises any of the rights and privileges referred to in this assurance, the services involved will be provided on the same conditions as would apply to the furnishing of such services by commercial aeronautical service providers authorized by the Sponsor under these provisions. h. The Sponsor may establish such reasonable, and not unjustly discriminatory, conditions to be met by all users of the airport as may be necessary for the safe and efficient operation of the airport. i. The Sponsor may prohibit or limit any given type, kind or class of aeronautical use of the airport if such action is necessary for the safe operation of the airport or necessary to serve the civil aviation needs of the public. 23. Exclusive Rights. It will permit no exclusive right for the use of the airport by any person providing, or intending to provide, aeronautical services to the public. For purposes of this paragraph, the providing of the services at an airport by a single fixed -based operator shall not be construed as an exclusive right if both of the following apply: a. It would be unreasonably costly, burdensome, or impractical for more than one fixed -based operator to provide such services, and b. If allowing more than one fixed -based operator to provide such services would require the reduction of space leased pursuant to an existing agreement between such single fixed -based operator and such airport. It further agrees that it will not, either directly or indirectly, grant or permit any person, firm, or corporation, the exclusive right at the airport to conduct any aeronautical activities, including, but not limited to charter flights, pilot training, aircraft rental and sightseeing, aerial photography, crop dusting, aerial advertising and surveying, air carrier operations, aircraft sales and services, sale of aviation petroleum products whether or not conducted in conjunction with other aeronautical activity, repair and maintenance of aircraft, sale of aircraft parts, and any other activities which because of their direct relationship to the operation of aircraft can be regarded as an aeronautical activity, and that it will terminate any exclusive right to conduct an aeronautical activity now existing at such an airport before the grant of any assistance under Title 49, United States Code. 24. Fee and Rental Structure. It will maintain a fee and rental structure for the facilities and services at the airport which will make the airport as self-sustaining as possible under the circumstances existing at the particular airport, taking into account such factors as the volume of traffic and economy of collection. No part of the Federal share of an airport development, airport planning or noise compatibility project for which a grant is made under Title 49, United States Code, the Airport and Airway Improvement Act of 1982, the Federal Airport Act or the Airport and Airway Development Act of 1970 shall be included in the rate basis in establishing fees, rates, and charges for users of that airport. 25. Airport Revenues. a. All revenues generated by the airport and any local taxes on aviation fuel established after December 30, 1987, will be expended by it for the capital or operating costs of the airport; the local airport system; or other local facilities which are owned or operated by the owner or operator of the airport and which are directly and substantially related to the actual air transportation of passengers or property; or for noise mitigation purposes on or off the airport. Provided, however, that if covenants or assurances in debt obligations issued before September 3, 1982, by the owner or operator of the airport, or provisions enacted before September 3, 1982, in governing statutes controlling the owner or operator's financing, provide for the use of the revenues from any of the airport owner or operator's facilities, including the airport, to support not only the airport but also the airport owner or operator's 13 of 16 pasn si AlJadoJd ay; yoiym 6uiJnp poiJad ay; (e) :spoiJad 6uimol!ol eqj to Jabuol ayl Jol aaJalsueJl Aue Jo JosuodS ayl sale6ilgo souemsse ayl aseo yoilm ul uoaJall sluawanaJduwi Jo samlonJls Jo ulaJayl lsaJalul Jo AlJadoJd leaf Jo AlJadoJd leuosJad to wJol ay; ul s! Jo 'ap!noJd of si aouelsisse leloueuil leJapad aJaym Ideoxe 'weJ6oJd ayl of papualxa s! aouelsisse le!oueu13 IeJapad goilm 6uunp pouad all Jol JosuodS ay; sele6ilgo soueJnsse s141 -lueJ6 slll wOJJ panlaoaJ spunl woJl 6uil!l9u9q Jo ll!m palonpuoo Al!nIIOe Aue ui 6ugeda ed woJl papnloxe aq deoipuel Jo '96e 'xas 'u!6uo leuolleu 'Joloo 'paajo 'aoei jo spunoJ6 ay; uo 'Ilegs uosJad ou leyl aJnsse of pole6lnwoJd aJe se salru Ions ql!M Aidwoo !l!m 11 'sI46111 IIA13 -0£ -sailil!oel sl! Jo lJodJie all ui a6ueyo panoJddeun ay; siolaq 6u!ls!xa uoileJado to lsoo pue 'Aoualo!lla '419n 'Alales 10 19n91 ayI oI (loaJall IuawaoeldaJ Jo) kpadcud yons 6uiJolsaJ to slsoo Ile pue AJelaJoaS all oI algeldaooe al!s a oI (loaJayl luaweoeldaJ Jo) A:padoJd yons 6ugeoolaJ to slsoo Ile Jeaq (Z) Jo 'AJejajoaS ay; Aq panoJdde aauuew e ulloalla sweApe yons aleuiwila (L) AJelaJoas ayl Aq 'palsanbaJ 3! '11!m JoleJado Jo Jaumo ay} 'AJelaJoaS 941 Aq panoJdde se ueld InoAel lJodiie ay; qj!m Al!wjoluoo ul IOU s, yoilm pue lJodJie ayI llo Jo uo )WadoJd papunl Jo 'peseal 'peumo AlleJapal Aue to Aoueaga Jo 'AI!I!ln 'Alales ay; slOalle A18sJanpe sauiwwalap AJelaJoaS ay; yolym apew sl sag!I!oel ayI Jo lJodJie ayI ui uoileJalle Jo 96ueyo a ll -q -IJod.ne ay; to Aouaiol}a Jo Al!Ign `Alales ayl loalle AlasJanpe 'AJelaJoas ayl Io uoiuido ay; ui 'lg6!w yoiym pue AJelaJoaS ayI Aq panoJdde se ueld InoAel podme all ql!m AI!wJoluoo ul IOU aJe goigm sa!Ig!oel sl! to Aue Jo liodme ayl ui suoileJalle Jo sa6uelo Aue I!wJad Jo a� ew IOU llim Josuods all -ueld InoAel :podJie au; to aoel ayl uo AJelaJoaS all to anlleluasaJdaJ pazuollne Alnp e to aJnleu6is ay; Aq paouap!na aq lleys lenoJdde yoigm AJelaJoaS ayl to lenoJdde ay; of loafgns aq ilels 'ooaJayl uo!leog1P0w Jo `uolslAaJ 'luai.upuawe yoea pue sueld InoAel IJodJie yons -uoaJagl sluauJanoJdw! 6ullsixe Ile to pue seaJe uollelneuou pasodoJd pue 6ugsixe lie to uolleool ay; (£) pue'sa!I!I!Oel lJodme 6wlsixa to suogonpoi pue suoisualxa pasodoJd lie 6uipnloui '(speoJ pue sJe6uey 's6ulpl!nq leuiwJal 'suoJde 'sAemixel 'sAemunJ se yons) saJnloruls pue saq!I!oel IJodne pasodoJd pue 6uilsixe Ile to aJnleu pue uogeool ayI (Z) 'olaJayl suoilippe pasodoJd pue sasodJnd :podJie Jol JosuodS ayl Aq palloJluoo Jo paumo seaJe aI!sllo Ile to sauepunoq all yl!m Jalla6ol 'olaJayl suoilippe pasodoJd Ile pue lJodme ayl to sauepunoq (L) 6uimoys lJodJie all to ueld InoAel IJodJie ue sawil lie le alep of do daa� ll!m 11 .e ueld InoAe-1 IJodJ!V -6Z -AJelaJoaS ayl woJl lsanbaJ uall!Jm a to ldiaoaJ Jalle syluow Jnol uill!m uiaJay pap!AoJd se algel!ene apew eq II!m loaJayl uoilJod Aue Jo seaJe yons -sasodJnd yons Jol sail!I!oel Jo coeds to asuadxa IeJapad le aoueualulew pue 'uoileJado 'uoilonJlsuoo Jol algeJisep Jo AJessaoau sJap!suoo AJelaJoaS aqj se JosuodS ayI to s6uipl!nq ui sly6lJ Jo 'ulajayl alelse Jo 'Jalem Jo puel to seaJe Aue 'loJluoo oilleJl Jie of palelaJ s8!1!n!loe uoileownwwoo pue 6ugjodaJ-J9lleam Jo 'sa!I!n!Ioe uolle61neu Jie Jo IoJluoo ogeJl me Aue ll!m uoiloouuoo ui asn Jol luawuJanoE) leJapad all of lsoo lnoyl!m ysiwnl ii!m 11 -sall!Iloe j leJapa=i Jo; pue-1 -gZ spunod uoill!w anq to ssaoxa u1 s1 (IIeJOJie yons to sly6i9m ssoJ6 Aq paild!llnw lleJoJie IuawwanoS to IuauJanouJ ielol ayI) lJodJle ayl 6uisn lleJoJie luawuJanoE) to ly6l9M anilelnwnooe ssoJ6 all Jo 'aJow Jo 00£ s! 4BJOJIB luawuJanoE) to (luawanow a se 6uipuel yoea l5w1unoo) sluawanouJ to Jagwnu lelol all -q Jo 'olaJayl lueoefpe puel uo Jo:podJie all le paseq AlJeln6aJ aJe IleJone IuawwanoC) aJow Jo (g) anld -e -1e41 yluow Jepualeo Aue 6uunp Jo 'I;eJone pazuoylne Jallo Aq seaJe 6ulpuel ayI to asn yI!m aJapalui Alnpun pinom 'AJelaJoaS all to uoiuido alI u! '4014m asoyl to ssaoxa ui aJe IIeJome yons to suoileJado ualm Isixe of paJap!suoo aq II!M ldeJOJle IuauJUJanol) Aq podJie ue to asn leiluelsgns 'Aouebe 6uisn all pue JosuodS ayI Aq of paaJ6e asimJallo Jo 'AJelaJoas ayI Aq peumialop asimiaylo ssaiun -pasn s9q!I!oel ayI buiuieluiew pue 6uileJado to Isoo ayI Jol 'asn yons of leuoi:podoJd 'ejels elgeuosew a Jol apew aq Aew 96Jego 'leiluelsgns s! I;eJOJIe IuawuJanoE) Aq asn ayI 3! 'Idaoxe 'a6Je4o lnoyl!m sawil lie Ie lleJOJle Jag1O Pm uowuJoo ul IIeJOJle IuauJUJanoE) Aq asn Jol salelS Pown ayI of more to lloawl pue 6ulpuei Jol algesn asoyl lie pue eouelsisse leloueuil IeJapad yI!m padolanap :podne ayI to sal3!I!oel all to lie algel!ene 9New II!m 11 "IleJony IuawuJanoD Aq asn -LZ •AlJadoJd pue aoimas yons yoea;o uo!s!noJd Jol pan!aoaJ uoijesuadwoo Io Iunowe ayI pue luawuJ9no6 to sl!un Jaylo of :podJie ayI Aq pap!noJd ApadoJd pue saoimas lie -11 pue'apew sem luawAed Ions yoea yolym Jol sesodJnd all pue lu9wuJ9no6 to 31un Jaylo Aue of lJodJie all Aq p!ed slunowe Ile -I :I!elap ui 6uilsil podej lenuue ue 'sJeaA leosil s1! to yoea 6uimollol oilgnd all of algel!ene aNew pue AJelaJoaS ayI of ap!noJd 'AJelaJoas all Aq paquosaJd awil pue IewJol a ul -p pue :lsanbaJ algeuoseaJ uodn AJelaJoaS ayI to lua6e pazlJollne Alnp Aue Aq uoiloadsui Jol algel!ene 'sluawnJlsui Jaylo pue 'suoileln6aJ 'sluaw9aJ6e 'saseal 'spaap 6uipnloui juawee16e lueJ6 s!yl to seoueJnsse pue 'suoll!puoo 'swial a41 llim aoueildwoo panuiluoo pue loafoJd all of 6uilelej sluawnoop pue spJooaJ a� ew 'slOafoJd weJ6oJd AI!I!q!ledwoO aslou Jol O 'lsanbaJ algeuoseaJ uodn AJelaJoas ayI to lue6e paziJollne Alnp Aue Aq uoiloadsui Jol algel!ene 'sluawnJlsul Jaylo pue suoileln6aJ 'sluawaaJ6e asn pue uoileJado 'saseal 'spaap 6uipnioui 'lJodJie ayI 6ulloa}le sluawnoop pue spJooaJ IJodJie Ile pue lJodJie all a�ew 'sloalbid Iuawdolanap lJodJie Jol -q 'AJelaJoaS ayI Aq paq!JosaJd lewJol a ui 196pnq IJodJie all to lJodaJ a seoeld pue sawil algeuoseaJ le o!Ignd ayI of algel!ene a)leW 'oggnd ayl of elgel!ene s:podaJ yons aNew pue IsanbaJ Algeuoseei Aew AJelaJoeS ayI se s:podaJ suoileJado pue leioueuil leioads Jo lenuue yons AJelaJoaS ayI of I!wgns -e II!m 11-suopoodsul pue slJodeN -9Z ,apoo salelS Pawn '6b 911!1 to LOI,Lb UOII09S to suolslnoJd ayI yl!m eouepJ000e ui eoueJnsse siyl to uoileloln Jol pasodwi aq II!m suoiloues Jaylo Jo sagleuad I!nio Auy -O -JoleJlsiuiwpv Jo AJelejoeS ayI Aq pale6inwoJd uoileln6aJ Aue 6uipnloui 'Mel to uolslnoJd algeoildde Jallo Aue pue apoo salelS pal!un '6b all!1 41!M Iualslsuoo Jauuew a ui paJJalsueJl Jo pled aJe JoleJado Jo Jaumo all of paJJalsueJl Jo pled spunl Jaylaym 6uileoipui pue '(e) ldeJ6eJed ul saxel pue anuanaJ lJodJie to asn ayl '6uiuJaouoo uoiuido ue ap!noJd ll!m IJodaJ plane 6uillns9J ayI pue 'Ma!naJ II!m I!pne a411egj IoaJ!p II!m JosuodS ayI 'b861 to 13V llpny 916uiS ayI Japun paJ!nbei 31Pne lenuue ayI to aped sy -q •Aidde lou lleys (lent uollelne uo saxel Ieooi 'podJie oilgnd a to aseo aq) ul 'pue) podne all Aq paleJaua6 senuanaJ lie to asn ayI uo uogel!w!I s!yI uall 'saij!I!oej Jaylo Jo suoilebilgo Iqap IeJaua6 for a purpose for which Federal financial assistance is extended, or for another purpose involving the provision of similar services or benefits, or (b) the period during which the Sponsor retains ownership or possession of the property. 31. Disposal of Land. a. For land purchased under a grant for airport noise compatibility purposes, it will dispose of the land, when the land is no longer needed for such purposes, at fair market value, at the earliest practicable time. That portion of the proceeds of such disposition which is proportionate to the United States' share of acquisition of such land will, at the discretion of the Secretary, (1) be paid to the Secretary for deposit in the Trust Fund, or (2) be reinvested in an approved noise compatibility project as prescribed by the Secretary, including the purchase of nonresidential buildings or property in the vicinity of residential buildings or property previously purchased by the airport as part of a noise compatibility program. b. For land purchased under a grant for airport development purposes (other than noise compatibility), it will, when the land is no longer needed for airport purposes, dispose of such land at fair market value or make available to the Secretary an amount equal to the United States' proportionate share of the fair market value of the land. That portion of the proceeds of such disposition which is proportionate to the United States' share of the cost of acquisition of such land will, (1) upon application to the Secretary, be reinvested in another eligible airport improvement project or projects approved by the Secretary at that airport or within the national airport system, or (2) be paid to the Secretary for deposit in the Trust Fund if no eligible project exists. c. Land shall be considered to be needed for airport purposes under this assurance if (1) it may be needed for aeronautical purposes (including runway protection zones) or serve as noise buffer land, and (2) the revenue from interim uses of such land contributes to the financial self-sufficiency of the airport. Further, land purchased with a grant received by an airport operator or owner before December 31, 1987, will be considered to be needed for airport purposes if the Secretary or Federal agency making such grant before December 31, 1987, was notified by the operator or owner of the uses of such land, did not object to such use, and the land continues to be used for that purpose, such use having commenced no later than December 15, 1989. d. Disposition of such land under (a) (b) or (c) will be subject to the retention or reservation of any interest or right therein necessary to ensure that such land will only be used for purposes which are compatible with noise levels associated with operation of the airport. 32. Engineering and Design Services. It will award each contract, or sub -contract for program management, construction management, planning studies, feasibility studies, architectural services, preliminary engineering, design, engineering, surveying, mapping or related services with respect to the project in the same manner as a contract for architectural and engineering services is negotiated under Title IX of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 or an equivalent qualifications - based requirement prescribed for or by the Sponsor of the airport. 33. Foreign Market Restrictions. It will not allow funds provided under this grant to be used to fund any project which uses any product or service of a foreign country during the period in which such foreign country is listed by the United States Trade Representative as denying fair and equitable market opportunities for products and suppliers of the United States in procurement and construction. 34. Policies, Standards, and Specifications. It will carry out the project in accordance with policies, standards, and specifications approved by the Secretary including but not limited to the advisory circulars listed in the Current FAA Advisory Circulars for AIP projects, dated (the latest approved version as of this grant offer) and included in this grant, and in accordance with applicable state policies, standards, and specifications approved by the Secretary. 35. Relocation and Real Property Acquisition. (1) It will be guided in acquiring real property, to the greatest extent practicable under State law, by the land acquisition policies in Subpart B of 49 CFR Part 24 and will pay or reimburse property owners for necessary expenses as specified in Subpart B. (2) It will provide a relocation assistance program offering the services described in Subpart C and fair and reasonable relocation payments and assistance to displaced persons as required in Subpart D and E of 49 CFR Part 24. (3) It will make available within a reasonable period of time prior to displacement, comparable replacement dwellings to displaced persons in accordance with Subpart E of 49 CFR Part 24. 36. Access By Intercity Buses. The.airport owner or operator will permit, to the maximum extent practicable, intercity buses or other modes of transportation to have access to the airport; however, it has no obligation to fund special facilities for intercity buses or for other modes of transportation. 37. Disadvantaged Business Enterprises. The recipient shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin or sex in the award and performance of any DOT -assisted contract or in the administration of its D13E program or the requirements of 49 CFR Part 26. The Recipient shall take all necessary and reasonable steps under 49 CFR Part 26 to ensure non discrimination in the award and administration of DOT -assisted contracts. The recipient's DBE program, as required by 49 CFR Part 26, and as approved by DOT, is incorporated by reference in this agreement. Implementation of this program is a legal obligation and failure to carry out its terms shall be treated as a violation of this agreement. Upon notification to the recipient of its failure to carry out its approved program, the Department may impose sanctions as provided for under Part 26 and may, in appropriate cases, refer the matter for enforcement under 1 El U.S.C. 1001 and/or the Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act of 1986 (31 U.S.C. 3801). 38. Hangar Construction. If the airport owner or operator and a person who owns an aircraft agree that a hangar is to be constructed at the airport for the aircraft at the aircraft owner's expense, the airport owner or operator will grant to the aircraft owner for the hangar a long term lease that is subject to such terms and conditions on the hangar as the airport owner or operator may impose. 39. Competitive Access. a. If the airport owner or operator of a medium or large hub airport (as defined in section 47102 of title 49, U.S.C.) has been unable to accommodate one or more requests by an air carrier for access to 15 of 16 9Ll09l -alep anp opeoildde aql of joud pouad gluow xis aql ui (s)lsanbai aql alepoww000e of algeun uaaq seq :podme aql p jean( goea 10 l lsn6ny jo 6 �Jenagad jaglia uo anp aq llegs liodaj gonS q -slsanbaj aql alepoww000e of alge eq ll!m laodne eql 'Aue l! 'goigm uigl!m awed awil e sapinoad £ pue 'p9lepoww000e aq lou pinoo slsanbai aql Aqm of se uoileueldxa ue sapnoad 'Z 'slsanbai eql sequosaa -legl tielaioeS aql of :podai a liwsuejl legs jolejado jo jaumo Vodiie aql 'liodiie aql le aovuas puedxa of jo:podiie aql of aoinJas apinoid of jaweo iie aql m011e of aapJo ui liodiie legl le saililioel Jaglo ao s91e6 .w.