Miscellaneous Correspondence700 LOUISIANA SUITE 1600 HOUSTON, TEXAS 77002 (713)546-5000 FAX: (713) 224-9511 TELEX: ITT 4620144 NCNB PLAZA 901 MAIN STREET SUITE 4100 DALLAS, TEXAS 75202 (214)746-7700 FAX:(214) 746-7777 11 . L_ i . i. 2.i. WEIL, GOTSHAL & MANGES A PARTNERSHIP INCLUDING PROFESSIONAL CORPORATIONS 767 FIFTH AVENUE • NEW YORK, N.Y. IOIS3 1615 L STREET, N.W. (212) 310-8000 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20036 FAX: (212)310-6007 (202)682-7000 CABLE: WEGOMA FAX: (202)857-0939 TELEX: ITT 424261 (202) 857-0940 ITT 423144 TELEX: ITT 440045 WRITER'S DIRECT LINE 701 BRICKELL AVENUE MIAMI, FLORIDA 33131 (212) 310-8208 (305)S77-3100 FAX: (303) 374-7159 50 STRATTON STREET February 20, 1991 LONDON WIX SFL 4471-495-31 31 FAX: 447 1-629-7 900 Board of County Commissioners County of Monroe Key West, Florida 33040 Re: Bar Harbor Airways, 4nc, Dear Sirs: We are counsel for Bar Harbor Airways, Inc. ("Bar Harbor"). At your hearing today, you purported to terminate Bar Harbor's leases for rental of airport terminal space and use of certain facilities at Marathon Airport and Key West International Airport. Inasmuch as this directly affects property of Bar Harbor, we hereby request that you forward to us by express mail, next day delivery, a copy of the transcript from the meeting of the Board of County Commissioners conducted at the Taverniers Elks Club in Plantation Key, Florida earlier today. If for any reason you cannot comply with this request please contact me at the above -referenced telephone number. \Alftl� a Very truly yours, 1-47'Jack J. Rose, T i i --1.I - C:\DATA\WP\74030\0003\2416\LTR02201.250