09/13/1982► AAOO BAY SHORE MAr• ,OR A/K/r. EIC:.. ,1C I -T'y . 0:. T:i:_ 1LC._..i.'Y' - LE'.'E . II AG R E E '.E ;E T This A;;ree::•:ent entered into tills 13th day of Septanber 19 82 , by and between the County of Monroe, State of Florida, hereinafter called "County", and Dolores G. Cancino herei^after called "Resider-", and Marita M. Knowles hereinafter called "Responsible Party" W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, the Resident desires to use the facilities of the County known as The Monroe County Home, aka Bay Shore Manor and, - WHEREAS, the County has reviewed the application of the Resident for admission to The Monroe County Home and has determined that the Resident is eligible for admission to said home, now, therefore, IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual covenants, promises and premises herein contained, the parties agree as follows: A. BAY SHORE MAN R 1. To furnish room, board, linens, prescribed medicines and general personal care. 2. To arrange for the transfer of the Resident to the hospital of Resident's choice, when ordered by the attending physician or the health of the Resi- dent requires same, and immediately notify any responsible party (as designated herein) of such transfer. 3. To make refunds in accordance with the policy of the Home. Refunds cannot be made as lons as personal belong- ings remain in the Resident's room. Re ui, 's canr-ot be m<,cle as long as there are cures for servicC,,: re:l-riv��.' b-,- tlt_ ,Resi.dent. To be resp-n,-Ah1 e for medical costs (after biedi.- Yays . S. Other: none I n FESLC..r'nt. 2. To pair the monthly rate acr:�ed u_r_on r_inrl: such char^es as c?ete-�.i:.ec'- by the :'onroa County Home to be necessary for the operation of the hoE-,e. 3. That, uron certificaticn b%' a ph%,sician or th:­_ ?c•ministrator of the Pome, that the Resident is no loncer canaL'le of meetinc the requirements for occupancy in this facility, the Resident, neat of kin, legal representative, or agency acting on the Resident's behalf, will be notified and the Resident will have to make arrancements for immediate transfer to an appropriate facility. In the event a Resident has no person to rec_resent him/her, this facility shall assist Resident in conta_ctinc an appropriate social service ac:ency fer placement. Ppnlicant agrees to vacate the facility within forty-eic_,ht (48) hours after eiscuali fication. 4. To comply with all requirements as set forth in the Application made by the Resident. 5. To comply with all rules and regula- tions established by the County for operation and control of said horse. 6. -,Agrees, if not paying the maximum rate, to pay any increases in in come during the course of residency, up to the maximum rate. To be responsible for all medical costs(after 7. Other, 'Ps ieF^Y all pkysiQiaia_ i4d Medicare) C. FIN,;!.NCI: L AR_D'-2 G-:'.- _.`'S The Resident and/or responsible party agrees to pay to the County $ 665.00 , per month as rent for use of the facilities. Payment will be from the following sources: 1. Personal. funds of Resident $ 2. Resnonsible party will p�,_,• $ 356.00 Social Security $ 309.00 Civil Service VA. Pension Other $ c,s :1,13 c?- r,-r,r? L o exercise such reasonable care to::arr? tote ?esic?ert as his or her known condition may require, howe•;er, this home is in no sense an insurer of his or her SaEet%, or tjelfare and assumes no liability as such. The illanagement of this hope will not he respon- sible for any valua}31'�s or :rorc-,; left in the POssl�'ssion Of this person while he or she is a resident of this ho:�e. F. T� RR'IN;2-^1C.t L If Resident is absent from the home in excess of fourteen (14) continuous days, such absence shall autoraa- tically terminate this Agreement and the Resident small remove all of his or her property or belongings immediately. If Resident fails to re_^ove same, the Resident does hereby authorize the County to remove said property or belongings and deliver same to Responsible Party. F. bIFDICP_L SFRViCFS The parties agree that Monroe County shall not be or assume any responsibility for payment of any medical or hospital services, unless specifically agreed to by the parties or their representatives at the time of the render- ing cf service. G. DUP1 TIC`S OF RGPF_�:T,­;T Either party ray ter:'Linate this agree-ment on five (5) days written notice. Other -•.rise, it will rer,ain in effect until a different agre=.ient is executed. However, this does not mean that a Resident wil b2 forced to rea:ain in the facility against his/her will for any lenc,th of time. C0 -,' - Lditnesses as to P.esidont Witnesses as to Rest onsible Party,7 Signature of Residcn --- Signature of ROSUOnSible Party DA l' F' 9/13/82 APPROVED: 9/10/82 �L.o � Lj Sic nature of Peprc.sent-ative of Monroe County E;ome aka Bay Shore Manor Si:;n tune o F::ecut�ve Director, i•Ienroe Count-Z Social. Ser_,i ces S ature of County Aeministrator THIS IS TO CFP,7'IFY TF'AT THIS APMISSTO"T AGPFFNIFNT AS APP::OVFD BY THE COUNTY HO.'TE A \TD THE COUNTY AD."'I�;ISTPrTOR WAS P- TIFIFD BY TFT MONROr' COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY CO �•1TSSI0�3FRS AT THEIP. MEFTIL;G HELD ON THE t'�;e- DAY OF-- 19 - -Sena e of the Chairm „ rr Q tae -05unty. _�.Qarc of County Commissioners