03/17/1987 AgreementBAY SHORE MANOR A/K/A MONROE COUNTY HOME ADULT CONGREGATE LIVING FACILITY FOR THE ELDERLY - LEVEL II A G R E E M E N T TW agreement enteAed .into thi6 17th day o6 March , 19 87 , by and between the County ob Monnoe, State of Fton i.da, heAei.nabten caned "County", and W iZZiam Ett eu here i.nabteA caP.eed "Re6 ident", and heAeinabter caned "Res pontsibt e Patcty", (dTTNF-qSFT14: WHEREAS, the &aident desiva to use the 6ac Zity o6 the County known ass the Monnoe County Home, a/k/a Bay Shone Manotc and, WHEREAS, the County ha6 Aev.iewed the apptication of the v/s dent jots adm,bs,6ion to the Montwe County Home and has detenm.ined that the te/s.ident is et ig.ibte JoA admission to said home, now, theAe6one, In consideration ob the mutua.2 covenant6, pAom-cza and pnem.uses herein contained, the pantie6 agree a6 jottows : A. BAY SHORE MANOR 1. To 6uAni6h room, board, tinenis, ptre,,enibed medicines and geneAat peuonat carte. 2. To annang e �oA the txan,5 b eA o6 the tmident to the hozpitat o6 the Am ident'z choice when oAdeAed by the attending physician on the health ob the te�sident nequ.vre6 same, and to immedc.ateey noti6 y any nezpon,sibte panty (as designated heAei.n) o6 .such ttrans6a- 3. To make ne6unds on a pets diem b"i6 in, accord with date ob dvschange 6Aom the home. Re6unds cannot be made as .bong aus peAzonat betong.ingz remain in the tezident',s room. Re6unds cannot be made a3 .bong ass theAe cure out6tanding expenditaez Got 6e&v.ices nece%ved by the nes.ident. 4. In the event ob c2ozune o6 the 6ac t ty bon any reason, a pro -rated peA diem ne6und shaet be made in accord with date o6 ctosune. 5. Other: B. THE RESIDENT OR RESPONSIBLE PARTY 1. To pntov.ide 6uch petsonal c2oth,in.g and e66ect6 as needed oA desited by the to ident. 2. To pay the monthly Aate agued upon and such changes as detenm.ined by the Monroe County Home to be necu4any bon, the opeAation o6 the home. 3. That, upon ceAti6.icat.ion by a physician oA the adm.imiztAato,t o6 the home, the Aes,ident is no longeA capable o6 meeting the tequ Aement6 bon occupancy .in th" 6 ac c.P,it y, the tes.ident, next o6 Fun, legal AepAesentative on agenco acting on the Aes.ident',s behal6, w.i.?.Q. have to make aAkangements 6oA the immediate tAan66en to an appAopAiate 6aueity. In the event a Aes.ident has no peas on to AepAes ent h.im/heA, th is 6acc.Uty shaU assist to ident .in contacting an appAopn,iate Social Service Agency 6oA placement. Appticant ag teu to vacate the 6acc.2.ity within bon ty- eight (48) houAz a6ten d us quat i..6icati.on. 4. To comply with aU AequiAements as set 6 onth..in the apptication made by the Aes,ident. 5. To comply with aU nines and Aegulations estabt"hed by the County 6oA ope4 Lion and contAol o6 za,id home. 6. Ag&e", i6 not paying the maximum Rate, to pay .incAea,se .in .income fluxing the counoe o6 tuidency, up to the maximum Rate. 7. OtheA: Aq teez to loan all medical expenses including medicines. C. FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS The tes ident and/oA ALuponzible panty agn.eu to pay to the County $ 1195. 00 , peA month ass Aent 6oA use o6 the 6acc.P,ctiez. PAYMENT WILL BE FROM THE FOLLOWING SOURCES: 1. Petvsonal 6un6 o6 Aesident 2. Ru pomible panty w tt pay 3. Unearned income ob Ae6.ident w,i Qt pay: Social SecuA.ity Civil SeAv.ice Annuity V.A. Penz ion OtheA $ 1195, 00 2 D. STANDARD ADMISSION WAIVER The County, through its emptoyeea, hays agreed to exenc,ise such Aeasonab.le cane toward the Aes.ident as h z on hen known condition may tequiAe. However, this home is .in no zenze an .inzureA o� his arc hen r6a6ety on wet6ane and asrsumes no tiab•i?,ity ass Such. The management ob this home wit not be Ae�sponrs ibte bon any vaQuab• a orL money te6t ,in the po�szas.ion o6 th,v6 peon white he oA she is a Aez ident o6 this home. E. TERMINATION I� rcez ident is ab.5ent bnom the home in excersr6 ob bouAteen (14) continuows days, such absence sha t automaticatty teAminate this agreement and the to ident 6haU Remove a t ob hvs oA heA pAopercty oA be.longings .immed•i•atety. Ib taident 6ai.,6 to remove 6ame, the na.caenz aoel5 nvLeoy autho,t ze the County to remove said property oA belongings and deei.veA same to rLaponz ibte panty. F. MEDICAL SERVICES The parti m agree that Monroe County zha t not be Aezponz.ibte bor on assume any tesponz ibit ty 6or payment o6 any medical on hospital seAvice6 un•1uz z peaib.iea t y agreed to by the panty a or thedtc rep te/s entativ e,6 at the time ob the tendering o6 seAvice. G. DURATION OF AGREEMENT EctheA panty may teAminate this agreement on thi ty (3 0) days wxitten notice. Othe uvis e, it witt remain .in eb 6 ect unt t a dlib 6 eAent agreement is executed. However, this does not mean that a Aesident w,itt be boneed to remain .in the �aciZ ty against his/het w,itt bor any .length o6 time. WITNESSES -AS TO RESIDENT SIGNATURE F RESPONSIBLE P RTy WITNESSES T RESPONSIBLE PARTY - - - - - - - - - - 3 - - - DATE: WaAA �� 19 g7 APPROVED: ` 1 M 1 /11 skg naxune Vunty xepnezentatkve o� Monnoe Home a/k/a Bay Shone Manors Sig natune o Executive DiAecto)L--Monroe County Sociat Services cg u e o County AdministAatoA This is to ce,%tij y that this Admission AgAeement as appnov ed by the County Home and the County AdministAatoA was tatijied by the MonAoe County Boand o6 County Commizzionenz at their meeting head on the .17 day o6 M Ar & . 19S-2. 0 /qz� "014. 005uny aurae o e C atinman Aoe C unty Boand of tC ommizzionetss