11/01/1989BAYSHORE MANOR A/K/A MONROE COUNTY HOME ADULT CONGREGATE LIVING FACILITY FOR THE ELDERLY - LEVEL II A G R E E M E N T This agreement entered into this 1st day of , 1989 , by and between the County of Monroe, State of Florida, hereinafter called "County" and Louise G. W. Heflin , hereinafter called "Resident", and Paul Santana , hereinafter called "Responsible Party." WITNESSETH• WHEREAS, the resident desires to use the facility of the county known as the Monroe County Home, a/k/a Bayshore Manor, and WHEREAS, the County has reviewed the application of the resi- dent for admission to the Monroe County Home and has determined that the resident is eligible for admission to said home, now therefore, In consideration of the mutual covenants, promises and premis- es herein contained, the parties agree as follows: A. BAYSHORE MANOR 1. To furnish room, board, linens, prescribed medicines and general personal care. 2. To arrange for the transfer of the resident to the hospital of the resident's choice when ordered by the attending physician or the health of the resident requires same, and to immediately notify any responsible party (as designated herein) of such transfer. 3. To make refunds on a per diem basis in accord with date of discharge from the home. Refunds cannot be made as long as personal belongings remain in the resident's room. Refunds cannot be made as long as there are outstanding expenditures for services received by the resident. 4. In the event of closure of the facility for any reason, a pro -rated per diem refund shall be made in accord with date of closure within seven (7) days. 5. Residents will be notified in writing thirty (30) days in advance of any basic rate change. 6. Bayshore Manor is not affiliated with any religious organization. 7. Other:After resident's assets are exhausted. County will pay Medicare deductible, 80% of balance after medicare for lst 14 days of hospital care, 80% of balance after medicare for physicians services. To reimburse resident ten ($10.00) dollars per month for personal spending money. B. THE RESIDENT OR RESPONSIBLE PARTY 1. To provide such personal clothing and effects as needed or desired by the resident. 2. To pay the monthly rate agreed upon and such charges as determined by the Monroe County Home to be necessary for the operation of the home. 3. That, upon certification by a physician or the administrator of the home, the resident is no longer capable of meeting the requirements for occupancy in this facility, the resident, next of kin, legal representative or agency acting on the resident's behalf, will have to make arrangements for the immediate transfer to an appropriate facility. In the event a resident has no person to represent him/her, this facility shall assist resident in contracting an appropriate Social Service Agency for place- ment. Applicant agrees to vacate the facility within forty-eight (48) hours after disquali- fication. 4. To comply with all requirements as set forth in the application made by the resident. 5. To comply with all rules and regulations esta- blished by the County for operation and control of said home. 6. Agrees, if not paying the maximum rate, to pay any increase in income during the course of residency, up to the maximum rate. The maximum rate as established October 1, 1985, is $1,195.00 per month. 7. Individual monthly rents not to exceed the maximum rate, will be established by evaluation of the ,applicant's income, asset, resources and need. 8. other: Th pay Guarantee &serve Life Medicare Supplement and Mp-di (-arP = rEMI; ImIS, ded ictihl e and any other medical costs not nnverpA by insuranep including all medications until her assets are depleted. C. FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS The resident and/or responsible party agrees to pay County $ 1,195_nn per month as rent for use of the facilities. PAYMENT WILL BE FROM THE FOLLOWING SOURCES: 1. Personal funds of resident $ 1,195.00 2. Responsible party will pay $ 3. Unearned income of resident will pay: Social Security $ Civil Service Annuity $ V.A. Pension $ Other $ 2 D. STANDARD ADMTSSION WAIVER The County, thAough .its emptoygea, has agneed to exenc.iae ouch Aeaaonabte cane toward the %e4 ident as h.ia on hen known condi- tion may AequiAe. Howev eA; thia home .ia .in no a ens a an .inauneA oS h.ie on hen aaJ ety.. on wetlaAe and aaaumea no t.iab.it.ity as such. The management os th.ia home w.itt not be Aeaponzibte 6oA any vatuabtes on money test in .the poaaeaa.ion of th.ia peAaon white he oa she .is a Aes.ident of th.ta home. E. TERMINATION Ib Aea.ident .ia absent Jnom the home .in excess o6 jounteen (141 continuous days, such absence ahatt automaticatty teAm.inate this agAeement and the %eA ident s hatt Aemov a att o6 h.is ox hen pAapeAty on betong.inga .immed.iatety. Ij Aea.ident Sa.ita to Aemove same, the to ident does heaeby. authoiLize the County to Remove said pAopeAty oA betong.inga and det.iveA same to t apon.6ibte panty. F. MEDICAL SERVICES The patties agAee that MonAoe County. ahatt not be )tes- pona.ibte jot oA assume any. neapona.ib.i.t.i,ty 6oA payment o6 any med.icat oA hoap.itat 6etv.icea untess apec.ijicatty agneed to by the paAt.iea oA thei,% Aepneaentat:ivea at the time o6 the AendeA.ing 04 a eAv.ice. G. DURATION OF AGREEMENT E.ith ea panty may teAm.inate th.ia aga a em ent on th.iaty (3 0 ) days wt itten notice. Oth eAw.ca e, .it .w.itt Aema.in .in es b ect unt.it a d.ijjenent agreement .ia executed. HoweveA, this does not mean that a Ae.6 ident w.it.t be joAced to Aema.in .in the bac.it.ity. against h.ia/hen w.itt $oA any. Length o6 time. Th.ia agreement may be amended by, written and executed appAovat of such amendment by bath pant.iea oA thei,% Aepneaentativea at the time of the amendment. i 3 DATE: 11-1-89 APPROVED: 11-1-89 cg Sna tcu k e 6 Repnes )eene os Monnoe County Home a/►x/a Bay Shone anon S.cgna.tune o6 Executive D.inectorc--Monnoe County Sociat SeAv.ice.b s.cg-n� a- - o a county A dm.in.is tnato n Th.id .ia to ce,%t i5 y that th.id Adm.izz ion Agn.eement as approved by the County Home and the County Adm.in.izt&aton. wad nat.iS ied by the Monnoe County Boa,%d ob .County Comm.ibe.ionenb at .the.it meeting head on the 13th day o6 December 1989 Signature o6 the C ai-nman Monnoe County Board o6 County Comm.iba.ionen.d (SEAL) ATTEST: Danny L. Kolhage, Clerk By : • AJ�M epu lerk • A,IVL) E ,. s I'0fti, UFF NCY. 4 MONROE COUNTY HOME JUNIOR COLLEGE ROAr KEy (VEST, FLORIDA ADMISSION CFITEPIA. AND POLICIES The Monroe Cou►Lty Home, A&P-t Co►tgnegnate Living Faciouty 6or the Eedekty, Levee 11, heAeina6ten re6eAAed to as .the Faci.ei.ty, is ticcn6ed .thAough the State o6 Ftohi.da Department o6 Hea2th and Reh.ab.ieitati.ve Sehv.iees, herein- a6.ter ne6eA.ed to as HRS, and opeAo-ted by .the Board o6 County Commusb.ioneu o6 Monroe County, Ftokida. The FaciUty is governed .in accordance with .the requ.ineme ntb o6 Chapter 400, Pant 11, Ftoni.da Statues and .the Putez and Regu- .eati,one as adopted by the Board o6 Mo►vtoe County Commits ionm hereina6.ten re6enned to as County, contained herein. Resident o6 Monroe County, FZori.da, s.cxty (60) yeand o6 age or of -den, ambutatoty, .in teaaonabte heaeth, .in need o6 a home and having no 6amity able to meet theiA nee&, able to cane bon themseeveis to a centain degree and not in need o6 nux6ting cane, convatescant cane, temporary of emergency sheeten ahaU be eei.g.ibte bon admission to the 6accLUy .in accordance with the terms and conditions contained heAein. Appticat.ion6 are accepted on a non-d.iacnim.inatony b" i.a .inceuding but not t m.cted to sex, cotor., race on eneed. The 6acit'ity 6haee. provide a homeeike atmozphere (room and board), pexsonae senv.iceis and a eompnehen6.ive program to meet day to day needs o6 .the ambueatony aged on an .indiv.iduae bah.us - conducive to group tiv.ing. PuLsonae Serviced means zeAviees, .in addition to housing and Good service which .inceude but are not t mited to: pwona.e ass sZs.ta►iee with bathing, dnms.ing, ambutati,on, housekeeping, supervision, emo-ii.ona.e .aecuxuy, and any other reeated .senv.ieeb which the 6ac t ty may de6ine. Personae senv.ice does not .inceude med.icae zenv.ice6. ELIGIBILITY AND ADMISSION POLICIES The admission o6 each tes.idett to this 6aciUty Ahaee be under the Supen- vis.i.on o6 the Adm.i►Lis;tAator o6 .the Faei . ty within .the eon6.inez 06 .the 6ottow ng g en era e pot i.c%es : (1) A res-i.deLt/app.ei.cant must: (a) Not have a communi.cab e e ds ea s e in a trans - 6enabee stage. (b) Have a chest x-nay or shin tes-t (TB) within ninety (90) days prior .to ac&ni66.ion to .the 6acU Lty. (c) Be a ne.siden.t o6 Monhoe County, Feonida 6o.,c at ecast one (1) years and 6umish veni6.icat.ion o6 same. (d) Rvot,ish pAoo6 o6 need bon .the JacUity and .that .there is no 6amit y abte .to meet theiA needs bon adequate cane. (e) Fw'tn.ush wni.tten med.ieae examination 6nom a tiee►vsed physician (6oAm wilt be 6u&nushed) which shae_2 eeAti6y .that .theiA med.icae condition is such .that .they wiU meet .the ne- gwiAements o6 .the 6aeility and .that seAv.ices beyond .that cute peAmitted in .the 6ac t ty cute not negu.iAed. (6) Be ambueato�ty -.that is the condition o6 being phys.icae-ey and emotionaeey able to an,i s e 6nom a honitizontat on sit-ting position, and .in an emeAgeney to exit .the buieding to a point oS sa6ety. This would inctude those .indiv.iduaes who may be able .to ambutate with the assistance o6 pnosthetie devices such as nutehes, wa keAs on wheee chain. (g) Be sixty (60) yeau o6 age on otden and 6mn.ush age vexi6.i- eation by eitheA ptopen..identi.6.ieation, documents, on by .in6oAmation 6nom otheA public agencies such as .the Soei.ae Security Adm.inust atc:.on. (h) Funn.ush puo6 o6 hospitaei.zati.on and me.dicae .i.nzuhcuiee which is equae to on b etteA .than eov eAag e o 6 6 eAed by AledicaAe. (.i) Execute a wA tten eontnaet with .this 6ac,L ty at the -tune o6 adm.vs.ion, oh. pniolt .theAeto, between .the 6aciZ ty and -the nes.ident ot his de,6 ignee on .eega.e nepnmentative. A copy o6 eont act to be executed is attached hereto and made a pant theneo6. (2) THE AMINISTRATOR SHALL: (a) Maintain a written keeond in ,the kesident's pe&6onat Site o6 aU 6.inanc i.ae alAtang ements with .the kez iden t, his next o6 kin, ox sponsor, with copies executed by and 6uAni6hed to each patty. This shape .inceude de.ta,iieed neco4cL6 o6 any 6unds on ponopehty /teed Son the Aes.iden:t 607. za6e keeping .in aeeondance with Chap.teA 400 F.S. Past II. (1) The 6ac, ,Uty my hoed peAsonat 6unds Son .the hes.ident not to exceed $100.00. (2) The SaciUty shaU not accept any otheA 6unds o-2 -3- pAopeAty except C16 set 60.Ath .in 1 above. (b) assess no additionae ehaAg eis , exp ens es oA o theA 6.inanciat e.iab.iti ti,e6 .in excess o6 the pn.ovis.i.o►vs inceuded in .the admission contAaet. (c) DeteAmine and .ineeude as a minimum, .the 6ottowing pnoviz ions and seAv.iees .in the basic admission contact with each nes.ident, next o6 kin arc sponsors: (1) The daieu, weekly, oA month.ey Aate, and Ae6und pAov.us.ion 6 on unused poA,tions theAeo 6 . (2) A ti,6ting o6 senv.iees to be pAov.ided. (3) Soei.att components appAoptiate to the needs 06 the Aes.ident6 . (d) App.ty the 6ottowing Aesttietionz to admission and Aetent.idn o6 .,Les.idents : 1. A Aes.id ent who man.i6 ests such degAee o6 b ehay.ioA that he is a dangeA to h,imset6 oA othe 6, on whose behay.i.oA is so unaeeeptab.te oR d.ustmb.ing as to .in ten6 eAe with the adequate caA.e oA com6oAt o6 otheA Aes.idents .in the 6ac Zity sha.Pt not be admitted oA Aetai.ned, and shaU be Removed 6Aom the 6aciZUy. 2. No tes.ident shae.t possess oA consume a choti.c bevehages on any eontAot ted substance .in .the 6ac City without his phys.ici.an's orcdeA. 3. No resident chat t be heed in the 6ae,c Uty again6t his wiU, uneess undeA Count OAdeA. 4. No Aes.ident shat,t be admitted to oA Retained .in a` 6acc,t i ty who requites s eAv.ices beyond_ those the 6aci,?.i.ty a Zicens ed to pAov.ide. This 6ac i,P.ity may not pAov.ide rtuns.ing eaAe un- .less 6oA a tempvtoAy illness, not to exceed seven (7) days. 5. A kesidejLt absent 6Aom this 6aeie.ity in excess o6 6ouAteen (14) days, due to hospitalization oA abcuidoiimeLt shae.t be teAminated as a nes.ident in this Edo-Z.Uty. Such tes.idett may Ae-app.ey 6oR ac6n.css.ion 6ottowing .the same prcoeedu.Ae as that o6 a ►tew applicant. (3) The monthey Aate 6oA apptieant:s/Aersidents sliaet be adjusted to .the abiLLty o6 .the appe icaLt/Aes-ident to pay. App.P i,cants /Aes.idercts with -4- .incomes eels than the maximum mac/ be ae.eocued to pay that amount as .thei,'t rnonth.ey hate, .th.tswoutd ,i.nceude. aria .ineneases .in theiA income duAi.ng the eouAse o6 .theuc tes.idellcy, up .to the max.cmum hate. (a) The morvth.ey basic state shaU be es,tabt shed at the beginning o6 the 6.cs eat yeah and .s haee pnevait through out .the yeah. (b) Month-ey rates shaU be tev.iewed and admended by the Soartd o6 Mon toe County Comm.css.iones. (e) When App,eieant/Res.ident rteeeives .income and has assets t s ,than the maximum monthty mate, suppte- menta.e support w.cee, be accepted 6Aom theiA 6amity, others ass.ustanee agencies ors rteptesentati,ves. (d) 16 thute .us no suppt.ementat supporct avaieab.ee, each appti.cant/rtes.ident wilt .then be corvs.idened on an .i,n.- d iv.iduat basis . (e) Aee te6ident6 except .those paying the maximum rate on .chose who do have o.then assets ort nesounees, w,iU be rteimbures ed .ten (10.00) do.eeares pert month by the County 6ort theiA pemonae use. (4) Upon eeAti6.ication by .the Administrtatorc. o6 the 6acieity with the eoneuAAanee o6 the Pxeeuti.ve Diteetort o6 .the Montoe County Deparet- ment o6 Soeiae SeAvices, that aee urLtuua and tequi)Lemerits set 6oruth hertein have been eompZi.ed caLth and/on met, .the applicant shaU be admitted to .the 6aei i ty. Subject to adequate 6ae,i.e-i ti a being avaieabte and execution o6 the admission agreement by .the rtes.ident and the County. OPFR-.TIONAL STANDARDS The 6acZUty shaee o66eA eeose supehv.is.ion and -ei.v.ing conditi.orvs as -is necasahy .to the condition o6 .the tes.ident. This inceudes supeAvoton 06 diets as to quae.%ty and quantity, Wateh6utness oveA the gerre>tae health, satiety and Weee being o6 .ae,6ident,6. Thule shah be a.daiey tavateness o6 the nesiden,ts by designated s.ta66 o6 .the 6aeieity as to the appanen.t weU being 06 the . in'c.iv.idua.es with su66.icient pnov.is.ion bon contact.i.rrg .the tesident's - 5- phys•iei.an, iS .the Aes.ident has not aZAeady done so, at any .lime there appears to be s•cgni6.ieant deviation 6Aom h.ts noAmae appeaAanee on state o6 heaeth and wet being. AppnopA,iate notice o6 such instances shaft be tecoaded in .the peAsonae tecoAcs o6 the .indiv.iduae. wAitte.n agneementis between .the 6aciofity and each o6 its nes.idents sha t pnov.ide that, upon centi6.icat.ion by a physician that .the Aes.ident vs no tongeA capaebte o6 meeting -the %equiAements bon. occupancy .in thus 6ac t ty, the to ident, next o6 kin, t egat AepAes entat iv e, on agency acting on the ,ta ident's behaeS, witZ be noti.6.ied that .the %e6 ident w tt have to make anAang ements bon immediate tAaj,L6 6 eh to an appnopniate cane s ett.ing . In the event a us.ident has no peuon to AepAesent him, tW SacUi,ty sha t be Aespons.ibte bon uSeAAae to an appnopn.iate sociat senv.ice agency bon ptaeement. The admission o6 a Aes.ident to this 6acitity and hiz pnez ence thenei.n shat2 not eon6eA on the 6aci e ity, .c t6 adm.inistnaton, emptoyee�s on teptes entat:ivez any authoAity to manage, use oA dispose o6 any pnopeAty o6 the Am ident; noA shah such adrnZss.ion on pnesenee eon6eA on any o6 such peuons any authox ty oA Ae�spons.ibit ty bon the pmonat a66aixs o6 the te6 idea, except what may be neee/ssaAy 6oA the sa6e and ondeney management o6 ,the 6acit ty oA 6oA the satiety o6 the Aes.ident. This 6ac Uty, adrn in,i stAaton, empt o yee oA Aepnes entativ e theAeo S, may not act as the eouAt appointed guaAdian, tAustee, oA cons eAvaton 6oA any nes.cdent o6 the 6acce,ity on any o6 such Aezideit's pAopeAty. This 6aci.eity shaft be oAgan.ized on a pno6eiss.ionaZ basis corvs.i�stejzt with good buzinehs practices. This 6acie i ty shae2 be tespows.ibte 60A pnov.iding s env.ices 6oA Aes.idents as Aequ.ined eon.sistent with the evvet o6 seAv.ices o66ered. Thus 6aei,eity shaft empeoy or otheAluuse a=uige 6m the Sehv.ice o6 such pensonne2 as aAe Aequ%Aed to pnopeAey sta66 .the Sacitit ty. AMINISTRATIVE STWARVS This 6aciei,ty shaft be undeJc .the contAot o6 an adm-inistAatoA. (1) The 6acieity or .its duty dez ignated kepAesentative shae.e ma,bitain the Soeeowijig wA-i tten Aeco.4ds and any o.the.-L .'cecoAd AeouiAed by .the Cottatlf on HPZS .bt a peace, SoAm andsystem -u- oAduzat,iCy empeoyed in good business p=cti.ccs. (a) An acb izs.ion and dischange-tegis.ten U6,ting ►zameis o6 Ae/s.idents and date aLin.itted, .idemti6y.ing .in6o, matc:on about each, .the peace sham which .the Aes.ideat wah admitted; .the date and Reason bon dfs chaAg e, adequate .identi6.icattion o6 .the 6 aci.P i,ty .to which the tes.ident is dus chaAg ed on -tAans 6 mted. (b) A personae bite 6oA each te6 ident consi6ting o6 appropriate data, .including .identi.6.ieation o6 next o6 kin, and ace data Aequi ted 6or..the Fton.ida Cehti6.ieate o6 Death. Det" o6 .the ne6eA ae, adm.uss.ion, pertinent non-medieat and medical .in- 6oAmation eoneenning the Aeb.ident shaU be main- tained with .the g en enal sis eae . Aeco nd o6 each, .including copies o6 att agreements on contAacts , account Aeco,%& and a wftent .inventoAy o6 peuonat puperty heed 6or .6a6 e- keep.ing . (e) A 6acitity accident/.incident necmd 4ite, containing a cleaA de,6c ipti.on o6 each ace.ident/.incident and any otheA incident .invotv.ing hazaAdou6 on de6.i.ant behay.ion o6 a te6 ident on z ta66 member with names o6 .in div,iduats -inv otv ed, dew e.t,ipt io n o6 m ed icat o A other zenv.ica pnov.ided and .the steps taken .is any to pAev ent Aeeu4Aanee. (d) Pe&sonnee neeond o6 each 6ta66 membeA. Thus tecmd Wife be kept updated and contain on.ig.inat emptoyment apptica Lion with %e6 eAe ice6 6tutn.i s hed. (e) A record o6 peAsonnet poZiciez, .inc uduig s-tatements o6 poZiei.eb and work a,6,6ignments bon each position. (6) A Aecond o6 monthZy 6iAe dt i-Us , indicating .the date, hotut and genmae description o6 each dAitt, .the extent o6 the s.ta66 invo.eved and .the name o6 pvuson in charge. (g) F.inanc%ae Aeeords which .ide►ti6y ace income o6 .the 6ac,Ui,ty by sou4ce and describing a.ee expendi,tuta by category .in such a manneA as .to be auditabte by basic accounting ptocedu qe,6. -7- FINANCIAL STANDARDS The acjlnin s-t.ta on o6 this 6ar-Ui,ty shaet maintain 6Zseat %ecoAds in aecondance with .the nequiAemejLts o6 Chapters 400, F.S. Pant II. There .shaU be a heeogniz ed b us.tem o6 accounting used to aceuhate.ey %e6t eet detaii.s o6 the buzinezz. The 6acZ ty 6haee.: (1) Be admi.► io6 teted on a sound 6.cnanc,iae basis cons-ustent with good businesz pnacti.ees . (2) Spee i.6y .its Ae6und pot i.e.%a as pant o6 ,the aehmission contAa.c t. (3) Spee i.6y that no admi.n.istnaton, conzwetant, stab S membeA on nepnesentatcve shaU: (a) Pay any eommi,6sion, bonus, rebate oh gnatu,ity to any oAgan zati.on, agency, physician, .6ta66 on otheA peA6on bon ne6m4 e o6 any resident .to the 6ac t ty. (b) Request on accept any henumeAati,on., rebate, gi6.t bene6.ct on advantage o6 any 6otm 6hom any vendors on other 6uppt i.et because 06 the puAeha6 e, tentae. on Loan o6 equipment, Suppe.i u on 6 eAvices bon the 6acit ty on resident not consistent with no kmae business p wact i.ce. PERSONNEL STANDARDS The adm.i,nistAaton o6 this 6acitUtj shah operate .the 6acit ty in aeeondance with the exi6tinAtonoe County PeA6onnee Potic i m and Plcoceduhe�s .t DIETAPV STANDARDS This 6ac i eity shaU have wA tten pot i.ci.ez and pnoeedunes Soh phov.iding pnopeA nutkit i.onae cane o6 its nn.i.dents . (1) The Soteocoing hequ. Aements shaee be met: (A) The adminis.ttaton on a petson de/s.ignated by .the adminus-tAato.t shaU be te�spons.ibte Sm the .to.tae di.e-tany s eAvice a;id the day .to day supeAv.i lion o6 die,tav seAvice. The designated person shaU be nesporvsibte 6oneoondinat.i;ig di.etaAy seAvices with o-then s eAv.ices; deveeop.ijjg (conk assipmejit�s . a IN The pmso►► de,s.igiiated by jem6iZst.iato-t shaU pe,16onm h.Ls/l►e-t 'ditics i►i a .sage and sa►u.tatcl ►nannen. (B) Thetapeutie diet6 as pnescnibed by the physician .shaft be .in .the nes.ident'.s te.eond a►id served as ondeAed. (C) Pegueat diets ShaU meet iiutntLt.iorta,e needs 06 n.es.cde►Ltz .in aecondance ►cith .the cmAent recommended rZetww Ateowanee 06 .the Food and NutvLtion Board, Nationae Re/seaneh Councit, adjusted bon age, sex, and activity. Thenapewtie diets shaft meet -these nu Ut i ti.onaZ s.tanda tds to .the extent .that .cis med ieate.y poss ibQe. (D) The dietary aee.owanee shag° be met by ,the wses o6 .6tandanized tectpes o66vbig a vah,i.ety 06 6006 adapted to the Good habits, pne6enence6 and phys.icat abiLi ties o6 the te.6 idents . (F) An up to date manuae app.-Loved by NRS shall be used as the standard te6 enence .in ptann.ing tegu oA and thetapeutie diets. (F) Dated menus shae.e be pta► ned at teast one week .in advance bon teguean and .then.apeuti.c diets; and conueec ted as served and kept on 6.c.ee bon. -six months. Supp.Pi.e6 o6 non-peAushab.ee Good to meet nutt,itionae needs o6 tes.idents bon one (1) week pe iod shae.e be on hand. (G) Food shale be served attnacti..veQ,y at sa6e cuid paeatabte tempeAatuAe,s . AU nes.idents s ha t be en- eounag ed to eat at tabtes .in dining areas. A s uppty 06 app.t.op t iate eating wate shake be on hand .to s ery e ale tes.idents . (N) Ate mattuo pentta,i►u.►►g .to Good sewicc shaet compey with the puv.is.i.ons o6 Chapter 10-13, Feo Lida Scuiitaty Code. -9- RIGHT TO HEARING Any appti.can.t who is di6satZA6.ied tvith the deci,s.ion %endeAed by .the Depatttment o6 kfonAoe County Soci.at Se vices, has .the Aigh.t to Aeques.t a aev.cetu o6 -thect case by the Soccat Sehv.cces Executive DiAecto,%. TW nev.iew shall be done within 6.ive (5) wot ii.ng days a6.ten.the teque�s.t is heceived 6nom .the appti.cant. 16 .the DiAectotc's %ev.iew doers not nesotve the appti,can.t's comptautit, .the appY-i.cant -then has .the n,igh.t .to %eques.t a Fat Hea i.ng . FAIR HEARING PROCEDURE Within ten (l 0) wo,%king days a6.ten a comptaul t is tece ived 6nom an appi-i-cant, a hearing w.i.0 be he.Zd .in .the 066.ice 06 the County Admire atAaton. The purpose o6 the hearing to t U be .to avow .the appt i,cant a 6a w o ppon tuni t y .to voice his/hen comptai.nt be6otce a heatting committee. Th.iscommc,ttee wiu cons.cs.t 06 the County Admi►�id�tco otc, .the C2en.h_ o6 the RoaAd 06 Montcoe County Comm zz ione&6 and one (1) County Commiss.ioneA. The 6.inat deci lion shaP.e be made by the hearing committee with i.n ten (10) days and a copy 06 same s hau be 6Utcn i s hed..to .the appt i.ean t by United States Maie on peu onat de.e i.v e ty. As o6 this date, I have head the Admission CAiten.ia and Potie.ies : .cgna.tuae o esti n Wt es Date Date 4XYMs s Date