TW agtLeement entered .into thi's 4th day o6 November
19 a&, by and between the County o{ MowLoe, State off(
FtoA.ida, heAeinabteA catted "County", and Kenneth E. Murphry
henci.na�teA ca2eed "Rn ident", and Joseph G Murphry
heAei.nabtetc called "Respons.ibte Panty",
WHEREAS, the ALu ident desiu e/s to use the 6aciZ ty of the County
known as the Mo"oe County Home, a/k/a Bay Shone Manors and,
WHEREAS, the County has ,Lev.iewed the apptication o6 the Aesident boA -
admisz ion to the Monroe County Home and has determined that the to ident is
eUg.ibte boA admizz ion to said home, now, theAe6oAe,
In cons.ideAation ob the mutual covenant, pAomizes and pAemi6eA
heAei.n contained, the palfti.e6 agree as 6oUowz:
1. To jutni6h Aoom, boaAd, tinenz, pteschibed medicines
and geneAat pensonaZ cage.
2. To a"a.nge 6oA the tAanis6eA o6 the resident to the
hospitae ob the tes.ident's choice when ondeAed by the
attending physician oA the health o6 the Aesident
AequiAez same, and to immedcateey notiby any
Aespons.ibte panty (as designated heAein) ob such tAanz�m
3. To maize Ae6uncts on a peA diem bass .in accottd with date
ob discharge 6Aom the home. Re6unds cannot be made as
.bong as petusonat betongings Aemain in the tes.ident's
Aoom. Re6unds cannot be made as .tong as theAe arse
outstanding expendi tuAes 6m services Received by the
4. In the event ob c2.ozure ob the 6acc," 6oA any Reason, -
a pu-hated peA diem Ae6und sha t be made in accord
with date ob closure. within seven [7) days.
5. OtheA: Residents . w.itt be not.ij ied in wt it.ing
30 days .in advance ob any basic &ate change.
1. To pAovide such pet6onae clothing and e66ect,6 as
needed on des.uced by the )taident.
2. To pay the monthty Aate agALeed upon and .6uch
chaAges aus deteAmined by the Monnoe County Home
to be necazaty 6oA the opeA.ation o6 the home.
3. That, upon ceAt 6icati.bn by a physician oA the
admin.i6t=toA ob the home, the ALaident is no
ZongeA capable ob meeting the tequiAement6 6oA
occupancy in this 6acit ty, the Aaident, next ob
kin, tegat AepAez entativ e oA agency acting on the
Ae,sident',s behat6, wi 2 have to make aA angementz
boA the immediate tAam4eA to an apptopAiate /6aciZity.
In the event a Aesident has no peA6 on to AepALu ent
him/heA, the 6acit ty .shaU oussist resident in
contacting an apptopAiate Soci.at SeAvice Agency �oA
placement. Appticant agAees to vacate the {ac,%t ty
w.ith.i.n. 6oAty-eight (48) houu a6teA d"quati6icati.on.
4. To comply with att Aequikement6 a6 set 6oAth in the
appti.cation made by the kesident.
5. To comply with. att Autes and tegutati.onz estabtizhed
by the County 6m opeAati.on and contAoZ o6 zai.d home.
G. Agteez, i6 not paying the maximum A.ate, to pay
inneause in income during the couue o6 te�sidency,
up to the maximum Aloe..
7. OtheA.:(A) Pay for all medications, (B) Pay
physicians' bills not covered by insurance
(c) Pay for all hospital bills not covered
by insurance.
The ALmident and/oA ALaponsibte panty agAee6 to pay to the
County $ 1,195. 00 , peA month ass tent 6oA use o4 the 4aci1it%ez.
1. Petsonae �uncts o6 Aesident $ 1,195.00
2. Raponzibte panty w.i t pay
3. UneaAned .income o6 Auident
wilt pay:
Soc,i.at SecuA,ity
C%vit SeAvice Annuity
V.A. Pension $
The County, through its emptoye.es, has agreed to exercise .such
teasonab.te cane toward the Aes.ident ass W on hen known condition may tequ tce.
However, this home i6 in no .sense an .insurer ob his on hen sa6ety oA wet6are
and assumes no
t iabit ty
this home we t not be tuponsib& 6m any
vaZaabta or money .te6t in the possession o6 thi.6 pe&6on while he on she i.6
a Ae.6 ident ob this home.
16 ALu ident is absent 6Lom the home .in excess o6 6ounteen (14)
continuous days, such absence shah automatically tehminate this agreement
and the to ident shah Remove att ob h,is or het pAopenty oA be.long-ings
.immedi.ateiy. I� Aeside.nt jai s to remove same, the resident does hereby
authoA ze the County to Aemove said pAopeAty oA betong.ings and detivetc same
to respons.ibte panty.
The paAties agree that Monroe County shall not be te6pons.ibte 6o.t
or assume any tespons,ibitity �oA payment oA any medical oA hospital setvices
unless s pec i 6 ica ty agreed to by the patties of their Aeptes entativ es at the
time ob the rendeAing o6 service.
E,ithet patrty may tenm.inate this agreement on thirty (30) days
written notice. Othewiz e, it witt tema.in .in e4 4 ect until a di4 b eAent
agreement .is executed. HoweveA, thin does not mean that a tesident w.itt be
botced to tema.in .in the tacit ty against his/het w.itt bot any .length o6 time.
S.cgna une o{y epeesentative
o6 Monroe Co my Nome a/k/a
Bay Shone ManoA
Stig k"atuA e o A Executive
DtinectoA--Monroe County
Sociat SeAvice�s
This i4 to cvLti6 y that this Admi.6.6 .on Agreement as approved by
the County Nome and the County Adminizttato,% ways Aati6ied by .the
Monroe County BoaAd o6 County Commiz4ioneu at their meeting
hekd on the apL-c4-' day ob 4/0 ae-.h, E3e2 , 19 Fj8"-
Stig natuY e o f VtkfeMh a i A m a n
Monroe County BoaAd o6
County Commi6zionms
The Monroe County Home, A.dutt CongAegAate Living Faci�y 6oA the ENeA y,
Levet 11, heAeina�tvL Ae6enned to as the Faculty, a Y-icew.sed through the
State o f Ftotc i.da Depatc tment 06 Heat th and Rehab.i f-itax%v e S ettvica , heAe.in-
abteA Ae6eAAed to aus HTLS, and openaied by the Board o6 County Comm.uss ionetvs
o6 Monue County, Ftott.i.da. The Facility is govehned in accotcdance with the
Aequ.iAemewts o6 ChapteA 400, Para 11, FZoAida Statue6 and the RuZez and Regu-
Zatiovus a6 adopted by the Boated oU Mownoe County Comma�s.ionetcs hete,ina6ten
Ae�med to a/s County, contained heAein.
Ra ident o6 Monue County, FY-ott,ida, 6ixty (60) yeau o4 age oA otdeA, ambukatotty,
.in teazonabZe health, .in need o6 a home and having no 6amiky able to meet theitt
need6, ab.-e to cane �otc thewee.ves to a cetctain degttee and not .in need o6 nuui.ng
cane, convatetscant cane, tempoAa&y of emergency shePteA shaU be etig,ibze bwL
adma s.ion to the 6aci.2 icy in accotcdance with the tems and conditions contained
Appti.cat,ion,s aLe accepted on a non-di6n m.inatoAy basin .incP.uding but not
Z m.ited to sex, cototc, ttace oA creed. The 6aciY.ity shatt puv.ide a home i e
atmo6pheAe (roam and boaAd), peAsonat zetv.icu and a compttehenh.ive pugAam to
meet day to day needs o6 the ambu.Latotty aged on an .indiv.iduae basis - conducive
to gtwup t v.ing. PeA6onat Say.ices means seAv.icers, in addition to hou/s,ing and
Good z ettv.ice which ,inceude but ate not tim.i ted to: peAzonat a6,s.i stance with
bathing, dttetss ing, ambutat.ion, housekeeping, supeAvis.ion, emotionat security,
and any otheA tetated seAv.ices which the 6acitity may deb ine. Pyusona2 seAv.ice
doers not ,include medicat seAvice,6.
The adm"/s.ion o6 each tets,ident to tW 6aci,P-i-ty .6ha.0 be undeA the supeh-
vis.i.on o6 the Adm,in"tkatoA 06 the Facie i ty within the con6 ine/s ob the 6o.P wing
g eneAat pot iciels :
(l) A A" ident/appticant must:
(a) Not have a communicable di6ea�se in a Vwjis-
6 eAabt e stage.
(b) Have a chest x-nay oA Ain test (TB) within
ninety (90) days ptGioA to adm.usts.ion to the
6 aci P ity.
(e) Be a Ae./sident o6 MonAoe County, Ftotida 6ot at teas,t
one (1) yeoA and 6mn.ishvetti6icat%on o6 dame.
(d) FuAn i�sh pAoo6 o6 need 6m the 6acit ty and that the/,Le is
no 6am,ity able to meet their needs 6oA adequate eaAe.
(e) Futuish wtritten medicae examination 6tr m a ti.censed
physic i,an (6otrm w.i U be but ni6 hed) which shaU ceAti6 y that
the�iA medicae condition is such that they wiU meet the Ae-
quiAementz o4 the 6ae i 2 i ty and that s e/tvice/s beyond that
aAe petrm.i tted in the 6auZity aAe not tequAed.
(6) Be ambutatmy - that .vs the condition o� bung physica ty
and emoti.onatt y abte to atr is e 6Aom a hotitizontat oA sitting
posit on, and in an emeAg eney to exit the building to a point
o6 sa6ety. This wood inctude those individuaed who may be
able to ambutate with the assistance o6 ptostheti.e device's
,such as etuu,tches, wa keu otr. wheee cha Az.
(g) Be /sixty (60) yeah o� age oA oZdeA and �uAnish age veAi6 -
cation by eitheA pAopeA identi6icati,on, documents, oA by
,;n4oAmati.on 6Aom other, pubti.e agencin such as the Soc%ae
Secw ity Admini stAati.on.
(h) FuAnish ptcoo� o6 hospitaeization and me.di.cat insmanee
which is equae to oA b ettec than cov eca_g e o 6 6 er.ed by MedicaAe.
(�) Execute a wAi tten eontAaci with th iz 6ac i.e ity at the time ob
admi6sion, oA ptr i,m thereto, between the 6aciW-y and the
tLe,sidennt oA his designee oA tegae LepALmentative. A copy
o4 contract to be executed is attached heAeto and made a
paAt ther.eo{.
(a) Maintain a wA tten Aeeotr.d in the Aes.Ldent'/s per�sonat
bite o� aU 6.Lnaneiae aAAangement/s with the Resident, his
next o6 fun, oA sponsoA, with copies executed by and 6unni6hed
to each palmy. This shaU inc2ude detailed AecoAcGs o6 any
6unds oA poAoperty heed 6oA the resident 6oA 6a6e keeping in
accoAdance with Chapter 400 F.S. Patrt II.
(1) The 6acit-ity my hotd petusonae 6unds 6oA the Resident
not to exceed $100.00.
(2) The 6aci Uty shaU not accept any o,thec 6unds oA
ptcopetcty except as aet 6otcth in 1 above.
(b) Aas n s no additionat chaAg a , expenses on otheA
6inanciat Ziabiiti,e/s in excess ob the puv.cs.i.ons
inceuded_ in the admission conftact.
(c) DeteAmine and inceu.de as a minimum, the 6oUowing
ptcov.usions and s eAvices in the ba6ic admi6.6ion contAact
with each tesideni, next ob kin oA sponAotc:
(1) The daif y, weekly, otc montGP-y Rate, and tce6und
p,tovi(sion 6m unwed potrti.ons theAeo6.
(2) A L st.ing o f s eAvtca to be puvided.
(3) Sodat components apptopAiate to the needs o6 the
Ae,sidents .
(d) Appty the 6ottowing Aesttic ti.ons to adm.iA/lion and
Aetent jn o6 nestdents
1. A to dent who mani6e6ts such degAee o6 behavioA that
he is a dangeA to himset4 oA others, on whose behavior
.is so unaeeeptabte oA d istuAbing a3 to in ieA6 eAe with
the adequate cage oA com�oAt o6 otheA Aesidents in the
�aciZity shaU not be admitted oA Retained, and shaU
be Removed bAom the Sacit ty.
2. No Resident shaU possas oA consume a.-choZi.c beveAaga
oA any eontRoteed substance in the 6acit ty without his
phy/sici.a.n',s oAdm
3. No kesident shaU be held in the 4acitity again1st Gus
w,i.UP un-e/s/s under Couht OAdeA.
4. No Aesident AaU be admitted to oA Retained in a 4acizity
who tequitefs zeAvices beyond those the 6acctity a t cemed
to pAovide. This 6ac Uty may not pRovtde nursing cage un-
Zes,s UoA a tempoRaRy dines, not to exceed 6 even (7) days.
5. A te.esident absent 6/Rom this 6aciZity in excess o6 6outcteen
(14) days, due to ho/spitat zati.on oA abandonment shaU be
teAmtnated as a Resident to this 6ac t ty. Such Resident
may Ae-appty 6oR adrni6/s .on 6ottowing the same pAoeeduAe as
that o6 a new appti.eant.
(3) The month.-y Rate AoA appZi.eants/Residents shaU. be adjusted to the
abitity o6 the appZicant/Aesi.dent to pay. AppUcants/Aesi.dents with
ineome,5 Zns than the. maximum may be o-flowed to pay ,that
amount ass theist monthec+ state, tWwouZd .inceude any .inetteases
in thevt income. duA ing the eouAz e o{ the A ttn.ideney, up to the
maximum hate.
(a) The monthe.y basic state shaee be estabeislie.d at the
beginning ob the �iseat yeah and shall pttevaie
thttough out the yeast.
(b) Monthty tLates 5 haU be keviewed and admended by the
Boated o6 Montwe County Comm,i�m ionns.
(e) When AppP.ieant/Resident tcece%vu .income and has
ouszet5 .?es�s than the maximum montUu tcate, .suppee-
mentae Isuppott will be accepted 6ttom theA 6amity,
othett aui�stanee agencies ott tLeptccsentatives.
(d) Ij thette 16 no Supptementae 5uppont avaitabte, each
apptieant/tte,5 ident wilt -then be cons.idetted on an in-
div.iduae basis .
(e) AP.? to ident6 except those paying -the, maximum tcate ott
those who do have othett assets ott ttesowutee�s, w,iU be
tie i.mbuu ed ten (10.00) doUaAz pett month by the County
Cott theist petLsonae me.
(4) Upon eetctii icat,ion by the Adm.ini/stttatott o6 the 6ac.iUty with ,the
eoncutvtance o� the Executive D,ittectott o6 the Monttoe County Depatct-
ment o{ SociaP. Sehv,icu, that a t cA tetua and ttequ,ittement6 set
6otcth hettein have been eomp.Pied with andlost met, .the appP.i_cant shaU
be admitted to the 6aci,Pity. Subject to adequate 6acit tin being
avai.eabte and execution o� the admists,ion agtteement by the ttesident
and the County.
The 6aci,P ty sha.Pt o66ett etose tsupetcv.is,i.on and Ziv.ing conditions as 16
neca/satty to the condition o� the t /5ident. This inceudes supeAvi6ion o6
d.,ie,s as to quality and quantity, wateh6utna6 ove,7 the genettat heafth,
Isa6ety and weU being o� t nident/s. TheAe tshaPt be a daiey awattenas o6 the
Aa dent,s by dels ignated Ista66 o4 the 6aci Pity a/s to .the appattent weU being
o6 the .indi.viduaa with /su66icient pttov.is,ion Gott contacting the tte/sident',s
- 5-
phyts.ici.an, .i6 the Aea.iderit hays not aeAeady done so, at any time theAe
appeaAz to be-sipni6icant deviation 6Aom his no�unat appea ance oA
,state o6 heatth and weee being. AppAoptriate notice o6 such instances
,shah. be AecoAded ,in the pet sona2 tecoAdb o6 the .indiv-iduat.
WA.itten aguements between the 6acitity and each o6 .its te�s,idents tshat.2
ptcov.ide that, upon ceAti4 ication by a physician that the te�s.ident is no
tongeA capaebte o6 meeting the Aequ,iAements �m occupancy tin this 6aciP.ity,
the te�s.ident, next o6 Piro, tegat AepAe/sentative, on agency acting on the
Ae,s-identlz behatS, Witt be not-i6ied that the te�s.ident Witt have to maze
atvcang em ent/s 6 otc imm ed.ia-t e t taws 6 eA to an appto p)L iat e catce s etting . In
the event a kes.ident has no petuson to AepAcsent him, this bar-itity tshaU
be Ae,spons ibte JoA Ae6mat to an appAopA.iate Isociae setv.ice agency 6oA
ptac em ent.
The adm,i/ssion o� a te/sident to this 6acitity and his pAe6ence theAein /shale
not con�eA on the 6acitity, its adm.inistAatoA, emptoyeels oA Aepne�sentativcs
any authoA,ity to manage, uts e oA dispo/s e o6 any pAo peAt y o6 ,the Ae�s.ident;
noA tshaU /such admission oA pAmence conjeA on any o6 such peuows any
authotrity ok Aesponsibi tU AoA the petuonae a66aiu o6 the Aesident,
except what may be neces/saAy 4oA the sa6e and oAdeAey management o6 the
6acit-ity oA 6oA the Isa6ety o6 the te�s.ident.
This 6acitity, admi,istnatm, emptoyee oA AepAesentative theAeo6, may
not act cvs the couAt appointed guoAdian, ttuustee, oA con�seAvatoA 6oA any
ALa ident of the baciZ ty oA any o4 such Aes ident'ts ptcopeAty.
This 6acitity tshatt be oAgan.ized on a ptLo6esls ionat bcvsis con6i/stent with
good bu,s iness pAactices.
This 6acitity tshatt be Ae6pontsibte 4oA ptoviding seAv.iccs 6oA tes.ident6 a3
Aequ,iAed con si6tent with the tev e e o6 s eAv.ice�s o 6 6 e ted.
This �ac%tity shaU emptoy oA othetr i6e aAAange 6oA the snvice o6 such
petvonnee as aAe Aequited to pAopeAey sta66 the 6acitity.
Thies 6acitity tshaU be undeA the contAot o6 an ac&ninistAatoA.
(1) The {ace2ity oA iis dtty designated AepAesentative sha.PY
maintain the 6ottowing wAcitten AecoAds and any otheA tecotd
Aequitced by the County oA HRS tin a ta-e,- 6ohm anc-,system
otcAnvLity employed .in good business pnact-iceis.
(a) An ac6n,"ion and dLschaAge tegisten ti6t.ing
names o6 ices identz and date admitted, identi6y.ing
.in6onmat.ion about each, the place 6tcom which the
tce%.ident was admitted; the date and uason 6otc
digs chaAg e, adequate ,ident i6.icat ion o6 the 6 ac i. ty
to which the tccs.ident is digs chaAg ed on tAans 6 eAud.
(b) A petrsonat bite Jots" each nes.ident consisting o6
appAopt iate data, inceuding .ident,i6.icat,ion o/ next
o6 kin, and aU data Aequ.itt.ed 6otc the Ftotcida
CeAt-i6 cafe o� Death. Vetaits o6 the ne6eA aQ.,
adm.iz,sion, pentinent non-medicae and medicae .in-
Aohmation conceAning the he6 ident shatt be main-
tained with the g en mat U.b s cat . Aecond o 6 each,
.including copies o6 a t agtceementz on conttcact�s,
account tcecotcda and a cutvicent .inventotcy o6 peAzonat
pnopetcty held bon za6 e- keep.ing .
(c) A 6ac i% ty accident/.incident second 6-ite, containing
a cleats desc uipt.ion o6 each accident/.incident and
any other ,incidert .invotv,ing hazatcdous on de6.iant
behav,iotc o6 a tcu dent of 6ta66 membetc with names
o6 ,indiv.idua&s .irvotved, descAipt.i"on o6 med.icat on
othetc. s ehv,ice�s ptcov.ided and the steps taken .i6 any
to ptcevent tcecuAAance.
(d) Pe&sonnel second o6 each 5ta66 member. This tcecotcd
w.%ll be kept updated and contain otuig.inal employment
appf icat ion with tceg etcence/s 6utu Zs hed..
(e) A tcecotcd o6
pe,�Zonnel poZici.els,
o6 poZi.cied
and urot k assignments
6otc each
(J) A tcecotcd o6 montht y 6-ihe dt i is , .indicating the date,
houtc and genettal de/snipt.ion o6 each dttitt, the extent
ob the sta66 ,involved and the name o6 petuson ,in change.
(g) Financial tecot & which .ident-i6y aU ,income o6 the
6acit ty by bounce and dcscnib.ing ate. expendituAn by
category .in /such a manners as to be auditabte by basic
accounting pnoceduAu .
The administrator o6 tki�s 6aci ity shatt maintain 6i,6cat Aecordz in
accordance with the uquikements o� Chaptet 400, F.S. Pant II. There
,sha t be a Aecogn.ized swstem o6 accounting used to accurateiy Ae6tect
deta-i,s o6 .the buz.i.ne�ss. The 6ac City shaU:
(1) Be administered on a sound 6 inanci.ae. ba iz conz i�stey►t
with good busines-s practices.
(2) Speci6y .its Aejund poticies as pant o6 the admission
(3) Specify that no administA toA, consuttant, stab S member
or AepAes entati.v e s ha.0 :
(a) Pay any commizs ion, bonus, rebate or gAatud ty
to any organization, agency, physician, sta66
or other pennon 6or re6ekAae o6 any resident to
the 6acieity.
(b) Request or accept any AenumeAation, rebate, g.i6t
bene6it or advantage o6 any 6orm 6rom any vendor
or otheA suppZier because o� the purchase, rentat
or toa.n o6 equipment, suppti.es or seAvices 6oA the
lac i c lay oA tes,ident not consistent with normat
business proact%ce.
The admin 6trator o6 this 6ae i,Yity sha t operate the 6acc t ty .in accordance
with the existing Monroe Countu Pensonnet Potiei.es and Procedures.
This jaeiti ty sha t have wAitten pot ieies and pAoceduAes 6or providing proper
nutAitiona2 care o� it,6 rezidents.
(1) The Uottowing kequiutements sha22 be met:
(A) The adm,inistAator oA a peuon designated by the
adm.in ,stratoA shall be Aespons.ibf-e 6or the totae
dietary s ehvice and the day to day supervision o6
d.ietaAy service. The designated peluson shaU be
res ponsibt e boAcooAdinating dietary s eAv-ic" with
otheA seAv,ices; deve,topi.ng work assi.gnment-s.
- 8-
The. petcson designated by the admia stnatotc shall
rn6otun his/het duti,ea in a sa{e and s.anitwty
(B) TheAapeutic diets as pnz schibe_d by ,the physician
,shatt be in the tLaident's rLecoAd and served as
(C) PeguXoA diets shaU meet nutA t.ionat needs o�
Am idents .in accotcdance with the cu"ent recommended
'Cietatw Wowance o6 the Food and NutA Lion Board,
Nationat Reseatcch Councie., adjusted vote age, sex,
and activity. TheAapeutic diets shaft meet these
nut,t tionae standa)Lcts to the extent that is medically
(D) The dietatcy allowance Ishatt be met by the uses o6
standa,t zed tcecipes o66eAing a vaAiety o6 Goods
adapted to the Good habits, ptce6erences and phys.icae
ab.i.F.i ties ob the nLn idents .
(F) An up to date manual apptcov ed by HRS shaU be m ed
as the standaAd tce6ehence in pXanning negutah and
therapeutic diets.
(F) Dated menus shaU be planned at Least one week .in
advance 6otc tcegutcft and theAapeut.ic diets; and
cotvicec ted as s eAv ed and kept on 6.it e S oA Six months.
Suppties o6 non-pe&ishabee Good to meet nutAitionae
needs o� Azs idents {ion one (1) week petu.od shaU be
on hand.
(G) Food sha t be setcved attAacti.vety at sa6e and
ratatabte tempeAatutces. AU. tLa idents shall be en-
coutcag ed to eat` at tabt" .in dining oAeas . A, s uppty
o6 apptcopAia-te eating watce shaU. be on hand to se ve
aU Aes.id ents .
(H) A..P.e mattetrs petrta,ini.ng to Good setcv.ice shaU comply
with the ptovi6ions oU Chapter. 10-13, Hot ida Sand taAy
Any appti.cant who Z6 dussatu66.ied with .the deci6ion Aendened by .the
DepaAtment o6 hfonkoe County Soc iat Setw.i ces, has the night to tcequest
a review o6 theft case by the Soci.a,f' SeAvices Exectuti.ve Di)Lectotc. This
tcev.iew shaP.e be done within Give (5) working days a6tetc the n.equest .i6
twceived 6Aom the apptica.nt. 16 the DiLectotc's Aev.ieo does not AuoZve
the appt icant's comptaint, the app.P icant then has the tight to neque�st
a Fa A Hewubig .
Within ten (10) wotck i.ng days a6tetc a comptaint is tcece i.ved 6Aom an
app,Uca.nt, a heaAi.ng wilt be held .in .the o66.ice o6 the County Adm.iritst4 tote.
The putcpose o6 this heaA ng witt be to a tow the appi-icant a 6aiv oppotctu.nity
to voice Gins/hetc comptaint be6otce a heating comyrittee. Th.uscommittee w.cU consist
o6 the County Adm.inisttcatoA, the Ctetch o6 -the Boats o6 Momoe County Comm.i6.6ionet s
and one (1) County Commiss.ionea. The 6.inat decision shaU be made by the heaAing
committee within ten (10) days and a copy o6 same shati be 6u>znushed to the
appticant by United Staters Maw otc petusonat deP.ivny.
As o6 this date, I have tread the Admission C&itetia and Pot ic.ies :
ignatutce oj Restd/ent U Date
/ IjEl
ate -