06/17/1988 AgreementBAY SHORE MANOR A/K/A MONROE COUNTY HOME ADULT CONGREGATE LIVING FACILITY FOR THE ELDERLY - LEVEL II A G R E E M E N T lvz This agtteem ent ent eAed into this 17 day o6 ev$ 19 k'f, , by and between the County ob Montoe, State o6 Ftotida, hetteinabteA caned "County", and Josaph A Russell hete.ina6teA ca.P.e.ed "Re/s.ident", and MihaP1 gnssp-11 heAe i,na6teA tatted "Respons ibte Panty", fi1TTNFg4F7-N: WHEREAS, the gets ident dcsi tcs to use the jac,i i ty ob the County known as the Monttoe County Home, a/k/a Bay Shotte Manors and, WHEREAS, the County has Aev.iewed the appt ication o6 the to ident Pt adm.i 6,sion to the MonAo e County Home and has deteAm.ined that the to ident iz e2,ig.ibte 6otc admission to said home, now, thette6ote, In con.6idetcation ob the mutuaZ covenants, ptcomisez and pnemises heAe i.n contained, the patties agnee as Wtows : A. BAY SHORE MANOR 1. To jutnish Aoom, boated, tinens, ptersctc,ibed medicines and genetat petcsonat carte. 2. To axtange jots the tkans6eA o� the Aes,ident to the hos pctat o� the Aesident',s choice when ottdeAed by the attending physician of the health ob the Aes ident tcequ-itce, same, and to .immediateey notijy any Aespon,sibte patty (" designated hettein) o6 such tttanbbett. 3. To make Ae6unds on a pets diem bas.us .in accottd witA date o� dds chaAg e jtom the home. Re6unds cannot be made ass tong as petusonat betong-ings Aemain in the Aes,ident',s ttoom. Re6unds cannot be made as tong as theAe cute outstanding expendituttes Gott .seAv.ices Aece,ived by the ttes.ident. 4. In the event o� ceosutcte ob the jacct ty 6ot any Aeason, - a ptw-hated pet diem Ae4und shaU be made in accoAd with date o6 c2o�suAe. w.ith.in seven (7) days . 5. Oth.et: Residents will be notified in writing 30 days in advance of any basic rate change. B. THE RESIDENT OR RESPONSIBLE PARTY 1. To ptov-ide such petvsonaQ c2oth.ing and e6�ect6 as needed of des.uced by the ka ident. 2. To pay .the money A to agreed upon and such chatigge.,s ats deteAm.ined by the Monroe County Home to be nece,66aAy Got the opeAation o6 the home. 3. That, upon ceAti6.icati.on by a physician oA the adm.i,ni6tAaton ob the home, the tes ident is no tongeA capable o6 meeting the tuquitements 6oA occupancy .in t U,,s 6ac tity, the te/s ident, next o6 Fun, t egat tcepne/senta�i.v e on ag encq acting on the tes.ident',s b eha 6 , w,i U have to make aAAang emends Got the immediate tAmiz6eA to an apptoptuate jaciP,ity. In the event a Am ident ha/s no peuon to tepAe�sent h.i.m/heA, thi6 6autity tsha t azsist An ident .in contacting an apptopttiate Soc,i.at Setv.ice Agency bot placement. Appt icant agrees to vacate the bac i P icy within 6otrty-eight (48) houu a6tet digsquati4ication. 4. To comply with aU kequ.uements " set 6oAth .in the appti.cati.on made by the tes ident. 5. To comply with. att Auto and Aegutatio" e�stabWhed by the County �oA opeAation and conttot o6 5a.id home. G. Agteets, .i6 not paying the maximum Late, to pay .incAea/se in income dutcing the couue o6 te/s dency, up to the maximum Aate. 7. OtheA: C. FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS The tce6.ident and/ot tespons.ibte pajcty agAees to pay to the County $ 41 g no. , pet month as tent 6oA use ob the 6acitWez. PAYMENT WILL BE FROM THE FOLLOWING SOURCES: 1. Petsonat 6unds o� to ident 2. Re�sponsibte paAty wilt pay 3. Unearned .income ob to ident witt pay: Socc:a.2 Secututy Civit SeAv i ce Annuity V.A. Pension OtheA $ -- 0 - $ r 0 n $ 419. � A 0 per month_ $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- 2 D. STANDARD ADMISSION WAIVER The County, thtc.ough its employees, has agreed to exetcize such Aeazonab.be carte toward the usident as his otc hen known condition may tcequiAe. However, this home is in no sense an inzuAek o6 his oA het .satiety oA wet6oAe and assumes no tiabi icy as such. The management o6 thiz home wilt not be tesponsibte SoA any vaeuabtes oA money te6t in the possession o� this petvson white he of she is a Aes.ident ob this home. F. TERMINATION I6 ,Les ident is absent 6Lom the home in excess o6 6oututeen (14) continuous days, such absence sha,2.P. automati.catty terminate this agreement and the tes.ident zhaU Remove aU o6 his oA het ptopetty of betong.ings .immediately. Ib Aes.ident 6aits to Aemove same, the usident does heAeby autho. i.ze the County to remove said ptopeAty oA betong.ing�s and detiveA same to tes ponz ibte panty. F. MEDICAL SERVICES The paAti.es agree that MonAoe County shatt not be Aesponz ibte bor oA assume any te6ponz ibitity 6oA payment o6 any medicat oA hospitat setcv.icers untess 6 pec%4.icaUy agAeed to by the patches at theit Aeptes entcc tiv es at the time o6 the Aendening of seAvice. G. DURATION OF AGREEMENT E.i theA panty may teAminate this agreement on thikty (30) days wAitten notice. OtheAwise, ,it w,it2 tema.i.n in e4�ect untit a dib6eAent agreement is executed. HoweveA, this does not mean that a Aes.ident w.itt be forced to remain in the �acitity against hiz/het w.itt dot any .length o6 time. KAU (aIG T F R IDE 1.1-r-rilLPO Pn� "d TGNA URF OF R P S L P RTy 3 - - - — ---_ _---- DATE: G — Sig une o Ree o4 Monnoe C unty Home a/k/a Bay Shone Manm S-ignatune o6 Executive D.iAectoA--Monnoe County Soc.iat Services APPROVED: a County m ins bAa o n Th.iz .iz to ceAt.i6y that th.iz Adm,izzion Agreement as appnav ed by the County Home and the County Adm,iniztAatoA waz Aati6ied by the Monnoe County Board oAoCounty Commizz io eAz at theiA meeting head on the day o6 � � 19�_�. Stign dtfj A o C acAman Monnoe Coun Board ob County Comm.i6.6ionms MONROE COUNTY HOME JUNIOR COLLEGE ROAD KEy NEST, FLORIDA AMISSION CPITEPIA. AND POLICIES The Monroe County Home, A.dutt Congn.egtate Living Facitity Got the WeAty, Levee II, hete.ina6tet Ae6 eAAed to ass the Facitity, 16 .e icenz ed through the State o6 Fton ida Department o6 Heaeth and Rehab.it tative Se v ices , hetein- a6teA Ae�eAAed to aus HPS, and operated by the Boakd ob County Comm.c6zioneu o� Monroe County, Ftokida. The Facility .vs goveAned ,in accordance with the Aequ.itcement,s o� ChapteA 400, Patct II, FXotida Statu a and the Ruta and Regu.- tati.on,s as adopted by the Board oU MonAoe County Commi-As.ioneAz hete.ina6teA Ae6eAAed to as County, contained heAe.in. Resident o6 MonAoe County, FZor ida, 6 i.x ty (60) years o6 age oA otdet, ambu2atoty, in teasonabte health, ,in need o� a home and having no 6am-i,ey ab.ee to meet the.itc needb, able to cage 6oA thewetve/s to a certain degtee and not .in need o6 nuAzing care, convaeescant ca/te, tempotan.y of emeAgency sheeteA shall be et g,ibte 6oA adm.iz,s ion to the 6ac i e ity .in accordance with the teAm,6 and conditions contained hetei.n. App.e icat.ionz ate accepted on a non-dib cn,im,inatoty baste .including but not t milted to sex, cotm, Lace oA cteed. The 6acitity AhaU provide a homeeike atmosphere (toom and board), petu onat Aetv.iccs and a comptehenzive pAogtam to meet day to day needs o6 the ambutatoAy aged on an .individual basiA - conducive to group tiv.ing. Personae SeAv.iceS meant Setv.icels, in addition to housing and Good A etvice which .incPude but aAe not t i.m.i ted to: pexsonat a Ai6tance with bathing, dteA/sing, ambulation:, housekeeping, 5upeAvi/s.ion, emot.ionae Aecut ty, and any other Aetated AeAv.icez which the �acieity may de6ine. Petsonae Aetv.ice doels not .inctude med.ica.t A eAv.ices . ELIGIBILITY AND ADMISSION POLICIES The admizsion o4 each tes ident to this 4acility Aha t be undeA the AupeA- vis ion o6 the Adm,inistratot 04 the Fac City within the con4 ina o6 the boUow.ing g enenae po.P i.c ies : (1 ) A n.eAident/appt ica.nt must: (a) Not have a communicabt e digs ease in a tAan s - 6 eAab.ee stag e. (b) Have a chest x-Aay oA Alin test (TB) within ninety (90) days pAiot to adm-us s ion to the tacit ty. -2- (c) Be a ne�.Ldewt o6 Montoe County, Ffoti.da 6oA at teatst one (1) yeaA and JuAn,i�sh veAi6ication o6 same. (d) FuAnish pnooA o� need 6oA the 6aci.Uty and that theAe is no 6amity abte to meet their needs 6oA adequate cane. (e) FuA.nish wAitte-n med%cat examination �Lom a Zicens ed phy,s ci,an (�oAm w.iU be 6mnished) which IshaU ceAti6y that theiA medical condition is /such that they wiU meet the Ae- qu. Aementb o6 the baci Uty and that svLvicn beyond .that ahe peAm.itted in the lac i E ty ane not tequiAed. (6) Be ambutatony - that is the condition o6 being phy�sicaUy and emotionaP.ey abt e to aA,&s e 6,tom a hoAit izontat on sitting position, and .in an emeA.gency to exit the banding to a point o6 /satiety. This woutd .inctude those .indiv.iduats who may be able to ambulate with the a/s/sistance o6 pnosthet.ic device's ,such as cAu tche/s, wat eA6 on wheel chaiA6 . (g) Be sixty (60) yeatus o6 age oA oZdeA and 6utuii6h age veki6i- cation by eithetc pnopeA ,ident.i6icat%on, documettz, on by .in6oAmation {Aom otheA pubic agenci_n such as the SociaP Secmlty Administtati.on. (h) FuAni6h pnoo6 o6 ho.6pita.eization and me.dicat insuAance which is equat to oA bettetc than covno_ge o66eked by Medicatce. (i) Execute a wAitten contnact with this Aac i i,ty at the time oA admis/s.ion, oA pAi0A. the Leto, between the. 6aciF,iiy and the Ae/sident oA hips designee oA tegat nepAe/sentat-ive. A copy ob contAact to be executed is attached heAeto and made a paAt theteo6. (2) THE ADMINISTRATOR SHALL: (a) Maintain a wAitten AecoAd in the Ae/sident'a pehsonae 6.i,M'e o6 aPt 6inanciat atAangements with the Ae�sident, his next o� kin, oA sponsok, with copin executed by and 6uAni/Shed to each paAt y. This s haU .inceude detait ed tecmds o6 any 6unds on ponopeActy hel?d 6oA .the Aes ident 6oA sa6e keeping in accoAdance with Chapte/t 400 F.S. PaAt 11. (1) The {acuity my hotd peAzona.(' 6uncts 6oA .the Ae6ident not to exceed $100.00. (2) The 6aci(✓ity shaft not accept any otheA 6und6 oA -3- pupeAty except as set 6wtth in 1 above. (b) Assess no additi.onat changes, expenses oR o.theA 6inanc iat tiabZ ities in excess o6 the ptovi6 ions inceuded in the admission contract. (c) DeteAmine and inceude as a minimum, the Got owing pnov,isioyvs and s eAvices in the basic admission contract with each Resident, next o6 kin on sponsoR: (1) The dait y, weeh.ey, on month ey Aate, and Re6und pRovi6ion 6oA unused potations theneo6. (21 A t, sting o6 seAvices to be provided. (3) Soci,at components appupt late to the needs o6 the Residents. (d) AppZy the 6ottowtn2Aestt ictc,ons to admission and Retent i.an o6 nesidents 1. A Resident who mani6ests such degree o6 behavioR that he is a dang etc to Guns ee6 oA othetcs , oR whose b ehavioA is so unacceptable oA d. stutcbing as to ,ant etc.6 eAe with the adequate cane oR com6otat o6 otheA Residents in the 6aci,2 ity shall not be admitted oR Aetai.ned, and shaU be Removed 6Rom the 6ac,%,,ty. 2. No Ataident shaP.e possess oA consume aechouc beverages oR any contutted substance in the 6aci ity without Gus physic i.an's otc.deA. 3. No Resident shaU be heed in the 6ac i,P ay against Gins will, untess undeA CouAt ORdm 4. No resident shaU be admitted to oA Retained in a 6acil ty who requites s envices beyond_ those .the 6acie it y -is t i,cens ed to provide. TW 6ac t ty may not provide nuuing cake un- tess 6otc a tempotaAy illness, not to exceed seven (7) days . 5. A kesident absent 6Rom this 6aciUty in excess o6 �ouhteen (14) days,due to hosp.ita.Pi.zation aR abandonment shaU be teAmtnated as a resident to this 6aci.eity. Such Resident may Ae-appty 6oA admission 6o.Uowing the same pRocedune as that o6 a new appt i.cant. (3) The monthey Rate 6oA appti.cants/Aesidents shaU- be adjusted to the ab,i e ity o6 the appt%cant/Resident to pay. Appti.cants/Residents with -4- ineomu .eem than the maximum may be a lowed to pay that amount as theiA month y Aa-te, th.i�swoutd .ineeude any inc eases in their income. duning the eouAze o6 theiA ALuidency, up to the maximum hate. (a) The mo ntht y basic Aate s haPe be "tabt ins heal at the beginning o6 the 6iseae yeah and shape pAevait thAough out the yeate. (b) Mon.they Rates shall be reviewed and admeaded by the SoaAd o6 Montoe County Commissioaetc,s. (c) When Appti,cant/ Resident teceiv a ,income and hats "6et,s Zesz than the maximum monthly Aate, suppee- menta.e suppokt will be accepted bum theitc. 6amity, otheA am irs-tance agencies on. Aeptes entat i.v ens . (d) 16 theAe iz no zupptementae suppolct avaieabte, each app.eieant/Resident w.iU then be cons,idehed on an ,in- dividuae bcusis . (e) "X tes,ident/s except those paying the. maximum Aate on those who do have otheA asset of ALaoUhce/s, w,iU be Aeimbuu ed ten (10.00) dottau peA month by ,the County 6oA theiA petvsonae u/se. (4) Upon ceAti6icat.ion by the Adm,in,(�stAatoA o6 the bacieity with the concuAAance o6 the Fxeeutive Di ectoA o6 the MonAoe County DepaAt- men,t o4 Sociae SeAv,icn, that all nitehi.a and AequiAements set Jonah heAein have been eompPied with and/oA met, .the appPicant shatt be admitted to the 6aci,2 ity. Subject to adequate 6aci ides being avaitab.ee and execution o6 the admiz,5-ion agreement by the Aes-ident and the County. OPPR.A.TIONAL STANDARDS The {aci,Pity sha-t o66etc ceose supervision and Living conditi.onos as is necrosa,ty to the condition o� the Resident. This 4neeudes supeAv,i/s,ion o� diets as to quaPity and quantity, wateh6ueness oveA the genenae heaeth, za�ety and wet being o6 tesidents. TheAe sha t be a daity awareness o6 the ,ta idents by daignated 5ta66 o/ .the 6acit ty as to the apparent weer being o6 ,the .individuaa with 5u64 cient ptovi,5 ion 6oA contacting the Aaident's - 5- phys.ici.an, .i6 ,the A"ident has not aLkeady done Aso, at any time thetce appeatus to be s,igni6icant deviation 6Lom his noAmae appeaAance on estate o6 heaeth and weed being. AppupA.iate notice o6 such .instances sha,U be ,LecoAded .in the peAzonae AecoAds o6 the .ind.ividuat. WA.itten agtceementt6 between the 6acitity and each of .ice us,idents shall pAov,ide that, upon ceAti� ication by a phy6.ician that the Ae�sident vs no 2onge,t capaebZe o6 meeting the %equ-itcements jot occupancy .in th.'s 6acLeity, ,the tces.id_ent, next o6 kin, Zegat Aeptaenta ive, oA agency acting on the Aes.ident's b eha,P 6 , w,i Qt be note 6 ied that the Aes.ident w.i t have to maze atvcang em ents 6o t immediate ttans 6 etc to an app topAiate carte s ett i.ng . In the event a Aes,ident has no pmon to teptesent him, tW 6acitity shah be Aespons,ibte Got te6eAAaf to an appAoptiate sociae setcv,ice agency 6otc ptac em ent. The adrni s.ion oA a tes.ident to this 6aci,Uty and his pAetsence theAe.in shake not conbet on the 6aci,eGity, its adminit6tAatoA, emptoyen oA Aep,%eSentat,ivPis any authotity to manage, use oA dispose o6 any pAopeAty o6 the Aes.ident; non shaU such admission oA pAelsence con�eA on any o6 such pensows any authoA,i ty oA telspons ibiZity 6oA the peuonae a6jaiu o6 the tes.ident, except what may be necessaAy 4oA the sa6e and oAdnt y management o6 the �acitity oA �oA the satiety o� the Aesident. This 6acitity, administAatoA, emptoyee oA Aeptesentative theheo6, may not act as the coutt appointed guardian, tAuotee, oA cons etcvato t 6o t any tca.ident ob the jaci2ity oA any o6 such Ae/s.ident's pAopWy. This baciUty shade be oAganized on a pto6ms.ionat ba/Sis consistent with good business pAactices . This, 6acitity sha.P..e be Aes pons.ibte 6oA pAoviding s eAv.ice�s 6oA Aes.idents a/s Aequ,iAed cons,i6tent with the Levee of setv,ice/s o66eAed. This 6acitity shaU employ oA othe-uise aAAange �oA the setvice o6 such peAsonnee as aAe Aequ,iAed to pAopeAey sta66 the 6ac Uty. AtMINISTRATIVE STANTAM, This 6a&E. ity shaU be undetc, the contAot o6 an admire stAatot. (1) The �acU i ty oA its &tty designated AepAes entative shaU maintain the jottow.ing wAitten kecoAds and any othetc tecoAd Aequi)Led by the County oA NRS ,in a place, JoAm and system -G- otcdi.natu,Q y empto yed in good bwsines,5 ptcactices . (a) An acbn,us,s.ion and di6chaAge ug-i6tetc tinting names o6 ne�s.idents and date admitted, .identi.sy-ing insotcmation about each, the pace Strom which ,the ne,sident wars admitted; the date and tcea6on Sots dischaAge, adequate ,identi6icati.on o6 the Sac%uty to which the tces.ident .is dis chaAg ed otc tAans S eAAed. (b) A pew onat S.i e.e Sots each tce6 ident co► zi6t.ing o6 apptwptri.ate data, "inuudina identis.icati.on os next o6 Fun, and a t data tcequited Sots. the Hot ida CeAtiicate o6 Death. Detaits o6 the ,LeS,mAat, adm"c6sion, petrtinent non-medicae, and med.icat in- Sotmation conceAn.ing the tces.ident tsha t be main- tained with the g enetrae Sis cat. tcecotLd o6 each, inuudi.ng copies o6 aU agtceements on conttcact/s, account tcecoA& and a cuttcent inventotcy o6 peuonat ptcopeAty held Sotc sa6e-keeping. (c) A Saci.P,.i ty accident/incident Aecotcd jit e, containing a ceeatc desctuption o6 each accident/incident and any othetc .incident involving hazatcdo" otc de6iant behav,iotc o6 a tces-ident otc ztass membeA with name6 o6 .in dividua 6 .invoty ed, des ct iption o6 m ed icat otc othetc z eAvices ptwv.ided and the steps taken i6 any to pAevent %ecwftance. (d) Peuonnet tcecond o6 each sta66 membeA. This tcecotcd wilt be kept updated and contain otug"inat employment appt icat.ion with he6 eAences Sutcnis hed_. (e) A tcecotd o6 pe,�Sonnee po.eicies, intruding statements o6 pot i.c%es and woAk azzignments Sots each position. (S) A tcecond os monthty bite dA PPs, indicating the date, hout< and genetcae descAipti.on o6 each dtcic , the extent o6 the sta66 involved and the name o6 peuon .in chatcge. (g) FinanciaP tcecmcI6 which .identisy a t income o6 the Sautity by 6 outcce and desctc ib.ing aU expendi tutces by categotcy in such a manners ass to be auditabte by bz is accounting pAocedutces . - 7- FINANCIAL STANDARDS The adminustAatm o6 this 6acit ty shaU maintain 6iscae Aecmds in aecoAdanee with the tequikements o6 ChapteA 400, F.S. Para II. TheAe .shank be a Recognized system o6 accounting used to accuAatety Ae6tect deta- -6 o6 .the business. The Jac%tity shah: (l) Be adm.in.usteAed on a sound 6 inanciat basis consistent with good business pAacti.ees . (2) Spec% y its Ae%ound pot i.cia ass pat o6 the ac6nizs.ion contAact. (3) Speciby that no o_dm,invstAatwL, eonsuftant, stab 6 membeh oA Aepus entat-iv e s haU : (a) Pay any eommizd.ion, bonus, Rebate oA gtuatuity to any oAgan.izatc:on, agency, physician, sta6j oA otheA peAaon 6m te6e Aak. o6 any te6ident to the {acuity. (b) Request oA accept any tenumeAat.ion, Aebate, g.i6t bene6 it oA advantage o6 any 6oAm 6Aom any vendoA oA otheA suppt iek because o� the puAcha6 e, Aentat oA toan o6 equipment, supptiu oA seAv.ices 6oA the 6ac -ity oA kes.ident not consistent with no�rmat bu,sines.6 puactiee. PERSONNEL STANDARDS The adm,in istAatm ob this �acU t_y sha t opeAate the �aci ty .in aecoAdanee with the ex fisting Mowwe County PeAzonnet Potici m and PAocedmes . DI ETA RY STANDARDS This 6ac it ty .5haU have wAitten poZici,e�s and pnoeedmes Sm pAov.id.ing pAopeA nut&i t onat eatc.e o6 its Ae6 idents . (7) The 6ottow.ing Aequuc.ements sha.0 be met: (A) The adm,inistAatm oA a pe)eson designated by the adm.inistAatoA shaU be Aespows.ib.-e 6m the totat dietaAy tsewice and the day to day supeAv.is,ion ob d.ietatcy setv.ice. The deaignated Amon shah be Aesponsibte {otccooAdinat,ing dietwLy /s ehv,ice/s with otheA s euices; dev etop.ing woAh ass.ignment6 . - 8- i The. pe son designated by the admin.i�stnaton shaU pn6onm hiz/hen. ;,dutin in a sa0e and S.ani,tatcy ma2nen. (B) TheAapeutic diets as pvsctibed by the phys,ici.an .s ha,ft be in .the tce/s.iden t'/s tcecottd and served as ondened. (C) Pegue.atc dies sha.Pe meet nutnit.ionat needs o� n.es.idents in accotcdance with the cuntcewt Aecommended V'.ietatcy Wowance o6 the Rood and Nutt i ti.on Board, Nat%ona,i Reis ecAch Counci , adjusted 6m age, sex, and activity. The/ apeutic diets sha t meet the/se nu tit ionat standa cts to the extent .that is medicaP.ey po,s,s.ibt e. (D) The dietary allowance tshat be met by the uses o� ,5tanda4uzed tec�pes o�6eAing a vatuety o6 600dt6 adapted to the Good habits, pte6etcences and physicat able i ti n o6 the nez ident,s . (R) An up to date manua e apptcov ed by HRS /ShaU be ut6 ed a6 the standatcd_ tce6enence in ptann-ing tcegutatc and the,tapeuti.c d.iet6. (R) Dated menus /shaU be ptanned at tea/st one week in advance bon tcegutatc and th.enapeut.ic diets; and contcected as sehved and kept on bite 6otc 6ix mont1s. Supp,eies o6 non-pehi�shabte Good to meet nuttitionat need6 o4 tce�sidents bon. one (1) week peAiod sha t be on hand. (G) Rood shaU be setved atttoctiveey at sa6e and pa2atabte tempehatutces. AU tca.idents IshoU be en- coutcag ed to eat at tab.e_es in dining atceas . A, suppt y o 4 app.topn,iate eating wane s haU be on hand to .6eAv e ae e t" id ent�s . (H) AU mattetvs peAta.ining to Good senv.ice /shael comply with the puv Lio" o6 Chaptetc 10-13, Hot,ida Sa.n i icucy Code. -9- RIGHT TO NEARING Any appZicant who .is dtssatis6.ied with the decision AendeAed by .the DepaAtment o6 Monntoe County Sociat Se1cv.ica, has the night ,to Aeques-t a Aeview o6 ,thei,% case by ,the Social. SeAvices Executive Di)Lecton.. This n.ev.iew shall be done Within 6.ive (5) wonfung days a6.teA ,the nequat iA Aece.ived 6ntom the app.eicant. 16 the Ditecton's Aev.iew does not taotve the appUcant's compta,int, .the appti.cant then has the tight .to n.eques.t a FaiA Hean ing . FAIR HEAPING PROCEDURE Within ten (10) wo t ii.ng days a6.ten. a comptaint .cis teceiv ed 6n.om an appZicant, a heating w,t?Z be held .in .the o66.ice o6 the County Adm.in.i6tAatot. The purpose o6 this heating wilt be .to atZow the appticant a 6aZv oppantun.tty to voice his/heA complaint be6ote a hean,ing committee. Thiscomm,tttee Witt con6ist o6 the County Admiwvstcatan, the Ceen.h o6 .the Boated o6 Montoe County Comm.tss.ione&s and one (1) County Comm.css.ioneA. The 6.inae decision shaP.t be made by the hearing committee within ten (10) days and a copy o6 same shall be 6un.n.t6hed. to the applicant by United States MaiZ ot peuona2 deeivety. As o6 this date, I have &ead the Admission C&iten.ia and Poticies : ignat Pheo6 Re4tdent Tate ctn es s U Ta—t e - Z�n Date