01/17/1989 AgreementMONROE COUNTY STANDARD EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT Agreement entered into this day of JAvk u F , 1989, for a period of three (3) years, by and between the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as "Board" and Mary A. Quinn, hereinafter referred to as Employee". In consideration of the mutual covenants, promises, and representations contained herein, the parties agree as follows: The Board hereby employs, engages, and hires Employee as the Director, Monroe County Libraries, under the direct management of Peter J. Horton, Assistant County Administrator for Communi- ty services. Employee shall carry out to the best of her ability the following functions and duties: In addition to the jurisdiction, authority and duties which may be conferred upon the Employee by other provisions of the Monroe County Code, the Employee shall have the following jurisdiction, authority and duties, as described in addendum A - (attached signed copy of job description). 1. Employee agrees that she will at all times faithfully, industriously, and to the best of his ability, experi- ence and talents, perform all of the duties that may be required of and from him pursuant to the terms hereof. 2. This Board shall pay Employee, and Employee shall accept from the Board, in full payment for Employee's services hereunder, compensation as follows: (a) Salary of $27,640.00 per annum. (b) Benefits and services received by other Monroe County Employees, including but not limited to life insurance, medical, hospitalization, dental and vision care, retirement, holidays, annual and sick leave and Social Security benefits as provided by the Monroe County Personnel Policies and Procedures except as expressly amended below: (c) Employee, at the direction of the County Adminis- trator, shall represent the County's interests, at national, state and local professional society functions. 3. The Employee shall be entitled to annual cost of living raises as may be awarded to Monroe County employees each fiscal year beginning October 1. 4. Merit raises as may be awarded on an annual basis at the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners approved rate, if so recommended by the County Adminis- trator. 5. Employee shall devote all of his time, attention, knowledge, and skill, during working hours solely to County matters, and Employee shall not engage in the practice of his profession in the private sector. 6. The Employee shall have the use of County services and personnel to carry out the functions of his job, including, but not limited to: legal, accounting, secretarial and clerical assistance. (Office space, utilities, telephone services, custodial services, books, library, postage, office supplies, photocopy equipment, furniture, office equipment and computer equipment as may be necessary.) 7. Employee shall have the following amenities in addition to those mentioned above: Nothing in this agreement shall prevent, limit or otherwise interfere with the right ot the employee to resign at any time from his position with the County, providing the employee p eV a eo s!on 90 Unless the The Board shall reimburse the Employee for all travel and lodging expenses on approved County business at the rate specified under Florida Statutes. 9. Employee may be terminated in the following manner: (a) For Cause. The County Administrator may remove the Employee from office for cause as set forth in the Monroe County Employment Policies and Proce- dures Manual in accordance with the procedure set forth in the County Administration Law of 1974, also known as Part III of Chapter 125, Florida Statutes, as amended. (b) Termination Without Cause. The County Administrator, with concurrence from the Board of Commissioners, may remove the Employee at any time without cause by enactment of a resolution at any regularly convened Board Meeting in accordance with the procedures set forth in the County Admin- istration Law of 1974, also known as Part III of Chapter 125, Florida Statutes, as amended. Upon adoption of said resolution, the Board shall cause to be paid to the Employee 6 months severance pay, together with payment for accrued annual leave not yet taken by her. Full payment shall be made by the Board within twenty (20) days of such termina- tion. Additionally, in the event that said Employee is removed for cause under the provisions of 9.(a) above, and a court of competent jurisdiction renders a judgement which shall become final after appeal, she shall receive her reasonable attorney's fees and court cost incurred in successfully bringing said suit, if Employee is adjudicated not guilty under 9. (a). In the event that the Board shall vote to abolish the Employee's position during Employee's term of office, the same shall be deemed a removal without cause under the provisions of this subsection. 10. Notwithstanding Paragraph 9, the County Administrator shall review the Employee's performance at the end of the first year's employment. The basis for said review shall be an analysis of the Employees performance as specified in addendum A. 11. Employee may begin the period of her employment on or before 3na. /?, /9Y9' , at the County Administrator's discretion. ftl— IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement the day and year first above written. ( SEAL ) DANIJX " KOLHAGE, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY EMPLOYE To AND LE Ff�CIfNCr. BY Attorneys QNice -___ *� TlTLE: DJRECrOP OF LIBRARTE� Q� ��lv� ���� /� �� m�� �� - This 't'{)M is classified as�� Exempt __Non -Exempt from the FLSA regulation regarding compensatory time accrual. ACCOUNTABILITY: We Director of Libraries is ,esponsjb)e to the Assistant County Administrator for Community Services ano the County Aominjstrator. MAJOR FUNCTIONS: The Director of Libraries is pesponsible for handling the administrative functions +or tme total library system, formulating overally objectives and policies; determining the organizational framework; making major decisiom, including those on personne| ; supervising the middle -- management heads, so that they capry out well the responsibilities delegated to them; balancing and coordinating all workers and activities into a smoothly operating whole; and evaluating the results. Administrative duties: (a) Work under the advice and approval of the library board on plans for the library's progress and development. (b) Preoare a sound library budget, scrutinizing expenditures for buildings, equipment, books, materials, and salaries to be certain that the public receives a full return for its money. (c) Keep the necessary records, compile ano rePort statistics and other information for the library board, local government, and state library. (d) Secure able employees --department heads, professional and clerical assistants, aides, and building emoloyees. (e) Organize the units o" service and the staff; laving out and dividing their activities; delegating and clarifying resoonsitilities and authority; and moozfyinq the organization when cmange rsouires it. tit Develop the initiative, skills, and aul|ity of staff members; securing adequate and fair comoensation for work tMey render the library. Supervise the aoministrative methods of each department, and the routines of its work, encouraging deoartment heads to see that records and processes are simplified ano arranged to eliminate unessential paperwork, waste, and delay and seeing that no stalf member regularly performs work that a less highly paid memner can do as wei7 , (h) Observe the service given the public at each department and distribution point, and arranging for recurrent tests and cnecPs on it, be certain that it is as complete and prompt as possible. fi) Act as the library's public relations representative in the community, c000erating with the schools and other agencies in matters of mutual concern. /j) Exercise leadership in the further development and improvement of |ibrary service, envisioning community needs; developing connections with its business` civic, social, recreational, and cultural groups to see that the library serves them all. (k) Drawing uoon the nest information and judgment within and without the community, select a stock of books and materials adequate to the needs of the community and appropriate to the constant changes in public demand; developing within the staff a thorough knowledge of books and their value. (l) Ensure that the library discovers and serves the individual citizen, old and young, including oeople who are not yet library users. (m) KeeP the public informed and strengthen public relations through constant, resourceful. ano varied forms of publicity on the work of the library as an znstztutzon, its services and materials, policies, and problems. . /n/ Deve\oo oneself through constant examination of oersonal viewpoints ano methods through professional ano general reading and by individual research, MAJOR QUAL I F I C A TIONS - r i Zo 7 L),T) f— i-1 (d) Valid Drivers License. 1111111r APPROIVIED B, Ass is t-aftt6t'6uvIE7-Admin. / Division Manager of Community Services APPROVED BY: '4 "� �-/� DATE: 12 I's"A7 4�Admlxiistrator I f On this date, I have received a copy of my to my employment with Monroe County. Employe Si nature y job description relating DATE: k) ce