09/20/1995✓. AGRII\II11,()P I�I II-: PI, IIJ'Il;A*I-. ()I-' I ANW, I111S A6Rl-T.\1l-,N f, made and cnlcrcd into (his 20th clay A September 19911, and hct\wcu 1 Manucl Ferilandci hcrcinahcr s(\le Ills Sellcl-(s), lilt Illcnlsclvcs, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and ,'nd tine 1\1ONIZ()1- ('(MINTY I(( ARI) OI ('O(INTY ('ON/I\11SSIONI�.RS' (hrreivalier, "\lonrr(� !.'caul(\��) ac1�!1,�- hw and Illrcl�!��,Il !Ile f\I�l\�ur �,I�(\1„nr�u_• l'„un!\. WI] NI-.SSI-: l l I: In con;;iderati(in ofOnc ($I.11(I) Dollar in lumd, paid by AIONIZOI•; ('OI MM', the rcccipl of which is hcrchy ackno"Icdged, the Scller(s) agree tc) sell to COUNTY certain lands upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set Birth, and lilt the, price ol.,$ ? E,;O(, lilt all ol- (lie lands and other interests, Which lands shall include all lcncnic7ls,._hcrc(IrtUl'uneli together \with all water and other rights, cascnicnts and appur(cnanccs lkre(auto hcloll"il owned by them, situate and lying in the County of Monroe, Stale: -,c"ir "- Loris, nlow parliculally deSCI-Ihed as li,lloyvS, to -Wit: Iiaw I lawn Subdivision, Scclion !ll Mock 2, Lots 1-8 o 70 IZI'Nunlhcrs 510070 Illrou;,,h ti101,I0 _'. I I!,' `clict('.):Wrcu 10 11wll'1','c' I!!II !If',hl, po%vc•1-and anillol-&, (o convey, t1!lll that 111c\ \\Ill convey (o MONIZOF ('()I IN] Y the We simple title with legal and practical access thereto clear. Free and unencumbered, except subject to the following cascnicnts or rescrvalions: Existing casements lilr canals, (]itches, Flumes, pipelines, railroads, public hi`;hwaws and roads, telephone, telegraph, power transmission lines and public utilities. Scllcr(s) shall convey a marketable title subject only to the aliircmc%mcd liens, encumbrances, exceptions or qualification set Firth herein. Markctahlc title shall he determined according to applicable title standards adopted by authority ofthc Florida Itar and in accordance with law. MONIZOI, COUNTY shall have thirty (30) days from the effective date of this con( -act to examine title. If title is lilund detective, N/10NIZ0I? COI INTY shall, within this specified time period, notify Sellcr(s) in writing specilyino delect(s). II' the dclecl(s) render title unmarkclablc the Scllcr(s) will have one hundred twenty (120) days from receipt of notice within which to remove. (he dclect(s), Iailing which \,IONIZOI-, ('OI INTY shall have the option of either accepting the title as it then is or rescinding the contract herein; thcrcupon NIONIZOI; COUNTY and the Sclier(s) shall release one another of all further ohiigations under this ;Agreement. 11w Sedlcr(s) wwill, if Bide is bond Unmarketable, use diligent clTort to correct dcfec((S) in title within the time provided therefore. includinc the of ncccssary suits. 3. The Scllcr(s) further agree not to do, or sunir others to (to, any act by which the value or title to said lands may he diminished or cncunlbcrcd. It is further aorecd that any loss or dama`goc occurring prior to the vesting of satisfactory title in MONiZOF, ('OI iNTY by reasons of the unauthorized shall he borne by the Seller(s), and that, in the event any Snell loss or damage occurs, MONROI; COUNTY may refuse, without liability, to accept conveyance of laic) lands, or it may elect to accept conveyance upon an equitable adjustment ol' the purchase prier. I. I he "'Acwy ) liirdwr at rrc Ilt:il dnrin,! the period cmcwd by this inslrlttncnl (dicers and aecrc(lilcd a�icnts OI'N,IONI\'OI•, ('OI IN IA' shall have at all proper limes the unresUrictc(l rid ht and I)ri\ilc-,c to elder up((n said land:; for all proper ant lawful 11111 cs. including e.Nanlinalion (Irsaid land" and the resOurccs upon Ihcnt. �. I he ticllcr(s) \\ill eWcule and Orlivcr IIpm) (Icnt,tnd ill' the proper officials and a enL; OI N10N1\'( )I- ('( )I IN VY a t_!OOd ;Intl s;nnccicnl warranty (Iced cOnyc� inL,, IO NIO R(W, ('()I 1N l Y t!Ou(I and marl.clablc tide to the said lands OI such character as 10 he ,16SIJCIOry to the Ic,';tl counsel ()I' MMR( )1-; ('()1 IN I'Y and said (Iced shall provide (hill the use. Ocrul)ation and operation OI' the I casements and rescrvaliuns retained Iltcrcin. shall he sni)Ordinale to ;Intl mthicct to such rules an(I regulations as nut.', he 1,r(•scrihcol h� MONK( W ('(I INKY om,crnin', the rise. Occuhali(tn, I)rOlcclioll and adminislratiOn or l;nld'' 0. In con'�iderahOn whereof MOW!! COUNTY a,,rccs that it will purchase all or,"aid lands and Olhcr interests at the price ill `,��_=106. M1 ��1alter the prcpar;I(ion. execution. and recor(lalion Ol'lhc (Iced, and aflcr the legal cOtntscl OI MONR(WI ('OI IN'I Y shall have approwd (he title thus vested in N/IONIZOI,: ('OI IN I Y. it will cause to he paid to the SCIICI-(s) the I)tlrchasc price by a ehecl: (Iran\ n On the accn ntl of \lONR01: ('OUN"I Y. 'file Sellers) will be respOnsihlc lime all cxpcnses incidcu(al to the cOn� e� ante Of tilt 1)1.Ol)crly incltt(lin .� the expense Of (IOcuntcnlary stamps l0 he a11i.wd to Iltc deed, rccOrdinn IcCs. title insurance. ;Intl aUOrney Iccs. ('OUNTY shall 1w resTmr;ihlc for the pro-rala :;hare ()I' prepaid real properly t;IxeS all(Wable 1() the perio(I stlhsc(lucn1 1() the vcsIill L,� or lillc in MONROI�; (I A IN1A � or the cl'lccIivc O;Ile OI' I)OssrssiO 1 of such real I)r01)erty h� Ir wart, \yhichcyer is e,II Iier. Dull possession Or the prerltiscs shall pass 1() MONI:OI; ('OI IN I')' as Of the date payment is made 10 file Scllcr(s) suhici l 1(111y lo. (hc reser\aIiOns staled in Scclion ? ahOvc. 7 It n) omill.,. ;I rr O that an ab'dracl, lillc insurance 1)Olic� or other evidence ()I' litic IO the pruprrly hcrcin cOnlracicd l0 he sold, satisfacimy 10 the Icgal cOttnso_•I (& M" )NI\,( )I: ( OI IN I,). will he Ohlained by NIONIZ(W', ('01 iNT)' ;II the Sch( r("') cvrnsc, I lw express],\. ;wrce herein to I'urnish to MONIZM 0 )I INKY any OOcun)cn(s in ScHmsts pOsscssion estahlishing, e\ i(Icllce or title includinL„ I)II( not Iintilcel t0, ahstrads. title cOmntitmcn(s, title policies and Opinions ol•lille. S. It is mutually understood and agreed that this coWnw! shall not be assigned in whole Or in part without the consent in writing of MONROI? CM INTY. '). It shall be the Obligation of the ScIler(s) to pay all taxes and assessments outstanding as liens at the date title vests of, record in MONROF COUNTY, whether or not such taxeS and assessments are then (file and payable. 10. It is mutually understOOd and agreed that notice of acceptance Of this agreement shall be given to the Micro) by ccrliMed mail addressed to the Scllcr(s) at the 1,611 wing address: 93-95 I,arnont AVettUe, Apt. 115 I"hilhurst, Ncw `t'ori< 11 _173 C/o Mr..luan Oncga Ah"Arti Property Sales 103 355 Overseas I lighwav PO Box 1550 Ivey Largo, Florida 33037 and shall be eflcctive upon date of, mailing and shall be binding upon all ol, the Scllcr(s) without sending a separate notice to each, except as such Obligation may be allccted by the provisions of para,.;raph O hereof. 11. The Scllcr(s) agree to clean and remove all trash satisfaction Of MONROI; COUNTY prior to closing closing Ike of any tenant or Occupancy whatsoever. and debris From the property to the The property shall he delivered at 0 12. 1 IIIs aLrccnlcnt is Illlllalk, Irm)"mlitic(I to the Scllcr(s) as an alter. If this awf,ccnlcllt is n()t c..Xccutc(d h% the scllcr(s) oil oI' hclilrc Scl,tcnlhcr IX, 1995, this will he wi(I unless NI( )NIZ( W, ('( )( IN"I Y. at its sole ol,tiun, elects to acccl)t this oilcr. IN W I NI SS WI II".IZLOF� the SCIICI-(S) have IICl-CUIIIO si`.,ncd their names an(I afhxc(I (heir reslu•ctivc scats oil the (lav III -St ahMe wril(cn, with the un(fcrslan(ling that this Agi-cement I'm I'urChase cannel he cxccutc(I by 11ONROI,; ('OI IN I Y until after it is wporte(I to it liar its C(lilsl(ICratlOII, an(I thercli)rc the ')eIICI'(s) liir and in colisi(Icratloll of the Onc ($ I .00) UoIlar hercinahovc ackllOwlc(l"c as rcccivc(I, have and do hcrchy grant unto MONIZMI:, COI IN I'Y oI- its author-iml rcl)rescnlative, ur any Other OI•licc oi- at cnl of MONIZMI? ('O( IN 1.1' to l,llrchase sai(I I;ul(Is. (hc (Illli(In ;In l ri;,hl to rnlrr inl(this n,,rrenlcnt liar I'urchasc within si�iv ((,O) d;INs linen the Ihrr.•ul I) M( )NIZOI,; COI IN I Y. and to Ilurchasc smd ;Is herein 1,1-uvi(Ic(I. SCIICI-/ Nfa lncl I"crII'l c,i 199 SCIIcl-/ Hlc �,'IONIZOI: CMIN'I•Y POAPI) O ('011N'I')' ('ON MISSIONFRS, acling by and thr(iu),h I(,, N1nYOR, has cwcutc(I this agi-cement un hchalf of the N1ONIMk CO11N 1'Y IiMARI) ) COUNTY ('OMMISSIMN1'16 this 20th (lay ()I• September lOO5• Attcst' DANNY L. K01,I IAGF., ('Icrk (Seal) It 0. C. I)clluly C'Icrl: 411P �L ` r �l MONROF COUNTY BOARD O F C'O( INTY C'O1v/IMISSIONI"RS '2-lcy I"rccnl, Mavol- 3