Resolution 316-2001 RESOLUTION NO. 316 -2001 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA RESOLVING TO TERMINATE THE CURRENT CONTRACT TO ADMINISTRATE THE CULTURAL UMBRELLA AND TO CONTRACT WITH THE FLORIDA KEYS COUNCIL OF THE ARTS WHEREAS, in 1990, Monroe County entered into its first contract for Cultural Umbrella Administration by the Key West Art and Historical Society; and WHEREAS, the Cultural Umbrella is a mechanism for reviewing promotional funding application for events ranging from Pigeon Key Art Festival to the Key West Writers Workshop, Key West Symphony Orchestra, Taste of the Keys, Pirates in Paradise and the Renaissance Faire; and WHEREAS, the Florida Keys Federation of Chambers of Commerce, Inc. (Federation) incorporated in 1994 primarily for the purpose of administering the County-wide Cultural Umbrella through which tourist development revenues are used to fund promotional and advertising expenditures for cultural activities in Monroe County; and WHEREAS, the first contract for administration by the Federation commenced October 1, 1994; and WHEREAS, the use of tourist development revenues is restricted by State statute and County Code; and WHEREAS, the Monroe Council of the Arts Corporation d/b/a Florida Keys Council of the Arts (Arts Council) has been accepted by the State as the local arts agency for Monroe County; and WHEREAS, the Monroe County comprehensive plan designates the Florida Keys Council of the Arts as the lead organization for implementing the Cultural elements of the plan; and WHEREAS, the Arts Council has determined it is prepared to administer the Cultural Umbrella and, because of its composition of members from the Arts and Cultural Community of the Keys, offers itself to the Board of County Commissioners to administer its duties; and WHEREAS, the Federation has a current contractual agreement which covers their costs only to the extent permitted by the TDC Operations Manual Section 4, page 30; and WHEREAS, said contract expires September 30, 2002; and WHEREAS, cultural events allocations have already been established for fiscal year ending September 30, 2002, through the Tourist Development Council and Bacc budget process, the RFP evaluation process administered by the Federation, and contracts with the BOCC;and WHEREAS, it is desired that the action contemplated by this resolution shall not increase administrative costs or otherwise have the effect of reducing in any way the amount of TDC or Arts Council money used for advertising, promotion, or any programs of either entity; and WHEREAS, the Arts Council has stated that it will assume responsibility for all costs previously borne by the Federation of Chambers, and WHEREAS, the Arts Council has stated that the Cultural Umbrella would continue to pay the presently paid administrator for her services; and WHEREAS, the Arts Council has stated that it will ask current members of the Cultural Umbrella to remain in the Umbrella for their current term for continuity; and WHEREAS, the Arts Council has stated it would select representatives from each County Commission district to replace the representatives on the Cultural Umbrella after their term expires; now, therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: Section 1: That on or before August 31, 2001 the County shall give to the Florida Keys Federation of Chambers, Inc. written notice of its intent to terminate the current contract on December 31, 2001, as provided in the current contract. Section 2: That the TDC shall be directed to negotiate a contract with the Monroe Council of the Arts Corporation d/b/a Florida Keys Council of the Arts to commence January 1,2002, for the purpose of administering the Cultural Umbrella through which promotion and advertising of cultural events is funded from tourist development revenues. This contract should be in the same form and for the same length, with the same extension, as the contract originally negotiated with the Federation of Chambers Section 3: That conditions of this contract shall include provisions: (a) that no salary, bonus or other compensation will be paid directly or indirectly, out of the Cultural Umbrella funds and that no Cultural Umbrella funds shall be used in the computation of any salary, bonus or other compensation to any person; (b) that reflect the intent and comply with all clauses in this resolution; (c) that the Arts Council reimbursable administrative costs shall never exceed an amount which is greater in proportion to the Cultural Umbrella funds than exists under the current scheme, to-wit: no more than $1 administrative cost per $550 cultural event funding; and (d) that recommendations of the Cultural Umbrella Committee shall be submitted to the TDC prior to the adoption of the annual budget through the same procedures currently established in the contract between the County and the Federation. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a meeting of said Board held on the 16thdayof August , A.D., 2001. Mayor George Neugent Mayor Pro Tern Nora Williams Commissioner Murray Nelson Commissioner Dixie Spehar Commissioner Charles McCoy Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Y L. KOLHAGE, Clerk G-~ D puty Clerk i,,,..:...... (=~ c.) LL..li (X) <1.: N ..,d ......I ;.: . :~::2 ~ ..'" ::cr=r :c -l.(..;)1- 0.. ~~o:: 5 ........ ;':i' c') '-" . C-.) ("-J C..D ::~.) tl~:;';~ y NE A.~ ON '"'~Te: -.m ~q oj I