District No. 1-C. c- AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this 20th day of September , A.D. 198 2 between Special Taxing Distric No. 1-C hereinafter referred to as the "District", and the Sugarloaf Volunteer Fire Department, Inc_ _ Volunteer Fire Department or Volunteer Fire Department anI AnOxulance Corps (whatever the case may be), hereinafter referred to ai the "Department", WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the various special taxing districts have been further organized into departments as a non-profit incorporation for the purpose of providing fire protection and rescue facilities to the people and the property of the sa,ie iu Monroe County, and WHEREAS, such fire protection 'Ind rescue pr.oLection is for the furtherance of the corrunon good of io6roe County, and WHEREAS, the Department afor(.:id and the Special Taxing Dis- t: rict No. 1-C , through Li( Board of. County Conuuissioners of Monroe County, Florida, as the governing body, have agreed and pro- vided by ordinance for the variou.- Iepartrrtents to reimburse its volunteer personnel and chiefs frog- cutids strictly within the budget ()f the various special taxing diSt,+CtS, and WEILRLAS, the various f:irefig� ors and ambulance personnel in the respective special taxing dist Lr.t5 are available and are on constant alert as firefighters and -)lunteers in various lifesaving activities, and WHEREAS, these parties now desire to formally agree for the reimbursement of volunteers for expenses relating to said services and Lhe various volunteer departmcnLS do agree Lhereto, now, L1lerel:ore, BF, IT UNDE RSTOOD that in corrSiticraLion of the covenants agreed to herein and other good and valu:,LLe (_onsiderations, the parties 1. ,reLo do Lq,reu as follow.,.: 1. That the various special'Laxing districts shall utilize the Services of the volunteers buLh as firefighters and for rescue purposes and that for said service.,; a reimbursement to said volun- Leers shall be in the sum of $35.00 pei month with it being understood that Lhu various chiefs of the st;::ial taxing districts shall be reimbursed in the sum of $200.00 },�r month for their expenses herein with a maximum of 400 volu eery and 16 chiefs who shall be reimbursed under this ag--3ement. 2. That insofar as the various special taxing districts have in their budget for the fiscal year 1981-82 sums available for the reimbursement provided by this agreement that the same shall be done upon the passage of this ordinance when and if said volun- teers have entered into this agreement. 3. That the Departments that are described herein which are the operating corporations in the various special taxing districts, shall either furnish, or the ir'.-Lvidual volunteers shall so do, any and all liability insurance as required by law for the operation of private vehicles and shall afford any other liability insurance required and necessary. 4. The special taxing districts and its volunteers do agree to hold the special taxing districts in Monroe County harmless for any and all liabilities arising Lrom any activities or service in which the special taxing distric., anJ the volunteers participate, or otherwise take part in, pursuzn; to this agreement. That it is understood by the contracting parts and the respective volunteers shall execute such an understanding, that in no wise shall the special taxing district and/or Mo ir.ge County be held accountable fo. any liability of any sort whatSc_,ti occasioned by the act, non -act or doings of each and every volunt,er, whether it be in the course of his volunteer efforts or whe:ti or not it is in a private capa- city excluding, however, any inst-. :nce coverage afforded by the Coui_ty. It is further agreed that no furt­r compensation shall be paid to the Departments or its volunteers _,xcupt as provided for in this agreement. 5. The County does hereby affirm that the governing board did approve on the 20th day of- September A.D. 1982 this agreement and did direct and authorize its presiding officer to enter into said agreement. A --3- b. That the various special taxing districts acting as volunteer fire and/or rescue dc:1: :vents as is set forth in Ordinance No. 10-1982 did aFfirm that at a duly constituted meeting of the governing board o the same on the 20th day of September A.D. 198 2 the terms of this agreement was approved and the execution there., directed. /. That each contract or :_ement entered into by the various special taxing districts td the operating corporations known as Departments shall also }:-,executed by the volunteers prior to the receipt of reimbursement. � signed roster of all volunteers and all chiefs shall be provide oz the Finance Department. The signature and agreement of the individuals as prescribed in this section is a condition precedent to the disbursement of any reim- bursements provided for in said agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto executed this agreement the _ 20th day of September 1982. SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT NO. 1-C �"'�-,�.-„� � � � ems:=' �'✓ By Chairman (Seal) MR V111 I'V1111TE CLLRK Attest: _ Clerk' JOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT OR OLUNTEER F IR'E DEPARIM ENT AND uMBULANCE CORPS (what, r the case may be) By (Seal) Attest: APPmVED AS Tip FOR/N M GAL SUFFIC&-jVCy. by Attorneys OMce