Clerk's Memo DANNY L. KOLHAGE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT DATE: February 29, 2008 TO: Reggie Paros, Director Housing & Community Development ATTN: Stacy DeVane Executive Assistant FROM: PamewG.Han~ Deputy Clerk CY At the February 20, 2008, Board of County Commissioner's meeting the Board granted approval and authorized execution of a 99- Year Ground Lease Agreement between Monroe County and Blue Water Workforce Housing, LLC for Tavernier Parcel (RE#00488730). Enclosed are two duplicate originals of the above-mentioned for your handling. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact our office. cc: County Attorney Finance File'" MEMORANDUM TO: Gary Gorman; Ted Matkom, Esq. FROM: Richard Deutch, Jr. RE: Blue Water Ground Lease DATE: February 14,2008 Below are substantive portions of the ground lease between Monroe County and Blue Water Workforce Housing, LLC ("Blue Water"). . Use: Demised Premises shall be used only for Affordable/Employee Housing rental so long as same are not in conflict with L1HTC requirements. Section 2.03. . Term: Ninety-nine (99) years, beginning when the first Affordable Housing Unit is completed and issued a certificate of occupancy. If Blue Water does not obtain the L1HTC tax credits allocation by December 31, 2009 or fails to close on the syndication of the tax credits by December 31, 20 I 0, the parties agree to enter into a termination agn:ement terminating the Lease. Section 3.01. . Time Frames: Blue Water shall begin construction by the earlier of 120 days after issuance of building permits or June 1,2011 and shall substantially complete construction of all 36 Affordable Housing Units within 18 months thereafter. Section 14.01. In the event Blue Water is unable to obtain financing, permits or adequate cross easements so as to permit beginning the 18-month construction period no later than June 1,2011, either party may terminate the Lease. Section 20.16. Within 5 business days of execution of the Lease, Blue Water shall record a complete, true and correct copy of the Lease and any add'~nda or exhibits thereto in the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida and shall provide Monroe County with the written Clerk's receipt of the book and page number whe:re recorded and the original Lease after recordation. Section 18.06. . Rent: $10 per year, plus all taxes, assessments, water and sewer rents, rates and charges, transit taxes, charges for public utilities, levies, licenses and permit fees and other gov<ernmental charges. Sections 4.01 & 6.01. . Restrictions: Affordable Restrictions are the affordable or employee housing regulations in Chapter 9.5 and any other applicable sections of the Monroe County Land Development Regulations or County Code so long as same are not in conflict with L1HTC requirements. The maximum total amount of consideration and cost permitted to be in any way involved in a rental transaction shall never exceed the affordability criteria reasonably established by Monroe County. Section 1. STEARNS WEAVER MILLER WEISSLER ALHADEFF & SITTERSON, P.A. . Assil!:nmentffransfer: Blue Water may not, without written consent of Monroe County, which will not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed, assign or sublet any portion of the Demised Premises or change management of the Demised Premises except as provided in the Lease. Nevertheless, Affordable Housing Units may be rented and occupied without consent, provided that Blue Water follows the guidelines in the Lease. Section 12.01. . Default: In the event of material breach by Blue Water, and after notice and cure opportunity, Monroe County shall have the immediate right to terminate the Lease. However, during the initial 17 years of the Term, (i) any determination of "material breach" shall be judicially made in a court of competent jurisdiction in Monroe County, Florida, and (ii) Monroe County shall have no right to terminate the Lease, but shall have all other rights and remedies available at law or in equity. Section 16.02. G:\ W-BJM\38575\OO I \Ground Lease Memo.doc STEARNS WEAVER MILLER WEISSLER ALHADEFF & SITTERSON, P.A. DANNJ:r L. KOLHAGE CLE OF THE CIRCUIT COURT DATE: March 8, 2010 TO: Christine Hurley. Director Growth Management Division ATTN: FROM: Mayra TezanQs /* Executive Assistant Isabel C. DeSantis. D. C. · .... ..... .... ... ....... i..... ..... ..... At the February 17, 2010, Board of County Commissioner's meeting, the Board granted approval and authorized execution of the following: First Amendment to Ground Lease Agreement between Monroe County and Blue Water Workforce Housing, LLC to extend .the date to obtain Low Income Housing Tax Credit financing until May l~, 2010 and closing on syndication of credits to May 1, 2011 and obligating the Lessee to pay assessment and other costs from this date. Enclosed are two fully executed duplicate originals of each document above for your handling. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact my office. cc: County Attorney Finance File V